Chapter 2

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Year 7 1997 //Four Harry's, Four Robyn's and Surprise Attack// Robyn sat beside Harry staring at the shard of mirror that they had retrieved from Sirius’s house the previous year. She watched in mild confusion as instead of seeing their expressions they, once again, saw the face of an old man. This had been happening repeatedly since summer had started all those months ago. Oswald and Hedwig squeaked from their cages and Robyn looked up at them then down at the note book with their notes on Horcrux’s, the ones they had collected all ready and R.A.B. She closed it and placed the strap around it before shoving it into her bag followed by the Daily Prophet with the title ‘DUMBLEDORE REMEMBERED’ and Harry placed the locket in his bag. Robyn slung the bag over her back then walked over to her black and ginger owl, Oswald. “Time to go.” She whispered to him and he squeaked in response. Robyn picked up the top of the cage and followed Harry out the room only to stop and run her eyes over it. With a small frown, Robyn closed the door then walked down stairs behind her brother. Robyn placed her owl beside Harry and they walked over to the small cupboard under the stairs, where it had all started. They were much too tall to live in their now but seeing it brought back all the memories of their childhood before Hogwarts, when it was just them. On the small ledge where the tiny figurines of soldiers which Harry used to play with and next to it was a book that had belonged to Roby. Robyn gently picked it up and immediately dust flew from it, she blew of it and the title ‘Alice in Wonderland’ appeared and she smiled and ran her hand over the cover. She forced herself to place it back on the shelf then walked out of the cupboard just as the door clicked. Carefully, Robyn pulled out her wand and held it tightly in her hand then they walked over to the door and were met with a large waist. It was Hagrid, a smile graced the twins face “Hello Harry, Robyn.” Hagrid greeted cheerfully and just then Ron came barging past and pulling Harry into a hug. Hermione next appeared and the girls embraced each other with small squeals of happiness they pulled away and Robyn was immediately engulfed by large arms. “You’re so small.” Robyn rolled her eyes at Ron’s joking comment and hugged back. She shook her head as she pulled away with a grin on her face, “You’re just abnormally tall.” “You’re both looking fit.” Complemented Hagrid, “Yeah, they’re absolutely gorgeous.” Growled Mad-Eye as he stomped through the door and Robyn was forced into a wall as he went past, “What’s say we get undercover before someone murders them?” “Evening.” Robyn greeted politely as Mad-Eye walked into the room, only receiving a grunt in return. She watched Mr. Weasley and Kingsley Shaklebolt before entering the living room followed by the others. Robyn walked over and stood by Harry as he spoke Kingsley, “I thought you were looking after the Prime Minister.” Harry said confused, “You and your sister are more important.” Kingsley replied, “Hello, Harry. Hello Robyn.” The twins turned to see a tall ginger with, what looked like, claw marks across the side his face “Bill Weasley.” He held his hand out and Harry shook it, then held it out to Robyn who shook it too, “Pleasure to meet you.” Harry said, “He was never always this Handsome” Sniggered Fred as he entered flanked by George, “Dead ugly.” added George, “True enough.” Agreed Bill with a laugh, Robyn noticed Fleur beside him. She looked exactly the same when she’d last seen her back in forth year when Fleur had participated in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. The blonde pulled Robyn into a hug, “Robyn, it has been so long.” Fleur said happily and Robyn smiled then pulled away as Bill spoke, “I owe it all to the werewolf, name of Greyback. Hope to repay the favour one day.” Bill said and Fleur held his head and kissed his cheek, “You’re still beautiful to me, William.” Fleur smiled and Robyn beamed at the couple just as Remus Lupin’s voice sounded, “Just remember, Fleur, Bill takes his steaks on the raw side now.” Robyn at the door to see Remus Lupin entering with Tonks beside him, “My husband, the joker.” Tonks laughed softly and it was then that Robyn noticed the wedding band on her finger and a smile formed on her face, “By the way, wait till you hear the news. Remus and I – “ “All right.” Interrupted Mad-Eye gruffly “We’ll have time for a cozy catch-up later. We’ve got to get the hell out of here, and soon.” Robyn and Harry found themselves in the centre of the room as he talked, “Potters, you’re both underage, which means you’ve still got the trace on you.” “What’s the Trace?” Harry asked, “If you sneeze, the Ministry will know who wipes your nose.” Answered Mad-Eye and Robyn raised an eyebrow, “The point is, we have to use those means of transport the trace can’t detect: Brooms, Thestrals and the like. We go in pairs. That way, if anyone’s out there waited for us, and I reckon there will be…they wont know which Harry and Robyn Potter are the real ones.” “The reals ones?” Robyn repeated confused as Mad-Eye reached into his pocket and pulled out two identical small flasks with a greyish liquid in each one: Polyjuice potion. “I believe you’re familiar with this particular brew.” Mad-Eye assumed and Robyn’s eyes widened, “No.” Robyn and Harry said in unison “Absolutely not.” “I told you they’d take it well.” Robyn glanced back at Hermione who was standing between them, “If you think we’re gonna let everyone risk their lives for us, I – “ Harry was cut off by Ron, “Never done that before, have we?” Ron joked and Robyn shook her head, “But this is different.” She tried to reason, “I mean, taking that, becoming me and Harry. No. Just no.” “Well, none of us really fancy it.” Fred commented, “Imagine if something went wrong and we ended up as scrawny, speckly git or a girl forever.” George said teasingly, “Everyone here is of age.” Mad-Eye told them simply, “They’ve all agree to take the risk.” “Technically, I’ve been coerced.” Robyn turned to see a tiny man at the back of the room, “Mundungus Fletch, Mr and Miss Potter. Always been a huge admirer.” “Nip it, Mundungus.” Snapped Mad-Eye and Mundungus shrunk back, “Alright, Granger, as discussed.” Robyn felt a strand of her hair get ripped out of her head and he reached back and placed her hand over it so as to cool the pain, “Hermione.” Robyn said sharply, “Blimey, Hermione!” Harry exclaimed, “Straight into each one, if you please.” Mad-Eye told Hermione as she placed Harry’s hair in one and Robyn’s hair in the other. The mixture began to bubble and the twins moved to stand beside Mad-Eye whilst everyone arranged themselves “For those of you who haven’t taken Polyjuice Potion before, fair warning: It tastes like Goblin Piss.” Robyn watched with a grimace as the flask containing her DNA was handed to Hermione whilst the one with Harry’s DNA was passed to Fred, “Have lots of experiences with that, do you, Mad-Eye?” Fred questioned only to have an unamused stare in return, “Just trying to diffuse the tension.” Robyn watched Hermione gulp then place the flask to her lip and drink it and her face turn to a grimace. Fred swallowed and scrunched his face up in disgust before passing it to his twin. Hermione then passed it to Fleur to swallowed it who shivered in disgust then passing it to Mundungus who looked at it distastefully, “Do I have to be the girl?” Robyn wasn’t too fond of the rat of a man turning into her either and was about to say something before Mad-Eye forced Mundungus’s mouth open and poured the remaining liquid into his mouth. Robyn watched with a grimace as Fred, George and Ron shot down. Hermione shortened, Fleur lowered by a few inches and Mundungus shot up. It was grotesque to see the six people turn into identical beings of herself and Harry. They faces contorted in the strangest of ways. Hair extended and shortened, eyes got larger and faces squished. Before, after a few moment’s three Robyn’s stood before her and three Harry’s. It was weird to say the least. “Wow, we’re identical.” Harry/George and Harry/Fred said in unison, “Not yet you’re not.” Contradicted Mad-Eye and he dropped a sack of clothes in the centre “These are Harry’s clothes. Robyn’s, you will be changing in the hall.” The real Robyn grimaced at Mundungus who looked like he was about to pulled his shirt out to peer onto it. Mad-Eye waved his wand and a blindfold wrapped around his eyes, “Oi!” Robyn/Mundyngus exclaimed, “Why can’t I see?” “Because I’m sure Miss Potter wouldn’t want you nosing around.” growled Mad-Eye and Robyn let out a sigh of relief and she helped the others into the hall and helped them change into the set clothes. Robyn looked up once they’d all changed and Hermione said, “This is weird.” Hermione/Robyn said and Robyn nodded in agreement. Robyn glanced at them again before entering the living room where four Harry’s stood, still changing, “Right then.” Mad-Eye said “We’ll be pairing off. Each Harry and Robyn will have a protector. You shall all be separated.” Robyn glanced at the Harrys “One Robyn to a protector and one Harry to a protector” Robyn frowned slightly before nodding “Mundugus, sick tight to me. I wanna keep an eye on you. As for Harry and Robyn,” “Yes?” the four Robyn and four Harry said, “The real Harry and Robyn.” Snapped Mad-Eye “Where the devil are you, anyways?” Robyn stepped forward and Harry raised his arm, “Harry, you’ll ride with Hagrid.” Robyn turned to see Hagrid start talking to Harry, “As for you, Robyn,” she returned to look at Mad-Eye. “You’ll be with Klacken.” A man stepped forward with dark brown hair with wisps of grey pocking out, “Nice to meet you, Miss Potter. Dwaine Klacken.” He greeted with a rather deep voice and he held his hand out to her, “You too.” Robyn smiled and shook his hand, “We’ll be taking the broom sticks.” Robyn’s eyes widened slightly at Klacken’s words, “You’re less associated with broom sticks then your brother. You will be less of a target. I take it you know how to ride one?” Robyn nodded a little and Klacken grinned. Her brother then spoke, “Why can’t Robyn come with me?” She turned to see Harry looking at her from beside Hagrid, “Isn’t safer for her to come with Hagrid and I?” “It’ll be too obvious.” Mad-Eye answered impatiently and Harry looked at her, Robyn shrugged, “Let’s go.” Robyn walked over to Oswalds cage and opened it carefully, the black and ginger owl hoped onto her bend arm and he hooted contently. She smiled then walked outside stroking the creatures feathers, she raised her arm up slightly and whispered to him, “The Weasley’s, I’ll meet you there.” Oswald cooed then nipped at her ear before spreading his wings and bursting into flight. Robyn watched him fly off as a voice spoke from beside her, “Be careful, okay?” She turned to see Harry standing beside her “Promise me?” Robyn smiled and nodded then hugged him tightly before walking over to Klacken who was standing beside two broom sticks, “Head for the burrows.” Ordered Mad-Eye and Robyn got in positon to get on the broom, “We’ll rendezvous there. On the count of three” Robyn glanced back at Harry who was already looking at her, he nodded and Robyn nodded back before looking up at the sky again. “One…” Robyn wung her leg over the broom and held onto it “Two…” the starting of an engine sounded “Three!” Mad-Eye stamped his staff. Robyn kicked off from the ground and shot into the air with Klacken parallel to her. Her hair was blown behind her as she flew higher and higher into the dark sky. “Stay close to me!” she heard Klacken shout and she nodded and lowered herself to the broom so as to be more streamlined. As they flew higher the street lights began to disappear and was replaced by dark cloud. Robyn saw flashes up ahead then burst through a large mass of cloud and her eyes widened. The Death Eater’s had been waiting for them. Robyn swerved out the way of a Death Eater that headed toward her. She pulled out her wand with her right hand, keeping her left gripping the broom tightly, and pointed her wand at a Death Eater coming toward her and shot a red flash of light at the Death Eater, who blocked it easily, Robyn quickly shouted, “Duro!” and it hit the Death Eater square in the face. He began to turn into stone then fell from his broom. Robyn watched him fall before she saw a flash of green light head for her, she hurriedly dove upward to avoid it then shot a spell at the Death Eater causing him to swerve. Her blue eyes ran around the battle only to see that most of them had left, leaving mostly Death Eaters, she then saw Klacken who was looking at her as he shot spells, “Go! Get out of here!” He shouted over the spells and Robyn nodded but then a spell hit Klacken and he was sent tumbling off his broom. Her jaw dropped in complete horror as she her only protector was lost…it was up to her, and her alone, to get to the Burrow. Robyn gripped her broom tighter and leaned forward before flying forward dodging the Death Eaters around her. Her wand was still clutched in her hand as she flew over roads “Potter! Get her!” Robyn glanced back to see a group of around five Death Eater’s chasing after her. Her heart pounded harder in her chest and she moved the broom faster whilst also avoiding spells from the Death Eater’s behind her. Robyn panted heavily as she saw a bridge ahead of her and continued to fly forward hoping the Death Eater’s would follow her. The bridge was coming closer and closer until it was only a matter of seconds before she hit it. Then, she shot upwards avoiding the bridge and she glanced down to see a few Death Eater’s had smashed into the bridge whilst around three Death Eater’s had followed her. Robyn flew forward again as quickly as she could, every-so-often shooting spells behind her. Then one was flying level with her and pointed his wand at her, “Avada K – “ A loud squawk as something dark hit the Death Eater in the face and clawed at his face and the Death Eater screamed in attempted to pull the creature off. It was Owsald. Robyn’s face broke out into a breathless smile of gratitude as the bird pulled back from the man, whose face was covered in claw marks and bleeding heavily, he let go of the broom and fell off. Oswald flew beside her and Robyn looked at him with a grateful smile, “Thank you” she whispered and the owl cooed response. Robyn continued to fly as fast as she could, Oswald beside her, in the direction of the Burrow. She knew she still had at least fifteen minuets before the building would be in site. Fifteen minutes of vulnerability. A few minuet’s later and a jet of green light narrowly missed her sending her off course slightly, she turned to see a group of around four Death Eater’s on her tail now. Robyn lowered herself to the broom for more agility then one came up beside her and shouted, “Avada Kedavra.” The man shouted and pointed his wand at her. Robyn squeezed her eyes shut waiting for death but nothing happened. Instead, a loud bird cry sound and Robyn snapped her eyes open only to see Oswald fall to the ground, his body limp and lifeless. Her eyes widened and her blood went cold, “No” Robyn whispered “No! Oswald!” she cried and watched her owl fall out of sight before turning her gaze on the Death Eater and glaring at him “Stupefy!” she cried and pointed her wand at him sending the Death Eater tumbling down, “It’s her!” shouted a Death Eater behind her “The real one! The real one! Call him!” Robyn’s eyes widened when she realised that she’d made a big mistake.
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