Chapter 14

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Year 7 1998 //The Malfoy Manor, Dobby's Death and Lucius Knows// Scabior kept a tight grip on Robyn’s coat as he pulled her toward the large iron gates of Malfoy Manor. Robyn’s heart pounded in her chest as she saw Bellatrix on the other side of it. Hermione and Harry where shoved either side of her but Robyn was still forced slightly in front. The group stopped at the gates and Scabior forced forward so that her face was mere centimetres from the metal, Scabior pulled back her hair to reveal the well-known scar that she possessed. Bellatrix ran her eyes over Robyn’s face then down to her neck and Robyn saw her eyes brighten. “Get Draco.” Bellatrix breathed and Robyn felt her heart stop. Bellatrix yanked Robyn’s head by her hair looking up at Draco. Robyn had realised that her face was covered in cuts from the brambles so they weren’t completely sure if it was her. Draco stared down at her and she could see the fear and worry in his grey eyes. “Well?” hissed Bellatrix and Robyn looked up at her boyfriend with her throat working tightly. “I can’t be sure.” Was Draco’s response and Robyn could tell he was lying. He was conflicted, it was clear. He wanted to protect her but he didn’t want to give anything away to his family. Robyn watched as Lucius gripped the back of his son’s neck as he spoke to him. “Draco. Look closely, son.” Lucius whispered and Robyn stared directly into Draco’s grey eyes “If we are the ones to have the Potter’s over to the Dark Lord…everything would be forgiven.” Robyn’s view of Draco was slightly blocked by Lucius stepping in front of him “All would be as it was, you understand?” She glanced at her brother, Hermione and Ron who were being held by snatchers. “Now, we won’t be forgetting who actually caught them, I hope, Mr. Malfoy.” Scabior growled from behind the Malfoy’s. “You dare to talk to me like that in my own house?” snarled Lucius and Robyn’s eyes returned to Draco. He stared at her with a helpless expression. Robyn stared back with the same. What could either of them do? Any show of affection would put Draco in more danger than he already was. “Lucius.” Narsissa muttered hurriedly moving over and placing a hand on her husband’s arm and pulling him back from Draco, who took a step toward Robyn and Bellatrix. “Don’t be shy, sweetie. Come over.” Bellatrix assured Draco as she took his hand and pulled him closer to Robyn. Draco knelt in front of Robyn who was staring at her as Bellatrix had released her hair so she could face him. Robyn stared at Draco willing herself not to convey any sign of fear or affection. She could see Draco shaking slightly as he looked at her. Bellatrix continued to say “Now, if this isn’t who we think it is, Draco and we call him, he’ll kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure.” Draco looked deep into her eyes and Robyn knew he could see her fear in her blue eyes. “What’s happened to her face?” He asked and Robyn felt her heart pound slightly. “Yes, why is it she's covered in cuts?” Bellatrix questioned “The girl fell through brambles.” Answered the blonde snatcher “Cut up her face pretty bad.” “The boy?” Bellatrix motioned to Harry and Robyn felt her heart pounding in chest as she stared at Draco. “He came to us like that.” Scabior abnswered “Something he picked up in the forest, I reckon.” Robyn stared at Draco and felt her eyes begin to water slightly as Bellatrix tightened her grip on Robyn’s hair. “Or ran into a Stinging Jinx.” Murmured Bellatrix “What it you, dearie?” Robyn felt Bellatrix’s hand remove from her head and stood looking at Hermione. Robyns gaze licked her eyes over to Hermione, Ron and Harry then back at Draco with her eyes wide with fear. Draco swallowed and glanced at Bellatrix then back at Robyn “Give me her wand. We’ll see what her last spell was.” Narissa appeared beside Draco and tapped his shoulder gently. Robyn looked up at her and saw that she was looking at her already with a blank expression but she could see fear behind her dark eyes. Narissa was scared for her son, it was clear. Draco glanced at his mother then down at Robyn who was already staring at him. “Ah. Got you.” Bellatrix laughed then she gasped loudly and Robyn glanced at Bellatrix to see her staring at the sword of Gryffindor which was in the grasp of a snatcher “What is that? Where’d you get that from?” “It was in her bag when we caught her.” The Snatcher said “Reckon it’s my now.” Bellatrix shot a spell at the snatcher and Robyn flinched as Bellatrix spun around and a snake appeared around Greybacks neck allowing Ron and Hermione to run off. Robyn felt a hand snatch onto hers and looked up at Draco who was staring at her as he gripped her hand, his mother was standing a little in front of them so they couldn’t be seen. “Are you mad?!” Shouted Scabior and Bellatrix shot a spell at him where rope ringed his neck which was attached to the end of Bellatrix’s wand. Robyn felt her eyes water more as Bellatrix yanked at the rope sending Scabior flying to the ground. Lucius pulled Draco away from Robyn leaving her alone near the centre of the room watching Bellatrix pull at the rope around Scabior's neck. “Go! Get out!” Shouted Bellatrix madly and Robyn watched Greyback and Scabior stand up and scurry down the steps. Robyn watched as Bellatrix ran over to Robyn and gripped her face, “Was it you, little girl?” She hissed pulling Robyn’s face close to hers “Was it in your bag, Miss Potter?” Robyn stared straight at Bellatrix who glared at her “Useless!” she cried and backhanded Robyn sending her to the floor. Robyn gasped quietly then looked over at Bellatrix as she ran over to Hermione and Ron “Cissy, put the boys and Miss Potter in the cellar. I want to have a little conversation with this one, girl-to-girl.” Bellatrix grabbed Robyn by her hair and yanked her up whilst Narissa grabbed Ron and Harry by their collars and threw them into the arms of Pettigrew. Robyn thrashed as she was brought down the steps but her eyes locked with Draco who took a step forward as if to stop it but Robyn shook her head. If he did anything, it would only make it worse. Robyn hit the ground harshly between Harry and Ron as they were thrown into the cellar and the door locked and slammed shut behind them. The three scrambled over to the gate and slammed against it “What are we gonna do?” Ron asked gruffly “We can’t leave Hermione up there alone with her.” “Ron? Robyn? Harry?” A familiar voice called and the three turned to see Luna Lovegood peering from behind a pillar. Ron flicked the diluminator and lights appeared in the lamps in the cellar. “Luna?” Robyn and Harry asked in unison and Robyn watched as Olivander and a goblin follow out behind her. Robyn looked over them then up at the ceiling listening to the voices from above. Then, she felt a hand on her face and looked to see Harry peering at her cheek “You’re bleeding again.” He muttered and Robyn touched her cheek and pulled her hand back to see a few drops of blood “Oh.” Robyn muttered quietly. Her mind was pre-occupied with worrying about Hermione and how they were going to rescue her. A loud scream echoed and Robyn flinched and looked up “We have to do something.” Ron snarled then looked at Ron and bounded over to her and gripped her shoulders “Draco. He can do something. Get him to stop it, Robyn!” he shook her shoulder’s harshly but Robyn understood why he was stressed. “He can’t do anything, Ron.” She whispered “Anything he does in dangerous himself and us even more.” “I can’t leave her up there.” Ron whispered painfully “Please.” “I don’t know what to do.” Robyn replied honestly, she felt so useless. She couldn’t do anything. “There’s no way out of here.” Olivander interrupted “We’ve tried everything. It’s enchanted.” “Please! Please!” Robyn heard Hermione beg from above them and squeezed her eyes shut, “Shut up!” snarled Bellatrix, “You’re bleeding Harry.” Robyn looked down at her brother at Luna’s commented and saw him pull out the small shard of glass that they had obtained from Sirius. “That’s a curious thing to keep in your sock.” Robyn looked toward the door then looked up at Hermione’s screaming got louder and more painful, her attention then shot to Harry who was talking to the mirror “Help us.” Harry pleaded then Robyn turned to the door just as Ron extinguished the lights just as Pettigrew appeared at the gate and Ron slammed into it. “Let her go!” Ron snarled but Pettigew only pointed his wand at Ron and pushed the gate open. “Shut up.” Growled Pettigrew “Get back.” Robyn clenched her fists as Pettigrew moved his wand between them then pointed it at the goblin “You, goblin, come with me.” Robyn glared at the rat of a man, “You’re a coward, Peter.” Robyn snarled and she saw Pettigrew tensed slightly before continuing up the step with the goblin by his side. Robyn watched him leave as Ron flicked the diluminator just as something disaperated beside her. Robyn looked down in shock at the house-elf who wobbled slightly on his feet “Dobby?” “What are you doing here?” Harry questioned in the same state of shock as his twin. “Dobby has come to help Harry and Robyn Potter, of course.” Dobby answered “Dobby will always be there for Harry and Robyn Potter.” “You can appareate in and out of this room? Could you take us with you?” Harry asked glancing up at Robyn who had the same questioned. “Of course, sir.” Dobby answered slightly confused at Harry’s question “I’m an elf.” Robyn and Harry looked up at Ron who shrugged “Works for me.” Ron agreed “Dobby,” Robyn turned to the house-elf “I want you two take Luna and Mr Olivander – “ “Shell Cottage on the outskirts of Tinworth.” Ron cut off and Robyn looked up at him and Ron gave her a re-assuring nodded “Trust me.” “Whenever you’re ready, sir.” Luna said in a soft voice and a smile graced Robyn’s face as Dobby started at Luna in awe “Sir?” he turned to Robyn “I like her very much.” Robyn watched as Dobby stood between Olivander and Luna taking their hands in his thin ones “Meet me at the top of the stairs in ten seconds.” The three disaperated and Robyn turned to her brother and best friend as they heard footsteps. Robyn dived beside her brother so all three were either side of the door. She pressed herself further against the wall as the gate swung open and Pettigrew stepped out then he froze as something hit in the back “Ow.” He muttered then fell flat on his face. Robyn, Harry and Ron looked up the steps to see Dobby standing with Pettigrew’s wand in his hands. “Who gets his wand?” Dobby questioned innocently. Robyn was the first to walk up the steps with Harry and Ron following closely behind her she rounded the second flight of steps and passed an unconscious or dead body. The boys stopped either side of Robyn as they lay crouched behind a low wall. Robyn could see Hermione laying on the floor with her arm bleeding, she was awake but seemed to be in a state of trauma. Griphook was on the floor with Bellatrix in front of him hissing and asking him questioned. Draco was stood beside his father with a grimace and unwillingness clear on his face. Harry placed the fluttering snitch in his pocked as they watched the scene unfold. “Liar!” screamed Bellatrix and she cut the goblins cheek “Consider yourself lucky, goblin. The same won’t be said for this one.” Bellatrix walked over to Hermione. “Like hell.” Ron growled from beside Robyn and he stood “Ron, no.” She hissed and attempted to pull him down but he escaped her grasp, “Expelliarmus!” Ron shouted pointed Pettigrews wand at Bellatrix. Robyn and Harry rushed forward and Harry caught Bellatrix’s wand just in time to shout “Stupefy!” At Lucius sending him flying. Robyn ducked a spell and ran over to Hermione. “Oh god.” Robyn whispered looking down at her arm where the word ‘MUD BLOOD’ had been carved into her arm. Robyn glanced over at her brother to see him in a furious due with Draco and Ron in another with Narsissa she then turned just in time to see Lucius shot a spell at her, Robyn flung herself away from Hermione so the spell hit the wall behind her. Robyn stumbled to her feet as Lucius stalked toward her a flicked his wand but Robyn ducked quickly to avoid the spell. “Stop!” Bellatrix shouted loudly and they all stopped and looked over at Bellatrix who had Hermione against her with a knife at Hermione’s neck. Robyn gulped nervously and stared “Stop your wands. I said, drop them!” Robyn looked over at her brother and best friend in time to see them drop their wands reluctantly “Pick them up, Draco, now.” Robyn watched with a painful expression as Draco took their only weapons “Well, well, well, look what we have here. It’s Harry and Robyn Potter.” Robyn glared at Bellatrix as she walked forward bringing Hermione with her “They’re both bright skiny and new again, just in time for the Dark Lord. Call him.” She snapped her gaze to Draco who looked at his aunt then at Robyn nervously. The reluctance in his eyes was clear as ever to Robyn as she watched her boyfriend stare at her. They’re gazes stayed locked until Draco was shoved slightly by his father who yanked up his own sleeve revealing the Dark Mark and holding his hand above it. Robyn clenched her fists and stared at the Dark Mark with a fearful expression. A squeaking sound came from above them and Robyn looked up to see Dobby sitting on top of the chandelier un-screwing it. Robyn looked down in time to see Draco shove his father so that he was unable to press the Dark Mark then ran toward her and shoving her to the floor just as the chandelier fell to the floor and shattered. Robyn panted as Draco covered her body from the glass falling then looked down at her, “You need to go.” Draco hissed standing up and pulling her upward and into his chest. The confusion over what happened gave them a few seconds. Robyn looked at him with fearful eyes then felt him place something in her hand and looked down to see her wand, Bellatrix’s and his own. Before she could speak Draco grabbed her face and kissed her harshly then pushed her into the arms of her brother. Robyn was pulled backward by Harry with the wands clutched tightly in her gasp. Harry snatched Bellatrix’s from her and pointed it at Lucius who was about to call for the Dark Lord, “Stupefy!” Harry cried and Malfoy went flying backward. Robyn stood beside Ron who had Hermione in a protective gasp and the goblin was between Harry and Hermione whilst Dobby was standing on the banister behind them. “Stupid elf.” Spat Bellatrix “You’ve killed me.” Robyn shoved Draco’s wand into her pocket and gripping her own tightly as she watched Bellatrix as she walked toward her. “Dobby never mean to kill.” Dobby said nervously “Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure.” Narissa waved her wand but Dobby clicked his fingers and the wand snapped into his grasp. “How dare you take a witch’s wand?!” Bellatrix shrieked “How dare you defy your masters?!” “Dobby had no master.” Dobby said defiantly “Dobby is a free elf. And Dobby has come to save Harry and Robyn Potter and their friends.” Robyn touched Dobby’s hand and looked over at Draco who was staring at her. Robyn bit her lip and stared at him with a slightly fearful expression but Draco nodded at her reassuringly then then disaperated. The sand was wet and cold as Robyn lay in it her with eyes wide as she looked over the beach. Robyn hurriedly pulled herself up and looked around before her eyes landed on Ron who had Hermione curled into his shoulder. “Hermione.” Robyn whispered and she ran over to them and knelt beside her “You’re okay.” Hermione nodded and wrapped an arm around Robyn and pulled her into a hug. Robyn dug her face into her friends shoulder and hugged back comfortingly. “We’re all safe.” Harry suddenly said and arms wrapped around her, Hermione and Ron and she recognised them as Harry’s. Robyn pulled back and saw Hermione staring at something behind her, she turned to see Dobby standing clutching his stomach his frail legs shaking slightly. Robyn got to her feet “No.” She whispered as she saw the house-elf move his hands showing Bellatrix’s knife protruding from his stomach. “Dobby.” Murmured Harry and the twins broke out into a run toward the wobbling elf. Robyn knelt beside him and Harry caught the elf as he toppled over in his arm. She let out a quiet whimper as she looked down at Dobby with wet eyes, Robyn quickly pulled out the dagger and placed it on the sand beside where she could clearly see it was coated in blood. Robyn’s hand trembled madly as she gently touched Dobby’s frail head. “Dobby, hold on.” Her voice trembled as she spoke “No, please, Dobby.” “Hold on.” Pleaded Harry “Look, just hold on, okay? We’ll fix you.” Robyn looked down at Dobby’s content face forcing herself not to look at the blood that coated his stomach. Harry looked up at Robyn “Hermione will have something” He turned to Hermione “In your bag. Hermione?” “Please.” Robyn begged as a tear clung onto her eyelash “Hermione.” Harry said his voice shaking with need for her help “Hermione. What is it? Help me.” “Such a beautiful place…to be with friends.” Robyn looked down at the house-elf’s words and stroked his head her bottom lip trembling “Dobby is happy to be with his friends…” Robyn and Harry placed their foreheads against the smiling house-elf as tears blurred Robyn’s vision “Harry Potter. Robyn Potter.” Robyn pulled back and saw the house-elf’s lifeless eyes staring into nothingness. A tear slipped off her eye lash and trickled down her cheek slowly as she stared at the house-elf. “We should close his eyes.” Robyn looked through her blurry eyes at Luna who was sat beside her “Don’t you think?” she watched as Luna gently closed Dobby’s eye lids “There. Now he could be sleeping.” “I want to bury him.” Harry blurted and Robyn nodded “Properly. Without Magic.” The tear on Robyn’s cheek fell off her jaw and landed on Dobby’s closed eyes. *** Draco listened with a pained expression as the Dark Lord roared and shouted loudly in anger. Screams of pain came from Death Eater’s echoed around the house. Draco trembled as his eyes were blinding by flashes of Robyn and the pain he’d seen her in mere hours ago. He looked down at his hands and clenched his fists as he stared at the door where the Dark Lord was punishing his Death Eaters. The door swung open and Draco watched as his father entered, his hair long and no longer white but grey and matted and his skin grey and blotchy. Draco watched as his father straightened himself and stalked toward him then gripped his upper arm tightly. “Be grateful I didn’t tell the Dark Lord of your secret.” His father muttered into his ear and Draco dug his nails into his skin to prevent himself from conveying any emotion as the other Death Eater’s filed out of the room, “I saw you with Miss Potter, Draco. I saw your kiss.” Draco’s throat tightened “One step out of line and I will tell the Dark Lord…everything.”
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