
The Female Alpha Warrior

female lead
supernature earth

Annalease is a rare white Alpha female. Born to Alpha John Anderson of one of the largest and richest packs, the Harvest Moon Pack, not only is she beautiful and rich, but also extremely powerful. She was to take her father's position on her 18th birthday, but recent rouge attacks and vampires have pushed the Alpha ceremony back. There warriors have been divided out to neighboring packs and Annalease and the warriors assigned to her have to go to the Crescent Moon pack. Alpha Jason of the Crescent Moon pack who is 19 recently became Alpha after the death of his father. He is very ill mannered and stubborn. He believes he should be able to still do as he wishes without consequences, knows nothing of discipline let alone how to run a pack. Now he is requiring the help of Annalease and the warriors due to his incapabilities as an Alpha. What will happen when the very disciplined, structured Alpha female realizes that she is putting her warriors lives at risk for this spoiled brat?

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Alpha John Johnson of the Harvest Moon Pack sat on the edge of his king sized bed alone with nothing but his thoughts. He did not sleep well and Chaos his wolf was restless. Today was his only daughter's eighteenth birthday. He remembered the day all to well. FLASHBACK: "Push Anna!" Alpha John said to his mate. Anna was about to give birth to their first child. Everyone was waiting anxiously for the arrival of their next Alpha. Anna was his chosen mate. An arranged marriage set up by their parents. None the less the Alpha grew to love her. "She is here Alpha" the doctor announced. "She??" he asked the doctor. "She " the pack doctor confirmed placing the baby in his arms. "She" Alpha John said staring at his beautiful daughter laying in his arms with nothing but love for her. "My little Alpha Princess" he called her. His mind oblivious to anything else in the room but his daughter. She looked up at him, and instantly her beautiful crystal clear light blue eyes had him mesmerized. He had never seen anything like them. Then the Alpha noticed something. He carefully pulled the blanket a little. not wanting anyone else to notice. There on her upper left chest, across her heart was a birthmark. Barely visible, but he noticed the shimmer that outlined the mark. It was a wolf head and inside of It was phases of the moon. A crescent, a half moon, and a full moon. It was amazing. A sure sign the girl was definitely special, and had been blessed by the Moon Goddess herself. Alpha John quickly covered up the birthmark before anyone else could see it. He couldn't help but stare at his daughter forgetting the world around him. "Alpha" the doctor placed his hand on the alpha's shoulder shaking him a little. The Alpha snapped out of his trance of staring at his daughter. "Huh" he answered snapping back to reality. Everyone was giggling at him. Anna spoke up "I see she already has her big bad Alpha Dad wrapped around her little finger" she said smiling The nurse came to take the baby to the nursery so the doctor could finish up with Anna "Alpha we have a break in our border" a warrior linked him. "Rogues on the North end" another warrior responded. Alpha John dashed out of the hospital as Chaos took over shifting into a massive black wolf with silver eyes.He and the other warriors reached the North gate. Warriors were already attacking the swarm of rogues. Chaos saw two coming right for him, but in one quick movement Chaos caught both of them by their necks clenched in his teeth as he shook them snapping their necks. He tossed them to the side, going for more. The bodies of rogues piled up. Soon, they were done. Then they heard the screams coming from the pack hospital. Chaos and the warriors went dashing to the hospital. When Chaos and the warriors arrived at the hospital it was clear to them that the break at the North border was only a distraction. injured wolves lay outside of the hospital entrance. Once inside they found mutilated members of the pack along with a few dead rogues. Blood covered the floor and walls Fur was everywhere. Chaos ran to the room that Anna was in when the Alpha left. Chaos found the doctor and nurse dead. There was no sign of Anna. Chaos took off trying to find the nurse that he gave the baby to right before he left. As he got to the nursery he found the nurse dead outside of the locked nursery door. Chaos gave control back to the Alpha and he shifted back. He could not believe his eyes as he looked through the nursery window. There before him locked away safe was his daughter. Next to her another baby in a bassinet identical to hers and behind them stood my Beta Joe and his wife Joanne. The Alpha quickly put in his code and fingerprint, and the door opened. He ran into the room ensuring his baby was safe. "Are the three of you ok Joe? " The Alpha knew his Beta's mate was delivering a baby today as well. "We are fine Alpha. When we realized what was happening I brought them into here and realized your child was in here alone. I couldn't leave them defenseless . We watched in horror as the rogues were trying to break in here after they ambushed the guards at once. I'm sorry that I didn't do more Alpha." Joe hung his head ashamed. Alpha John quickly dismissed the idea that he should be ashamed. "Thank you Joe. You have secured the future of this pack by protecting my daughter and your son." END OF FLASHBACK Alpha John shook his head, remembering all of the details from that day.This was the reason he didn't sleep well and why Chaos was so restless. His daughter is to take the Alpha title today. He hated to break her heart, but there was a snag in the plan. He could not give her total control of the pack today, not when facing the threat of rogues and vampires attacking. They had attacked a few of the other packs nearby. They slaughtered the packs, but a few of the children survived hidden. They are all safe now living in his pack. The Oak Trees Pack, his pack, the Harvest Moon pack, and the Crescent Moon pack were all that were left in this area. Harvest Moon was by far the largest of the packs out of all of them. There were a total of 1500 members. 1000 of them were trained warriors including Annalease his daughter and Nick his Beta's son. Alpha John wanted to make sure the rogue threat was taken care of before he completely stepped down. He wanted his revenge for what happened eighteen years ago, and he couldn't think about that happening to Annalease if he stepped down before they were dealt with. She would just have to be mad at him, he thought. However he knew his daughter would understand. "Chaos let's go for a run and stretch your legs ol' boy" he said to his wolf. "Who are you calling Old old man?" he answered laughing but ready to be let out to run. Once Alpha John returned, he quickly took a shower knowing Annalease would be looking for him when she woke up, as she did every morning. He was always the first person she wanted to see other than her best friend Nick. Beta Joe's son. "Good morning Alpha Dad" Annalease and Nick said together popping their heads into the Alpha's office. Annalease had him a cup of coffee and a bagel in her hands. "Good morning my children, and happy birthday you two. The Alpha said hugging both of them, and taking his coffee and bagel. Annalease and Nick stepped out on the balcony as they do every morning to survey over the territory and watch the morning training sessions. The two of them were the packs top 2 Head warriors. A position both of them have more than earned. They train twice a day and then teach 2 classes a day. They both put in 8 hours a day on the training grounds. No one has been able to defeat either one of them in the last two years. Alphas will not even challenge them in pack tournaments because they are afraid of losing. Those two together are a force to be reckoned with. They stepped back in the office. "So still not mates huh?" the Alpha asked them hoping it would happen. "Nope, guess we can give that idea up. Even if we were late to receive our mate, I've never heard of any wolf going past their 18th birthday" Annalease said sighing. "It's ok though" Nick announced "it's not like we will ever be separated anyway. Even if we do have mates, they will have to learn and accept that Annalease and I are one". Nick said hugging Annalease. He was right though. They are inseparable. At first myself, joe and Joe Ann were hesitant about letting them sleep together. However we found that no matter what we did, it did not stop us finding them asleep together somewhere in the packhouse. Once they were found sleeping together in a laundry cart. It was never a s****l thing though, well he is not so certain now, but the Alpha shook his head not even wanting to think about that. "Happy Birthday my wonderful babies" Joe Ann said coming through the door, Joe right behind her. "Happy birthday kiddos" Joe said. Annalease and Nick were prying themselves out of Joe Ann's grip. "Thank you Alpha Dad, and thank you too Mom and Dad. " both said in unison as usual. John thought about how he got his altered title. When they were little, all they ever heard him called was Alpha. And Joe and Joe Ann were trying to teach Nick to say mommy, and daddy and John was trying to get Annalease to call him daddy. The two got confused evidently and started calling John 'Alpha Dad' and Joe and Joe Ann became mom and dad. ". Alpha Dad soon became John's new name/title by everyone in the pack. He didn't mind though. The pack supported Alpha John, Beta Joe and his mate Joe Ann on how the three decided to raise Annalease and Nick. Joe and Joe Ann even moved to the Alpha's floor taking the other suite and the nursery was in the middle. Now Annalease and Nick had the seventh floor which was supposed to be the Beta floor. They decided to share a suite at the end of the hall and they had a little reconstruction of the room to where on the far sides of the room both had their own door that opened to another room which they made into a walk in closet and attached to that room each had their own bathroom. their Closet room also had a door that opened to the hallway that led to their room. So Annalease's side was on the left and Nick's side was on the right. There were also rooms for if they had guest to stay overnight. The five of them sat at the huge mahogany conference table as they did every morning and awaited Gamma Richard to join them for morning briefing. "Good morning everyone, and Happy Birthday to my favorite niece and nephew." He said rubbing the tops of their heads. ""Thanks Uncle Richard" both said. "Where is aunt Helen" Annalease asked. "I'm right here" Helen said coming through the door with two cupcakes in her hands. "Happy Birthday Darlings" she said giving them their cupcake and kissing their cheeks. Gamma Richard and Helen were not really their uncle and aunt, but considering none of them had any brothers or sisters, and Richard and Helen were never able to have children, Nick and Annalease became their niece and nephew. The seven of them made their own version of a family, and no one could ever tell otherwise. Their lives centered around Annalease and Nick. The children were never spoiled as some kids are though. If anything they had a harder time than most. If they wanted something, they had to earn it. They were both expected to work hard. Nothing was ever handed to them because of their birth right. If anything they were made to prove they were worthy of a birth right. They were both accomplished individuals. Each holding at least three college degrees, fluent in Five different languages, and the top two of everything the did. Everyone was extremely proud of them. "Annalease and Nick we do have a bit of bad news for the two of you this morning, I'm afraid " Alpha Dad began. "We have all discussed this for hours trying to come up with the best solution " he continued with Nick and Annalease staring at him. "We feel it is best with the threat of the rogues and vampires attacking that we hold off on handing over the pack to you completely. " the Alpha informed them. "What do you mean? You won't be handing us anything that we have not rightfully earned. You know better than anyone how hard Nick and I have worked our entire lives to prove not only to you five but to everyone that we are more than capable of running this pack. We are the top two warriors, not just here but for the entire region. We put in more hours, sweat, pain and tears into building and protecting this pack than anyone." Annalease argued. "Please calm down dear, and listen to me" Aunt Helen patted Annalease"s arm. "It's not that you are not getting your title dear. The guys just want to be like coaches on the sideline. To make sure everything will be ok. Keep in mind, we witnessed the destruction the rogues are capable of. None of us want another m******e like the one that took your mom from us Annalease." Aunt Helen had tears streaming her cheeks. The memory of that day still as fresh as if it had happened today. "I honestly think it's a good idea Annalease. I would much rather go to Dad or Alpha Dad instead of the council if I have a question, and we would also fair better facing them than the council if we mess up. and we are going to Annalease. We both know that. At least this way it gets another set of eyes on anything major, and we can trust they will stop us from messing up but so bad. " Nick spoke honestly and she knew he was right. Annalease let out a breath of defeat. "Thank you Nick" Richard said to him patting his shoulder knowing Annalease had caved in. "You all are right" Annalease tells them, "so what's the plan with the rogues and vampires?" she asked. "Well that's your call Alpha Annalease and Beta Nick" Alpha Dad answered. "You two have until lunch to come up with a plan, possibilities of attacks and response. Have the plan ready for briefing with us after lunch" He ordered. "Yes Alpha Dad" as the stood and bowed then ran to their office to start planning.

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