Happy Birthday

3500 Words
Annalease and Nick sat night n their office at the conference table with maps and treaties scattered across the table. The wolf law books were out for reference if they needed. ' I like the second plan the most" Nick told her. "I do too" Annalease agreed. "So is that the one we are going to present?" Nick asked just to make sure before he made the packets for the others. The other top warriors John, Jake, Mark and Todd were coming to the meeting as well. "Yes" she confirmed. Annalease had the kitchen Omegas to set up lunch for everyone that would be in the meeting in their office. She let the Alpha know, so he could link everyone. "Are you getting nervous" Nick asked Annalease who was pacing back and forth "Well honestly, a little. We have a lot riding on getting this right." as she started pacing again. Nick stood up and grabbed her pulling her into a hug and kissing the top of her head. "Why couldn't we have been true mates Nick. She asked laying her head on his chest. She couldn't imagine another man in her life. Nick had always been there, their friendship never faltered. She loved him, she knew that. But it wasn't the mate bond. "We always have the option of a chosen mate" Nick reminded her as he laid another kiss on her head. Tears came to Annalease's eyes "I can't even think about when you find your mate Nick. I know I will be happy for you, but..." He cut her off and wiped her tears. I know Annalease, I feel the same." "What if we do the chosen mate Nick and you meet your mate after? I would be crushed but I would have to let you go, and that's the reason I say we can't be chosen mates. Not now" More tears fell from her eyes. "I think all of this is do to the fact we are about to go separate ways with the warriors, and we won't be in the same bed every night" Nick said dreading the idea himself. "Oh Nick what are we going to do? I don't know if I'm going to be able to do this", at this point Annalease was crying her eyes out on Nick's chest. He scooped her up in his arms and sat in the chair holding her and rubbing soothing circles on her back comforting her while placing kisses on her head. Not passion filled but simply love and affection. "Ummm are we interupting something!" Aunt Helen asked quietly. Then Gamma Richard retorrted"If we are, we need to make new sleeping arrangements at once John. " laughing. Annalease sat up, and Nick dried her eyes. "Better?" he whispered? "yeah" she said kissing his cheek. "are you ready?" "Give me Five minutes" as she stood and went to the bathroom to freshen up. "Is everything ok Nick?" Alpha Dad asked him worriedly. "Yes sir. It's just the whole true mate thing and then everything else. She's ok though.' he answered. "Ok son, but are you ok?" Alpha Dad noticed Nick's eyes were wet with tears as well. "Yes sir. I am. It's just I don't get why we were not matched Alpha Dad. I love her, and she loves me, but there is no mate bond. I don't get why the Moon Goddess would do this to us. It hurts both of us when we think about the other finding their mate." Nick spilled the emotions he was trying to hold back. Joe and Joe Ann came over hugging him. "What about a chosen mate son?" His dad asked. "we have talked about that, but we worry if we find our true mate after. Neither of us would be able to make the other stay, and would not allow rejection based on us being chosen mates. " He answered them. "We understand and we are proud of the two of you and the way you handle your relationship. We have all been hoping since the day the two of you were born that you would be true mates. But we cannot question the Moon Goddess son. She has something else planned, and even though we may not agree, we have to have faith in her decision." Joe Ann answered. Annalease walked back in the room seeing everyone in a sulking mood. She knew she interrupted something, and she had a feeling it was the same thing she and Nick were discussing before. "Hey Nick, can you grab the packets for everyone?" she asked him putting the best smile she could muster. Nerves and other feelings still hung threatening to spill any minute. She took a deep breath and tried to relax. He weather squeezed her hand and whispered "You got this princess. " smiling at his daughter. The other warriors walked in and Nick passed them their packets and motioned them towards the food. "Ok everyone let's grab a plate, and as we eat look through your packets we prepared. It explains everything. Maps and copies of treaties are also attached, along with copies of emails and call logs for the new Alpha at Crescent Moon. Again , all of my notes are in there. We willa newer any questions after we have eaten. Is everyone ok with that.?" she asked. They all nodded their heads, grabbing a plate with their packet. Alpha Dad went through the packet as Annalease and Nick watched nervously. He made notes on the sides of the pages. They watched him as he read and flipped from the maps and treaties, and at one point he grabbed the lawbook and looked up something. Annalease looked at the others. John and Richard were looking through it similar to Alpha Dad. The warriors she knew was looking at the maps for defense and attack positions which she already marked on the maps because she was looking for the same thing as she and Nick developed the plan. Alpha Dad looked up signaling he was done viewing the packet. The others quickly finished what they were looking at, and they all sat up for us to begin. "Ok what do you think?" Annalease asked nervously. "I have a few questions before I can answer."Alpha Dad started. "How long ago did the Alpha at Crescent Moon take over.!" "Almost a year now. I'm not exactly sure of the date, because it seems the paperwork was not filed or it's missing on line. " Annalease answered quickly. "That one was easy " she thought to herself. "Ok you have a note here that we had a treaty with them at one point, what happened with that? Gamma Richard chimed in. "It voided with the death of the Alpha who signed." she answered. "Very good" he praised her. Next warrior Jake spoke " So if I understand correctly, group three will be going to Crescent Moon without a contract, won't that put them at a great risk if the warriors enter the territory without a signed treaty?" Nick answered "Yes Jake it will. That is why we chose for Annalease to lead group three. Once they get close to the territory, the warriors will stand back and Annalease along with three warriors will approach the gate to request to meet the Alpha. ". "What if he refused?" Joe Ann asked next. "Then we leave, and Crescent Moon is on their own, and if the Alpha refuses to meet Annalease all together instead of just refusing help, then Crescent Moon will become an enemy of Harvest Moon for blatently disrespecting our Alpha.". Nick answered. "Do we really want to make Crescent Moon an enemy?" she responded asking a little worried. Annalease spoke "Since the Alpha has refused to accept or return any phone calls, letters, or emails for months concerning the voided treaty, I must attempt to see him in person. If he refuses to meet me at that point it is safe to say he is not wanting to renew the treaty for whatever reason. It is considered one of the top ways to disrespect an Alpha by refusing a face to face meeting once they arrive at your border. These two reasons together would be why they would become an enemy instead of being classified as neutral. " Annalease answered feeling proud of her answer. "Any other questions?" Annalease asked. "I have one more,," Alpha Dad started. "How are you and Nick ever going to survive being separated?" he asked laughing. The others joined in and Beta Joe spoke up and said "I was wondering the same thing John". Annalease and Nick looked at each other, both blushing, but knowing this task was going to be the hardest part of it all. Mark stopped laughing at them for a moment, he thought of another question and also wanted clarification. "This mission is just to provide extra security for the smaller packs correct? And how long are we expecting this to last? "Yes Mark. It is to provide extra security. How long it will take we are unsure. But according to the previous attacks of other packs, if the rogues continue to attack at the same place then it is safe to assume that one of the three packs will be attacked within a week." Annalease answered. Reality set in for Alpha Dad hearing this. Memories of the m******e flooded him until tears started streaming down his face as he looked like he was in a trance. Annalease noticed her father, and quickly dismissed the meeting, and having the warriors to leave. Slowly, Annalease approached her father. "Daddy" she called him softly. This was the only time she calledl him daddy, was when he was having flashbacks. Joe walked over to his best friend and placed his hand on his shoulder, kneeling down beside him. "John, it's ok, it's over. We have Annalease." This brought the Alpha out of his flashback. He apologized to everyone, even though it was not needed. John shook his head trying to shake the memory away. Hearing the possibility of an attack within a week has made him extremely nervous and causing Chaos to pace. "Well kiddos, all I can say is get to packing, you will set out in the morning." Alpha Dad said smiling at them "But the two of you will have your birthday party and title ceremony tonight." he said hugging them. "Nick would you mind taking our beautiful princess to the mall and make sure she gets a gown, and all the other girly things done? If someone doesn't she's going to show up to her ceremony in a pair of athlete shorts, a tank top, and a wild bees best on her head" he said laughing at Annalease. This was exactly what she was looking like right now. Everyone started laughing. "I will definitely take her. We are leaving now." Nick said. They hugged their parents and Aunt and uncle. Alpha Dad handed her his card to use. He whispered to Annalease "and make sure our prince is appropriately dressed to escort the princess" he said kissing her cheek. Nick and Annalease headed to the mall in their Escalade. There was no need for each of them to have a vehicle when they were always together. They arrived first to the dress shop. Annalease hated shopping for dresses. They were always so uncomfortable, plus she hated having to pick one out. "I'll pick you out one" Nick says smiling at her. "Ok good, don't forget my shoes and jewelry. I'm going next door so they can get started on my bees best" she laughed pointing to her head. One stop first she thought. She went into the men's suit store. Thankfully, they had Nick's sizes already because they had a wedding to go to last month and had come here for the tux. She quickly found a suit she thought he would look great in, and had the salesman to add in the cufflinks and shoes, and whatever else he thought Nick would need. She paid and took the garment bag. Now she was ready to have her hair tackled Three hours later, and a very bored Nick, Annalease steps out after having her spa, hair and nails done. "WOW!" Nick exclaimed. His mouth hanging open. "I can't wait now to see you in this" he said holding up a bag. She couldn't see the dress because the garment bag was solid black. "Well I can't wait to see you in this" as she held up his bag smiling at him. "when did you and how did you?" Nick started. "I can't give away my secrets" she answered pecking his cheek with a kiss. "Time to go" Nick says, grabbing the bag from her so she wouldn't have to carry it. He opened the door for her helping her in, and buckling her seat belt for her. They headed back to the pack house. Once they arrived back, they went to their floor to get ready. They agreed they would meet in the hallway where their bathrooms each opened up to. Annalease went to her side and Nick went to his. Annalease opened her bag to find a crystal light blue gown. one that matched her eyes perfectly. It was most definitely a princess gown. She slipped it on but she needed help because the top was made like a corset and it tied in the back. This is why she hated gowns. they were always complicated. She mind linked Joe Ann to come help. "Oh my" she gasped seeing Annalease. She was breathtakingly beautiful. She helped tie her gown I. the back. She received a mind link from Nick, "Hey mom, look in the bottom of her garment bag, there is something else in there for her". Joe Ann looked in the bag. She reached in being quiet so Annalease wouldn't see, and she pulled out a beautiful diamond tiara. "Well Annalease, It seems Nick has a surprise for you. a tiara fit for a queen" she said placing the tiara carefully. Annalease looked in the mirror. She could not believe what she saw. The tiara was amazing. The diamonds sparkled brightly and the sparkles made her eyes look like sparkling diamonds too. A year fell. She was so blessed with him in her life, and she dreaded tomorrow more than anything. "Now now none of that" Joe Ann said wiping the tear away and hugging her. "I have to get downstairs now. Nick said to remind you to get your jewelry box out of the other bag. Do you need help with that honey?" she asked. Annalease shook her head yes. "Please Mom" she answered. Joe Ann helped her get her jewelry places on, and then she kissed her cheek and went downstairs to wait for the two of them. Annalease looked in the mirror. She could not believe her eyes at the site staring back at her. "So is this the way a princess feels" she asked herself. Then she stepped out the door to her waiting prince. Oh my he was gorgeous, Annalease thought. Why couldn't he be her mate? No she couldn't think about that right now. Earlier it sent her into waves of tears and she wasn't about to ruin her make up. Man he was hot though. She would most definitely think about that as she smirked and her cheeks blushed . When Nick saw Annalease he thought his eyes would pop out of his head, and he would have to drag his jaw around because he felt it hit the floor when she stepped out. She was picture perfect. Her dark brown hair swept up with a few of her curls hanging down. Her tiara that he picked out for her fit perfectly and added to the magnificent sight infront of him. "Annalease you look absolutely amazing." he says almost whispering as he was trying to find his voice. He took her by the arm and headed to the stairs and down they went to the ballroom. Once they entered the Alpha went to the stage to get everyone's attention. He called the two of them to come to the stage. there were a lot of oohs and ahs as the pack members saw them. Nick and Annalease arrived on the stage. Alpha Dad looked at Nick and smirked. Nick smiled and nodded to him. Annalease completely oblivious to what was about to happen. Joe handed John a box without Annalease seeing. Pack members may I have your attention please. They all looked to the Alpha. "It seems that our Princess Annalease has turned into Cinderella, forgetting her shoes" he said laughing as he held the box with nothing other than glass slippers. Nick got a chair for her to sit, as the Alpha placed the shoes on his daughters feet. Annalease of course red with embarrassment. but nonetheless smiling at her father and Nick. Those two knew she wouldn't think about shoes, and Joe Ann didn't remind her either. This was the plan all along she concluded staring up at the two responsible for this. Some pack members laughed while others awwed watching the Alpha put on his daughter shoes. Annalease stood up hugging her father and Nick. "We have a few reasons today to celebrate. One you all know is today is of course Annalease's and Nick's birthday and then the other is the event that everyone including myself has been waiting for. The Beta and I will be handing over our titles to them. The Gamma will remain the same for now until Annalease can choose one fitting for the position and the Beta and I will still hold our titles for a transition period for Annalease and Nick to get use to their positions. So to answer your question, as of today you all will have two alphas and Betas until the transition is complete. The reason we are doing this is because of the pending threats of attacks. Due to the threats, tomorrow morning Annalease and Nick will set out in two groups with warriors to help protect Oak Trees pack and Crescent Moon. So tonight let's wish the ones leaving good luck. And for those who have their orders to leave in the morning let me say thank you for serving your pack and helping not only our pack but others. With that lets get to the main event. Annalease please come forward." Annalease stepped forward excited. This was the moment she had been waiting for. Alpha Dad took the dagger from the box and took Annalease's hand. "Annalease do you promise to lead this pack, protect all members, and place nothing else above that of Harvest Moon?" "I do" Annalease answered as Alpha Dad sliced her hand spilling her blood to the ground and then mixing with his blood transferring his powers to her. "Harvest Moon Pack may I present your Alpha, Alpha Annalease Johnson" Cheers shouted from the members. "Thank you all. I promise to lead this pack in the steps of my father. Continuing the same beliefs and ways as he has ruled. Now it is my pleasure to introduce my Beta, you all already know who but now it will be official. Nick, please step up." she said looking to Nick as he walked towards her. He placed a kiss on her cheek. "Nick Martin, do you promise to accept the Beta position serving me as your Alpha and the Harvest Moon Pack? Do you promise to protect the pack and lead over our warriors to maintain our safety? "I do" Nick answered. Annalease made the cut in Nick's hand and Beta Joe's spilling Nick's blood to the ground then mixing his and his father's to transfer the power. "Harvest Moon, may I present your Beta, Beta Nick Martin." Annalease announced. More Cheers shouted. Alpha John, Beta Joe stepped forward.and began singing Happy Birthday as the members all joined in. They all danced and enjoyed some cake. Then it was time for bed for the ones leaving in the morning. Annalease and Nick made their way to their room. once behind the closed door Nick pulled Annalease into his arms and hungrily kissed her. This was both of their first kiss. They pulled apart to catch their breath. "I have waited all night to get the nerves up to do that" Nick admitted still holding her. "I'm glad you did, because I have waited all night for you to do that" Annalease now admitting. Nick kissed her again more passionately this time both not wanting to stop. Annalease pulled away. "Nick I have to get out of these shoes and this dress." She told him not being able to keep either on a minute more. "I couldn't agree more" Nick answered smirking as he untied the back of her gown watching as it hit the floor where they stood.
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