Chapter 19

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Year 7 1998 //Snape's Departure, The Order and Rowena Ravenclaw// Robyn kept her head low as she stood in the Gryffindor ranks of the Great Hall. Neville was completely right, Hogwarts wasn’t the same. There were torches burning along the walls, the ceiling was bland and empty were normally a beautiful image of the sky outside would be visible, the banners of the four houses were gone, and the students were treated as they were part of an army. The hall was no longer bright and colourful but dull and depressing. She glanced up through the students as Snape walked down the aisle of students with his black cloak billowing behind him. At the top of the hall there were no tables of where the teachers sat nor the podium with the golden owl. The Carrow twins stood waiting the head master from where Robyn could see. She watched as Snape turned to face the students. “Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour.” Professor, Snape said “It’s come to my attention that, earlier this evening…Harry and Robyn Potter were sighted in Hogsmeade.” Muttering’s rang around the crowds of students. Robyn flicked her gaze over to Harry who was a few people away from her, he stared at her before they both looked up at Snape, “Now…should anyone…student or staff, attempt to aid Mr. and Miss. Potter…they will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression. Furthermore…any person found to have knowledge of these events…who fail to come forward…will be treated as…equally guilty. Now then, if anyone here has any knowledge of Mr. Potter and, or, Miss. Potter’s moments this evening…I invite them to step forward…” Robyn and Harry looked at each other “…now.” Robyn took a shakily breath and walked between the lines of the Gryffindor students with her brother behind her. Her footsteps echoed loudly in the room as she stopped in the aisle between the students so she was facing Snape, Harry stopped beside her. Loud gasped rung around the room as they saw Robyn and Harry’s faces. Robyn walked forward with strength in her stride. “It seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies,” Robyn began knowing that all eyes were on her as she spoke, “You still have a bit of a security problem, Headmaster.” Harry finished for his sister as they glanced back were the doors of the Great Hall flew open and in entered the Order of the Phoenix, with Kingsley Shaklebolt at the front and Hermione and Ron beside him. “And I’m afraid to say, it’s quite extensive.” Robyn added with the smallest smirk before it dropped as she returned her gaze back to Snape. “How dare you stand where he stood?” Harry said with anger in his tone “Tell them how it happened that night!” his voice raised and the students all took a step back to give the three space “Tell him how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you,” “And killed him.” Robyn finished with a glower at Snape through her pale blue eyes “Tell them, sir.” Snape then pulled out his wand in a flourish and pointed it at Harry and Robyn. Suddenly, Robyn was shoved into her brother and they stumbled back. She looked in shock as Professor McGonagall stood where the twins were with her wand pointed at Snape. All the students ran to the walls of the room with small shrieks and gasps of shock. Robyn’s jaw was slightly opened in shock as she watched Professor McGonagall point her wand at Snape with a fierce expression. Professor McGonagall set a jet of flames toward Snape who blocked it quickly with his wand. She tried again but Snape blocked it again. Robyn watched as her deputy-head teacher continued to shoot spells at Snape. She saw the Carrow’s raise their wand and quickly shot a spell at the sister Carrow sending her down whilst a fell from behind her shot down the brother. Snape was being forced back by the strength of Professor McGonagall’s spells. Finally, the wizard swept his cloak and burst into black smoke and burst out the stain glass window of the Great Hall. “Coward!” Screamed Professor McGonagall. The students erupted with cheers and applause as Professor McGonagall waved her wand and all the fires around the root lit shedding light into the dark room. Robyn and Harry jogged up to Professor McGonagall and watched the crowd cheek and clap. “Harry. Robyn.” An echoing voice hissed in their minds and Robyn felt herself fall to the floor with hissing sounds filling her ears. “Potter’s?” questioned Professor McGonagall and felt the lady bend down in front of them. Robyn’s mind felt loose and open, vulnerable to intrusion. She heard indistinct murmuring and furrowed her eyebrows as she attempted to listen to the sounds. A loud scream broke her from her state. Robyn’s eyes darted to where the sound seemed to be coming from. The girl continued to scream out of complete and pure fear. Robyn and Harry quickly moved through the crowd and saw a small girl crouched in a corner with her hands over her ears screaming loudly. Another, different, scream broke out and the twins turned to see Parvati Patel screaming in a large gap created by the crowd. Robyn began to make her way over only to suddenly stop in the centre of the space near Parvati. “I know that many of you will want to fight.” Voldemort’s voice hissed and Robyn knew that every person could hear it in their heads, the fires extinguished “Some of you may even think that to fight is wise, but this is folly. Give me Harry and Robyn Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry and Robyn Potter and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry and Robyn Potter and you will be rewarded. You have one hour.” Robyn felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end as she felt all eyes turn to her and Harry. No one spoke as everyone stared at Harry and Robyn as if expecting them to have an idea on what to do. “What are you waiting for?” A high-pitched awful voice asked that Robyn recognised as Pansy Parkinson. Draco’s ex-girlfriend. Of course, this must be like a dream to her. Kill Robyn get Draco. Robyn was Blaze and Goyel staring at her too “Someone grab them!” Ginny moved and stood in front the twins followed by Hermione. Then, Katie, Cho, Lavender, Parvati, Neville, Seamus, Dean, Mrs. Weasley, Fred and George. Even students that Robyn had never met before stood in front of them defiant against Pansy. Soon the Potter’s could even see Pansy from the amount of people around. “Students out of bed!” Robyn heard Filch shout from the corridor outside before he came running in. The students parted as the caretaker came hobbling through the hall holding Mrs. Norris tightly in his arms “Students out of bed! Students in the corridor!” Robyn almost smiled at the idiocy of the caretaker. “They are supposed to be out of bed, you blithering i***t!” Snarled Professor McGonagall and Robyn bit her lip and looked at the realisation on Filch’s face. “Oh.” He breathed “Sorry, ma’am.” “As it happens, Mr. Filch,” Professor McGonagall glided down to the group “your arrival is most opportune. If you would, I would like you, please, to lead Miss Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin House from the hall.” “Exactly where is it I’ll be leading ‘em to, ma’am?” Filch questioned, “The dungeons would do.” Answered Professor McGonagall and the students began clapping loudly. Robyn jogged over to Professor McGonagall with Harry following her quickly and stopped in front of her “I presume you have a reason for returning, Potter’s?” Robyn’s eyes locked with Blaze, one of Draco’s friends, and he stared at her as he walked past before giving her a short nod and leaving with his house. Robyn returned her gaze to Professor McGonagall “What is it you need?” “Time, Professor.” Harry answered “As much as you can get us.” “Do what you have to do.” Nodded Professor McGonagall “I’ll secure the castle.” Robyn and Harry began to walk back to the crowd when Professor McGonagall called “Potter’s?” they turned to face her “It’s good to see you two.” Robyn smiled “It’s good to see you, too, Professor.” Robyn replied and they turned to the group “Hold the fort, Neville.” Harry said patting him on the shoulder. Robyn and Harry glanced at each other before they broke out into a sprint through the hall. “Where should we start?” Harry asked as they left the great hall “I don’t know.” Robyn answered honestly “Cho said it’s been lost for centuries now. We have no way of knowing any hint of where it might be.” The two ran past the students up the stair wells which were crowed with students. “The Ravenclaw common room. That’s our best bet.” Harry said and Robyn nodded “Harry! Robyn!” They heard Ron shout and turned to see Ron and Hermione stopped before them “Hermione and I have been thinking. It doesn’t matter if we find a Horcrux.” “What do you mean?” Robyn asked quickly “Unless we can destroy it.” Hermione explained “So, we were thinking,” Ron began “Well, Ron was thinking.” Hermione blushed as she spoke “It’s was Ron’s idea. It’s completely brilliant.” Ron looked at Robyn with a serious expression “You destroyed Ron Riddle’s Diary with a Basilisk fang, right?” Ron said and Robyn nodded in confirmation “Well, me and Hermione think we know where we might find one.” “Okay.” The twins said in unison, “Okay, but take this.” Harry said pulling out the marauders map and handed it to Ron “That way you can find Robyn and I when you get back.” Robyn and Harry turned and began making their way up the steps. “Where are you two going?” Hermione called “The Ravenclaw common room!” Robyn shouted back, “Gotta start somewhere.” Harry added and they began to weave through the students as they made their way up the steps. A few minutes later and the twins were assending to the Ravenclaw tower as quickly as possible. “Harry! Robyn, wait!” Luna shouted from behind them “I need to talk to you!” “We’re a bit preoccupied at the moment, Luna.” Harry said in the kindest tone he could muster “You won’t find anything where you’re going!” Luna exclaimed “You’re wasting your time.” “Look, we’ll talk later, okay, Luna?” Harry said back as they continued up the steps “Harry! Robyn!” “Later!” Robyn called back, “Harry and Robyn Potter!” Yelled Luna and the twins looked at her, shocked “You listen to me right now!” Robyn stared at Luna, ignoring the people that chased up and down the staircase, “Don’t remember what Cho said about Rowena Ravenclaws Diadem? ‘There’s not a person alive who’s seen it.’” Robyn stared at her blankly, “It’s obvious, isn’t it?” Luna questioned then hit it Robyn. “We have to talk to someone who’s dead.” Robyn whispered and Luna nodded then their eyes trailed to the window. Robyn moved down and looked out of the large window where a large protective barrier was being formed around the school. “It’s very impressive, isn’t it?” Luna commented as the three of them stared out of the window. “If you’re to find her, you’ll find her down there.” Luna said softly as they reached an open corridor of the school. “Aren’t you coming?” Harry asked “No.” Luna replied “I think it’s best if you two talk alone.” the twins looked at one another “One of you will stay with me. She’s very shy.” “Harry, you can talk to her.” Robyn said suddenly and Harry looked at her with furrowed eyebrows “What?” he said in a confused voice “I think it’s best if you talk to her. I’ll stay with Luna.” Robyn answered, Harry nodded and walked down the darkened corridor. Robyn watched him leave strapping her lower lip between her teeth. “What did you need to give to me?” Luna asked in a quiet, soft tone. Robyn’s head snapped to her and letting go of her lip. “What?” Robyn stammered out in shock and stared at her. Luna motioned to Robyn’s lower waist and she looked down to see that Robyn’s had unconsciously have placed her hand in her pocket and was clearly holding something. Robyn knew what that was. It was something she was planning to give it to Harry later but with the happenings now, she doubted she would have the time. Robyn pulled out the small piece of paper and held it in her hand and stared at it for a few seconds before looking at Luna through slightly sad eyes. “Can I trust you not to open this?” Robyn asked in an almost pleading tone. Luna nodded and Robyn smiled and held her hand then placed her own over it so that the slip of paper was squished between their palms. Robyn pulled her hand back then curled Luna’s hand around the slip of paper “I trust you not to give it to him until the exact right time.” “How will I know when to give it to him?” Luna asked in a soft voice and Robyn faltered for a seconds before she sighed at her friend with a sad smile. “I’ll tell you.” Robyn answered just then Harry came bolting around the corner and stopped in front of Robyn. Robyn turned to him and saw, from the corner of her eye, Luna quickly slip the piece of paper into her pocket. “She said that it was here in the castle.” Harry said “’In the place where everything is hidden’.” Robyn only had to think for a few moments before she remembered the room where Draco sneaked to in sixth year to fix the vanishing cabinet. “The Room of Requirement.” Robyn whispered and Harry nodded, “Exactly.” Harry confirmed and Robyn felt like letting out a smile but then her eyes moved to looked outside where the castle was covered in protection spells but the mass of black cloaked wizard loomed in the distance. Death Eaters.
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