
I Love Him

opposites attract
kickass heroine
Harry Potter

Book 3

Robyn Potter is back with her 3rd and final book. With her, her brother and two best friend's never to return to Hogwarts she unable to see Draco, her ex/boyfriend. Are they still dating? She doesn't know No contact with him has put strain on their relationship. Robyn and her brothers relationship becomes on edge as Harry find out things involving her past. The Dark Lord is at every turn and set with a task to destroy 7 unknown items in order to end the war for good.

How will she cope?

Cover by: Wickedgrapics

Year 7

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Chapter 1
Year 7 1997 //The Durlsey's Leave, Siblings Comfort, Death Eater's Meeting and Draco's Repeating Nightmare// The Daily Prophet stared up at her with blaring and frightful headlines ‘Another Muggle Family Murder’ and ‘Death Eater Number’s Rise’. She read over it before placing it on her bed then looked up at Harry, who was staring out of the window where the Durlsey’s were packing the car. They may not have gotten along but that did mean she wouldn’t miss them – they were her and Harry’s only living relatives. She made her way down stairs and saw Dudley walking toward the packed car then turned and walked into the kitchen, which was completely bare, and placed her hand on to the marble top as she stared in thought at the counter. “You look like her.” Robyn looked up to her see her Aunt Petunia scanning her face, “Especially you’re eyes. Just like hers.” Robyn just stared at her as she spoke, “You remind so much of her.” Aunt Petunia walked over to her and told her in a soft voice, “You didn’t only loose a mother that night…I lost a sister.” Robyn didn’t know how to reply as she watched her Aunt divulge her feelings about her mother. Her Aunt gave her a curt nod then walked out of the kitchen. Robyn lowered her gaze to her wrist where the necklace that her mother had once had lay. She brushed her thumb over the letter ‘L’ then felt water well up in her eyes. Then, she heard her Uncle shouting for everyone to start heading to the car. She wiped her eyes then walked out into the hall where she moved and stood beside her brother. “I don’t understand.” Mumbled Dudley, causing everyone to look at him, “What don’t you understand, Popkin?” asked Aunt a Petunia, “Why aren’t they coming?” He replied pointed his large arm at Robyn and Harry, Their Aunt and Uncle froze as he stuttered, “W-What?” “Why aren’t they coming too?” Dudley repeated, “Well, they – they don’t want to,” said Uncle Vernon turning to glare at the twins and adding, “you don’t want to, do you?” “Not in the slightest.” Aswered Harry whilst Robyn nodded in agreement, “There you are.” Uncle Vernon told Dudley “Now come on, we’re off.” He marched out the room and the front door and opened it but Dudley did not move and their Uncle groaned, “What now?” It seemed, Robyn at least, that Dudley was struggling with concepts too difficult to put into words. After several moments of apparently painful internal struggle, Dudley answered, “But where will they go?” Robyn’s Aunt and Uncle looked at each other before he replied, “They’re going off with their lot.” answered Vernon “Right, Dudley, let’s get in the car, we’re in a hurry.” Again, Uncle Vernon watched to the front door but Dudley did not, “We’re just a waste of space.” Robyn pointed out with a mixture of joking and honesty in her tone as she looked at her cousin. “I don’t think you two are a waste of space.” If Robyn hadn’t seen Dudley’s lops move, she might not have believed it. As it was, she, and Harry, stared at Dudley for several seconds before accepting that it must have been her cousin who had spoken; for one thing, Dudley had turned red. Robyn was embarrassed and astonished herself as she breathed in slight amazement, “Thank you, Dudley.” Robyn said after a few moments with sincerity and shock in her voice, “Yeah…we…er…thanks, Dudley.” Harry followed her. Again, Dudley appeared to grapple with thoughts too unwieldy for expression before mumbling, “You both saved my life.” “Not exactly.” Harry said “It was your soul the Dementor would have taken….” Robyn nudged him gently to stop him. Robyn looked curiously at her cousin. They had had virtually no contact during this summer or last, as Robyn and Harry had come back to Privet Drive so briefly and kept to their room so much. Then, it occurred to her that the two cups of cold tea that she and Harry had trodden on this morning might not have been a booby trap but rather a piecedul and kind guesture. Robyn almost felt bad that they hadn’t spoken much in recent years, but then again her childhood in the Dursley’s wasn’t the best. Aunt Petunia burst into tears and embraced her son, “S-So sweet, Dudders.” She sobbed into his massive shoulder, “S-such a lovely b-boy…s-saying thank you.” “It’s Dudley’s equivalent to ‘I love you’.” Robyn muttered to Harry as she was currently torn between annoyance and a desire to laugh as Aunt Petunia continued to clutch at Dudley as if he had just saved Harry and Robyn from a burning building. “Are we going or not?” Roared Uncle Vernon reappearing at the front door, “We’re on a tight schedule.” Dudley raised himself from his mothers clutched and walked towards the twins, who had to repressed an urge to threaten him with magic – being near Dudley would normally end them up with a bruise. However, Dudley held out his large hand to them, “Blimey, Dudley,” Harry said over Aunt Petunia’s renewed sobs, “did the Dementors blow a different personality into you?” Robyn shot him a look then looked at their cousin again, “Dunno,” muttered Dudley “See you, Harry, Robyn.” “Yeah, maybe.” Robyn smiled softly and shook his hand, Harry doing the same after. “Take care, Big D.” Harry added and Dudley nearly smiled, then lumbered out the room. Robyn watched him walk toward the car and entering. Aunt Petunia looked at the twins as if she wanted to speak then shook her head and walked out to the car. Robyn and Harry walked out onto the drive way and watched Uncle Vernon look at the house one last time then get into the car and driving off. Leaving them completely alone. Robyn walked upstairs to her room and sat on the bed and stared at the necklace in her hand as it swirled in a mixture of pale blue (crying), red (fearful), orange (lonely) and specks of yellow (guilt). She touched it gently and the colours followed her finger and her eyes filled her eyes and she felt one hanging onto the edge of her eyelash as she thought of where Draco was. She couldn't contact him in anyway shape or form it would be dangerous for both of them. Not only that but even if she could, what was she meant to say to him? Robyn leaned her head back and stared up at the ceiling to prevent a tear falling from her wet eyes. She whimpered a little as she thought of Draco’s face when hed seen her in the astronomy tower before summer. The look of horror and heartbreak had been burnt into her memory. Harry then entered the room and looked at his sister pitifully then sat beside her and wrapped his arm comfortingly around her shoulder and pulled her to his chest where she began to cry. Robyn had been a bit of an emotional mess over the past few weeks and Harry had found that the only way to calm her was to hold her close. He knew why, after she had explained everything about Draco and her relationship - including what had happened in the Room of Requirement. He was angry at first but doubted his sister would benefit from his anger, so he had pulled him to his chest and rocked her until she fell as asleep. Harry stroked her hair softly and her sobs began to quieten and soon she was completely relaxed. Harry looked down and smiled slightly to see that she was fast asleep. *** Draco Malfoy sat in complete and utter silence in the dining hall of Malfoy Manor. Every single chair was occupied by Death Eaters and at the top of the table was the Dark Lord himself. Draco’s throat worked tightly as he stared at the floating women at the end of the table, he recognised her as the Muggle Studies teacher: Miss Burbage. “Severus,” Draco looked down at the Dark Lords calm, yet eerie, voice, “I was beginning to think you had lost your way. Come, we’ve saved you a seat.” Draco looked up at Snape as he took the seat closest to the Dark Lord “You bright news, I trust?” “It will happen Saturday next, at night fall.” answered Snape and Draco looked down as a picture of Robyn flashed in his mind, “I’ve heard differently, my Lord.” Draco heard Yaxley’s gruff voice say, “Dawlish, the Auror, has let slip that the Potter twins will not be moved until the thirtieth of this mouth. The day before they turn seventeen.” “This is a false trail.” Denied Snape strongly and Draco looked at him, “The Auror Office no longer plays any part in the protection of Harry and Robyn Potter.” Draco felt his throat tighten “Those closest to him believe we have infiltrated to Ministry.” “Well, they got that right, haven’t they?” Sniggered the man beside Draco earning a round of chuckles, he forced one of his own so to blend in. “What say you, Pius?” Questioned the Ministry man at the opposite end of the table, “One hears many things, my Lordan.” Answered the man, “Where the truth is among them is not clear.” “Ha.” Smirked the Dark Lord, “Spoken like a true politician. You will, I think, prove most useful, Pius.” Pius did not reply and the Dark Lord turned serious again, Where will they be taken, the twins?” “To a safe house.” Answered Snape and Draco looked up at him, “Most likely the home of someone in the Order. I’m told it’s been given every manner of protection possible. Once there, it will be impractical to attack them.” “Ahem.” Coughed Draco’s aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange, and Draco looked at her from around his father and mother “I’d like to volunteer myself for this task. I want to kill the two. Especially, the girl. I want to see the fear and pain her eyes as I torcher her to unbearable pain when she’s just begging for me to give her relief…then…kill her.” Draco clenched his fists under the table at her manic words. You won’t touch her, Draco hissed in his head. But, then again, what could he do? He was on the side that wanted to kill her and her brother. He doubted that she would take his standing up for her lightly and let him back into her life. Every night he saw the fear in her eyes a few months ago when he had his wand pointed at the, now deceased, Dumbledore. After everything that he’d done, he doubted she could even think about him. A loud scream brought Draco back from his thoughts and he looked over at where the sound came from, “Wormtail!” Snapped the Dark Lord “Have I not spoken to you before about keeping our guest quiet?” “Yes, my Lord.” Answered the rat of a man hovering near a pillar, “Right away, my Lord.” Wormtail ran down the table and out of the room, “As inspiring as I find your bloodlust, Bellatrix,” The Dark Lord commented, “I must be the one to kill Harry and Robyn Potter.” Draco dug his nails further into his palm. "But I face an unfortunate complication.” He stood and Draco released his hands and straightened up, so as not to seem suspicious, “That my wand, Robyn Potter and Harry Potter’s share the same core. They are, in some ways, triplets. We can wound, but not fatally harm one another. If I am to kill them…I must do it with another’s wand.” Draco saw the Dark Lord walking down their side of the table and trembled slightly as his pale hands grasped the sides of his chair, “Come, surely one of you would like the honour?” He continued down the chairs, “Mm? What about you, Lucius?” Draco glanced up to see the Dark Lord standing behind his father’s chair his sickly white hand and long nails brushing against the chair, “My Lord?” Squeaked his father and looked up at the Dark Lord, “My Lord?” Mocked the Dark Lord before holding his hand down in front of his father “I require your wand.” Draco watched his father freeze for a moment and continue to stare at the ghostly hand before reaching into his pocket and width drawing his wand and unsheathing it. With trembling hands handed it to the Dark Lord “Do I detect elm?” “Yes, my Lord.” answered his father quietly and Draco kept his eyes trained on the table before him then heard a snapping sound. Draco knew that he had snapped the expensive hilt from his fathers wand, “And the core?” Questioned the Dark Lord “Dragon – “ his father cleared his throat and said, more clearly, “Dragon heartstring, my Lord.” “Dragon heartstring?” Repeated the Dark Lord and his father hummed in agreement. The hilt of his father’s wand landed in front of Draco and he flinched. Draco then looked up at a weak moan and saw the Muggle Studies teacher floating toward them on her back, her face battered and bruised “To those of you who do not know we are joined tonight by Miss Charily Burbage who, until recently, taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizadry. Her specialty was Muggle Studies.” Sniggering rang around the room whilst Draco just gulped “It is Miss Burbage’s belief that Muggles are not so different from us. She would, given her way, have us make with them.” Bellatrix made a sound of disgust and cackled along with the other Death Eaters, “To her, the mixture of magical and Muggle blood is not an abomination…but something to be encouraged.” “S-Severus.” Stammered Miss Burbage and Draco tightened his throat “Severus, please. We’re friends.” Draco’s face turned into a grimace and watched the Dark Lord raise his wand. “Avada Kedavra.” A flash of green light and Draco was staring at the corps of his ex-Muggle Studies teacher with wet eyes and is bottom lip trembling with a single tear slipping down her cheek “Nagini.” Draco watched the snake slitter up the Dark Lord’s chair and down the table hissing at a few people “Dinner.” The snake hissed loudly then lunged forward with his mouth wide open showing its large fangs and biting into the dead women. He was standing on the astronomy tower exactly like he was a month ago, but with all the Death Eaters behind him, “Go on, Draco.” Demanded his aunt, “Now!” Draco trembled as he pointed his wand at Dumbledore who was staring at him, “Draco, you must do it.” His father hissed into his ear, “Make our family proud.” Draco felt a tear slip and his arm shook more violently, “Please, Draco, end it all.” Urged his mother, “Draco…” A voice hissed behind him and he knew it to be the Dark Lords, “Say the words and kill them…or I shall kill you.” Sniggering came around him where Death Eaters were smirking and standing excitedlty. Draco looked a deep breath and whispered, “Avada Kedavra.” A green light shot at Dumbledore and immediately he looked down hoping to see Robyn’s piercing blue eyes, but he didn’t. Only her brother, Harry, was standing there watching him with a shock and furious expression. Draco looked back up at Dumbledore…except…it wasn’t Dumbledore…it was Robyn. She swayed slightly and stared at him with shock and betrayal in her eyes, “I trusted you.” She breathed then began to fall backward off the tower. Draco’s eyes widened, “NO!” He screamed and ran over to the ledge and fell to his knees and watched, helplessly, as she fell to the ground. It was almost in slow motion. Her back hair was flowing around her, her arms moving gradually. Her blue eyes kept locked with his grey ones as he watched her fall to the ground then…she lay completely motionless on her back in the middle of the court yard. Behind him, Draco could hear cheers and shouts of glee from the Death Eaters, “My servants, Robyn Potter is dead.” He heard the Dark Lord sneer and Draco could almost hear the malicious grin of his pale face “By the hand of her lover and weakness…Draco Malfoy!” His mouth opened in a scream of emotional pain and stared down at her body. Suddenly, Draco saw the ground coming closer and closer but the Death Eater’s cheers where still right behind him. Then he stopped and he was hovering above Robyn whose eyes were lifeless and staring at him. Then, her lips parted ever so slightly and she whispered so quietly, Draco almost missed it, “Your fault.” Draco began to sob tears falling down his cheeks and the Death Eater’s chants and screams of joy became louder and louder. Draco shook his head, “I didn’t mean to.” He cried and tried to touch her but it was like he was paralyzed, “Your fault.” She repeated, “No!” He sobbed “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Come back, please.” The Death Eaters had formed a circle around them. Robyn stared at him then her mouth closed along with her eyes, “I’m sorry! No! Please! Robyn! I’m sorry! Please! –“ Draco bolted upright tears streaming down his face mixing with his sweat his entire body shaking. His eyes were wide with fear as he stared at the closed curtains before him. “I’m sorry.” He bawled then placed his hands over his face and began to rock, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” His sobs echoed around his room throughout the entire entire night.

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