Chapter 20

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Year 7 1998 //Draco's Search, Robyn Separates and Voldemort's Final Horcrux// Draco made his way down the corridor dressed in his black suit and tie with his mother’s wand clutched tightly in his hand. He kept his head low as so not to be seen by the number of people passing him. His grey eyes darted out looking for Robyn but she was nowhere in sight. Draco quickly ran over to it and stared at the protection spells that had been placed around the school. He could see the mass of Death Eater’s charging down from the Forbidden Forest toward the bridge and he could make out the group of Death Eater’s on a hill a little in the distance. His heart pounded when he remembered why this was all happening. Why Voldemort was attacking the school. Why people were going to sacrifice themselves. Voldemort wanted to kill Robyn and Harry Potter. He’d be damned if he let it happen. Draco clenched his fists and looked around and his eyes landed on the Slytherin’s being escorted by Filch. He moved forward and pulled out Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyel and shoved them into an empty corridor. Draco turned to Blaise with a serious expression “Where is she?” Draco asked him, Blaise was the only person he trusted enough to tell about his relationship with Robyn. Crabbe and Goyel would have only blabbed stupidly if they knew. “She was in the great hall an hour ago.” Blaise said in a ruff voice “With her brother and friends.” “Was she alright?” Draco pressed urgently, “Who?” Goyel asked stupidly, “She was fine, Draco.” Blaise assured him, ignoring Goyel’s question. Draco let out a small breath of relief before looking Blaise directly in the eye, “We need to find her.” Draco told him sternly “You, Goyel and Crabbe take the left side of the castle and I’ll – “ “Who are we looking for Draco?” Asked Crabbe and Draco growled under his breath in frustration then snapped his head to Crabbe, “My girlfriend.” Spat Draco and the two large boys stared at Draco. “Robyn Potter, you idiot.” Blaise snarled and their eyes widened, “You’re dating Potter?” gaped Goyel “But Malfoy – “ “Just shut up Goyel!” Draco shouted “Find her and get her as far away from the castle as possible. Understand?” Blaise nodded whilst Goyel and Crabbe glance at each other before nodding slightly but Draco didn’t believe them. Draco turned to Blaise “Find her. Make sure she’s unharmed.” Then Draco left the corridor and headed left with only one though in his mind: Where are you Robyn? *** Robyn shoved passed students as fast as she could not bothering to apologies. The Room of Requirement was on the other side of the school from where the Helena Ravenclaw had been. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest as she rounded a corner. Robyn suddenly stopped and took a great gasp of air and fell against a wall with Harry beside her. Pain and shock shot through Robyn and Harry. They knew that Hermione and Ron had destroyed the cup. Robyn’s breathing began ragged and her eyes closed for a fleeting moment and an image of Voldemort staring in shock at the dark sky flashed in her mind. Opening her eyes she immediately saw Harry and they’re eyes locked for a moment. A loud explosion caused Robyn to leap up and look outside…her jaw dropped. The protection spells around the school burst into pieces began floating down from the sky. Breaks in the dome around them sent fear shooting through her veins. The twins looked at each other and Robyn quickly helped Harry up and the pair were immediately back to running toward the Room of Requirement. The twins ran hurriedly found themselves on the main staircase just as a Death Eater came flying down the hall but Robyn pointed her wand at him, “Stupfey!” She shouted and the man was sent flying. Robyn turned to Harry just in time to see Ginny and Neville bounding up the staircase toward them. “Ginny! Neville!” Harry exclaimed as they stopped beside them. Robyn’s eyes widened at the blood as trickled down the side of Neville’s face “Are you all right?” “Never better!” Neville answered with an excited grin “I feel like I could spit fire! You haven’t seen Luna, have you?” “Luna?” repeated Robyn confused, “I’m mad for her!” Neville admitted proudly and Robyn smiled slightly “I think it’s about time I told her, since we’ll probably both be dead by dawn!” Robyn watched with her jaw dropped as Neville ran off into the crowd. Robyn turned only to see Ginny and Harry kissing, her eyes widened and scrunched her face up – that was her brother! Then again, they did look good together. “I know.” Ginny gasped as Harry opened his mouth to say something. Harry looked at Robyn and they both began to run but then as they rounded a corner Robyn said, “You go. Destroy the diadem.” Harry frowned, “We both have to do this.” Harry said sternly “And there is no way I am leaving you.” “Harry you have to!” She exclaimed “Their number is far greater than are own. We need as many people as we can spare.” Harry shook his head, “I can’t let you risk yourself, Robyn.” He whispered, “You have too.” She began walking back the way they came, “You need to destroy it! Go!” She shouted just as a Death Eater crashed through a window and she shot a red jet at him sending him flying back out the window with a scream. Robyn turned to Harry who was staring at her still conflicted “Harry! GO!” she yelled and Harry nodded then dashed away into the crowd. Robyn whipped her wand at a group of Death Eater’s and sent them spiralling out the window in a flash of red light from the end of her wand. She’d been separated from her brother for around twenty minutes and was now in the middle of the charms corridor with a few other members of the order around her. With a flick and a twirl of her wand Robyn tied three Death Eaters together before shoving them of the balcony and to the stone ground. A grunt slipped past her lips as she dodged a spell from a Death Eater before shooting a spell his way that paralysed him. Robyn wiped her forehead of sweat and looked up t Kingsley’s voice. “Have you ever considered a career as an auror, Miss Potter?” He asked her as he duelled with a Death Eater. “A few times.” Robyn replied in a furious battle with a foe before shooting him dead “Why?” “You’ve got talent.” He complemented as he sent his enemy flying out a window. Robyn smiled lightly before she was forced into a duel with two Death Eater’s. A few minutes later as Robyn was running down the corridor with her wand gripped tightly in her hand as she shot spells at Death Eaters as she past. Robyn stopped and pointed her wand at a Death Eater who was charging into the corridor and shouted, “Duro!” The man turned to stone and Robyn slashed her wand and the man shattered into fragments. Suddenly, Robyn’s wand flew out of her wand and she spun around onto to have a spell blast her backward sending her flying into a wall. Robyn grunted quickly as she dropped to the floor with a few pieces of rubble around her. She immediately rolled onto her back and found a Death Eater standing above her with his wand at her throat. “Lookie lookie who we have ‘ere.” He sniggered with a malicious smirk on his face “I know someone that would praise me greatly for bringing you to him.” Robyn narrowed her eyes at him and clenched her fists. Stupid, Robyn scolded herself mentally. The Death leered over her and opened his mouth to speak “Avada Kedavra!” The Death Eater froze before falling sideways revealing Draco standing a few feet away with his wand pointed at where the man was. Draco looked down at her then hurried over to her and ran his eyes over her “Are you alright?” She nodded and Draco quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her threw the mass of Death Eaters and Order. Draco pushed her into a class room and closed the door behind them then turned to her and strode over to her. “What are you doing?” He narled quietly “Do you want to be killed?” “What?” Robyn muttered confused but Draco shook his head and looked around, “Come on, we need to get you away from here.” Robyn frowned as she watched him press a brick in the wall and a passage opened up. She stood froze in shock as Draco turned to her “Robyn come on.” He motioned with his hand for her but Robyn frowned and shook her head. “Draco…I cant.” She said softly and Draco walked forward and grabbed her hand ignoring her words as he began pulling her to the passage “Draco, no. Stop.” “We need to keep you safe.” He muttered as he pulled her along “You need to get out of here.” Robyn finally managed to pulled her hand from his grasp and moved backward, “STOP!” She shouted and Draco halted, “Just stop!” He turned to her and Robyn could see pain and fear swimming in his irises. Robyn stared at him with a slightly sad expression on her face “You know I cant leave.” “But you can’t stay either, Robyn.” He whispered walking forward and standing directly in front of her “It’s too dangerous.” “I know.” She nodded “I don’t have a choice. I have to – “ “You don’t have to do anything!” He shouted “The only thing you have to do is keep yourself safe.” “Draco, you don’t understand. I have to stay. Harry and I have to destroy Voldemort.” Robyn said seriously “It has to be us.” Draco shook his head, “You’ll die, Robyn. He’s too powerful.” Draco told her in a slightly cracked voice and Robyn took his hands and shook her head, “We have a chance.” She said softly “Harry’s destroying the fifth Horcrux as we speak.” “Then what?” Draco asked quietly “You need to find another, I take it? Do you know what that is?” Robyn bit her lip “You don’t. Of course you don’t. After that one? You have to kill Voldemort? You make it seem as if there’s no chance that you could die, Robyn. You will die Robyn! Stop thinking about everyone else and just think about yourself for once!” Draco had tears in his eyes and Robyn felt her heart squeeze tightly as she listened to him. “I have to.” She breathed, “If you won’t do it for yourself, do it for me.” Draco said his voice cracking as a tear slipped down his cheek “I can’t watch you die, Robyn. Don’t make me go through it. I’m begging you.” Robyn sniffed and felt her eyes well up at his words “Please.” “I have to.” She whispered and a tear slipped down her cheek. Draco closed his eyes and sniffed, Robyn let out a small whimper and wrapped her arms around him and dug her face into his shoulder with her body shaking. He wrapped his arms around her waist and dug his face into her hair. She held his clothes in fists as she shook “I’m scared…I’m so scared, Draco.” She whispered with her voice trembling. “I know.” He muttered and stroked her back “I am too.” They pulled back and Robyn looked up at him through her blue eyes and saw his own grey eyes looked down at her. A hand moved from her back and trailed up until it was on the back of her head and Draco’s face was closer than it had been before, he looked at her for a second before pressing forward and connecting their lips. Robyn clutched at his back and moved her lips against his with urgency in their movements. She felt his hands tighten their grips on her hair as deepened it. It seem, to Robyn, that Draco thought that she might disappear if he let go of her. Robyn left a few tears slip down her cheeks before she pulled back and they both panted lightly. Out of nowhere a smile broke out on her face which caused Draco’s lips to twitch at the edges. Suddenly Robyn felt pain rake through her body and she took a gasp then her breaths became rapid and ragged. Her eyes widened and she was vaguely aware of herself falling backward but arms caught her and she could see Draco’s panicked face above her with his mouth moving but not words escaping. Nagini hissed and curled her massive body as she looked up at her master. Voldemort gasped loudly and his breathing turn ragged and small grunts of pain escape his pale lips. Robyn shivered and looked at Draco but only saw only a blur of his bright white hair and pale skin. Her breathing was shaky and uneven as pain shocks were sent through her body. Voldemort looked down at his pale fingers then looked over his shoulder before turning around completely to face his band of Death Eater’s and moving forward, stumbling slightly. “My Lord?” Thicknesse stammered “Avada Kedavra!” shouted Voldemort pointing his wand at the man and was blasted back into the arms out the other Death Eaters. Voldemort moved further down the grass land, no other Death Eater stared speak. “Come, Nagini.” Muttered Voldemort “I need to keep you safe.” Voldemort disaperated, taking his snake along with him. Robyn’s eyes were wide now and she felt beads of sweat slip down her forehead and mixing with the blood. Her vision returned along with her hearing and she was able to see Draco was now paralysed with shock “Robyn?!” he shouted and Robyn gulped and looked up at him “Oh my god. Robyn! What happened?” “It’s the snake.” Robyn panted ignoring his question as she pulled herself into a sitting position “Nagini is the last Horcrux.” Draco’s eyebrows furrowed for a moment before he understood and looked at her with a hopeless expression. “There’s no way you can kill her.” He said quietly “She doesn’t leave his side.” Robyn sighed, “I know. I know. To find her and I need to find him.” Draco’s eyes widened whilst Robyn pulled herself to her feet and Draco held her arms to steady her. “You can’t be serious.” He gaped at her “You’re in no state – “ “I have to.” Robyn said looking at him “I need to find my brother, now.” “I’ll come with you.” Draco said hurriedly but Robyn shook her head “No, you need to get away from here.” She told him “I need to stay, but you have to get out here as fast as you can.” Draco fixed her with a harsh stare, “If you won’t leave here, Robyn, I’m staying to protect you.” He told her firmly. Robyn looked at him with a pleading expression before placing her hands on the back of his head and pressing her lips to his. Draco was frozen but then his lips moved against hers and his eyes closed. After a few seconds Robyn pulled back just enough so that she could say “I’m sorry.” Then Draco opened his eyes and she was gone.
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