Crescent Moon

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Annalease and the warriors arrived at the border of crescent moon pack. Everything was overgrown. The gate was left wide open. The guards were nowhere to be seen. "This place looks deserted Alpha. It doesn't even appear that they are patrolling." Jake said looking around. "I know. Could they have already been attacked and we not know it? ". Annalease asked and wondered. There didn't seem to be any sign of a fight. Nor did it look like anyone had come in or left in some time. She was worried about what they would discover when they went in. "Everyone remain in their wolf form until we can make sure it is safe to shift. I want a few of you to stay and patrol the area. " Annalease ordered. "Keep your eyes open and your guard up". she said as they went through the gate. They parked their vehicles and left them with the warriors that were staying at the gates for protection. Annalease remained in human form along with Jake and Mark. As they came up a hill they could see the roof of what appeared to be the packhouse. Annalease and the warriors came to the top of the hill that overlooked the grounds.The place looked like it was in shambles. Annalease sees a woman outside and pups of all ages running around. Some were not even dressed. Why were they not in school, Annalease asked herself. The woman below spots the group of wolves and starts screaming they were under attack. "Well that will get everyone's attention" a Jake chuckled. Finally, a group of 4 wolves appear to be coming their way. "Well it's about time. Glad we weren't attacking them. They all would be dead " Annalease said and the others agreed. "What business do you have with the Crescent Moon Pack and why are you trespassing on our territory? " one of the guards asked demanding an answer. "I am Alpha Annalease of the Harvest Moon Pack. Where is your Alpha? And why is there no one at the gate? You dare to ask me why I am trespassing on this territory, when there is no one at the gate to greer or stop anybody. So technically I am not trespassing. The gate was open and nothing stopping us from coming in. So get your facts straight before you come at me that way again Do you all not realize the threat we all are facing?" She was clearly agitated with them for their lack of security. "My apologies Alpha" the guard said bowing his head in respect. "As far as our Alpha, umm he is still asleep and as far as the gates and patrol go, the Alpha does not really care if we are there or not, plus we don't have enough warriors." he finished. "What! why is your Alpha asleep at three in the afternoon? What kind of mess is going on here? Go wake your Alpha immediately. He meets with me or I will alert the elders right now so they can witness how he is leading this pack and then I will challenge him for his title." The four guards looked at her cautiously not wanting to start any more issues. "Yes mam" they said and ran off. "Let's try to get a sense of what is going on here. Mark and Jake, you two take few others and have a look around. Let me know what you find out" "Yes Annalease, I mean Alpha" they said and went into the pack grounds to see what all was happening. The guard returned stating the Alpha would meet with them in an hour. Good Annalease thought to herself. That will give us time for all of us to look. The more Annalease looked the worse the situation became. She could not believe the elders had allowed him to continue as Alpha. Annalease stepped into the pack house. She looked around when she heard a woman in the kitchen talking. "There is no food here to prepare a thing. I don't know what the Alpha wants me to do. I told him this yesterday. That is why we couldn't fix dinner or breakfast. I don't know what to do. the lady said shaking her head. Annalease had heard enough. she linked Jake and Mark to come to the kitchen. Annalease stepped in to where the lady could see her. "Mam I am Alpha Annalease from Harvest Moon Pack. I could not help but over hear you. Do you mean to tell me that this pack has not eaten since yesterday and your Alpha is aware of this.? " The woman looked down before answering. "My name is Maggie and this is my sister Lorraine. Yes Alpha this is the case. For some it has been longer and for some they were able to find a rabbit or squirrel to eat by hunting. I have personally informed the Alpha but yet we still have no food." Mark and Jake walked in. Annalease looked at Maggie and Lorraine. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out her personal bank card and handed it to Jake. "Maggie, I want you and Lorraine to go with my warriors Jake and Mark here. They will escort you two to town. Once there you two will get whatever you need or want to be able to fix meals. I want you to buy enough to fill every cabinet, pantry, refrigerators and freezers here. Mark and Jake, take both vehicles and do not allow them to stop shopping until there is no room left in either vehicle for another bag. And also get me some Cokes please, I'm going to need some caffeine. I can see that now." she tells them. Tears swell in Maggie's eyes. "The Moon Goddess has answered our prayers and sent you to us. Bless you Alpha Annalease" she said and hugged the Alpha. As they were about to leave, Marcus another warrior and a man walked in. "Alpha wee have an emergent situation." "Another one?" Annalease asked and Marcus looked a little confused. "It's ok. what is the emergency Marcus? she asked him. This here is Tony. He is the pack doctor. Annalease, the hospital is closed down due to lack of supplies and equipment.." "WHAT?" Annalease roared, shaking the entire pack house. She took a deep breath to calm herself."I am not surprised after this situation" as she pointed to the kitchen She reached into her pocket and grabbed another bank card and handed it to Marcus. "Marcus take this and the doctor ony Escalade and let him buy whatever he needs to open the hospital and have it running." she ordered handing Marcus her keys. "Alpha, I apologize, but I can't let you pay for this" Tony started to protest. "I will pay for whatever you need. Please we must have a hospital capable of treating patients when we are at risk of being attacked any day now. I'm not asking but I am ordering you as an Alpha to go with my warrior. " "Yes mam Alpha. Thank you" Tony bowed his head in respect. "I'm calling my father now. You all be careful, and remover do not stop shopping until not 1 more bag can fit" And the six of them left for town. She mind linked Jake as they were pulling out. "By the way, find a wolf friendly restaurant and have them deliver enough food and then some to cover the pack and all of us. These people are starving so at least double or even triple the amount of members to ensure enough food. Pay whatever they want as long as they ensure they can meet the need and have it here by six " She ended the link to call her father. "Alpha Dad it is horrible here You would not believe what I have found. people are literally starving" she continues to give him the rundown on everything. "and to top it off the houses this Alpha has his members living in are not even fit for a dog". "Annalease, calm down. I'm going to hang up with you and call Elder Jonah, and then be on my way." "Thank you Daddy" she says glad her father retained his title for the transition phase now. As she walked out of the kitchen, someone ran into her. "Watch it b***h, I don't know who you think you are bumping into me!" the girl says to Annalease. Annalease had had enough for today and she snapped. Annalease grabbed the girl and slung her into the far wall. in one quick movement Annalease had the girl dangling in the air by her throat. Her claws extended and her canines showing. Annalease looked at the girl. A tall thin blonde who thinks she is every man's dream."I am Alpha Annalease with the Harvest Moon that is who I am. and I did not bump into you. You were to busy with your nose stuck in this" Annalease snatched the girls phone crumbling it in her hand as she lowered the girl to so she could catch her breath. After catching her breath the girl yelled at Annalease. "You will be sorry you did that the Alpha just bought it for me". Annalease saw red at this she jerked the girl back up ready to snap her neck. "You mean to tell me while other members of this pack are starving he bought you a phone instead of buying groceries? Well you will not be needing a phone anyway, because I warned you not to disrespect me, yet you did it again. Penalty for disrespecting an Alpha as you may know is death." as Annalease was about to give the girl her punishment, she heard someone tell "STOP... PLEASE. I am Alpha Jason and that is my pack member." Moon her wolf started howling with excitement. "Mate!" she yelped. Annalease looked at the man that just announced himself as Alpha. "you have got to be kidding me. The Moon Goddess is planning on torturing me to death." she thinks to herself. "Warriors!" Annalease calls out, and within seconds the room is filled with her warriors. Panic spread in the eyes of pack members. She tossed the girl to one of the warriors. Chain her in silver and tape her mouth shut. I don't want to hear a peep from her." "Yes Alpha" She looks up at the man that Moon was going crazy over. "You are Alpha Jason and this is your pack?" She asked for confirmation.'Yes I am" he confirms. "There is no way I. hell I am accepting this imbocile Moon! Look how he has treated his pack. some are starving." She spoke to Moon. "I understand Annalease, the pull is there and I couldn't help it, but honestly I agree. What kind of Alpha could do this? Moon asked. "A dirty one that's up to no good Moon" Annalease answered her wolf. " Good, I'm glad you decided to wake up." Annalease said sarcastically. "And just who are you, and what are you doing inside my pack house?" Alpha Jason yelled. "I know for a fact you know who I am because I had your guard to wake your sorry butt up. But I will formally introduce myself, I am Alpha Annalease Johnson from the Harvest Moon Pack. I came to offer you additional warriors for added protection since the threat to our packs has increased. Do you even realize that this pack could be attacked by the rogues and vampires any day now?" She asked him. Annalease heard gasp coming from members along with fear. ""I have been trying for months to contact you, but since you couldn't pick up a phone or email me back, I had no choice but present myself for a face to face meeting and I am most certainly glad I did. If I hadn't there is no telling what would have become to your pack members. They are literally starving while you sleep all damn day."Annalease yelled at him. It was intense as the two Alphas argued back I. forth. Alpha Jason still not coming down the steps. Alpha Jason was angry. First this woman shows up at his door demanding him to be woken up, then she came into the pack house snooping around, and then to top it all off she put her hands on his girlfriend Amber. Now she is telling at him and disrespecting him in his own home. He was about to try to put an end to this nonsense he thought to himself. Until a gust of wind came through the open door and a smell of chocolate and caramel hot him in the face. The smell was intoxicating to him. Razor his wolf went crazy. "Mate you i***t. She is our mate! Be nice to her!" Razor said to him in the back of his mind. He looked down at the woman. This was in front of him looked like a Goddess. Her curly hair pulled back out of her face and her eyes were breathtakingly beautiful. Snap out of it he said to himself forcing himself to focus. "My members are not starving. They can hunt you know. So if they are hungry, it's their own fault. I have heard enough from you. You will leave my territory now."Alpha Jason ordered wanting her as far away as possible from him. He didn't want his mate to see the full extent of the damage he had caused his pack. What she had found out was bad enough and he was shamed. "Yeah, that's not going to happen" Annalease informed in. "And you cannot order me to do a thing. Now it is best for you to stand down, and speak to me with the respect I deserve!" Annalease warned him. "I will not do a thing you say" Alpha Jason says finally coming down to face Annalease, careful not to get to close to be wrapped up in her scent. "You are ruining this"Razor warned him. "Shut up Mutt" he yelled at his wolf. Annalease watched him as he came down the stairs. He was arrogant and she hated arrogance. There was nothing to this man that she liked, and this was her destined mate? She despised the man in front of her.Moon agreed with her once she heard him say the members could hunt if they were hungry. It was his job to provide and protect them. And if he couldn't do that he couldn't protect and provide for her either Moon thought. Now Annalease looked him straight in the face. "I said LEAVE!" Alpha Jason roared and growled. The warriors that were in human form shifted into their wolves and ready to take this poor excuse out for yelling at their Alpha. Annalease looked at him unamused by his antics. She smirked at him growing angrier than she has ever been. How dare he growl at her. "I said STAND DOWN AND SHOW RESPECT!" Annalease roared so loud it felt like an earth quake. Windows shattered.Her aura radiating her power. She looked down to find Alpha Jason cowardly on one knee bowing to her in a puddle of urine. "Pathetic. You disgust me" Annalease said to him. What happened? How did she do that? Jason wondered. Embarrassed at the current situation he has just landed himself in. "I told you to be nice you i***t. Now you just lost our mate. I want nothing more to do with you" Razor was yelling at him Jason Blocked his wolf out. Annalease spoke up "Now you get to watch me remove your title from you. The elders are on their way here as we speak. So you may willingly step down as Alpha handing me over the pack, until maybe you may earn the right to regain your title, or I will challenge you as soon as the elders are present and see the condition of this pack, and kill you along with her immediately. " Annalease informed him pointing to Amber. Hating even the sight of him She had no problems ignoring the mate pull. He absolutely disgusted her. Realizing he was in deep trouble and facing being ripped to shreds, knowing there was absolutely no way he could beat Annalease in a challenge, Alpha Jason renounced his Alpha title handing the power over to Annalease. Cheers erupted through the pack house and outside by pack members as they felt the Alpha bond break. Annalease never seen or heard of anything like this before happening. Usually there are tears and violence but the only thing she hears are cheers and happiness. Elder Jonah and Alpha John came in the door seeing Alpha Jason submitting to Annalease and releasing his title and power to her. "Looks like our little dynamite handled this on her own" Elder Jonah said grinning at Alpha John as the other elders walked in. Annalease realized the Elders had arrived and quickly faced them and bowed in respect."My apologies Elders for having to interrupt your day with this nonsense happening here" as she cut her eyes over at Alpha Jason. "Thank you father for coming" then she went to him. Alpha John wrapped his arms around his daughter engulfing her into a hug. He could tell, she was hurting. and was on the edge of breaking. He saw the tears brimming her eyes. "Elder Jonah, how about I have my warriors escort this man to the Alpha office and we all meet in there?" Alpha John asked. "That would be great John. " Jonah looked down at Annalease who was still wrapped in her father's arms. "Take her for a walk first John. She looks like she has had a rough day" Alpha John thanked Jonah who was one of his closest friends. As they were about to walk out to get some air, they heard some people laughing and talking coming in the door, oblivious to what had just occurred. John looked to see it was his warriors with their arms loaded down with bags, and then he saw her as she stepped from behind Mark. It was his mate Chaos started yelling and howling in Alpha John's head. "Mate" Chaos said. Could it be possible that I have a second chance mate? Alpha John thought to himself. The woman before him looked amazing. Her cheeks were chubby and pink from blushing. He wanted to go to her and claim her but was torn because his daughter was still in his arms needing him. Elder Jonah spoke up. "John, I'll take over here, I wanted to talk to Annalease for a moment anyway. The elders have already went to the office to rest until we get up there. Go" Jonah said taking Annalease from his arms. "Let's take a walk my little firecracker" he told Annalease. Annalease walked with Elder Jonah. He has always been like a grandfather to her. He always seemed to arrive at the time she needed him like when she argued with her father over something. He always knew what to say to make her feel better. "Annalease, when I received the call from John and he told me what you had found, I was beyond upset with myself. You see we were supposed to have visited here but then the attacks became a bigger problem so we pushed it off. I blame myself for you having this on your shoulders and it upsetting you. But I also see there is a lot more going on than what everyone else thinks. "Jonah said looking at her almost like he knows. He waited for her to respond. "Alpha Jason is my mate" she said almost whispering and full of sadness. Tears started to fall as she thought about Nick wishing it had been him that was her mate. "What?How could you of all people be mates to that? " Annalease could tell Jonah was agitated at that fact too. He started walking a little more trying to think why the Moon Goddess would do this to her. He felt someone behind then and stiffened up enough that Annalease noticed."Jonah what is it?" She asked. Sniffing the air Jonah replied without turning around. "Hello Selene, You are right on time".
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