Chapter 4

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Year 7 1997 //Dumbledore's Last Testiment and Bill and Fleur's Wedding// Robyn read her book peacefully, curled up in front of the window of Ginny’s room. She glanced up outside and saw Rufus Scrimgeour, the Minister for Magic, walking toward the house. She frowned as she got to her feet then looked at Hermione who was standing beside her. The two girls made their way down stairs where they met Harry, who were the same confused look at them. The three walked around the corner to see the Minister standing in the kitchen with Ron standing at the open door to the garden, “To what do we owe the pleasure, Minister?” Harry questioned in a calm voice, “I think we both know the answer that question, Mr. Potter.” Wad Scrimgeour’s reply. A few minutes later and Robyn was sat between Harry and Ron in a small stuffy couch with a small coffee table between them and the Minister. She watched him opened a brief case and pull out a small pouch and placed it on the table, the four looked up at him with questioning expressions. “And this is…?” Harry trailed off. Scrimgeour pulled out a letter from his case and held it up before letting it go. Robyn watched the letter float off a few inches before unfolding, “’Herin is set forth the last will and testament’.” Scrimgeour read, “of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. First, to Ronald Bilius Weasley I leave my Deluminator. A device of my own making in the hope that, when things seem most dark it will show him the light.’” Robyn watched the man open the material and pulled out a small object and held it out to Ron, who took it and unravelled the cloth to show a small lighter-like object, “Dumbledore left this for me?” Ron asked, “Yeah.” Replied Scrimgeour, “Brilliant.” Grinned Ron then looked up at the man “What is it?” Ron flicked it and the top opened showing a small ball of light, then the two lamps nearest them were extinguished and two balls of light darted into the object in Ron’s hand and he flicked it shut. Robyn’s eyes widened slightly and watched as Ron flicked it open again and the balls of light returned to the lamps “Wicked.” “’To Hermione Jean Granger I leave my copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard’.” Read Scrimgeour, “In the hope that she find it entertaining and instructive.” He handed a small worn book to Hermione, “Mum used to read me those.” Pipped up Ron “The Wizard and the Hopping Pot, Babbitty Rabbitty and the Cackling Stump.” Hermione, Robyn and Harry sent him confused expressions, “Come on, Babbity Rabbitty. No?” “’To Robyn Lily Potter I leave my watch’.” Scrimgeour read as he reached into his case and pulled out a small pouch and handing it to Robyn. She pulled out a watch, it had a very thin strap and was pure gold with writing around the end of which Robyn couldn’t make out. It was like any normal watch with numbers one to twelves but in the centre a digital clock reading: 0 YEAR(S) 0 MONTH(S) 0 DAY(S) 0 HOUR(S) 0 MINUTE(S) 0 SECOND(S) She gently placed it on her wrist and the dials turned until it read: 0 YEAR(S) 10 MONTH(S) 0 DAY(S) 3 HOUR(S) 43 MINUTE(S) 33 SECONDS(S). The seconds were counting down. She touched it gently then turned to Scrimgeour as he spoke, “‘I hope that she will use it to keep track of how close she is to her objective’.” Robyn looked up at Scrimgeour who was staring at the watch. She hurriedly smiled at the others casually then watched the Minister look back up at Harry, “’To Harry James Potter, I leave the snitch he caught in his first Quidditch match at Hogwarts as a reminder of the rewards of perseverance and skil.” Robyn watched with furrowed eyebrows as the Minister held the golden snitch in a cloth and watched, intently, as he moved the snitch toward Harry. He reached up and gently took it and, the moment it was in Harry’s grasp, Scrimgeour snatched the cloth away and stared at the snitch. Robyn had a small feeling that Scrimgeour thought Harry’s touch might cause something to happen, but nothing did. She watched her brother turn the snitch in his hand before glancing up at Scrimgeour to see him slump, her assumptions were correct. “Is that it then?” Harry questioned, “Not quite.” replied Scrimgeour “Dumbledore left you and your sister a second bequest:” Robyn and Harry looked at each other before back at Scrimgeour “The sword of Godric Gryffindor. Unfortunately, the sword of Gryffindor was not Dumbledore’s to give away. As an important historical artefact, it belongs – “ “To Harry and Robyn.” Hermione finished, “It belongs to Harry and Robyn. It came to them when they needed it in the Chamber of Secrets.” “The sword may present itself to any worthy Gryffindor.” Scrimgeour said calmly, “That does not make it that wizards property. And, in any event, the current whereabouts of the sword are unknown.” “What?” Robyn whispered softly, “The sword is missing.” Scrimgeour said then looked specifically at Harry and Robyn “I don’t know what you’re up to, Mr. and Miss Potter…but you can’t fight this war on your own. He’s too strong.” *** Robyn lapped as the folk music played as Fleur and Bill danced though the centre of the crowd. A smile stayed on her face as she clapped with the crowd as she stood beside George. She laughed happily just as George grabbed her arm, “Come on.” He pulled her to the centre and she shook her head, “George no.” She laughed but he pulled her to the crowd. Robyn rolled her eyes with a smile and placed a hand on his shoulder and her other in his hand, he held her hand and placed the other on her shoulder. The pair danced with broad smiles on their faces and moved down the line of people who clapped and cheered widely. She squealed in surprise when George spun her around then pulled her back again. Robyn laughed with George as they almost skipped down the aisle of people, “I hope you don’t mind.” A hand wrapped around Robyn’s waist and spun her around and saw Fred grinning down at her. The pair began to dance with endless laughter and claps around them. To Robyn, the Weasley’s were like her family – her real family. Fred and George were like her elder brothers and they thought of her as a second younger sister. Robyn and Fred released and then circled each other and clapped in time to the music and people. Then they bowed as the song came to an end. Robyn smiled then told the twins that she was going to get a drink and walked over to a table where the drinks lay. She picked up a glass and raised it to her lips and turned as a new song started and watched people begin to dance again, she took a tip, “How do I look?” She turned to see Ron standing to her right shaking slightly, “Is it too much?” She’d slicked back his hair slightly and was dressed in a clean robe, “You look fine.” Robyn assured him, “Why?” Ron nodded in a direction and Robyn turned to see Hermione looking around with a short, but non-revealing, red dress looking very beautiful. Robyn smiled and looked up at him to see him with a tiny smile on his face “Go.” She urged and motioned to Hermione, “Are you sure?” Ron gulped, “I mean, I’m just a bit nervous, you know? Well, I – “ “Ron,” Robyn stopped him, “just go and talk to her.” She gave him a slight push in the direction. With a smile she watched Ron straighten up and walk toward Hermione. Robyn decided to walk around for a bit and looked around the people she did and didn’t know. A few minutes later and she was passing the buffet table, “It’s strange.” she looked to her left and saw a man with dark brown hair and emerald eyes looking at her curiously “You look so much like Lily, Miss Potter.” He looked very familiar. Robyn turned to him completely and he smiled slightly, he held out her hand, “Sebastian Jenner.” He introduced himself with a kind smile and Robyn’s eyes widened, “Jenner.” She whispered as she shook his hand “You’re Evangeline’s brother.” He flinched and She hurriedly appologised, “No matter.” He waved it off with his free hand, “But, yes, she was my sister. You were named after her, actually.” Robyn nodded “Her and Lily were the best of friends.” “Did you know my father?” She asked him then realised that stupid the question was, he chuckled, “Yes, I did.” He grinned “Didn’t like him much, though” Robyn frowned and Sebastian added quickly “On the Quidditch pitch though, off it he was like a brother to me, him, Sirius and Remus.” “Why didn’t you like him on the pitch?” She asked tilting her head slightly, “I was on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, chaser.” Sebastian said, “Your father was one of the best chasers that school had ever seen. It was awful playing against him, but Ravenclaw did win on occasion.” Sebastian smiled but it soon began to fade as he looked at her “I miss them. Your parents.” Robyn looked down slightly and nodded in agreement, “They would have been proud of you and your brother, Robyn.” She looked up at him to see him looking down smiling at her fondly, like an uncle would “They are proud of you.” Sebastian raised his glass slightly “To your parents.” “And your sister.” She raised her glass and clinked it with his and they both took a drink, “I should get back to my wife.” He said with a grin “She pregnant, six months.” Robyn smiled at him and bid him goodbye as he walked off into the crowd. Barely a minute passed before a small tug on her dress made her look down to see a boy with blond hair looking up at her, he must have been no older than five, with rosy cheeks and bright green eyes, “Miss Robyn, will you come play with me and my friends?” She smiled at his words and nodded, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to a small group of children, all around his age sitting around a table, “Marvin, who’s this?” a black-haired boy asked “This is Robyn Potter.” The blond boy, Marvin, answered still holding onto her hand. The children stared at Robyn in awe. Robyn took a seat and a small girl, by the name of Ella, handed her a small glass of pumpkin juice. Robyn sat with the children for at ten minuet’s talking and playing small games. Ginny appeared beside her and they bid goodbye to the children and Ginny pulled her to where Hermione was standing glancing at Ron ever so often. Robyn went about teasing her about Ron, along with Ginny, causing Hermione to blush scarlet and pushed them gently as the other two giggled. A very bouncy song came on and the three girls began to dance with loud laughter, joining in with the rest of the crowd. Robyn had completely forgotten about the task that Dumbledore had set them and was just focused on having fun. That was, until a hand gripped her arm and spun her around and she came face to face with Harry “Harry! There you are!” She exclaimed, “We were just saying how Hogwart’s should have had more parties.” “Yes.” Ginny and Hermione agreed with wide smiles “The last time a party was this fun was – “ Harry cut Hermione off, “Robyn, come with me.” He pulled her through the crowd with a slightly anger expression on his face. Robyn frowned and attempted to keep up with him. Harry continued to pull her when they exited the marque and walked passed the wizards that patrolled the place and over to the house and went around the corner so that the music was barely audiable. Robyn watched Harry drop her arm and turn to her with a glare, “What the hell are you doing?” He hissed and Robyn raised her eyebrows in shock, “What?” She gaped “I was having fun.” “We don’t have time for fun, Robyn.” Harry snapped “He is getting stronger and now controls nearly half the ministry. There is no time to have fun. Is all just some game to you? Destroying him is just a job that can wait and if we fail we can start again?” Robyn shook her head, “Of course it’s not a joke to me.” Robyn retorted defensively “But its Bill and Fleur’s wedding, what do you expect me to do?” “Oh, I don’t know.” Harry said sarcastically, “Maybe, talk to people? Find out as much as we can? Dumbledore set us a task, Robyn. We have to complete it. And you playing around isn’t doing anything.” Robyn frowned as his words and tense structure, “Harry, you need to relax.” Robyn whispered, “You can’t – “ “Stop being so stupid, Robyn!” Harry exclaimed, “Get out of your little world of being happy with Draco and living all care-free where you can dance all the time. Stop being an idiot.” Robyn flinched and looked down, “Start acting like you care about destroying him.” Robyn flinched again and glanced up to see Harry walking back to the party. Robyn gulped and stared at the grass at her feet. She understood why Harry was so tense – she didn’t blame him – but it still hurt. She shook her head, she’d been foolish. Here she was acting like nothing was wrong, when in reality nothing was right. She closed her eyes for a fleeting second then opened her eyes to see something small and bright heading straight toward her, her eyes widened as it stopped and it turned into a small prairie vole – Draco’s patronus. “They’re coming for you, Robyn.” Draco’s voice echoed frantically from the patronus, “You’re not safe. They knew where you are. Run, Robyn. Run.” It ended and the patronus disappeared her jaw dropped. Then a black began entering the marque, her eyes widened and she made a dash for it as more Death Eater’s began to arrive, “Robyn!” She heard Harry scream, “Robyn!” She ran inside and saw chaos. Her eyes widened and she ran through the crowd, “Robyn!” She turned to see Mr. Weasley fighting off a Death Eater, “Run! Find Ron, Hermione and Harry and get out of here!” She nodded and ran through the crowd and saw her two friends and brother looking around frantically, “Robyn!” Hermione shouted when she saw her, “Come on!” Eurged Ron and she ran faster where their hands were outstretched to hers. Robyn pushed herself harder and slammed into them then, in a second, they disaperated.
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