Divide and Conquer

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Annalease stood in the room she shared with Nick. Her gown in the floor where it fell at her feet after Nick had untied the back. All she had on was her white lace bra and matching panties. She heard a low growl coming from Nick. As she looked at him she saw his eyes had turned black. He wanted her. This was something new for them. Never before had they crossed this line with each other. Of course they had spoken about it but agreed to wait until they were eighteen to exhaust all hopes of being mates. They had agreed if they were not mates they would at least be each other's first. Nick started at Annalease.He couldn't help but to growl at the sight before him. Goddess the was beautiful. He knew he wanted her and that she wanted him as well. He picked her up out of the heap of the gown and shoes at her feet. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck. He kissed her. Her lips parted allowing his tongue entrance. She sucked on his tongue as it was about to leave her mouth driving Nick wild. He nipped and pulled at her bottom lip moving towards the bed. Annalease started pulling off Nick's suit jacket, and unbuttoning his white shirt. she wanted to feel his chest against her. Nick sat her on the bed pulling the shirt off and tossing it on the floor. Annalease looked up and licked her lips. His muscles were well defined and made the path pointing towards his waist. she unbuckled his belt and pants. Unzipping them, she watched with delight as they fell to the floor like her dress did. He stood there in his boxers with a large bulge she couldn't help but notice. She herself couldn't help but growl now. She could feel her panties now getting wet from desire. She started placing soft kisses on his abs. getting to the top of his boxers. Nick couldn't take the kisses any longer. He kissed Annalease while pushing her back on their bed. He moved his kisses to her neck, nipping at her spot for marking. He hesitated wanting so bad to mark her but knew he couldn't do that. They shouldn't even be doing this but he was not about to stop now. He quickly moved away from the marking spot moving down. Annalease arched her back towards him letting out moans. The bulge in his boxers giving way to the slit in his boxers He pulls the straps of her bra down and unhooked it exposing her DD sized breast. he took a n****e in her mouth and began to suck. She gasped. "ohh my" she groaned enjoying this. He let go of that one, long enough for Annalease to whimper, he took the other in his mouth and did the same. He then reached up and grabbed her other breast with his hands pulling at her n****e. This was driving her wild. Annalease lived the way Nick was playing and kissing her breast. she had wrapped her hand in his hair and she pulled his head into her chest not wanting him to stop. Nick paused to pull the bra from under her. She sat up for him to grab the bra when she noticed his bulge poking out of his boxers Her hand went straight down grabbing his member in her had and began stroking. Nick threw his head back and let out a louder growl in pleasure. He loved the way her soft hands felt wrapped around his member. He leaned back turning the attention back to her. He started kissing her stomach working his way down to her panties. He took his finger and rubbed the outside of her panties. They were already soaked from her pleasure. He pulled the panties back allowing his finger access. He began to stroke Annalease's lips apart spreading the hot moisture coming from her all around. Annalease groaned. " I need you Nick" she told him. This was all he needed to hear. In one quick movement he ripped her panties completely off and his head went between her legs. He wanted, no needed to taste her sweetness. As his tongue traced her core his tongue darting in and out of her, she was groaning and thrashing wanting more. Nick made his way out of his boxers never breaking from the taste of Annalease. He eased up placing kisses as he came up. His member now resting at her entrance wanting desperately to gain access Nick looked at Annalease and asked"Are you sure"? "Yes Nick!" she screamed. He giggled a little but more of a growl. "This will hurt some, but try to relax. If you want to stop then just say so" "Just do it please" Annalease begged "I need you in me now". With her permission Nick pushed himself into her. "Goddess you feel good Annalease" he tells her as he pushes further in making her scream in pain but then into nothing but pleasure. All to soon both of them hot their point of exploding fighting the urge to mark each other. Annalease laid in Nick's arms for a few minutes. Then Nick got up and went to her bathroom. She could hear the water running. Nick came back and scooped her up in his arms taking her to the bubble bath he had drawn for her. He eased her into the water and carefully began washing her. Annalease laid back relaxing, enjoying the bath and him washing her. After he finished , he dried her off and slipped one of his tshirts over her head. He brushed through her hair and braided it like she does every night, then took her back to the bed. They laid in each other's arms quietly for a bit. Neither one saying a word. Worry started creeping into Annalease's mind wondering if Nick didn't enjoy himself or if he was regretting what they had done. "Is everything ok?" she asked him hesitantly. Shocked by her question, and then noticing the worried look on her face he reassured her everything was great. ""It's going to be a lot harder tomorrow morning now leaving you" he tells Annalease. "I know, but we have to. So let's not dwell on that now and enjoy the time we have left" Annalease answered. Then the thought of Nick finding his mate at Oak Trees had tears coming to her eyes. She closed her eyes so Nick couldn't see the tears, and snuggles deeper into him. Nick holds her as tight as he could and both fell asleep in each other's arms The alarm sounded a little to soon, and neither of them wanted to face the day. Knowing that they didn't have a choice they rolled out of bed, and started their normal morning ritual as if nothing happened last night. As Annalease got into the shower she thought about everything though, and then she was faced with the thought of Nick finding his mate once again. She had to accept the fact that it was a possibility though. And she knew she couldn't let that thought interfere with her mission. She also realized she had to put her feelings for Nick aside for the protection of her pack. So once she was out of the shower she busied herself finishing packing and loading vehicles and looking over the plans. Busying herself to keep her mind off of Nick and focusing on the task at hand. After Nick got out of the shower he wanted to talk to Annalease before they had to leave. She was not in the room though and her bags were already gone. He began to worry if they had made the right decision last night and hating the idea of that interfering with their friendship. He silently started kicking himself for his actions. He should have refrained from ever kissing her. If their friendship was ruined by this he wouldn't be able to live with himself. He took a deep breath, dressed and grabbed his bags to head outside to the awaiting warriors. He noticed Annalease was already addressing her group and giving out orders. She glanced his way but then quickly looked away. Nick felt ashamed of himself and started to get angry. His mood was quickly deteriorating. He expected today to be bad, but quickly realized his day was going to be pure hell. He started barking orders at his group to load up and informed them of the route they would be taking to the Oak Trees pack. One of the warriors overslept and was late arriving. So Nick made him run fifty laps to wake up as he told the warrior. This was completely different than his normal behavior. It got to the point where His dad came over to speak to him about his attitude. "Son, I know this is hard for you to be away from Annalease, but taking it out on everyone else is not right". he tried to explain to his son. "I'm ok Dad. I'm just ready to leave already." Nick responded huffing. "Did the two of you have an argument this morning or something?" He asked gently. "No Dad! We haven't spoken, now if you don't mind my group is heading out so we will arrive by lunch and have time to settle and nap before night fall. I love you dad, but I gotta go " "Let's head out guys!" He orders his group. Everyone shifts except the two driving. Those two climb in the trucks and pull out as the wolves take to the woods running along side the road. "What in the world was that all about" Beta Joe said to himself. Annalease looked up as she heard Nick call out orders to leave. "Well guess I don't matter to him enough to say good bye to." she said to herself getting upset, tears threatening to fall. She was hurt, and she was hurt by the one person she never thought would ever hurt her, the one she trusted more than anyone, and the one she had given herself to just last night. Annalease took a deep breath trying to recollect herself, and clear her mind so she can face the awaiting warriors without them knowing something was wrong. She needed to focus. She needed to do what she promised and put her pack above all else. If Nick couldn't even speak to her before he left, then it might be for the best for them to finally go their separate ways. Her father and Joe and Joeann were moving into the new condos that they just finished that overlooked the bay that bordered their territory these next couple of days. She mind linked an omega worker to come see her immediately. Sasha the Omega came up to Annalease, "Yes mam, you needed me for something Alpha Annalease?" "Yes Sasha, you are helping move the Alpha and the Beta out of the pack house correct?" Annalease asked her. "Yes Alpha. That is the orders I received." "Ok, good. While I am away, after they have been moved out of the pack house, will you please box up all of my things and place them on the Alpha floor please, and have it ready for when I return." "Yes of course Alpha. Shall I pack Beta Nick's belongings as well?" Sasha asked wondering why Alpha Annalease only mentioned her belongings. "No Sasha. His belongings will remain o. the Beta floor. Now if you will excuse me, we must get ready to head out." "Yes mam, please be careful" Sasha said sweetly as Annalease walked away calling the warriors. "Well it's about time she leave Nick alone." Sasha thought secretly. She had waited long enough for her chances with Nick, but could never get his attention long enough because of her. She would happily pack her stuff up and move it if it got Annalease away from Nick. She walked back to the pack house happy with the idea that she may have Nick after all. Annalease told her father good bye and gave him a hug. Joe had told him what happened with Nick earlier. "Annalease did the two of you argue this morning?"Alpha Dad asked her. "No Alpha Dad. Matter of fact he didn't say a word to me at all. I had gotten up a few minutes earlier and got in the shower. When I got dressed, he was in the shower. I grabbed my bags and brought them down to review the plans before we set out. He never said a word to me." She answered him. "What?" he asked her. She could tell he was angry with the way Nick left. She brushed it off and looked at her dad, trying to keep the tears back she said "Maybe it's for the best daddy. But I really can't dwell on him right now, I have to focus on my mission and keeping everyone safe. " Annalease answering her father standing straighter, she closed the door to her Escalade. She decided at the last minute to drive herself. The other two escalades were behind her with warrior Jake in one and Mark in the other. The other warriors were in their wolf forms ready to hit the woods. "Hey Annalease" she heard Joe Ann call her. she was followed by Joe and Gamma Richard. Alpha Dad shook his head no as a warning to them not to mention Nick to her. They slowed down hesitating until Helen pushed through them telling Annalease that she was not allowed to leave until she said good bye to everyone and they could give her a hug. "Unlike how Nick left, I will not allow you to leave until you do, so we can tell you that we love you and to be careful. And here this is for you Annalease." Aunt Helen said handing her a box. "It will help to keep you safe dear." Annalease opened the box and found a necklace with a wolf's head made from Jade with diamond accents. On the back of it it read "Moon Goddess please protect the wolf that wears this charm, for they are my family." signed William. "Aunt Helen?" Annalease asked questionably. "Yes dear, I am one of his descendents and this will protect you." Helen placed the necklace around Annalease's neck giving her a kiss, and wiping the tear that fell from Annalease's eyes. Annalease finished saying her goodbyes and set off to Crescent Moon "Moon Goddess please protect my princess from all harm". Alpha John prayed hoping she would return to him safe. Tears began to Dallas his thoughts went back to the night of the m******e. "I will not live through another m******e" he thought to himself fearing that history would repeat itself, this time taking Annalease away from him. He could not allow that to happen no matter what it would take for him to make sure that did not happen. He called Joe and Richard to his office.
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