Chapter 17

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Year 7 1998 //Malfoy Seniors Fury and Voldemort Knows// Draco stood in the centre of his father’s study with his mother in the corner. His father paced in front of him with Draco’s necklace tightly in his hands. Draco kept a straight face as he watched his father paced then stopped in front of him. “You knew that that girl was Robyn Potter, didn’t you?” Lucius questioned with a loud dangerous voice. “Yes.” Draco answered honestly, “And you didn’t say anything!?” Lucius shouted walking closer to his son, “You could have restored pride and honour to our family.” He hissed “And you gave it up, for what? Some stupid b***h?!” “Don’t talk about her like that.” Draco snarled clenching his fists tightly glaring at his father through his sharp grey eyes. “Was she worth it, Draco?” Lucius asked tauntingly “What did you expect? That you would escape together? Live happily ever after? Have little children? What did you expect?!” Draco glared but didn’t respond. Lucius turned and walked away slightly before looking over to the table where the necklace lay swirling with purple, green with spots of red floating in the pendent. Draco watched as Lucius walked over to it and ran his finger over the top of the pendent, his jaw clenched as he saw Lucius glance at him and then turned it over in his hand. “You know, you may have just given us the location of your little girlfriend and her brother.” Lucius murmured rubbing his thumb over her the jewel “With Miss Potter having the twin of this we could track her down and hand her over to the Dark Lord along with her brother and companions.” Lucius looked at his son with a small smirk, “It would be so easy and the Dark Lord would be so grateful, we’d be rewarded Draco. It would be all thanks to you.” Draco dug his nails into the palm of his hand as he listened to his father’s words. Lucius placed the necklace down and turned so he was facing Draco with a malicious glee in his dark eyes. “You’d get to watch the Dark Lord torture her. Watch her writhe and cry in pain as she watched her brother and friends die right before her eyes. See her become a fragment of herself as she’d driven mad by the pain and grief.” Lucius taunted “Image her begging for it to end, for death. Perhaps, the Dark Lord might even let you torture her. I mean, it would be you, after all, who helped track down Miss Potter.” Draco felt himself shaking slightly and his eyes wet slightly, “Then, when she’s felt all the pain in the world then the Dark Lord would kill her. End her pitiful life. And it would be all thanks to you.” “Shut up.” Whispered Draco in a dangerous voice and Lucius smirked knowing that the words we’re beginning to affect him. “What? Can’t you handle the thought, Draco? Are you two weak?” Lucius jeered “It’s inevitable that she’ll die. It’s only a matter of time before the Dark Lord finds her. Why not help?” Lucius walked over to the necklace and picked it up then turned to face Draco, “Give the Dark Lord this. Let him find Miss Potter and be rewarded, Draco.” Lucius leaned forward so he was speaking into his Draco’s ear “Our family would be respected again and it would be all thanks to you.” He grabbed Draco’s hand and placed the necklace into his hand and took a step back and looked at his son “Is she worth it Draco? All that our family have worked for to be ruined because you have a crush on a silly little girl? Let everything go back to normal. That’s what you want, isn’t it?” Draco looked down at the necklace in his hand then back up at his father who was looking at him with almost mad eyes “Is it?!” Draco’s mind whirled with thoughts of what his father had said. He loved her. It was undeniable. They’d been together two years and his best and most treasured memories were from his time with her: talking on the astonomy towers late at night when everyone was asleep; kissing her in a broom cupboard; the night in the room of requirement; and more. Draco knew he wouldn’t be able to watch her die, it would be too painful. However, he was going against his family, his own flesh and blood along with everything he’d been taught since he was born and for what? A girl who deserved more than he could offer her. Who was too say that she wouldn’t find someone better than him to live out the rest of her life with? Like his father said, they’d be rewarded for handed the location of the Potter twins and be respected again. All he had to do was let go of the girl he loved...but he loved her. A shaky breath left his lips and he opened his mouth to speak but instead someone spoke before he could. “Do you love her?” A soft comforting voice asked him softly and he looked up at his mother who was staring at him with a blank expression but he could see curiosity in her eyes. “Who cares if he loves her, Narcissa?” Snarled his father and his mother looked at her husband through sharp eyes. “Because he is our son.” She said dangerously and his father clenched his jaw. Draco watched his mother turn her eyes onto him again with soft eyes. “Do you love her, Draco?” She asked again and Draco dipped his head in a nod. “I do.” He confirmed in a quiet voice and his father huffed and ran a hand through his long greasy hair. His mother’s lip twitched in an almost smile before she turned to his father to was still staring at Draco through hard eyes. “Love doesn’t get you anywhere, Draco.” His father said in a deep gravelly voice. Draco frowned at his words “You love mother, father.” He pointed out with a slightly defensive tone. His father growled her his breath and said “That is different. We match.” He countered “You and Miss Potter do not.” “So?” snarled Draco taking a step forward “I know that. That’s just why we work.” “She’ll break your heart, Draco.” His father muttered “Whether by choice or by fate. She will break your heart.” Lucius shot one final look at his son before leaving the room slamming the door behind him. Draco looked down with watering eyes at the jewel in his palm. A hand clasped over his and curled his hand on the pendent. He knew they were his mothers, her touch always seemed to calm him. His mother placed a hand on the back of his head and pressed a motherly kissed on his temple. A tear slipped down his cheek as he leaned into his mother’s touch. “No one will know.” She whispered “He’ll keep it a secret. You’re father loves you, Draco.” He felt her move his fist that clutched the necklace to his chest “He may not show it, but he loves you more than anything. He wont turn you in, my son. He wont do anything.” *** Blisters had begun to form on Robyn’s hand as she held onto the spike of the dragon. They had been flying all day on the dragon and were now far out of London and into the rolling hills of England. “We’re dropping!” Harry shouted over her howling winds as the dragon lowered as they flew over a large river. “I say we jump!” Ron yelled his voice breaking slightly, “When?” Hermione asked, “Now!” Robyn replied loudly and let her drip leave the spike and her body slide of the large white beast. She hit the water with a loud splash and sunk down just as images flashed before her eyes. Bright green flashes illuminating Voldemort’s anger as he killed the guards from Gringott’s. Dumbledore touching a ring which glowed orange and a small hiss from the man as if it burnt him. Voldemort flashing his wand and killing more Gringott’s guards. Robyn broke the surface of the water taking in deep gulps of air before she was sucked into more flashes. Dumbledore gazing at Tom Riddles diary. Robyn rubbing her thumb of the fake locket in the basin of the cave. Voldemort yelling in rage as he killed more guards. Ron striking the real locket with the sword of Gryffindor. Voldemorts muffled screams. Young Tom Riddle with light bursting from his chest as twelve year old Robyn stabbed the diary with a basilisk fang. Robyn splashed to keep herself above the water as her mind seemed to weight down with the vision before she was pushed under the water again. Hogwarts castle came into view. A lady with black hair and pale skin with the banner of Ravenclaw house, Rowena Ravenclaw. Green light. Harry hooking the cup on the tip of the sword of Gryffindor. Goblins falling from the hand on Voldemort, Robyn recognised the place as Malfoy Manor. Voldemort’s screams of anger. Then, realisation over the pale face of her enemy. She gasped loudly as she took great gulps of air as she re-surfaced. She panted loudly as she realised what her visons meant. Robyn looked around and saw her friends motioning over to the patch of land a little away. Robyn swam as fast as she could her mind whizzing with thoughts and questions as she did so. Robyn pulled herself onto the rocky land with her overly large clothes clinging to her frame and her hair plastered to her face. “He knows.” Harry panted and Robyn nodded as she walked beside him, still pants “You-Know-Who.” “He knows we broke into Gringott’s.” Robyn clarified talking a deep gulp of air “He knows what we took and he knows we’re hunting Horcruxes.” “How is you both know?” Hermione asked them hurriedly as they made their way to the grass land away from the rocks. “We say him.” The twins said in unison. “You let him in?” Hermione asked incredulously “Harry, Robyn, you can’t do that!” “Hermione, we can’t always help it!” Harry exclaimed then glanced at Robyn “Well, maybe we can. I don’t know.” “Never mind. What happened?” Ron piped up heavily, “Well, he’s angry.” Robyn answered as she walked between Harry and Hermione “And scared, too.” The four stopped and Hermione reached into her pocket and pulled out the small beaded bag. “He knows if we find and destroy all of the Horcruxes we’ll be able to kill him.” Harry explained as Hermione pulled out the bottle Essence of Dittany a Harry held his hand out and she stopped someone his hands. Robyn opened her palms which were blistered and bleeding and moaned quietly as the liquid healed them. “I reckon he’ll stop at nothing to make sure we don’t find the rest.” Robyn rubbed the Dittany into her hands and watched as Hermione placed some on Ron’s hand then on her own. “There’s more.” Robyn said once her blisters were healed “One of them’s at Hogwarts.” Hermione looked at her friend in shock. “What? You saw it?” “We saw the castle and Rowena Ravenclaw.” Harry added as Robyn unbuttoned her coat and dropped it on the ground so she was in her green dress “It must have something to do with her. We have to go there now!” “We can’t do that.” Hermione denied as Harry and Ron pulled of their shirts “We’ve got to plan. We’ve got to figure it out.” “Hermione,” Harry began as he pulled on his shirt and Hermione handed Robyn a set of clothes “when have any of our plans ever actually worked? We plan, we get there, all hell breaks loose.” Robyn nodded in agreement and grabbed a blanket from the bag and wrapped it around herself “Right. One problem: Snape's Headmaster now.” Ron reminded them “We cant just walk through the front door.” “We’ll go to Hogsmeade, to honeydukes.” Robyn suggested “Take the secret passage in the cellar.” “There’s something wrong with him.” Harry panted as Robyn rubbed her shoulders to warm and dry herself off “It’s like, you know, in the past, Robyn and I have always been able to follow his thoughts and now everything just feels disconnected.” “Maybe it’s the Horcruxes.” Ron proposed “Maybe he’s growing weaker. Maybe he’d dying.” But Robyn and Harry shook their heads. “No. No, it’s more like he’s wounded.” Robyn countered “If anything, he feels more dangerous.”
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