Chapter 18

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Year 7 1998 //Aberforth Dumbledore, Neville and Reunited with Friends// Draco kept his head low as he stood in the dining room of his manor with his mother and father either side of him both with fearful expressions. The floor was covered in the bodies of the Gringott’s guards and goblins after Robyn and her brother had broken into Bellatrix’s vault. Draco had a feeling of what she had taken. A horcrux. He raised his head slightly as Voldemort glided between the corpses with his snake, Nagini, speaking in Paseltongue. He recognised it from when, in second year in the duelling club, Robyn had spoken to the snake that had been conjured from his wand. Of course, Draco had no idea what he was saying but he knew it wasn’t anything good. Draco followed the Dark Lord with his piercing grey eyes as he stopped a few meters away and looked at him. Draco unconsciously held his breath praying that his father hadn’t spoken about the necklace or about his relationship with Robyn. Voldemort looked down at Nagini before they disaperated leaving the Malfoy family surrounded by blood and flesh. *** Robyn stumbled slightly, only staying on her feet from the grips of Harry and Hermione, as the four of them apperated into Hogsmead. Robyn barely had time to survey her surrounding before a loud screeching sound echoed loudly followed by shouting and Robyn could barely make out one shouting, “POTTERS!” The four of them immediately ran for cover inside a seating area. “They’re here!” A Death Eater shouted. “Spread out! Search everywhere!” Robyn slammed her back against an over turned table “Look down by the stables! You two, come with me!” “Any signs?” Robyn waited with baited breath as she listened to the footsteps of a pair of Death Eaters that walked over the wooden floor. She gripped her wand tightly in her hand as she heard the Death Eater’s lift up the cloths that hung over the tables. The loud screeching sound echoed loudly again, “POTTERS!” Roared a Death Eater and they listened to the footsteps getting quieter. The four stayed still for a few minuet’s before they jumped up and scampered around a back alley, which was now covered in a low mist. The two girls ran slightly ahead of the boys and pulled at the gate at the end of alley but it proved fruitless as the gate was locked. A helpless expression came across Robyn’s face as she heard the shouting and footsteps of the Death Eaters get louder. “In here, Potters.” A voice hissed and they all turned to see a door on their left open and a man hiding in the shadows. Robyn glanced at Hermione before following her brother inside and looking up at the man. She nearly froze as she could have sworn she saw the face of…no…it couldn’t be him. Robyn continued down the steps with Hermione and Ron following. Robyn entered a small cellar that was mostly empty apart from a small table a set of two benches. She moved further into the room and ran her eyes over the walls before finally stopping at the image of a young girl that was dressed in a knee-length dress and holding a small book. It was the only colourful thing in the room. She moved closer to it and muttered “Why do you look so familiar?” She whispered softly as she ran her eyes over the portrait. “Harry?” Robyn looked over at Hermione’s voice to see her staring at a mirror which had a large shard missing from it with Harry’s face reflected in the mirror “I-I can see you in this.” Robyn frowned then looked at Harry who was looking at her already. The twins walked forward and stood in front of the mirror and Harry raised the shard of his mirror and it was clearly a match of the missing piece. Footsteps caused Robyn to turn and see a man in long dark robes, grey and black matted hair and beard and a familiar but also unfamiliar face. “You bloody fools.” The man spat at them “What were you thinking coming here? Have you any idea how dangerous it is?” Robyn’s eyes widened as she realised why she recognised him it was – “You’re Aberforth, Dumbledore’s brother.” Harry said and Robyn glanced at him “It’s you who we’ve been seeing in here.” He motioned to the shard of mirror. Aberforth moved around the room and over to the windows. “You’re the one who sent Dobby.” Robyn pointed out before she could stop herself. “Where have you left him?” Aberforth asked quickly turning to face the teenagers. “He’s dead.” Harry answered softly “Sorry to hear it.” Aberforth muttered “I liked that elf.” “Who gave that to you?” Harry asked pointing to the mirror on the wall. “The mirror?” “Mundungus Fletcher, ‘bout a year ago.” The man replied and Robyn felt hot anger rise up in her stomach “He had no right selling that to you.” Robyn said in a slightly angered tone “It belonged to – “ “Sirius.” Finished Aberforth and Robyn quietened “Albus told me. He also told me you’d likely be hacked off if you ever found out I had it, but ask yourself,” the man was now standing directly in front of her now “Where would you be if I didn’t?” A few minutes later and Hermione and Ron where scrambling to take food and drink from the tray Aberforth lay on the table. “Do you hear from the other’s much?” Hermione asked him “From the order?” “The order’s finished.” Aberforth said in a bitter tone and Robyn stood up from her leaning positon against the wall “You-know-who’s won. Anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves.” “We need to get into Hogwarts, tonight.” Harry blurted as Robyn unfolded her arms from her chest “Dumbledore gave us a job to do.” Robyn added “Did he now?” questioned Aberfoth in a bored tone “Nice job?” Robyn flinched slightly “Easy?” She swallowed. “We’ve been hunting Horcruxes.” Harry said “And we think the last one’s inside the castle, but we’ll need your help getting in.” “That’s not the job my brother’s given you.” Aberforth denied “It’s a suicide misson.” Robyn felt her heart clench tightly at his words “Do yourself a favour, kids, go home. Live a little longer.” “Dumbledore trusted us to see this through.” Robyn told the man strongly, “What makes you think you can trust him?” Snarled Aberforth “What makes you think you can believe anything my brother told you? In all the time you knew him, did he ever mention my name? Did he ever mention hers?” “Why should he –“ Harry was cut off, “Keep secrets?” Suggested Aberforth “You tell me.” “We trusted him.” Robyn said defensively, “That’s a child answers.” Aberforth retorted, “A child who goes chasing Horcruxes on the word of a man who wouldn’t even tell him were to start! You’re lying! Not just to me, that doesn’t matter. To yourself as well.” Robyn’s throat worked. Was what he saying true? She stared at him through blank blue eyes “That’s what a fool does. You don’t strike me as a fool, Robyn Potter. Neither does your brother. So, I’ll as you again. There must be a reason.” Robyn and Harry stared at him and Harry only replied, “I’m not interested in what happened between you and your brother. I don’t care that you’ve given up.” Aberforth narrowed his eyes slightly at the twins “We trust the man we knew.” Robyn took a small step forward as she spoke, “We need to get into the castle tonight. Please. You’re our only chance.” Robyn watched Aberforth trail his eyes over her face before looking at the portrait of the girl beside her, “You know what to do.” Aberforth muttered and Robyn turned her attention to the girl who nodded and slowly began to turn away and walked down a long path where she got smaller and smaller until she was no-longer visible. “Where have you send her?” Harry questioned quietly, “You’ll see, soon enough.” Was Aberforth’s response before he walked away. Robyn watched him leave before turning her attention to Hermione and Ron and the four of them stared at where the girl had left. “That’s your sister Ariana, isn’t it?” Hermione asked quickly to Aberforth who began to open the door but stopped at her words “She died very young, didn’t she?” “My brother sacrificed many things, Mr. and Miss Potter, on his journey to find power. Including Ariana.” Aberforth muttered and Robyn looked up at the portrait before back at the old man “And she was devoted to him. He gave her everything…but time.” “Thank you, Mr. Dumbledore.” Hermione said before the man left with a short nod, closing the door behind him. The three looked at Hermione who looked around nervously “He did save our lives twice. Kept an eye on us in that mirror. That doesn’t seem like someone who’s give up.” Robyn stared at the picture with her eyebrows slightly furrowed as she saw the girl walking back but with a darker figure behind her. “She coming back.” “Who’s that with her?” Ron asked, Harry took a step back so he was standing between Robyn and Hermione. The door slowly opened to reveal a large dark passage way with a single person inside. “Neville.” Robyn gaped as his completion. He was bruised all over his face showing that he’d been beaten around a bit. “Oh, you look – “ “Like hell, I reckon.” Joked Neville as he crouched in the entrance of the passage “This is nothing Seamus is worse.” A small slight lay upon Robyn’s lips as she looked at her friend “Hey, Ab, we’ve got a couple more coming through.” A few minutes later and they were headed down a narrow dark and rocky passage with Nevilles wqnd light guiding them, “Don’t remember this on the marauder’s map.” Robyn walked behind Neville and beside Harry, “That’s because it never existed till now.” Answered Neville “The seven secret passages were sealed off before the start of the year. This is the only way in or out now. The grounds are crawling with Death Eater’s and Dementors.” “How bad is it with Snape as Headmaster?” Robyn asked him with a hint of worry in her voice “Hardly ever see him.” Admitted Neville “It’s the Carrows you need to watch out for.” “Carrows?” repeated Harry, “Yeah.” Nodded Neville “Brother and sister. In charge of discipline.” He pointed to his face “They like punishment, the Carrows.” “They did that to you? Why?” Hermione asked “Todays Dark Arts lessons had us practicing the Cruciatus curse...on first years.” Robyn’s eyes widened in horror at Neville’s answer “I refused. Hogwarts had changed.” A few minutes later, Neville stopped them and turned to the other four with a small smirk. “Let’s have a bit of fun, shall we?” He said and Robyn watched as he opened a door and stood in the entrance, blocking the sight of Robyn, Harry, Hermione and Ron. She was still able to see the many hammocks that hung in the Room of Requirement and students camping on the floor. “Hey! Listen up, you lot! Brought a surprise.” A small smile formed on her face as she recognised some or the faces. “Not more of Aberforth’s cooking, I hope.” A familiar Irish voice said, Seamus, “Be surprised if we can digest it.” Neville moved to the side and Harry and Robyn stepped forward. “Blimey!” Exclaimed Seamus getting to his feet and clapping. The rest of the students just up and did the same. Robyn trailed her eyes over all the student hoping against hope that she might see a flash of blonde hair that belonged to her boyfriend but she did not. She knew that he was with his parents in Malfoy Manor but part of her was praying that he was here. “It’s them!” “Robyn! Harry!” “Potters! We got the Potter’s!” “Yeah!” Robyn watched in shock as the students all rushed toward them. Robyn climbed down first and was immediately engulfed in a hug by Seamus. “Good to see you, Robyn!” He shouted over the cheering crowd “You too!” She grinned and pulled back then looked at his face as gasped “Oh my god, Seamus? What happened?” He shrugged casually, “I’m sure Neville told you about the Carrow.” Seamus said and Robyn nodded, “Lets jus say…we have our disagreements.” Robyn frowned slightly then felt Dean yank to her to his chest. “I don’t remember you being this short.” He joked and Robyn rolled her eyes and pulled back “You’re just tall.” She countered with a laugh. “Robyn?” She turned to see Lavender standing there with a small smile. Even though she didn’t get on with Lavender when she was dating Ron, she was a familiar face. Robyn smiled back and brought her into a hug, “It’s great to see you.” “Its nice to see you to, Lavender.” Robyn said honestly pulling back from the hug. Robyn then turned and spotted a light brown haired familiar boy and her eyes widened, “Collin?” she said stepping toward him “Collin Creevy?” The boy nodded and Robyn smiled and looked at him “You’ve grown so much.” He grinned and she saw his cheeks flush slightly, Robyn held out her hand “It’s been to long.” “I completely agree.” Collin said shaking her hand. “Okay, okay!” Neville said loudly helping Harry and Robyn through the crowd “Let’s not kill them before you-know-who gets the chance, eh.” He joked, Robyn stopped herself from flinching knowing that he was only messing. The crowd stepped back leaving Neville, Robyn, Harry, Ron and Hermione in the centre “What’s the pan, Harry, Robyn?” Robyn ran her eyes over the people in the room who were gazing at her expectantly. “Okay.” Nodded Harry, “There’s something we need to find.” Robyn began “Something hidden here in the castle and it may help us defeat you-know-who.” “Right. What is it?” Neville questioned and Robyn glanced at Harry for him to answer “We don’t know.” Harry answered and Robyn felt like honestly killing herself with the expressions she got “Where it is?” Neville tried, “We don’t know that either.” Harry answered again “I realize that’s not much to go on.” “That’s nothing to go on.” Seamus pointed out, “We think it has something to do with Ravenclaw.” Robyn tried as she remembered the flashes she and Harry had when they’d landed in the water “Um, It’ll be small, easily concealed.” “Anyone, any ideas?” Harry inquired hopefully. “Well, there’s Rowena Ravenclaws lost diadem.” Luna suggested and Robyn snapped her attention over to Luna who looked much healthier than last they saw her. “Oh, Bloody hell. Here we go.” Muttered Ron, “Lost diadem of Ravenclaw?” Luna repeated softly “Hasn’t anyone heard of it? It’s famous.” “Yes, but, Luna, it’s lost, for centuries now.” Cho reminded her “There isn’t a person alive today who’s seen it.” “Excuse me, but can someone please tell me what a bloody diadem is?” Ron questioned, “it’s a sort of crown.” Cho attempted to explain, “You know, like a tiara.” A loud grinding sound echoed and Robyn recognised it as the doors opening. Ginny then suddenly appeared through a gap in the crowd “Harry.” She breathed, “Hi, there.” Harry gaped as they stared at each other. Robyn bit her lip from preventing a smile. “Six months she hasn’t seen me and it’s like I’m Frankie first year.” Ron grumbled from behind Robyn “I’m only her brother.” “She got lots of those though.” Sniggered Seamus “There’s only one Harry.” “Shut up, Seamus.” Muttered Ron annoyed “What is it, Ginny?” Neville asked “Snape knows.” Ginny answered “He knows that Harry and Robyn were spotted in Hogsmeade.” All eyes turned to them. They had no choice.
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