Chapter 16

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Year 7 1998 //Gringott's// Robyn/Narcissa and Hermione/Bellatrix stepped out from her the dark archway to look out at the streets of diagon alley. No longer where the street’s filled with cheers, bright colours and busing people now they were closed shops, dark and depressing colours and completely empty with the only sound being the leaves blown across the stone ground. A Death Eater walked from around the corner and stopped at the sight of Robyn/Narcissa and Hermione/Bellatrix. “Madam Lestrange.” Greeted the bold Death Eater who then turned to Robyn/Narcissa “Lady Malfoy.” Robyn straightened her back in an attempt to act like the real Narcissa Malfoy, who didn’t really speak much. “Good morning.” Hermione/Bellatrix said in a shaky voice that was riddled with nerves. The Death Eater looked at Bellatrix with a slight frown. “’Good morning’?” Repeated Griphook incredulously, once the Death Eater had left, the two girls turned to look at him “’Good morning’ You’re Bellatrix Lestrange, not some dewy-eyed school girl.” Robyn/Narcissa glared at Griphook, Ron moved forward to the golbin, “Hey. Easy.” Ron whispered warningly to him. “If she, or Miss Potter, gives us away, we might as well use that swords to slit our own throats.” Snarled Griphook “Understand?” “No, he’s right.” Hermione/Bellatrix said defeatedly “I was being stupid.” “Okay.” Robyn breathed as she glanced back at the bank “Let’s go.” Harry nodded in agreement and Robyn watched as Harry crouched allowing Griphook to jump onto his back she then placed the cloak over the two. The four set off toward Gringott’s fear woven deep into their hearts. Their footsteps echoed as they walked down the entrance hall of the bank with goblins sat in high seats either side of it. Robyn kept her head held high with her eyes flicking all around as the goblins looked up at they passed whilst the guards followed their every move. Robyn/Narcissa, Hermione/Bellatrix and Ron stopped in front of the high desk with Harry and Griphook – under cover of the cloak – stopped between Ron and Robyn/Narcissa. The goblin behind the desk continued to write as he didn’t realized their presents yet. Hermione/Bellatrix cleared her throat and Robyn looked up at the goblin placing a blank expression on her face much like Narcissa did. The goblin didn’t looked up and so Hermione/Bellatrix folded her arms across her chest. “I wish to enter my vault.” She said in the strongest voice she could manage but the goblin did not look up but only dipped his quill into the ink pot beside him. “Identification?” the goblin questioned in a monotone voice. “I hardly think that’ll be necessary.” Hermione/Bellatrix stated and Robyn had to admire her words. The goblin looked up and stopped writing immediately “Madam Lestrange.” The goblin said in a slightly shocked voice turning so his back was straight and facing her directly. Robyn/Narcissa watched the goblin carefully with a slightly pursed lip as he walked away from his chair. “I don’t like to kept waiting.” Hermione/Bellatrix warned. “They know.” Robyn heard Griphook whisper quietly so only she, Ron and Harry could hear “They know she’s an imposter.” Robyn glanced up at a goblin who was staring at her through beady black eyes “They’ve been warned.” Ron looked at Robyn/Narcissa and they looked over their shoulder where a guard was slowly walking toward them. The two looked forward again and lowered their heads so that their hair covered their mouths. “Harry?” Ron asked in a very shaky whisper “What do we do, Harry?” Robyn/Narcissa looked up at another goblin appeared at the stand and looked down at them. “Madam Lestrange, would you mindpresenting your wand?” The new goblin inquired and Hermione/Bellatrix straightened and looked up at them with a tense jaw. “And why should I do that?” she asked “It’s the banks policy.” The goblin said in an obvious tone “I’m sure you understand given the current climate.” “No.” shot back Hermione/Bellatrix “I most certainly do not understand.” “I’m afraid I must insist.” The goblin countered and Robyn took a step forward “We do not have to listen to like likes of you, goblin.” Robyn said in her strongest impersonation of Narcissa’s voice. The goblin turned to her and peered down at her through her beaded eyes. “Lady Malfoy, I apologies for the inconvenience but I must see Madam Lestranges wand.” The goblin said but Robyn knew that he knew she wasn’t Lady Malfoy. He knew they were imposters. Robyn/Narcissa watched as the goblin inhaled deeply and his suddenly had a very dazed expression on his face. “Very well, Madam Lestrange.” The goblin said looking down at them with a large smile “If you will follow me.” Robyn/Narcissa gripped tightly onto the cart as they flew down the tunnels of Gringott’s. She allowed her eyes to wonder over the dark walls only illuminated by the head-lights on the cart. The path seemed to twist and turn every few seconds as if to through of the passengers. Just then they past over a large water fall that cascaded down onto another part of the track. “What is that, Griphook?” Harry yelled over the wind and water. She looked over Hermione/Bellatrix and watched as Griphook squeezed the brake repeatedly but it only make loud squeaking sounds causing them to go even faster. Robyn’s eyes widened as they sped closer and closer to the water fall “Griphook!” Harry shouted as they were a few meter’s from it now. The water splashed heavily onto them soaking them completely so that their clothes were drenched. Robyn gasped loudly as she felt her weight increase from her heavy clothing that was full of water. She looked down at her hands and then touched her hair and saw black locks rather than white and realised that she was back to herself. The cart screeched to a halt alittle away from the waterfall. Their eyes were all drawn to the lamp that shot upward at the front of the cart and began flashing then an alarm blared loudly. The seat underneath them disappeared and Robyn let out a loud scream as she, and her brother and friends, tumbled down from the cart down the large dark cavern. Robyn’s arms flailed widely as she saw the ground coming closer and closer, her eyes widened and she squeezed her eyes shut waiting for the pain to come. “Aresto momentum!” Hermione cast and they stopped a few inches from the ground then dropped. Robyn landed face down on the cold rock floor and let out a small grunt as the air was pushed out of her. She pulled herself to her feet shakily, “Well done, Hermione.” Harry complemented in a slightly breathless voice. Robyn stood beside Hermione and looked up at the track where the alarm was still blaring as the cart began to roll back in the direction they came. “Oh, no. You look like you again.” Harry said looking between Hermione, Robyn and Ron. “The thief’s downfall.” Griphook said looking around “Washes away all enchantments. Can be deadly.” “You don’t say.” Ron said sarcastically “Just out of interest, is there any other way out of here?” “No.” Griphook said and Robyn gulped, “What the devil are all you doing down here?!” Bogrod snarled looking up at the four teenagers “Thieves!” the then turned to Griphook “When you gave them the – “ “Imperio.” Robyn said quickly pointing her wand at the goblin and watched him inhale deeply and his anger vanish and his expression turn vacant. A loud roar echoed in the dark cave that send a shiver down Robyn’s spine. “That doesn’t sound good.” Ron commented. The four teenagers and two goblins made their way along the cave face. Robyn walked between Hermione and Ron still soaked. A growling sound caused them to stop then they turned to see a large room that was occupied by a single massive white dragon with spikes running down its spine and rips in it wings. A large chain was wrapped around its neck. “Blood hell.” Ron muttered “That’s a Ukrainian Ironbelly.” “Here.” Robyn looked down to see Griphook holding out a large rattle to Ron, who took it and Griphook picked up another. The dragon turned his head toward them and stood and roared loudly small puffs of fire escaping its jaws. Robyn watched with wide and fearful eyes as the dragon moved closer only to stop as Griphook shook the rattle-bell like object which make a large ratting sound of metal on metal. Robyn’s jaw dropped as the creature cowered back and shuffled to the other side of the room. Ron began to shake his object intensifying the sound. “It’s been trained to expect pain when it hears the noise.” Griphook called over the clanging as they began to edge their way around the room. “That’s barbaric.” Hermione said and Robyn completely agreed with her. Stuck close behind Ron as they moved keeping her eyes trained on the dragon that was making sounds of fear. It pained her to see the creature in this much terror but she was partly glad that they could get to the fault without having their body’s burned. Robyn quickly past Ron as he and Griphook stopped to continue the noise until they had all entered the corridor. Griphook pressed the other goblins hand onto the large black gate and it opened with the dragon roaring in the distance. Harry, Robyn, Ron and Hermione slipped inside quickly followed by Giphook and the other goblin. Inside were mountains of gold and silver monies and ornaments. Robyn’s eyes widened as she took the room in barely noticing when the door locked shut behind them. “Lumos.” Murmured Robyn and the tip of her wand lighted, Harry, Hermione and Ron followed suit. Robyn raised her wand in front of her so that more objects were illuminated. “Blimey.” Muttered Ron from behind her. Robyn could hear very small in-audible mutterings that she could only hear if she concentrated hard. She took a few steps forward and heard the whispers getting slightly louder. “Accio Horcrux.” Robyn heard Hermione attempt fruitlessly. “You’re seriously not trying that one again, are you?” Ron asked her with a tone of dis-belief. Robyn was vaguely away of her brother walking beside her both of them listening out intently for the voices. “That kind of magic won’t work in here.” Griphook told them as Robyn and Harry walked further through the path of object, not touching any. “Is it in here, Harry? Robyn?” Ron asked and Robyn listened as the whisperings got louder and louder “Can you feel anything?” Robyn nodded her head slightly all to focused on tracing the sound of the Horcrux. Slowly, Robyn turned her head slightly to the left and slowly lifted her wand upward as the voices became clear that they were speaking in pasteltongue. Her eyes landed on a small golden cup that was standing on a high ledge, alone. “There.” Robyn gasped “That’s the Horcrux!” “The cup!” exclaimed Harry beside her. Robyn completely blocked out her friends as she stared up at the cup. Harry turned “Give me the sword.” Harry called to Hermione and Robyn shook her head and turned to her friends where all the objects were beginning to multiply and watched Hermione throw the sword to Harry, he turned to her “Come on.” The twins pushed themselves through the multiplying objects with the sword clutched his Harry’s gasp. Robyn stumbled through the metal objects to reach the cup, she daren’t remove her gaze from the cup for fear of losing sight of it. Robyn and Harry were suddenly completely buried under the objects with only their face and he sword uncovered. Harry reached the sword tip as far as he could and hooking the cup handles of the tip of the sword. Her breath was harsh as she watched through closing vision as Harry looped the cup and it flew down the sword into his gasp. Harry quickly shoved the cup into her gasp “Don’t let go.” He gasped to her as they visions were completely covered. Robyn gripped the cup tightly in her hands as waited with baited breath. Suddenly Harry burst up waving has wand so that his and Robyn’s path were clear. Robyn and Harry stumbled toward their friends with the cup in Robyn’s hand and the sword in Harry’s hand. “Got it!” Robyn shouted as they leapt over to the door and landed harshly on more objects directly in front of Griphook. She looked up just as Griphook smirked and plucked the cup from her hands “No! Griphook!” She exclaimed reaching her hand out with a clenched jaw “Give me the cup!” “We had a deal, Griphook!” snarled Harry from beside her. “The cup for the sword!” Bellowed Griphook and Robyn looked at Griphook with a glare as Harry threw the sword at him. Griphook grinned widely and threw the cup to a shrieking Hermione “I said I’d get you in. I didn’t say anything about getting you out.” Robyn’s jaw dropped as she watched Griphook place the Bogrods hand on the door unlocking it. Robyn felt Harry gripped her hand tightly so he didn’t loose her in the objects that now filled the entire room. Harry dragged her out the vault and they helped Hermione and Ron out too before all four ran to the rail. “Griphook!” Shouted Harry. “Thieves!” Yelled Griphook as he rattled the object to fend of the dragon. “Griphook!” Harry yelled, “Help! Thieves!” Griphook bellowed before running away from the dragon and into the cave. “Foul little git.” Ron panted from beside Robyn “Least we’ve still got Bogrod.” Robyn nodded then stopped as the Draco reared up at the chuckling Bogrod before opening its mouth and jetting fire at the small goblin. She squinted her eyes and leaned back slightly “That’s unfortunate.” Just then, guards came from the cave shooting spells up at them. Robyn dived beside Hermione and they slammed their back against the wall whilst Harry and Ron went to the other wall. “We can’t just stand here!” Robyn exclaimed “Who’s got an idea?” Hermione asked loudly over the spells and explosions. “You’re the brilliant one.” Ron countered and Robyn looked at Hermione “I’ve got something but it’s mad.” Hermione said and Robyn furrowed her eyebrows “Anything will do, Hermione.” Robyn said loudly. Hermione nodded then pointed her want at the rail “Reducto!” The gate was sent flying off leaving a large open gap. Robyn frowned and looked at Hermione and watched as she ran from her hiding spot and leapt off the ledge and onto the dragon. Robyn’s eyes widened when she realised her idea. “Mad, but brilliant.” Robyn agreed then copied her moves and flung herself off the ledge and into the dragon clutching onto the spikes on his back. Robyn and Hermione pushed themselves on the otherside of the dragons back and clung onto it. They looked at Ron and Hermione who were just looking between one another. “Well, come one, then!” Screamed Hermione and the two boys jumped onto the dragon and held onto the spicks as well “Relashio!” Hermione shouted pointing her wand at the chain that tied the animal down. The dragon let out a bellow and roared fire at the dragons and goblins. Robyn panted and felt the creature get onto its hind legs and look up at the ceiling where far, far, far up there was a burst of daylight. Robyn clung onto the spike for dear-life with Hermione behind her and Harry beside her as the dragon began climbing the rock face the cave. A cart was wheeling toward them and Robyn let out a small scream and ducked a spell. The dragon roared and pushed upward causing the track to break sending the cart, and its occupants, down below. The dragon burst out the ceiling roaring as it did then bashed over everything in sight as he entered the entrance hall. Robyn watched as goblins and guards ran as fast as they could away from the dragon. It let out a burst of flames from its large jaws burning a group of goblins. The creature then looked up and pushed his head upward crashing into a chandelier. Robyn dug her face into her arms to avoid being cut by the glass. She then looked up as the dragon knocked the glass dome apart so that it was finally in the open air. The animal crawled from the un-stable building onto another house then looked up at the dark sky and panted taking in all the fresh, new air and sights. “Now what?!” Ron yelled, “Reducto!” Hermione shouted and pointed her wand at the tail of the creature. He creature roared in pain and reared up. “Hold on!” Harry yelled and Robyn gripped tighter and felt Harry’s hand grip her arm too so he wouldn’t lose her. The dragon then leapt into the air and flapped his massive white wings.
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