Chapter 8

2156 Words
Year 7 1997 //Childhood Flashback and Draco Malfoy// The rain battered down against the glass window of a muggle inn where Robyn was staying. It had been a week since Harry had forced her to leave him and Hermione after Ron. It was killing her inside. She’d never felt so hurt in her life. When she disaperated from the camp she had arrived in an alley way near the outskirts of London. She had cried for hours in the darkness before she moved to a muggle inn for safety and placed protection spells around the room. Robyn looked down at her notes with a frown on her face. Where would the sword of Gryffindor be? She huffed and stood from her chair and walked over to the window and looked down at the busy muggle street. Her eyes landed on two young children running around in the puddles giggling loudly and something clicked in her mind as she remembered a moment in her life before Hogwarts, the Dark Lord, Draco and everything that had happened in the past seven years… “Harry no!” Nine year old Robyn squealed as she ran through Private Drive with her twin chasing after her. Robyn heard Harry laugh behind her and his footsteps reaching her ears. She giggled and glanced back to see Harry running a few feet behind her with a large smile on his face and his hands out. “I’m going to get you Robyn.” Harry teased and Robyn quickened her pace before turning and bashed into something. She stumbled backward and hit into Harry then looked up to see Dudley, Piers, Ralph and a few other thirteen year old boys. Robyn gulped and looked up at them nervously, “Look who it is.” Sneered Dudley “My baby cousins.” Robyn clutched at Harry’s hand as she looked at the boys. She shifted under Pier’s gaze and moved closer to her brother. The boys smirked down at the twins, “What you doing out here?” Ralph leered “Children like you shouldn’t be out in the streets.” “Yeah.” Agreed the other boys, “You better get inside.” Growled Dudley and Robyn gulped nervously “Get out our way.” Dudley shoved past the twins. Pier pushed Robyn and she fell to the ground scraping her knee on the stone ground and she whimpered and clutched at her knee. Harry knelt down beside her sending at a glare as the group walked away shoving and pushing each other boisterously. Robyn looked down at knee where a small scrap lay, no blood just slightly bruised. She watched her brother look down at her knee, “Harry, it hurts.” Robyn whimpered quietly, “I know.” nodded Harry softly “Wait here.” She watched Harry ran into the house and a few seconds later came out and ran over to her. She watched him pull the back off a plaster then placed it over her small scrape, he looked back up at her “Does it hurt anymore?” she shook her head with a smile. Harry grinned then turned in a crouching positon “Come on.” Robyn smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his back. Harry looped his arms around her legs and stood and carried her back into the house. Robyn smiled at her brother and leaned her head on her twins shoulder. Her eyes welled up with tears as she watched the children run out of view from her window. Robyn looked down and blinked a few times to rid herself of the tears before standing and walking over to a stand and grabbing a coat then walked out of her room and out of the inn. She kept her hood up so that her face wasn’t visible as she walked through the street. Her blue eyes darted around as she looked at the Christmas presents that were on show in the shop windows. Robyn watched the happy family’s walk through the streets laughing as the children splashed into the puddles. It was painful to watch. A hand clamped over her mouth and an arm wrapped around her waist and yanked her backward. Robyn let out a muffled scream as she was slammed into an alley way wall, she trashed violently and attempted to reach for her wand. “Will you just hold still.” Growled her capture and Robyn froze and moved her gaze upward and stared at the dripping wet face of Draco Malfoy. His hair was plastered to his forehead from the rain, drops of water hung on the tips of his eyelashes and nose. He was dressed in large black coat, like her, with his hood up. Even under the shadow of his hood, she could see his beautiful grey eyes glinting brightly down at her “Draco...” How was she supposed to react? Run into his arm and embrace him like nothing had happened? She loved him, but she didn’t exactly know what they were. Are they dating? Or not? She knew that he wouldn’t have killed Dumbledore but the fact that he had been planning to throughout their entire relationship almost made her feel used. Like she was some kind of cover for has bad deeds. Then again, she knew he loved her. He’d shown her even before they started dating. She gulped and looked up Draco who seemed to be in the same hesitant positon as her. After a few quiet moments – except for the chatter of the crowd a few meters away and the rain hitting the ground – Draco shook his head as if something snapped inside of him. “Damn it.” He muttered and placed his hands on the back of her head and tilted her head upward slightly then pressed his lips to hers. She couldn’t stop herself from responding and kissed back and placing her hands on his wet shoulders. Draco kept his hands on her head to prevent her from pulling away – not that she wanted to. It felt so familiar and comforting to be in his arms again and everything that plagued her mind forgotten. A few minutes passed before Draco and Robyn finally realized exactly where they were. He pulled back and Robyn opened her eyes and looked at him, he was slightly flushed as he continued to stare at her, “We can’t stay out here.” Draco whispered softly touching her cheek “It’s to open.” She nodded in agreement and glanced down the alley before she began walking out of it and into the crowd, keeping her head down and tight grip on her boyfriend’s hand. Robyn closed the door behind them and pulled off her jacket then placed it on the coat stand. She turned to face Draco and saw him looking down at her notes, which she’d stupidly left open for anyone to read. Her eye widened, “Wait, no!” She exclaimed rushing forward toward him “Don’t read those.” She made an attempt to snatch the book from the table but Draco was quicker and turned so his back was to her whilst he flipped through the notes of Voldemort, the Horcruxes and everything else to do with her task. Robyn attempted to reach around him and snatch the book but Draco gently pushed her onto the bed and walked over to the window not removing his eyes from the words. She sat up and watched nervously observing his reaction. His eyebrows furrowed and then his eyes widened in realization slightly as he read over the pages in the book. He turned to her and held up the book on the page where Robyn had drawn the locket and Tom Riddles diary. “This is you-know-who’s secret?” Draco asked her and Robyn nodded slowly, “He split his sole into seven pieces?” He flicked through the pages again then slammed it shut. She watched him walk over and sit beside her and looked at her “That’s where you’ve been, isn’t it? Looking for these Horcruxes.” She nodded in response and Draco looked down with his hand clasped in his lap. Robyn watched him sigh with defeat as he said, “Then he’s won.” Her blue eyes widened, “What?” She whispered “No, he hasn’t won.” “Robyn, there are seven Horcruxes you need to find and destroy.” Draco reminded her, “No, five to find and six to destroy. Harry and I destroyed Tom Riddles Diary in second year.” Robyn corrected him, “I take it you’ve figured out a way to destroy them, then?” Draco commented and Robyn nodded, “Basilisk venom.” Answered Robyn, remembering what Hermione had said before she left, and Draco’s eyes widened, “You can’t be serious.” Draco said incredulously “Is there no other way? Basilisks aren’t exactly common, Robyn.” She rolled her eyes, “I know. The sword of Gryffindor is infused with the venom from when Harry stabbed the creature with it in the Chamber of Secrets.” “And do you have that?” He asked and she shook her head, Draco snorted “Then you have no chance.” Robyn frowned and looked up to see Draco walking over to the window and looking down at the streets “You need to give this task up, Robyn. He’s won.” “No, he hasn’t.” Robyn retorted, “Haven’t you been listening? We can destroy him.” “It’s not going to happen and you know it.” Draco snapped before kneeling in front of her and holding her hands “You need to go into hiding. Get as far away from England as you can.” Robyn sighed and shook her head, “I can’t do that, Draco.” She whispered “I need to destroy him.” He stood and rubbed his forehead, “You don’t understand.” Draco sighed, “He’s got more forces that you an even imagine. Not just wizards and wizards but giants, werewolves, vampires and more. You’ll die if you try.” Robyn flinched slightly then looked down. Draco sat beside her again “I’ve seen what he can do, Robyn. The creatures and people that follow him. The power he has…I can’t watch you die.” She looked down at her lap. Draco turned her head to face him and he held her face “Please.” “I’m sorry…but I have to.” She whispered and Draco looked into her eyes as if hoping she would change her mind. When she didn’t, he sighed in defeat. “Then, I’m going with you.” Robyn’s eyes widened as he stood and began looking over her note book, “Please tell me you’re joking.” Robyn said, Draco shrugged and folded his arms and leaned on the wall behind him. “Why not?” He questioned simply, “This isn’t something you do out on a whim.” Robyn pointed out seriously as she got to her feet “It’s dangerous. Very dangerous. You’re much safer as far away from me as possible.” He shook his head at her words and walked forward and rubbed her shoulders. “I’m coming with you.” He told her firmly but, at the same, gently. “But what about your family?” She asked quietly “If they realize that you’ve left with me that will put us both in even more danger.” “I doubt they’ll notice my absence.” He shrugged “My house has become the Head Quarters for you-know-who, there’s so many Death Eaters around that no one really notices me. But if it will make you feel safer, I’ll tell my parents that I’m going on holiday for a few months.” Robyn looked down nervously. Could she really let him risk his life for her? She bit her lip and stared at the floor. “Robyn,” he lifted her head to him “I’m coming with you.” She sighed and nodded, giving in. Draco grinned and raised his hands to her cheeks and kissed her softly.
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