Chapter 5

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Year 7 1997 //The Cafe, Grimauld Place, Ollivander and Kreacher// The bus blared loudly and Ron, Robyn, Hermione and Harry just made it just in time to the rail before the bus could hit them. Robyn’s eyes were wide and her breathing harsh and she gripped onto her friends hands tightly as she stared at the road in complete and utter shock. Robyn followed Hermione through the busy streets of London glancing around at the people that passed her with a blank expression. “Where are we?” She heard Ron asked from behind her, “Shaftesbury Avenue.” Answered Hermione with a quick glance back, “I used to come to the theatre here with mum and dad. I don’t know why I thought of it. It just popped into my head. This way.” Robyn followed Hermione down a quiet street then turning into an alley way, “We need to change.” Robyn walked along side Hermione and saw her open her small bag as they rounded a corner and stopped. She watched as her friend reached elbow deep into the bag, her eyes widened and she began pulling out clothes, “How the ruddy…?” Ron trailed off, “Undetectable Extension Charm.” Answered Hermione as she handed Robyn a pair of jeans, “You’re amazing, you are.” Ron said in awe, “Always the tone of surprise.” Hermione joked just as a muffled rubbing sound came from the bag, “Ah. That’ll be the books.” The four entered a nearby café and the girls left for their female toilets and the boys to the males. Robyn entered a cubical and began changing, “Robyn?” She heard Hermione say, “How did you know the Death Eater’s where about to attack the wedding? When Kingsley’s patronus came, I didn’t see you at all.” “Draco.” Robyn answered as she opened her cubical door with her dress in her hand and dressed in everyday clothes, “What?” Hermione gasped and she came out and looked at Robyn with a confused expression “How?” “His patronus came.” Robyn answered as she handed her dress to Hermione who placed it into her bag, “Malfoy knows how to produce a patronus.” Hermione commented with a raised eyebrow and Robyn flushed slightly, “I taught him how to produce it in fifth year.” Robyn admitted, “Anyway, it, well, Draco told me that they knew where I was and to run.” Hermione nodded then asked, “Do you think you’ll see him soon?” Robyn shrugged, “I honestly don’t know.” “What about all the people at the wedding?” Harry asked from beside Robyn in the café, “Do you think we should go back, “There were after you two” Ron pointed out “We’d be putting everyone in danger by going back.” “Ron’s right.” Hermione agreed just as the waitress walked over to them, “Ahem.” Robyn looked up at her “Coffee?” “A cappuccino, please.” Hermione answered, “You?” The waitress looked at Ron, who seemed to have no idea, “What she said.” Ron finally blurted out “Same.” The twins set in unison and the waitress glanced at them before walking off, “So where do we go from here?” Ron questioned “The Leaky Cauldron?” “It’s too dangerous.” Robyn said “If Voldemort really has taken over the Ministry, none of the old places are safe.” “Everyone from the wedding will have gone underground, into hiding.” Hermione added, “Our rucksacks.” Harry suddenly said looking at Robyn “We left them at the Burrow.” The door opened and in came two men dressed in dark blue overalls came in. Robyn glanced down at Hermione who had pushed her back toward them, “Are you joking?” Harry gasped and Hermione let out a harsh breath, “I had all the essentials backed for days, just in case.” Hermione sighed, Robyn looked up slightly and saw the two men standing at the counter with their back to them, there was no waitress there. She frowned as she saw them reach into their pockets and pulled out…wands. Her eyes widened and just them move slightly. “Get down!” Robyn shouted and she dived from her chair pulling her wand out, she hit the wall just as the glass on the tables around them exploded “Stupfey!” Robyn shouted and pointed her wand at the man who was sent flying into a pile of plates and cups, she dived behind the table again and heard a voice shout, “Expulso!” She covered her head as something exploded a few meters behind her, Robyn peered through the table legs to see Dolohov raise his wand but Ron and Hermione blasted the shelf behind him sending him to the floor, Robyn jumped up and saw Dolohov pointing his wand at her, “Petrificus Totalus.” The spell hit the Death Eater and he dropped the floor, she lowered her wand and got to her feet just as the waitress entered the room from the kitchen and looked around in complete shock, “Go.” Hermione demanded, “Leave.” The waitress scurried back into the kitchen, “Lock the door, get the lights.” Harry said and Robyn moved so she was standing in the aisle between the tables beside Harry. Ron flicked the deluminator and the lights were sucked into it whilst Hermione got the blinds. Robyn walked with Harry over to the unconscious Death Eater. “This one is Rowle.” Harry said looking down at the man “He was on the Astronomy Tower. The night Snape killed Dumbledore.” Robyn followed Ron around the counter where Dolohov lay, paralysed from Robyn’s spell, “This is Dolohov.” Ron said with a disgusted expression, “I recognize him from the wanted posters. So, what we gonna do with you, hey? Kill us if it was turned round, wouldn’t you?” “If we kill them, they’ll know we were.” Robyn told Ron seriously looking at him, “Ron.” Hermione said in a soft tone behind them. Robyn looked at her best-friend and stared at him with a pleading expression, what was wrong with him? “Suppose he killed Mad-Eye.” Ron snapped and Robyn flinched slightly, “How would you feel then?” “It’s better we wipe their memories.” Harry pointed out, “You’re the boss.” Ron said as he walked back to the other two. Robyn stepped to the side and looked at them “Hermione, you’re the best at spells.” She watched Ron touch her cheek gently then Hermione walk over and stood behind her looking down at Dolohov and pointed her wand at him. Robyn watched as Hermione whispered, “Obliviate.” “How is it they knew we were there?” Harry asked as the four of them walked down the street 10 minutes later. “Maybe you both still have the Trace on you?” Hermione suggested, “Can’t be.” Ron denied, “Trace breaks at seventeen. It’s wizarding law.” Hermione gasped loudly and Robyn turned to see her stop, “What?” “We didn’t celebrate your birthday, Harry, Robyn.” Hermione said and began to walk again, “Ginny and I, we prepared two cakes. We were going to bring them out at the end of the wedding.” “We really appreciate the thought, Hermione.” Robyn smiled, “But given the fact that we were almost killed by a couple of Death Eaters a few minuets ago…” Harry trailed off, “Right.” Hermione agreed, “Perspective.” “We need to get off the streets, get somewhere safe.” Ron said, taking the agreement from the other three. *** Ron closed the door to Grimmauld place whilst Robyn stood in the between Hermione and Harry. The lights flicked on illuminating the dark, narrow hall way lined with black framed pictures. Robyn stepped forward with Harry beside her as dust began to swirl until it resembled a figure…Dumbledore. Robyn watched with wide-eyes as the dust figure sped toward them with his hand out and she raised her arm above her head and let out a small shriek, along with Hermione. A few seconds of nothing happening caused Robyn to remove her arm from her face and see that the dust particles floating to the ground, “What was that all about?” Ron asked and Robyn turned to look at him but her eyes instead landed on his and Hermione’s hands, which were gripping each other tightly “Probably Mad-Eye’s idea, in case Snape decided to come snooping.” Hermione answered, a clang sound and they all quietened and listened for the sound again…but it never came. “Honenum Revelio.” Hermione cast and nothing happened, Robyn straightened slightly and she muttered, “We’re alone.” *** Draco’s footsteps echoed as he ascended the steps toward the dungeon – the Malfoy Mannor basement – with a few pieces of bread and cheese tucked into his jacket pocket. His grey eyes avoided contact with the passing Death Eaters and walked straight down the stone steps and turned to the Death Eater guarding the cell. “What you doing, boy?” Snarled Denis Troncher, “What the Dark Lord told me to talk to the prisoner.” Lied Draco in cold tone, “I haven’t been told any of this.” Troncher said stupidly and Draco rolled his eyes, “Why should you know?” Hissed Draco, “Now, will you let me pass or shall we go take it up with the Dark Lord?” Troncher gulped and opened the gate. Draco entered the basement and walked away from the gate and over to the corner where the frail wand-maker, Olivander, was sat shaking. Draco walked over to the trembling man who looked up at him with a fearful expression, “Please.” Begged Ollivander, “I don’t know anything else. No more.” Draco felt his stomach turn at the man’s pleads then knelt down in front of him and reached into his pocket. Ollivander began to shake more and began to shuffle away “Please, I swear I told you all I know.” Draco pulled out the scraps of food and looked at the man, who was staring in shock at him. He held the bread and cheese out to him but the wand-maker eyed it nervously. Draco ripped a small bit of the bread and showed him it then eat the tiny piece to assure the man that he hadn’t poisoned it or anything. Ollivander quickly took the food and began nibbling on it not removing his gaze from Draco. Draco glanced back to see that Troncher had his back to the gate, which was on the other end of the basement, “Ration it.” Draco muttered not removing his eyes off Troncher “I don’t know when I’ll be able to bring more down. Don’t let them see.” Returning his gave to Ollivander he saw that the man had stopped eating and was staring at him with an unreadable expression, “You are a good person, Draco Malfoy.” Oivander wheezed and Draco looked down and shook his head, “I’m not.” He whispered and the image of Robyn staring up at him in the astronomy tower, her expression one of betrayal, burned into his minds eye. I am far from good, he thought, I am a liar and a coward, “You are, Draco.” Pressed Ollivander, “I’ve always know.” Draco looked up at him “When you walked into my shop seven years ago with your parents, I knew you were different from your father. You are strong and brave, though you may not see it yet. In time you will realise just how strong you are.” *** Robyn stared at the wall that was decorated with the Black family tree. She placed her hand gently on the burnt face of her last godfather, Sirius Black, before running her eyes over the other names before her hand landed on one with a drawing of a boy with pure white hair and the label Draco Malfoy. She bit her lip and stared at the name with a blank expression and, sub-consciously, her hand grasped the pendent that hung around her neck and stroked it gently, “I love you.” Robyn’s eyes widened and she dropped the necklace at the words she had uttered from her own mouth. She clamped her hand over her mouth. She’d never said that – except to Harry. She gulped and stared at the name written on the wall, “Harry! Robyn! Hermione!” she heard Ron’s voice shout “Where are you? I think I’ve found something.” Robyn ran upstairs to where Ron’s voice had come from and saw him standing outside a room with Hermione and Harry. She stopped beside him, “Lovely.” Hermione commented as she peered into the messy room, it had obviously been ransacked. Ron pulled the door too slightly and they looked up at the plaque on the door, “’Regulus Arcturus Black’.” Robyn read, “R.A.B” “’…and I know I will be dead long before you read this. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it’.” Harry read from the slip of paper in the fake locket, “R.A.B is Sirius’s brother.” Ron commented from opposite Robyn, “Yes.” Hermione confirmed, “Question is, did he actually destroy the real Horcrux?” Robyn said with a glance at her friends and brother. A clang came from a cupboard a few feet away from them and the four turned their heads and pulled themselves up from the bench and around the table toward the cupboard. Robyn stopped beside Hermione as he brother walked slowly over to the cupboard and pulled open the door to reveal…Kreacher. Robyn watched in shock as Harry dragged Kreacher past them and shoved him forward as the house-elf spluttered and shouted in protest. “You’ve been spying on us, have you?” Harry snarled as Kreacher hid behind a stump, Robyn walked forward slightly, “Kreacher has been watching.” Nodded the house-elf, “Maybe he knows where the real locket is.” Suggested Hermione and Robyn nodded and walked over to the bench and snatched up the locket and dangled it in front of Kreacher, “Have you seen this before?” Robyn demanded and Kreacher duck behind the small table causing Robyn’s eyesbrows to furrow, “Kreacher.” Growled Harry, “It’s Master Regulus’ locket.” Answered Kreacher, “But there were two, weren’t there?” Robyn said looking at him, “Where’s the other one?” Harry snapped and Kreacher whined and whimpered, “Kreacher doesn’t know where the other locket is.” the house-elf answered, “Yes, but did you ever see it?” Hermione questioned moving forward slightly “Was it in this house?” “Filthy Mudblood!” Screeched Kreacher moving toward her and Ron moved forward with a pan to hit him but the two girls grabbed his arms and stopped him “Blood traitor, Weasley.” “Answer her.” Harry ordered and Robyn held the necklace closer to his face, the locket seemed to frighten him, “Yes.” admitted Kreacher “It was here in this house. A most evil object.” “How do you mean?” Robyn asked curiously, “Before Master Regulus died, he ordered Kreacher to destroy it but no matter how hard Kreacher tried, he could not do it.” Kreacher explained, “Well, where is it now?” Harry demanded, “Did someone take it?” Robyn questioned, “He came in the night.” Whispered Kreacher, “He took many things, including the locket.” “Who did?” Harry asked, “Who was it, Kreacher?” “Mundungus.” Answered the house-elf in a low tone “Mundungus Fletcher.” “Find him.” Harry commanded and in a swirl, Kreacher disaperated.
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