Chapter 7

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Year 7 1997 //Splinched, Ron's doubts and Departures// Robyn lay flat on her back staring up at the tree’s high above her. She took a shaky breath as she allowed her heart to slow to a normal pace. She looked around and realised she had no idea where she was then her eyes landed on a horrifying sight. “Ron.” She whispered and she quickly crawled over to him and stared down at his splinch wound. Hermione was already there looking down at him worriedly. Ron looked at her with pain filled eyes as he convulsed on the leaf covered floor. “Harry. Harry, quickly, in my bag. There’s a bottle labelled ‘Essence of Dittany’.” Hermione said to Harry. Robyn pulled off Ron’s shirt as quickly as she could with her hands trembling with shock then attempted to calm him by stroking his head, “Its okay.” Robyn whispered quietly “You’re okay.” Ron looked up at her with fearful eyes before glancing at Hermione, “Quickly!” Hermione shouted at Harry, “Accio Dittany.” She heard Harry say quickly then walked toward them quickly, “It’s alright.” Hermione cooed to Ron “Unstoppper it.” “Hermione, his arm...” Harry said aghast, “I know, just do it.” Hermione ordered and Harry did so then knelt beside his sister “It’s okay.” Hermione said to Ron as softly as she could, her voice was shaking. Robyn bit her lip and watched as Hermione was on the verge of tears “It’s going to sting a little bit.” she began applying drop of the liquid onto Ron’s bleeding shoulder, “What happened?” Harry pressed “I thought we meant to go back to Grimmauld Place.” “We were.” Hermione whispered, clearly still fearful “We were. Shh. It’s all right. One more, one more. We were there, we were there, but Yaxley had a hold of me, and I knew once he’d seen where we were, we couldn’t stay so I brought us here but Ron got splinched.” Robyn gulped as Ron’s skin began to heal itself where the drops hit. Robyn watched Hermione stand and walk away then stop and raise her hands “Protego Totalum” Robyn realised what she was doing “Salvio Hexia” “What’s she doing?” Harry asked Robyn, “Protective enchantments.” Robyn answered him “I doubt any of us would fancy another visit like the one we had in Shaftesbury Avenue, do you?” “You can get going on the tent.” Hermione called back to them, “Tent?” the twins repeated, “Protego Totalum” Hermione ignored them “Where are we supposed to find a tent?” *** The front page of the Daily Prophet stared up at Draco, the head line read: POTTER’S INVASION OF THE MINISTRY. The picture was one of Harry, Robyn, Hermione and Ron running through the Ministry welcome centre. He stared at the Robyn. Fear covered Robyn’s face as she ran and her black hair was streaming behind her. Draco looked around Diagon Alley which had become a very dark and dangerous place. Posters plastered the walls, all of them of two specific people: Harry and Robyn Potter. UNDESIRABLE’S No1 HARRY AND ROBYN POTTER _________________________________________________ CONTACT THE MINISTRY OF MAGIC IMMEDIATELY IF YOU HAVE ANY INFORMATION CONCERNING THEIR WEREABOUTS. FAILING TO REPORT WILL RESULT IN IMPRISSONMENT _________________________________________________ REWARD 10,000 GALLONS ON EACH OF THEIR HEADS His throat tightened as he stared at it, “Draco.” He heard his father snap and looked at him “Hurry up,” Draco glanced at the posters before continuing to follow his father and mother. He glanced back at the picture of Robyn and stared at her face until the image was impossible to see. *** “You first.” Hermione said and Harry looked at his sister who pointed her wand at the locket, “Dissendium.” It exploded in large puffs of smoke. The four of them walked forward carefully to see that the locket was unharmed, “Incendio” Hermione said pointing her wand at it. The locket burst into flames and Robyn was almost sure it was destroyed but when the flames faded the locket was in perfect condition, “Expulso” Harry tried and the locket screeched and was flung a few meters in a burst of sparks. Upon closer inspection they saw that the locket was, once again, un-harmed. Robyn bit her lip as Harry tried again “Diffindo” the locket was blasted across the leaf strewn ground “Reducto” She flinched as the screaming of the locket got louder and louder as Harry shot random spells at it. The fire from Harry’s last flame diminished to reveal the locket in perfect condition. Robyn watched with a small frown as Harry picked up the locket and, instead of placing it in his pocket, he hung the chain around his neck, “What are you doing?” Hermione asked “We have to keep it safe until we find out how to destroy it.” Harry explained, “Seems strange, mate, Dumbledore sends you and Robyn off to find all these Horcruxes, but doesn’t tell you have to destroy them.” Ron said, “Doesn’t that bother you?” Robyn just stared as Harry walked away. *** They were all dead. Every single one of them. Their eyes were lifeless as they lay on the ground staring up at nothing. Robyn felt tears streaming down her face as she ran over their faces: Tonks, Lupin, Bill, Fleur, Dumbledore, Sirius, Fred, George, Ginny, Mr. and Mrs Weasley, Hermione, Ron, Harry and all other students of Hogwarts. A loud and painful sob escaped Robyn’s lips and she looked around at them. “It was all your fault, Robyn Potter.” She looked up to see Voldemort sneering at her, “All of this could have been prevented if you had done your job.” Robyn let out another sob and covered her face with her hands “Your friends. Your peers. Your brother.” “No.” Robyn sobbed “Stop it.” “It was all your fault.” Voldemort leered “You’re the reason they’re dead.” “No.” Robyn whispered and Voldemort grinned as Draco came out from behind him being held by two masked Death Eaters. His face was battered and his clothes were dirty and slightly ripped, he was barely conscious with his eyes half lidded. She made an attempt to get to him buts her body was seemingly paralysed, “Stop!” Robyn cried out as Voldemort pointed his want at Draco’s throat “Please! No!” “You could have stopped this all, Robyn.” Voldemort taunted “But you didn’t. Avarda Kedavra.” The green light hit Draco square in the chest, “NO!” “Robyn! Robyn! Wake up!” Robyn snapped her eyes open to see Ron leaning over her with a worried expression “Oh, god. Robyn. Are you okay? You were sobbing and screaming.” Robyn nodded and breathed heavily, “Yeah, I’m fine.” She assured him and sat up, running a hand through her hair, “Just a nightmare.” “About what?” Ron questioned “You looked really scared, Robyn. What did you see?” “You, Harry, Hermione…everyone was dead.” Robyn muttered “He kept saying that it was all my fault. That I could have prevented it but I didn’t. Then, he killed Draco right in front of me. I couldn’t move.” She looked down and fumbled with her fingers “Sorry for worrying you.” Ron rolled his eyes and wrapped an arm around her and pulled her to his chest, “Don’t apologise.” Ron said kissed the top of her head softly, “Can you stay with me tonight?” She asked quietly and Ron nodded and she shifted over so that he could lie in her bed, keeping his wrapped arm on his chest while his other was around Robyn. An hour later for nightmare free dreams, Robyn awoke to find that Ron wasn’t beside her and the radio was still playing loudly. She stood and walked out to the entrance of the tent and peered out to see Ron standing with a solemn expression watching as Hermione and her brother traipsed down a small slope talking quietly. She bit her lip and looked at Ron and saw his frustrated expression. “…Severus Snape, newly-appointed headmaster of Hogwarts, had decreed that all students must conform to the latest house rules. Hogwarts bears little resemblance to the school under Dumbledore’s leadership. Snape’s curriculum is severe, reflecting the wishes of the Dark Lord and infractions are dealt with harshly by the two Death Eater’s on staff…” the radio said as Robyn sat on the large bench staring at the marauder’s map. Her eyes scanned over the names and she did not see Draco’s anywhere and had so concluded that he hadn’t come to Hogwarts this year. She pulled off her necklace and held it in her hand watching the dark colours swirl together, she touched it gently and nibbled at her bottom lip. She missed him. Simple as. She hoped that he missed her, she had a feeling that he did but she couldn’t be certain. Robyn looked up to see Harry walking over to her with the locket in his hand “Your turn.” Harry said bluntly and Robyn reached over and took it then placed it around her neck, “Harry, I – “ she looked up only to see that Harry and gone over to Hermione at the other end of the table. Her eyes dropped and she looked down at the map before her. That was about as much communication she and Harry had had over the past month. Robyn found herself becoming closer to Ron, not in a romantic way but more of a brotherly way. It seemed, at the moment, the four of them were now divided. *** “And now for the names of the missing witches and wizards.” The radio man spoke as Robyn walked beside an extremely pale Ron whilst Hermione and Harry walked ahead of them by a good fifty meters or so. “Tese are confirmed. Thankfully, the list is short today. Jason and Alison Denbright.” Robyn looked up at Harry and Hermione and part of her was beginning to doubt whether they saw each other as siblings at all. The way the pair looked at each other was almost…loving. She shook her head and looked down at the green grass at her feet “Bela, Jake, Charlie, and Madge Farley. Joe Laurie….”. *** “…Eleanor Sarah Gibs. Harry and Bronwyn Trigg, Rob and Ellie Dowson…” Robyn was huddled beside Ron under cover of a large barn whilst Death Eaters flew overhead in black streams of smoke. *** “..Georgia Clark-Day. Joshua Flexson. George Coutas..” they walked through an abandoned caravan park that seemed to have been burnt to the ground “Gabriella and Emily Mather…” *** “…Jacob and Mimi Erland…” “He doesn’t know what he’s doing, does he?” Ron questioned as he, Robyn and Hermione stood under a pier whilst Harry skipped rocks on the other side “None of us do.” Hermione replied and Robyn looked down at the rocks beneath her feet. *** Curled up in a beach chair in their tent, Robyn read quietly whilst Ron lay in bed listening to the radio and Hermione was cutting Harry’s hair. Robyn turned a page just as Hermione gasped suddenly, “Oh my god.” Robyn looked up at Hermione’s words, “What?” Harry asked and she saw him reach back to check his hair, “I’ll tell you in a minute.” Hermione called back, “Maybe you could tell me now?” Harry suggested as he rounded a corner to where Hermione went. Robyn looked down and closed her book then stood, “The sword of Gryffindor, its goblin-made.” Robyn heard Hermione tell Harry, “Brilliant.” Harry replied confusion in his voice, “No, you don’t understand.” Hermione denied “Dirt and rust have no effect on the blade. It only takes in that which makes it stronger.” “Okay.” Harry agreed. Robyn bit her lip and looked at Ron who was now sitting up-right on his bed with a blank expression on his face, “Harry, you’ve already destroyed one Horcrux, right?” Hermione pointed out “Tom Riddle’s diary in the Chamber of Secrets.” “With a Basilisk fang.” Harry reminded her “If you tell me you’ve got one of those in that bloody beaded bag of yours…” “Don’t you see?” Hermione repeated incredulously “In the Chamber of Secrets, you stabbed the Basilisk with the sword of Gryffindor.” Robyn stepped forward to help Ron as he tried to get to his feet but he shook his head and pushed himself off the bed and stood “It’s blade is impregnated with Basilisk venom.” “It only take in that which makes it stronger.” Harry said catching on, Robyn was barely listening as she focused on the dangerous look that had fallen over her best friends face, “Exactly, which is why – “ “It can destroy Horcruxes.” Harry finished, “That’s why Dumbledore left it to you in his will.” Hermione said and Robyn watched nervously as Ron began to walk slowly over to his bag and rummage through it, “You are brilliant, Hermione.” Complemented Harry “Truly.” Ron pulled out the diluminator that Dumbledore had left him and began walking toward where Hermione and Harry were, “Actually, I’m highly logical, which allows me to look past extraneous detail and perceive clearly that which others over look.” Hermione contradicted modestly. Robyn walked slightly behind Ron as he made his way over to the pair, “Yeah, there’s only one problem, of course.” Harry stopped as Ron flicked the diluminator extracting all the light from the tent. Ron walked out so the others could see him and Robyn quickly stood beside him, “The sword was stolen.” Ron finished for Harry, he flicked the object and the light returned to the room “Yeah, Robyn and I are still here. But you two carry on. Don’t let us spoil the fun.” “What’s wrong?” Harry asked pulling himself into a standing positon, “Wrong?” repeated Ron sarcastically “Nothing’s wrong. Not according to you, anyway.” “Look, if you’ve got something to say, don’t be shy.” Harry said “Spit it out.” “All right, I’ll spit it out.” Ron nodded and Robyn gulped “But don’t expect me to be grateful because there’s another damn thing we’ve got to find.” “I thought you knew what you signed up for.” Harry commented, “Yeah. I thought I did too.” Ron replied and Robyn glanced between the two boys nervously, “Well then, I’m sorry, but I don’t quite understand.” Harry said walking past them “What part of this isn’t living up to your expectations? Did you think we were gonna be staying a hotel? Finding a Horcrux every other day? Thought you’d be back with your mum by Christmas?” “Guy’s stop.” Robyn attempted to intervene but to no avail, “I just thought, after all this time we would’ve achieved something. I thought you knew what you were doing.” Ron snarled “I thought Dumbledore told you something worthwhile. I thought you had a plan.” Hermione stood opposite Robyn as the two boys began to argue, “I told you everything Dumbledore told me.” Harry retorted “And, in cast you haven’t noticed, we found a Horcrux.” “Yeah, and we’re as close to getting rid of it as we are to finding the rest of them.” Ron snapped, “Ron. Please, take – “ Hermione tried and stood in front of Ron but he pushed her arms off him glaring at Harry “Take the Horcrux off. You wouldn’t be saying this if you hadn’t been wearing it all day.” “Robyn thinks the same as me.” retorted Ron “Harry’s not tell her anything and she’s not wearing this bloody thing either.” Robyn’s eyes widened slightly, “You want to know why I listen to that radio? To make sure I don’t hear Ginny’s name, or Fred, or George or Mum or, for the sake of my best friend, Draco.” Robyn gulped and flinched as Harry spoke, “You think I’m not listening? You think I don’t know how this feels?!” “No, you don’t know how it feels!” Shouted Ron “Your parents are dead. You have no family and the one you have you treat her like she’s not there!” Harry leapt at Ron and Robyn yelped, “NO!” The girls cried, “Stop! Stop!” Hermione pleaded and Ron shoved Harry off, “Fine, then go!” Roared Harry and Robyn felt her heart stop “Go, then!” “Fine.” Growled Ron and he pulled the locket from his neck and dropped it to the floor, “Ron!” Hermione protested as he picked up his bag, “And you?” Ron asked her “Are you coming or are you staying?” Hermione glanced at Harry then at Ron “Fine. I get it. I saw you two the other night.” “Ron, that’s – That’s nothing” Hermione attempted to explain “No, it’s okay.” Ron snapped “Because Robyn and I have kissed before. So, you and have fun with Harry.” Robyn sucked her breath in and froze and she felt Harry’s piercing gaze on her, “What?” Hermione breathed in complete shock, Robyn didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t a lie. They had kissed but in fifth year! “Robyn,” she looked at Ron “come with me. They’re just going to ignore you like they have for the past few months. You deserve better than that.” Robyn’s throat tightened. She wanted to leave but she shook her head “I need to finish the task, Ron.” Robyn whispered and Ron nodded understandingly, “Fine but find me if you ever need to leave.” Ron said then stalked out the tent, “Ron...” Hermione gasped and she left the tent after him. Robyn stared in shock at the entrance to the tent and could feel Harry’s gaze burning into her, “You kissed Ron.” He muttered and Robyn trailed her eyes to look at him, she didn’t deny it because it was true. Harry’s jaw clenched as he looked at her “Leave.” Robyn stared at him and her mouth dropped, opening and closing like a fish. “What?” She managed to whisper, “Leave with him.” Harry said dangerously, “No.” Robyn shook her head, “We need to find the rest of the Horcruxes.” “And we will...” Harry nodded “…but not with you.” Robyn felt her heart shatter and her eyes began to water. “Harry, please.” Robyn begged “Where will I go?” He shrugged and picked up her bag and threw it at her, she caught it her expression one of great hurt and fear, “I don’t know.” He said honestly “You need to leave, Robyn.” “Harry, no, please.” Tears slipped down her face “I’m begging you – “ “I said leave!” Harry boomed and Robyn froze out of shock and fear. Tear’s slid down her cheeks endlessly and she opened the tent entrance and looked at Harry a final time who was glaring at her. Robyn quickly left the tent and saw Ron disaperate, she stopped and glanced at the tent. Harry wouldn’t let her back so she would have to go alone. Robyn looked at Hermione to see her sobbing and turning her brown eyes landed on Robyn with her bag on her shoulder, her eyes widened, “Robyn...” Breathed Hermione and she began to running toward her “No! Robyn!” Robyn shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut and pictured a place then…she was gone.
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