Chapter 6

3540 Words
Year 7 1997 //Mundungus Fletcher and Ministry Infiltration// Seventeen, sixteen, fifteen, fourteen. The second’s on Robyn’s wrist watch fell slowly as she sat in lounge vaguely listening to the tune that Hermione was trying to teach Ron. Harry was sat opposite her staring at the snitch which was hovering in front of him. Robyn looked up at him. The twins hadn’t spoken much in the past few days…well…years. Before the Hogwarts, Voldemort, Draco, Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore or anyone it was just them. Harry James Potter and Robyn Lily Potter, the twins with no parents that lived in the cupboard under the stairs with only themselves for company. It was just…them. They knew each other’s fears, secrets, longings and everything thing else in between. The twins that would be bullied at school and be comforted by the other at home. Nothing was kept from the other. They read each other like a book. But now? It was like the books were locked shut and put in a safe and given an impossible code and the key thrown away. Secrets were kept. Fear were hidden. Longings were false. There were Harry and Robyn. Now? There were Harry…and…Robyn. Robyn shook her head and walked over to the piano where Ron sat alone as Hermione had moved over to Harry. She sat beside him and Ron looked up at her with a smile before glancing at Harry and Hermione who were speaking. Robyn glanced at them then at Ron and saw that his expression was one of slight jealousy “They’re like siblings, you know.” Robyn whispered and Ron looked at her, “What?” “There’s nothing between them.” Robyn told him and Ron nodded slightly. Ron shifted slightly closer to her and held her hands, “How are you doing not being with Mal – Draco?” Ron asked her quietly, she shrugged in response just as a loud bashing sound came from the kitchen. The four rushed out the room and into the kitchen. Robyn ran behind Harry to see Mundungus Fletcher with Kreatcher around his neck with his hands over the man’s mouth and Dobby clinging onto the man’s feet, “Harry and Robyn Potter,” squeaked Dobby happily “so long it’s been.” “Get off me!” shouted Mundungus as he thrashed in an attempt to get to house-elves of him, which ended with him falling face first onto the hard floor. Mundugus stood and hit his head on a hanging frying pan “As requested,” Kreacher said, “Kreacher has returned with the thief.” “Expelliarmus.” Hermione said quickly as Mundungus’s wand went flying, “Mundungus Fletcher.” Finished Kreacher, “What you playing at?” Demanded Mundungus, “Setting a pair of bleeding house-elves after me.” “Dobby was trying to help.” Dobby said as he climbed onto a chair, “Dobby saw kreacher in Diagon Alley, which Dobby thought was curious.” The house-elf began walking beside the twins on the table with Kreacher behind him “And then Dobby heard Kreacher mention Harry and Robyn Potter’s names.” “I just – “ Dobby pushed Kreacher back, “And then Dobby saw Kreacher talking with the thief, Mundungus.” Dobby described as he continuously pushed Kreacher back, “I’m no thief.” Snarled Mundungus from the other side of the bench “You foul little - “ He made a move to Dobby but glanced at the Potter twins and stopped “Git,” he whispered as Kreacher brandished his small knife at the man “I’m a purveyor of rare and wondrous objects.” “You’re a thief, Dung.” Ron said moving over to stand beside Robyn “Everyone knows it.” “Master Weasley,” Dobby smiled moving over to him “so good to see you again.” Ron held out his hand and Dobby shook it with both of his, “Wicked trainers.” Complemented Ron to Dobby and Robyn smiled before looking up to see Mundgunus had knocked a large pile of newspapers to the floor, “Listen, I panicked that night, all right?” said Mundungus nervously as he stumbled back into a corner as the four students cornered him “Could I help it if Mad-Eye fell off his broom?” “You…” Snarled Kreacher waving his knife in the man’s face causing him to fall into a large chair, “Tell the truth.” Hermione ordered, “When you turned this place over – “ Harry cut across his sister, “Don’t deny it.” “-you found a locket, am I correct?” Robyn continued and Mundungus looked at her, “Why? Was it valuable?” questioned the wizard “You still got it?” Hermione asked “No, he’s worried he didn’t get enough money for it.” Ron corrected from beside Robyn, “Bleeding give it away, didn’t I?” Grumbled Mundungus, “There I was, flogging me wares in Diagon Ally when some Ministry hag comes up and asks to see me license. Says she’s a mind to lock me up. And would’ve done it too, if she hadn’t taken a fancy to that locket.” “Who was she?” Harry asked, “The witch. Do you know?” “No I – “ Mundungus stopped himself as his eyes fell onto the fallen newspapers, Robyn watched with furrowed eyebrows as he got up and picked one up staring at the cover “Well, she’s there. Look. Bleeding bow and all” he placed it on the table and Robyn felt her insides tighten and the women on the front page. Robyn slowly looked up at Ron and they gulped nervously before returning to look down at the picture of a smiling Delores Umbridge. *** Robyn looked down at the four unconscious people with a slight grimace, Hermione stood holding a piece of hair from each of the Ministry wizards, “Right, remember what we said.” Hermione said to them, “Don’t speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary.” Robyn took the small vile of polyjuice potion from Hermione, “Just try and act normal. Do what everybody else is doing. If we do that, then with a bit of luck, we’ll get inside. Then – “ “It get’s really tricky.” Harry finished and Robyn looked down at Nancy Upton who had her head on Runcorn’s shoulder. She gulped then looked at Hermione, “Correct.” Hermione nodded and she moved to stand between Robyn and Ron, “This is completely mental.” Robyn muttered, “Completely.” Hermione agreed, “The worlds mental.” Ron added, “Come on…We’ve got a Horcrux to find.” Robyn dropped Nancy’s hair into the potion and grimaced before looking at her friends, “Bottom’s up.” She said and the four tipped the liquid down their throats and shivered. After a few minutes, the four had changed into their assigned ministry wizards. Hermione as Mafalda Hopkirk, Ron as Reginald Cattermole, Harry as Albert Runcorn and Robyn as Nancy Upton. Once they’d change into the wizards and wizard’s clothes they stepped out into the streets of London. Robyn gulped and looked around nervously and looked down at the large stack of papers in her hand before at her brother/Runcorn and gulped, he nodded and the four of them attempted to walk as casually as they could don’t the streets. They came to a stop at the two different exits, one to the male bathroom and the other to the female. Robyn glanced at Harry/Runcorn and he gave her a reassuring look before she went off with Hermione. Robyn entered the cubical and, lucky for her and Hermione, had read up on how to enter through the bathroom. With a disgusted expression she stepped into the toilet and looked away and stared at the cubical wall and carefully reached her hand up to the leaver “This is disgusting.” Robyn whispered and squeezed her eyes shut and pulled the lever. A second later and she walked from the fireplace as composed as possible so to keep up her appearance. She spotted Hermione a few feet away and quickly hurried over to her. Hermione/Mafalda and Robyn/Nancy walked through the bustling crowds, staying as close together as possible so as not to be separated. Then, they reached the center of the welcome hall and Robyn’s throat tightened at the statue that lay in the fountain. It was disgusting. Muggles holding up a platform with a tower with the Ministry ‘M’ engraved in gold. Robyn felt a presence beside her and looked up to see Harry/Runcorn standing beside her, “Are those - ?” Harry was cut off by Hermione whilst Robyn stared at the statue in shock, “Muggles.” Hermione finished for him “In their rightful place.” “Gotta tell you, I’m starting to freak out a bit.” Ron/Cattermole said standing beside Runcorn. Robyn glanced around at the Ministry guards, “How long did you say this batch of Polyjuice would last?” She asked under her breath and looking at Hermione/Mafalda, “I didn’t.” she replied shakily. Robyn gulped and the four walked as casually as possible toward the elevator and stuck close together as more Ministry wizards entered. The gates closed and a rather tall man looked down at Robyn, “Ah, Mrs. Upton, good to see you.” He said and Robyn nodded, “How’s Quentin?” “Urm…he’s doing fine.” Robyn forced out a smile and could feel Harry’s nerves from beside her, “Little boys, eh.” The man grinned, “God forbid he turn out like this father.” He joked and Robyn nodded slowly, “That would be bad.” Robyn played along completely confused just as the elevation stopped and the gates opened. The man bid goodbye to her and Robyn turned to Harry and said, “I don’t like this.” She whispered to him and Harry let her a sympathetic smile and the four left the elevator. They looked around before moving over to an empty elevator and entering, the gates where about to close when a rather short man with greying blond hair stopped the gate, “Cattermole.” Yaxley addressed, “It’s still raining inside my office. That’s two days now.” Robyn gulped, “Have you tried an umbrella?” Robyn could have punched Ron/Cattermole, “You do realize I’m going downstairs, don’t you, Cattermole?” Yaxley said, “Downstairs?” repeated Ron/Cattermole, “To interrogate your wife.” Yaxley answered and Robyn stiffened slightly, “Now, if my wife’s blood status were in doubt and head the of the Department of Magical Department of Magical Law Enforcement needed a job doing. I think I might just make that a priority. You have one hour.” Yaxley walked away and the gate closed. Robyn hurridly gripped the handle above her as the elevator jolted and began to move, “Oh, my God.” Ron/Cattermole said panicky “What am I gonna do? My wife’s all alone downstairs.” “Ron, you don’t have a wife.” Robyn reminded him in his ridiculous state, “Oh, right.” Nodded Ron/Cattermole, “Level two.” The robotic voice in the lift said, “But how do I stop it raining?” Ron/Catterole asked as the lift came to a holt “Try, Finite Incantatem.” Hermione/Mafalda suggested, “Department of Magical Law Enforcement and Improper Use of Magic Department.” The robotic voice said, “This is you, Ron.” Hermione/Mafalda informed him as the grate opened, Harry/Runcorn shoved Ron/Cattermole out the lift and into the hall, “Finite Incantatem. Okay.” Ron/Cattermole nodded and Robyn bit her lip nervously as the gate closed again just as Ron/Cattermole turned to face them with a fearful expression “And if that doesn’t work…?” Robyn clung onto the handle above her as the lift zoomed around. A few minutes later, it stopped again, “Level one, Minister of Magic and Support staff.” The robotic said. “If we don’t locate Umbridge within the hour we go find Ron and come back another day.” Harry/Runcorn said “Deal?” “Yes.” The two girls said just as the gate opened and they came face to face with Umbridge, “Ah, Mafalda. Travers sent you, did he?” The pink poof said shortly as she entered the lift, “Good, we’ll go straight down.” She stopped beside Robyn and she felt her heart hammering widely in her chest. It was so tempting just to punch her, she was so close it would be so easy… ”Albert, Nancy, aren’t you getting out?” Robyn glanced at Harry/Runcorn and they stiffly made they’re way out the lift leaving Hermione stuck with Umbridge. Robyn glanced back to see Hermione staring at her with wide and terrified eyes. Once she and Umbridge were out of sight, Robyn turned to Harry/Runcorn, “Now what do we do?” Harry muttered under his breath, “Nancy, there you are!” Called a voice and Robyn turned to see a tall man with slicked back brown hair “We’ve been looking everywhere for you.” “You have?” Robyn squeaked, “Of course.” The man said loudly looking at her with a shocked look, “You’re presentation starts in two minutes.” “My presentation?” Repeated Robyn and the man nodded and motioned to the papers in her hands. Robyn looked down to see the first page on the papers in her hand had a large title of: MUD-BLOODS AND HOW TO CONTAIN THEM. PRESENTATION AT 10:40, OFFICE 53 Robyn swore loudly in her head before looking up at the man and plastering a fake smile onto her face and nodded. The man clapped and grinned, “Good!” He looked at his watch and swore, “Blast, we’re nearly late. See you later, Albert.” Robyn quickly followed the man down the hall but glanced back to see Harry/Runcorn staring at her with a nervous expression. Around three minutes later and Robyn entered a room with a large table that was occupied by at least fifteen Ministry Wizards, “Ah, Ms. Umpton, where we’re beginning to think that you weren’t going to show.” Smiled an balding man. Robyn let out a nervous laugh as she made her way to the front of the table where a small label with the name ‘NANCY UPTON’ lay. She placed her papers down and sat then looked at the people around her, who were staring at her expectantly, “Right.” Robyn said quietly, “Urm, is there any chance to reschedule?” “This must be done today, Nancy.” A lady with a tight bun told her sharply. Robyn nodded and gulped as she shakily stood, “Okay.” Robyn nodded, “So, how to contain mud-bloods.” Robyn stopped herself from grimacing at the term “Well, perhaps we should start with some idea’s from the group?” The people glanced at each other before back at her, “Are you alright, Ms. Upton?” One asked curiously and Robyn nodded slowly, “Because last time anyone attempted to give any idea you had them thrown out.” Great, Robyn thought bitterly. Of all the peoples DNA to choose you go for the muggle-hating, rude and stuck up lady. “I’m just feeling slightly under the weather.” Robyn excused herself and she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small rock, instant darkness powder an early birthday present from Fred and George. “So, have you any idea’s to come up with containing them?” A man asked her “These Mud-Bloods are infiltrating the purest of blood-lines. This cannot be allowed to continue.” Robyn looked at the man, “Well – “ She threw the rock under the table and it exploded and everyone began coughing widely. Robyn smirked then composed herself “I think we should reschedule. Have a good day.” Robyn hurried out the room and let out a breath of relief. The lift binged and Robyn stepped out into the dark halls which lead to the court room. Robyn made her way through the hall and head loud voices and a faint ringing sound. The Horcrux was close. She followed the sound to a court room and peered into the room from the darkness to see Ron/Cattermole standing beside a dark haired women with Harry/Runcorn walking around, Hermione/Mafalda was sitting in one the rows and behind a large stand was Umbridge with the Horcrux around her neck. Robyn pulled out her wand and held it behind her back as she carefully stood at the entrance to the court room, Umbridge looked at her, “Nancy, good, I need a witness.” Umbridge said cooly and Robyn stared up at her with a blank expression. Robyn thought her ears were going to pop at the loud ringing of the Horcurx, “What on earth are you doing Albert?” Questioned Umbridge, “Your lying, Dolores.” Harry/Runcorn said as his face began to change. Robyn stepped out as she felt her face beginning to change back to her own “And one mustn’t tell lies.” Robyn pulled out her wand and pointed it at Umbridge, “Stupefy!” She cried and Umbridge was knocked out, Yaxley made an attempt to shoot at Robyn but Ron/Cattermole hit him with a spell. Hermione/Mafalda quickly grabbed the locket from Umbridge before bounding down to them. Robyn was now back to her normal self along with Harry, she looked up and gapped there was no protection from the dementors as Umbridge’s cat had disappeared, “It’s Harry and Robyn Potter.” Whispered Mrs Cattermole, “It is isn’t it.” Ron/Cattermole said “This’ll be fun to tell the kids.” Robyn was still staring at the Dementors, “Robyn!” Ron shouted and he grabbed her arm and pulled her with him. Robyn snapped out of it and ran as fast as she could following Ron down the corridor, “Expecto Patronum!” Robyn shouted and her swam flew directly at the Dementor closest to her sending it back with a few others. The all slammed into the elevator and leaned back as far as they could to avoid the outstretched arms of the Dementor’s, “Expecto Patronum!” Harry yelled and the creatures were blasted back. The elevator stopped at the entrance hall and Robyn stood between Harry and Hermione, who had also changed back into herself. They kept their head’s low as they made their way through the crowd in an attempt not to be noticed with Ron/Cattermole and Mrs. Cattermole behind them. Harry, Robyn and Hermione turned to see that Ron had stopped to get ‘his’ wife to go but she kissed him suddenly and Robyn’s eyes widened and watched as Ron turned back into himself. Someone gently pushed Robyn aside and the real Mr. Cattermole appeared “Mary?” he asked “Who’s that?” “Long story” was Rons response her Mrs Cattermole’s shocked expression “Nice meeting you” “It’s Harry and Robyn Potter” a man said and Robyn turned to see a man standing beside Harry “It’s Harry and Robyn. Harry and Robyn Potter” the four of them broke out into a run as guards began to shout “It’s them!” “There they are!” “Stop them!” Robyn pushed past the crowd with the guards nearly on their tail. Robyn’s feet pounded the ground as she ran but had to dodge flying pieces of rock as the statue was blasted by a spell. Harry waved his wand sending hundreds of fliers everywhere. Robyn covered her head as another spell shot past her. The fireplaces they past began to get blocked and Robyn felt everything was slowing down as she ran to a open fireplace and flung herself inside and vanishing in a whoosh.
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