Chapter 3

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Year 7 1997 //Harry's Fear, Names, Leaving and Downstairs Screams// Robyn’s heart pounded in her chest as she flew as fast as she could. Her cheek had a large cut across from where the Death Eater’s spells had cut her slightly. She could just make out the large grounds of the Burrow and felt a breathless smile appear on her face. Then, something was flying beside her, she turned to see the face of Voldemort flying beside her attacked to a blur of black with his wand pointed at her. Robyn quickly pointed his wand at him and green and red light collided. Robyn’s face contorted in pain from the focus on keeping herself flying on the broom and not breaking her spell. It seemed Voldemort’s wand was already broken as that seemed to finish his wand off, it snapped in half just as Robyn flew through some kind of barrier which blocked Voldemort from entering. Robyn’s control on her broom was lost as she fell fast down to the ground. She pulled at the broom with all her might, “Please.” She whispered as the ground was coming closer “Please. Come on.” but then…it all when black. *** Harry looked down at George who was laying on the couch with one ear completely missing. He had been back for 10 minutes and had watched as the others had slowly arrived, all sustaining injuries. “Mad-Eye’s dead. Mundungus took one look at Voldemort and disaperated.” Announced Bill solemnly, “Klacken’s dead too.” Remus looked up in alarm, “Who was protecting Robyn then?” He asked and Bill shook his head a little, “I don’t know, I lost sight of her at the ambush.” Bill answered and Harry looked around at the group and gulped nervously, “She’s not here.” Harry whispered and looked at Remus who was staring back at him. Molly Weasley stood at the side with her hand over her mouth, “Did you think she made it?” Molly asked worriedly from behind her hand. Mr. Weasley placed his hand on her shoulder, “She’s strong, I’m sure she did.” He assured his wife. Harry bit his lip and look at his two best friends, who were staring back at him nervously. What if she didn’t make it back? He was mentally scolding himself for not pushing that she come with him. A loud crash sounded from outside and everyone’s head shot up. Harry’s heart pounded and he ran outside the house, flanked by Remus, Tonks and Mr. Weasley. Harry looked around the tall grass that surrounded the house, “It must be her.” Harry whispered and made for the door, “It might not be.” Remus muttered back to him stopping him, “Harry, stay here.” “But that could my sister!” Harry exclaimed but Remus shot him a look, “And if it isn’t Harry?” snapped Remus “I’m worried about her just as much as you but you must understand, we can’t lose you as well.” Harry tightened his jaw and watched Lupin enter the tall grass with Mr. Weasley had his side. Hermione and Ron had appeared either side of Harry whilst Ginny and Mrs Weasley stayed and tended to George. Harry listened to Lupin and Mr. Weasley walk through the grass. It seemed forever before Lupin and Mr. Weasley came from the grass with an unconscious familiar figure in Lupin’s arms: Robyn. Harry ran forward and stopped in front of them and looked down at his twin, where he saw the cut on her cheek, he looked up at Lupin panicked, “She’s just knockout.” Lupin assured him and Harry nodded and jogged into the house. Mrs Weasley pulled the blanket from the second couch as Lupin lay her down gently. Mrs Weasley knelt down and pressed her hand to her head, “What happened, Remus?” Molly asked “Her broom seemed to have lost control and she hit the ground. The broom was in pieces around her.” then Robyn shifted slightly. *** Blurred figures around was all Robyn saw when she opened her eyes, she blinked and the figures came into focus as Harry, Mrs Weasley and Lupin, “Are you alright, dear?” Mrs Weasley asked softly then a wand was pointed in her face, “REMUS!” Exclaimed Tonks, “This is no time for – “ Mrs Weasley was cut off, “What was the first thing I ever gave you?” Remus demanded, “What - ?” “Answer!” Lupin snapped, “Chocolate after the dementor attack on the train in third year.” Robyn said hurriedly with her eyes wide, Remus lowered his wand, “I’m sorry, Robyn.” He apologised “But someone’s betrayed us.” She nodded in understanding, “What happened?” Mr. Weasley asked her after a few moments of silence. Robyn explained all that had happened after leaving Privet Drive, not leaving out a single detail. Once she’d finished a few minuets later, Kingsley Shaklebolt said, “You are very strong, Miss Potter.” Robyn smiled a little and then she heard some call to her, “Hay, Hay, Robyn, look,” She peered around the people to see George Weasley on his side with a large hole in the side of his head and a lazy grin on his face “Look, I’m holy.” Robyn raised an eyebrow with a short laugh at his moment, “Really?” She sniggered “That’s the joke you chose?” “That’s what I said.” piped up Fred with a grin, “Are you okay, though?” Robyn questioned concerned and George raised a thump with a grin. Robyn smiled then looked at the solemn faces above her then looked around the room, “Where’s Mad-Eye and Mundungus?” She asked and Mr. Weasley told her what had happened. Robyn bit her lip and nodded but part of her couldn’t help but feel guilty for Mad-Eyes death. *** “Come on, you must have a least thought about it.” Robyn nudged Draco softly as they stood in the astronomy tower during a cold winter evening. He rolled his eyes with a small smile, “Of course I’ve thought about having children.” Draco answered her but his smile began to fade and he muttered, “I don’t really have a choice.” “What do you mean?” She asked him curiously, Draco looked down at his fingers, “I have to continue the line of Malfoy.” Draco answered her quietly “Being the only heir of the Malfoy fortune and manor, it’s up to me to produce an child that will continue the name Malfoy.” She looked at him, “Is that what you want?” “I want a family, I do,” He assured her “but my parents are particular. They have to be pure-blood, well-known name and…be of my parents choosing.” She placed a hand on his arm soothingly and he looked down at her with a sad smile, “They’ve been pushing me to either Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass or Astoria Greengrass.” She raised an eyebrow at the names, “The Greengrass’s?” She repeated “Good luck with them. Very spoiled.” Draco snorted and nodded, “Trust me, I know.” He muttered “I don’t even think my parents had a love match. They’re just so…different. I love my mother, I do. My father…” Draco looked down and Robyn placed a hand on his back comfortingly, “...I can barely stand him. He’s pushed me to do things I hate. He hurt you multiple times.” Robyn placed her head on his shoulder, “But at least he’s not around at the moment, being in Azkaban and all.” Robyn pointed out and Draco leaned his head on hers, “Yeah, but his pressure is still there.” Draco contradicted softly, “If you did have a child what would you call it?” Robyn asked him in an attempt to change the topic, “Boy or girl?” “Boy, for this one.” “Urm…” Draco thought for a moment, “Something unique. Maybe Draco Jr, Volos, Scorpius or Pythagoras?” Robyn thought for a moment “Scorpius sounds…interesting.” she said and Draco raised an eyebrow, “You don’t like it?” “Actually, I do.” Robyn corrected him “I don’t know why. And for a girl?” “Maybe…Madalinda, Elladona, Fiona?” He suggested and Robyn nodded slightly. A smirk appeared on his face "Or....Robyn Jr?" Robyn let out a laugh and pushed him gently, he sniggered then brought her close to him and they looked out at the snowy scenery with a light smile on her face. Robyn woke and looked down at the clock beside her, it was three in the morning. She looked down as a flash images of the horcrux’s flashed in her mind. She couldn’t afford for anyone to lose their life over her and Harrys. She pulled herself from her bed and changed into clothes then grabbed a backpack and packed her notes and second set of clothes. Once done she headed over to the door but glanced back at sleeping Hermione and sighed before opening the door and entering the hall just as the door beside hers opened and out came Harry. He looked at her, “I guess what have the same idea.” He whispered and Robyn bit her lip and nodded. The pair made their way down the steps and through the kitchen, grabbing a few pieces of fruit as they passed, and made their way out the front door. Harry closed the door carefully behind them and walked, in silence, toward the grass that sorrowed the Burrow. Robyn heard the door of the Burrows open but neither her or Harry turned to see who it was. She kept her head slightly bowed and continued to walk, the persons footsteps could be heard behind them as they entered the track. “Going somewhere?” Robyn glanced back and saw Ron following them, she and Harry stopped. “Nobody else is going to die.” Robyn said defiantly, “Not for us.” Harry added and the twins turned and began to walk again, “For you two?” Ron questioned. “You think Mad-Eye died for you two? You think George took that curse for you two?” Robyn bit her lip and turned around to face her friend, “You may be the Chosen One’s, but this is a whole lot bigger than that. It’s always been bigger than that.” “Then come with us.” Harry said, “What, and leave Hermione?” Ron asked him incredulously “You mad? We couldn’t last two days without her.” He glanced back at the house, “Don’t tell her I said that. Besides,” he turned to them “you’ve both still got the Trace on you. We’ve still got the wedding – “ “I don’t care about the wedding.” Harry interrupted “I’m sorry. No matter who’s it is.” “We have to start finding these Horcruxes.” Robyn told him softly “They’re our only chance to beat him, Ron, you know this…and the longer we stay here, the stronger he gets.” “Tonight’s not the night.” Ron said walking toward the twins “We’d only be doing him a favour.” Robyn stared at him running his words through her head before sighing and dropping her bag and glancing over at the far lands of crop. She heard Ron snatch up their bags and she turned and began walking with him and Harry, “Do you think he knows? I mean, they’re bits of his soul, these Horcruxes. But of him. When Dumbledore destroyed the ring. You destroyed Tom Riddle’s diary…he must have felt something. To kill the other Horcruxes we have to find them. Where do we start?” They entered the house and Robyn turned to Ron and said, honestly “We don’t have any idea” *** Draco listened to the screams that echoed from down the basement. He looked down at his soup with a grimace as the sobs, cries and please of the prisoner below reached his ears. Only his mother and father were with him at the dining table, the Death Eater and the Dark Lord were else were. He flinched as a particularly ear pitched scream came from below him. His mother, who sat across from him, looked at him with a worried expression “Draco, darling, are you alright?” She asked him in a soft motherly voice, Draco didn’t looked at her but nodded. His father shot him a look, “Don’t baby him, Nassisa.” His father snapped “Leave him be to act like a wimp.” Draco flinched at his fathers words. Draco stared at his soup unable to stop his stomach twisting in an unpleasant way “Eat your soup, Draco.” Draco picked up his spoon with a trembling hand and dipped it into the soup and raised it to his lips. A scream echoed again and Draco crunched his face up and dropped the spoon into the bowl and pushing his chair back with a loud screech and speeding out the room ignoring the shouts of his father and soft calls of his mother. He swung his door shut behind him and stormed over to his bed and stared at the wall before him with a blank expression. The screams of the people were quieter now but none the less, Draco could still hear them. His necklace twitched and he looked down to see it yellow and orange swirling around with specks of red here and there. Draco frowned. He wasn’t going to see Robyn for a very long time, he knew it, and the only form of communication he had with her was this necklace that only conveyed her emotions. Sometimes, he’d glance at it and thought it was pure black but when he looked back he saw it was only his imagination. This may have been a very small bit of contact with Robyn but it was dangerous. If any of the Death Eater’s or anyone found about the necklaces that he and her…he shuddered at the thought. He knew she was at the Weasley’s and that she was alone when she was attacked by the Death Eater’s. The moment the Dark Lord had returned, a meeting had been held where discussions of what to do had been in place. It was painful to hear that Robyn had nearly died but that she’d overcome Voldemort….again. A knock came and Draco shoved the necklace down his shirt just as the door opened, he turned to see his mother entering. She closed the door behind her and sat beside him, “How is she?” his mother asked him softly and Draco’s head shot up to look at her, “W-What?” He stammered, “How is Miss Potter?” She questioned and Draco stared at her with a slack jaw “You’re my son, I notice things.” Draco smiled weakly, his was always closer to him than his father “I also know what you are hiding beneath your shirt.” She pointed her wand at his chest and a small glow came from the necklace that was hidden beneath his shirt. Draco pulled it out and held the necklace in the palm of his hand. She smiled “I take it Miss Potter has the other?” He nodded then his eyes widened in fear “Your father does not know, Draco. It shall be our little secret.” She pressed her his fore head and stood then left the room. He returned his eyes to the necklace and watched the colours dance with each other.
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