Chapter 15

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Year 7 1998 //Griphook and Ollivander, The Black Sisters and The Necklace// HERE LIES DOBBY A FREE ELF Robyn stared into the shard of mirror as the image of them flicked between them and a wizened old man. The familiar eyes stared up at the twins where they sat in front of Dobby’s grave on the beach of Tinworth. Robyn looked at Harry and squeezed his hand comfortingly. He looked at her and watched as Robyn picked up a small beautiful rock and place it on the grave of their fallen friend. “It’s beautiful here.” Luna said softly touching the wind chime gently. Robyn stared out at the beautiful sand and blue water of the sea from the porch of Shell Cottage. They knew what they needed to do, it was doing it that was the problem. “It was our Aunts.” Robyn heard Bill say from the kitchen behind them “We used to come here as kids. The order uses it now as a safe house. What’s left of us at least.” Robyn saw Harry move away from her and turned to watch him walk to the entrance of the kitchen “Muggles think these keep evil away, but they’re wrong.” “Robyn and I need to talk to the goblin.” Harry stated and Robyn quietly walked over and stood beside him then nodded in agreement. The door of Griphooks room made a loud creaking sound as Bill pushed it open slowly allowing Harry, Robyn, Hermione and Ron to filter inside. Robyn looked at the goblin who was sat in a blue and white arm chair with his bony fingers clasped together with a lost look on his face. “How are you?” Harry questioned stiffly and the goblin shifted slightly. “Alive.” Responded Griphook and Harry looked at Robyn expectantly who said “You might not remember, but you – “ “Showed you and your brother to your vault the first time you both came to Gringotts?” Griphook finished for her as the Potter twins moved so they were in the goblins direct line of vision “Even amongst goblins you’re are both famous, Harry and Robyn Potter.” Robyn stood beside the window whilst Harry stared out of it “You buried the elf.” Harry and Robyn shot their heads toward the goblin. “Yes.” Confirmed Harry, “And brought me here.” Continued Griphook and Robyn nodded in response. Griphook looked up at them with narrowed eyes “You are…very unusual wizards.” She watched as Griphook stared at them for a few moments before motioning to the sword of Gryffindor beside Robyn “How did you come by this sword?” “It’s complicated.” Muttered Harry “Why did Bellatrix Lestrange think it should be in here vault at Gringotts?” “It’s complicated.” Countered Griphook mockingly. “The sword presented itself to us in a moment of need.” Harry explained and Robyn heard slight annoyance in his tone “We didn’t steal it.” “There is a sword in Madam Lestranges Vault.” Griphook said motioned to the sword “Identical to this one, but it is a fake. It was placed there this past summer.” “And she never suspected it was a fake?” Robyn questioned him “The replica is very convincing.” Griphook described “Only a goblin would recognize that this is the true sword of Gryffindor.” “Who is the acquaintance?” Hermione piped up in a slightly frail voice. “A Hogwarts Professor.” Answered Griphook looking back at Hermione “As I understand it, he’s now Headmaster.” “Snape?” blurted Ron “He put a fake sword in Bellatrix’s vault? Why?” “There are more than a few curious things in the vaults at Gringotts” Commented Griphook “And in Madam Lestrange’s vault as well?” Harry questioned, “Perhaps.” Murmured Griphook, “We need to get into Gringotts, into one of the vaults.” Robyn told Griphook with a hint of expectance in her tone. “This is impossible.” Denied Griphook, “Alone, yes.” Agreed Harry “But with you, no.” Robyn watched as the goblin watched them carefully as he contemplated Harry’s words. “Why should I help you?” Griphook said after a few long moments. “We have gold.” Harry shrugged nodded to Robyn as well “Lots of it.” “I have no interest in gold.” Griphook muttered, “Then what?” Asked Robyn quietly and Griphook motioned to the sword, “That.” He stated “That is my price.” Robyn looked down at the sword of Gryffindor that was leaning against the wall beside her. Harry looked at her then gave Robyn a slight nudge and she nodded and they four of them filed out with a final glanced at the goblin that was watching them leave through black beaded eyes. The four stepped out onto the landing, which was pitch back and empty, with Harry closing the door behind them. “Are you thinking there’s a Horcrux in Bellatrix’s vault?” Hermione whispered hurriedly to the twins. “Well, she was terrified when she thought we’d been in there.” Harry reminded her “She kept asking you what else we’d taken. I bet you anything there’s a Horcrux in there, another piece of his soul, lets find it and kill it, and then we’re one step closer to killing him.” “And what happens when we find it?” Ron questioned “How are we supposed to destroy it now you’ve given the sword to Griphook?” “We’re still working on that part.” Robyn whispered just as the door beside them opened and Fleur came out. “He’s weak.” She told the teenagers and they nodded before entering Ollivanders room with Harry in the lead. Robyn looked over at Ollivander who was sat in a chair in front of the dresser. “Yes?” Ollivander wheezed, “Mr. Ollivander, I need to ask you a few questions.” Harry said, “Anything, my boy, anything.” Nodded Ollivander and Harry and Robyn moved around the bed so they were in front of the man. “Would you mind identifying this wand? We need to know if it’s safe to use.” Harry said handing the wand maker the wands that Draco had given her. Robyn sat on the bed beside Harry and watched as Ollivander ran his hands over the wand. “Walnut.” Ollivander stated “Dragon Heartstring. Twelve and three-quarter inches. Unyie – “ he stopped and looked at Harry and Robyn “Unyielding. This belonged to Bellatrix Lestrange.” He handed the wand back to Harry “Treat it carefully.” “And this?” Robyn watched as Harry pulled out Draco’s wand and handed it over to Ollivander. “Hawthorn and unicorn hair” Stated Ollivander “Ten inches. Reasonably pliant.” He lifted it to his ear “This was the wand of – “ “Draco.” Robyn blurted and they looked at her as she stared at the wand “Draco Malfoy…yes.” Robyn looked down. Ollivander studied her curiously for a few seconds before nodding. “Yes, this was the wand of Draco Malfoy.” Confirmed Ollivander. “Was? Is it not still?” Harry asked, “Well, perhaps not, if you won it from him.” Ollivander pointed out “I sense its allegiance has changed.” Robyn watched as Ollivander handed Harry Draco’s wand. “You walk about wands as if they have feelings…can think.” Harry observed, “The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter.” Ollivander said and Robyn flashed back to when she was resieving her wand from Ollivander seven years ago when he’d said that very same line “That much has always been clear to those of us who have studied wandlore.” “And what do you know of the Deathly Hallows?” Robyn inquired softly and Ollivander’s expression dropped . “It is rumoured there are three: the Elder wand; the Cloak of Invisibility, to hide from your enemies; and the Resurrection Stone, to bring back loved ones from the dead.” Replied Ollivander slowly “Together, they make one the master of death, but few truly believe that such objects exist.” “Do you?” Harry blurted hurriedly “Do you believe they exist, sir?” “Well, I see no reason to put stock into an old wives tale.” Answered Ollivander but Robyn could see behind his words. “You’re lying.” Robyn murmured and Ollivander looked at her quickly “You know one exists. You told him about it. You told him about the Elder wand and where he could go looking for it.” Robyn felt guilty the moment the words left her lips, they were true but she could have put it…lighter. Then again, it was imperative that they know what you-know-who knew. “He tortured me.” Whispered Ollivander painful, “Besides, I only conveyed rumours. There’s…There’s no telling whether he will find it.” “He has found it, sir.” Harry informed the man who looked up at the twins. “We’ll let you rest.” Robyn said deciding that pushing him any more would be infertile. Robyn stood with Harry doing the same beside her, the wands of Draco and Bellatrix clutched in his hands, then they both walked around the edge of the bed and toward the door. “He’s after you two, Mr. and Miss Potter.” Ollivander croaked and the twins turned to him “If it’s true what you say and he has the Elder wand…I’m afraid you really don’t stand a chance.” “Well, I suppose we’ll have to kill him before he finds us, then.” Harry responded and Robyn flinched slightly at his words. *** Hermione pulled out two hairs as she as Robyn sat in their shared bedroom each holding a flask of Polyjuice potion. “Are you sure that their Bellatrix and Narssia’s hair’s, Hermione?” Robyn whispered nervously and Hermione nodded gulping, “Yes.” Hermione confirmed “Positive.” Robyn gulped and took the blond stand of hair from Hermione and looked at it nervously. “Are you sure this’ll work?” Robyn questioned nervously and Hermione looked at her with a grimace. “It has to.” Hermione muttered, Robyn flipped open her flask and dropped the strand of hair into the potion and looked at Hermione. “Ready?” “Ready.” Robyn placed the bottle to her lips and tilted her head back allowing the vile liquid to slip down her throat. Once she took a gulp, Robyn imminently pulled the flask away from her lips and shuddered violently at the sickly taste of the Polyjuice potion. A few moments later and Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy stood in the room still dressed in Robyn and Hermione’s clothing. “I swear the taste of polyjuice gets worse every time.” Hermione/Bellatrix Lestrange murmured and Robyn/Narcissa nodded in agreement. The girls pulled out their clothing for Narcissa and Bellatrix and put it on. Robyn looked into the mirror with a frown. “This is really weird.” Robyn/Narcissa commented as she styled her hair “I’m my boyfriend’s mother.” Robyn squeezed her eyes shut “I did not just say that. I didn’t not just say that.” Hermione/Bellatrix sniggered behind her. The two walked out of the house and saw Griphook waiting for them. He eyed them carefully, “You'll need to act like them when we arrive at the ministry.” He commented as they began walking across the sands toward Harry and Ron. Hermione had earlier changed Ron by thickening and darkening his hair and giving him a moustache so he would not be recognised in the bank whilst Harry and Griphook were to go under cover of the invisibility cloak. Robyn would have gone under there but the cloak was too small for all three of them to fit in. It was almost scary how much they’d grown and changed in the past seven years. Robyn/Narcissa and Hermione/Bellatrix stopped in front of the two boys nervously. “Well? How do we look?” Hermione/Bellatrix asked. “Hideous.” Ron answered bluntly and Robyn/Narcissa broke out into a small smile then pushed her blonde and black hair out of her eyes. “You can give that to Hermione to hold, all right, Griphook?” Harry said eyeing the sword that the goblin held. Robyn watched as Hermione/Bellatrix held her small back open and Griphook slid the sword of Gryffindor into it. Robyn/Narcissa walked forward and stood between Harry and Hermione/Bellatrix. She watched as Ron and Hermione/Bellatrix placed their hands in the middle and looked up at Harry and Robyn/Narcissa. Robyn placed her hand on top of Hermione’s then Harry pot his on top of hers before they all looked over at the small goblin. “We’re relying on you, Griphook.” Robyn said as the goblin walked toward them “If you get us past the guards and into the vault, the sword is yours.” The goblin looked up at her before placing his hand on Harry’s then they disaperated. *** Draco lay in his bed staring up at the ceiling as flashing of what had happened a month ago kept him awake most nights. Seeing Robyn was a joy to anyone in his situation but seeing her condition was like a nightmare. The cuts and bruises on her face and the pain and helplessness in her eyes…it was awful. Even watching Granger being tortured by his aunt was horrible. He may not like Granger – he doubted he would ever like Robyn’s brother, Weasley and Granger – but she was Robyn’s best friend, and he knew that she would be able to hear Granger’s screaming from the cellar. He closed his eyes for a fleeting moment only to snap them wide open once more as more torturous nightmares flashed in his mind. Sometimes, instead of Granger being tortured he’d see Robyn in her place. Writhing, screaming, beginning for Bellatrix to stop. Words being carved into her skin by his own relatives while he stood on the side like a good little boy and did…nothing. A short anger and pain filled scream left his lips as he threw something off his table and it smashed into a small vase on a stand in the corner of his room smashing it and pieces of the pottery sending dropping to the ground. Draco panted slightly then looked down at his neck to see that he wasn’t wearing the necklace. His eyes trailed over to the desk beside his bed the necklace wasn’t there. Draco carefully got to his feet and made his way over to the broken pieces of the vase hoping that he’d perhaps thrown the necklace but he hadn’t. Only a small paper weight lay between the shards. He frowned. Where - “Lost something, Draco?” Draco’s eyes widened slightly as he turned slowly to see his father come out from the shadows of the corner of his room with his cane in his hand “Perhaps it might be this?” Lucius opened his hand and a chain unravelled from his hand not dropping completely but only enough for Draco to see the pendent that hung from it. The colours red, orange and pecks of yellow swirled in the small rock. Draco’s breath hitched as he stared at the necklace that he and Robyn shared two of. His father had a malicious grin of his grey face as he said “Caught you.”
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