Chapter 21

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Year 7 1998 //Voldemort Know's, Snape's Death and The Tears of Severus// Robyn stopped a few minutes later as a wave of pain crashed through her head followed by images. The school boat house on the edge of the black lake loomed into her view. Then Nagini curled up and looking up as if ready to strike. Then Lucius’s grey face and matt blonde straggly hair swam into view “My lord?” Lucius croaked and Robyn watched as Voldemort lifted his sleeve with his back toward Malfoy “Might it be less, uh…might it not be more prudent to call of this attack…and simply seek the boy and girl yourself?” “I do not need to seek the boy nor girl.” Was Voldemort’s reply “Before the night is out he will come to me.” Voldemort turned to face Lucius “Do you understand?!” he flashed forward and slapped Lucius and the man flinched in pain “Look at me! How can you live with yourself, Lucius?” Malfoy gulped and Voldemort stared at him “Knowing that your son is infatuated with Robyn Potter.” Lucius flinched as Voldemort glared at him. “I don’t know.” Lucius answered, his voice breaking. “Go and find Severus.” Ordered Voldemort “Bring him to me.” Robyn gasped loudly and clamped her hand over her mouth in shock. Her breathing was ragged and harsh and she felt tears welling in her eyes. Voldemort knew about her and Draco. Voldemort knew of her weakness. Her heart pounded in her chest. Draco wasn’t safe anymore. If Voldemort caught hold of him...Robyn knew that she would give herself up and, now, so did Voldemort. *** She slashed a Death Eater with a spell as she ran toward the main stair case with her hair waving widely behind her. Robyn suddenly crashed into someone and pointed her wand hurridly at her throat only to see that it was Ron, behind him was Hermione and Harry. “We know what the last Horcrux is.” Harry told her “It’s –“ “Nagini.” Robyn finished for him as she nodded “I saw it too.” “Do you know about…?” Hermione trailed off and Robyn knew she was talking about Voldemort knowing about her relationship with Draco “Yeah…I know.” She muttered in a slightly bitter tone. Harry rubbed her arm before saying, “Come on, we need to get to the boat house.” Robyn nodded and the four ran off down the steps battling Death Eaters as they past. Harry stopped by the large doors of the castle and pushed Hermione back as a blue jet zoomed past them. Robyn leaned around and shot the Death Eater backward and he went with a scream. The four rushed down the stepped past the falling bodies of Death Eaters and dodging spells. Robyn’s jaw dropped as she looked up at a massive giant that stood in the centre of the courtyard swinging his massive club. It then leered down at Robyn and the other three and Harry pushed her back and the four ran as fast as they could with the giant stomping behind them. Robyn dived behind a fallen bell to avoid being swiped away by the giant’s weapon. As soon as the creature was gone, she leapt up and ran out of the bell with Harry, Ron and Hermione chasing behind her. She stopped suddenly as massive spiders clambered over to rubble in front of her. Robyn’s eyes were wide as she ran behind Harry away from the massive monsters. They ran between the giant’s legs and Robyn blasted a spell at a Death Eater that was fighting Dean. Robyn quickly ran between Harry and Hermione through the fighting and rubble. They leapt into the cover around the courtyard but stopped in horror at the sight before them. It was Greyback with his mouth clamped over a student’s body, who was motionless. “No!” Hermione yelled and pointed her want at the werewolf and the creature looked up and Robyn saw it was Lavender Brown, her neck was covered in blood. Hermione grunted as she shot a spell at Greyback sending him flying through a window. Robyn looked beside her only to duck as the giant tried to pock at them with his weapon through the openings of the windows. The four ran as fast as they could and leapt through a window just as the giant smashed its club over them. Robyn stopped at the bridge that connected the castle to the land where hundreds of dementor’s were flying toward them. Suddenly, a blast of blue light went around and expanded blasting the creatures away. Robyn turned to see Aberforth standing beside Kingsley, Katie, Ginny Seamus and a few others. Harry, Robyn, Ron and Hermione ran as fast as they could in the direction of the boat house. The steps to the gate house were long and very energy draining. By the time Robyn and the others reached the boat house they were slightly out of breath. Robyn crouched beside a wall of the boat house walls in a position where she could see through the windows that showed Voldemort and Snape talking. “You have performed extraordinary magic, my lord, in the last few hours alone.” Snape’s drawling voice said slowly. “No.” Breathed Voldemort and Robyn noticed that his voice was much raspier, he was weaker “No, I am extraordinary but the wand resists me.” “There is no wand more powerful.” Commented Snape “Ollivander himself has said it. Tonight, when the boy and girl come, it will not fail you. I’m sure of it. It answers to you and you only.” “Does it?” Questioned Voldemort with a hint sarcasm in his tone. “My lord?” Snape inquired with a slight head tilt, “The wand.” Voldemort began to walked in a circle around Snape “Does it truly answer to me? You’re a clever man, Severus. Surely you must know. Where does it true loyalty lie?” “With you…of course, my lord.” Persisted Snape and Robyn furrowed her eyebrows as she watched. “The Elder wand…cannot serve me properly because I am not it’s true master.” Voldemort said carefully “The Elder wand belongs to the wizard who killed it’s last owners.” Robyn felt her heart pound it her chest. The wand belong who defeats the previous owner of the wand who disarmed him…Draco. “You killed Dumbledore, Severus.” Robyn looked at Harry who had his eyebrows furrowed too as he listened “While you live, the Elder wand cannot truly be mine. You’ve been a good and faithful servant, Severus…but only I can live forever.” “My lord – “ Voldemort make a slashing movement with his wand and Snape stumbled slightly then dropped to the floor and thudded against the window a few feet away from Robyn. She clamped her hands over her mouth to prevent herself from making a sound. “Nagini. Kill.” Voldemort hissed. Robyn flinched as she saw the snake strike at Snape repeatedly. Biting the man repeatedly. She bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut as she listened to the horrifying thuds. Snape was still alive, but barley, as Robyn could hear his ragged breathing. A loud whooshing sound signalled that Voldemort has disaperated leaving Robyn to stare at the black outline of Snape and the window covered in blood. Harry entered the small house quickly followed by Robyn, Hermione and Ron and they immediately turned their attention to the pale man that lay against the window with his breathing ragged. Robyn carefully made her way over to Snape, Harry beside her, and knelt down dropping her wand in the process. Snape slowly turned his head toward the twins and Robyn grimaced slightly as his neck which was bleeding heavily. Robyn watched as Snape stared at her mostly at her eyes with a sad expression. A tear slipped from the corner of his eye but it wasn’t a normal tear. It was slightly less transparent with while swirls inside and limited the tiniest golden glow. “Take them.” Snape whispered weakly and Robyn felt her eyes begin to water “Take them. Please.” Robyn held his face whilst Harry turned to Hermione and whispered hurriedly. “Give me something. Quickly. A flask, anything.” Robyn kept her gaze on Snape as he stared at her. Her eyes flicked to Harry as he placed the small vile by Snape’s eye and allowed the tears to slip into the vile. “Take them to the pensieve.” Breathed Snape and Robyn looked down at the tears in the vile “Look at me. Both of you.” The twins did so, “You have your mother’s eyes.” Robyn felt her bottom lip tremble slight as Snape exhaled sharply and his head roll back slightly and stare into nothingness. A wave of pain crashed over Robyn as she stood and she quickly grabbed onto the window pane and gasped as her body shook slightly. “You have fought valiantly…but in vain.” Voldemort hissed in their minds and Robyn stumbled out so that she stood in clear view of the castle “I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry and Robyn Potter, I now speak directly to the pair of you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourselves.” Robyn stared up at the burning castle with wet eyes “There is no greater dishonour. Join me in the forbidden forest and confront your fates. If you do not do this…I shall kill every last man, women, and child who tries to conceal the both of you from me.” Ron pushed open the door to the great hall and Robyn felt tears prick in her eyes. An entire wall have fallen down on one side. Rubble covered half the floor. Children being consoled by parents and or peers sat along the rows of benches. Robyn walked behind Hermione and passed Slughorn who was treating Filch's wound “Harry. Robyn.” Wheezed the potions master. Robyn’s eyes trailed over small families, couples, friends and single students stared into nothing as thought over the horror and trauma they witnessed. Robyn saw Parvati being comforted by Professor Trelawney then moving a blanket over a body. The horror, the sadness and the morning around her was too much from Robyn to focus on but then here yes landed on a small ginger family hugging and holding one another. Robyn looked down and saw Fred Weasley lying between them, unmoving. He was dead. She clamped her hands over her mouth. Ron dropped to the floor and began to sob on his dead bothers chest. A tear slid down Robyn’s dirt covered cheek as she watched the Weasley family mourn over their fallen member. Her eye then dropped to two people beside her. Lupin and Tonks. Robyn’s bottom lip trembled and more tears slid down her cheeks. All the marauders were dead. Every. Single. One. She stared at their bodies with horror and sadness in her eyes. Harry brushed past her and Robyn looked up to see him walking out the hall. With a glance back at her friends, Robyn hurriedly followed her brother out of the Great Hall. *** Robyn looked up at Harry from the pensive the floated in mid-air between them. Harry pulled out the small vile that contained Snape’s tears and poured them into the liquid. She took a breath and pushed her head forward into the pensive, Harry doing the same opposite her. *** Two girls stood in the centre of a field then the shorter one held out her hand and a tiny daisy grew from the centre of her palm. The youngest looked up at the elder who shouted “Freak!” and hit the girls hand so the daisy tumbled to the ground. The youngest ran as away from her elder sister who was shouting “Come here! I’m gonna tell mummy! You’re a freak! You’re a freak, Lily!” Lily stopped by a large tree and a boy, around her age, with longish black greasy hair appeared “Come here!” Lily watched the boy bend down and pick up a blade of grass and hold it up. It then began to flap and flew toward the palm of Lily’s hand. A smile appeared on Lily’s face as she looked up at the boy. “She’s jealous,” The black hair boy told Lily as they lay on their back near the edge of a lake “’cause she’s ordinary and you’re special.” “That’s mean, Severus.” Lily scolded him softly. A laugh broke out from the young girls mouth as Severus turned the small falling leaves into tiny little birds. *** “Gryffindor!” bellowed the sorting hat as it was placed on Lily’s head. She smiled at Severus as she passed and sat at the Gryffindor table. “Hi. I’m James.” A small boy introduced “Hi. I’m Lily.” She greeted with a smile “I’m Evangeline.” A small girl with cascading brown hair said opposite her “It’s nice to meet you.” *** “Just like your father.” Snarled Snape’s voice. Younger Lily and Snape walked down the corridor with Evangeline on the other side of Snape. Two boys burst between them sending their things flying. It was a first year James and Sirius. “Don’t say a word against our father!” Harry’s voice roared. Young James and Sirius stopped and looked at Lily and Evangeline. They smiled and Evangeline shot Sirius a dirty look and she handed a book back to Lily. *** Adult Lily and James were kissing and dancing. The same as they did in the image that Robyn and Harry had of them in front of a fountain in autumn. “Blood shall be split and servant and master shall be reunited once more!” Trewlaynes voice echoed. “Severus.” Voldemort hissed “No. Don’t kill me.” Pleaded Snape as he knelt in a clearing. “The prophecy did not refer to a single women.” Dumbledore said “It spoke of a boy and girl born at the end of July.” “Yes, but he thinks it’s her children.” Snape sobbed “He intends to hunt them down now, to kill them. Hide her. Hide them all. I beg you.” “What will you give me in exchange, Severus?” questioned Dumbledore walking forward. “Anything.” *** “Harry, Robyn, you are so loved.” Lily’s voice said softly “So loved.” The house was destroyed “Robyn, Harry, momma loves you.” Tears slipped down the twin babies faces. “Dadda loves you.” Lily’s voice echoed as she knelt in front of the crib that held both children “Harry, Robyn, be safe. Be strong.” “Avada Kedavra!” Voldemort bellowed and Lily screamed as she fell to the floor in a flash of green light. *** “You said…” Snape’s breaking voice said “…you would keep her safe.” “Lily and James put their faith in the wrong person, Severus.” Dumbledore told him “Rather like you.” Dumbledore walked over to the crying man “The twins survived.” “They don’t need protection. The Dark Lord is gone.” Sniffed Snape “The Dark Lord will return.” Contradicted Dumbledore “And when he does, the twin’ll be in terrible danger. They have her eyes. If you truly loved her…” “No one can know.” Snape’s voice shook “That I should never reveal the best of you, Severus?” questioned Dumbledore “Your word.” Demanded Snape. *** Harry sitting under the sorting hat “Why would you risk your life every day to protect those twins?” Dumbledore boomed Robyn sitting under the hat and the Gryffindor table erupting in cheers. *** “They possesses no measurable talent, his arrogance rivals even that of their father, and they seem to relish his fame.” Robyn and Harry staring at Snape on their first day at Hogwarts. “Don’t say a word against our father!” Harry shouted “James Potter?” snarled Snape. Snape walked up the steps of Lily and James house. “Lazy, Arrogant.” “Our father was a great man!” Robyn yelled. Snape passed over the fallen body of James Potter. “Your father was a swine!” Snape threw the twins to the other side of the room. *** “Drink the rest.” Snape drawled as he took in front of Dumbledore’s desk “It will contain the curse to your hand for the time being. It will spread, Albus.” “How long?” asked Dumbledore “Maybe a year.” Answered Snape as he stood and walked toward the door of Dumbledore’s office “Don’t ignore me, Severus.” Called Dumbledore. “Harmonia Nectere Passus.” Draco's voice whispered. “We both know Lord Voldemort has ordered the Malfoy boy to murder me.” Dumbledore sighed. *** Draco pulling off the cloth from the vanishing cabinet. Placing an apple inside and coming out with a bite in it. Then a small bird and came out dead. Draco breaking down and crying out Robyn’s name in pain. *** Snape pushing Draco into a wall the night of Slughorns party. *** “But should he fail, one should presume the Dark Lord will turn to you.” Dumbledore continued “You must be the one to kill me, Severus. It is the only way. Only then will the Dark Lord trust you completely.” *** Robyn and Harry under the flooring of the Astronomy tower with Snape holding a finger against his lips. “Avada Kedarva.” Snape’s voice echoed and Dumbledore tumbled off the Astronomy tower. *** “There will come a time. When Harry and Robyn Potter must be told something but you must wait. Until Voldemort is at his most vulnerable.” “Must be told what?” questioned Snape dangerously “On the night Lord Voldemort went to Godric’s Hollow to kill Harry and Robyn…Lilly Potter cast herself between them…The cruse rebounded. When that happened, two parts of Voldemort’s soul latched itself onto the only living things they could find: Harry and Robyn themselves.” *** A whimpering Robyn sat beside her brother in the cot as she watched Snape cry over Lily. *** “There’s a reason Harry and Robyn can speak with snakes. There’s a reason they can look into Voldemort’s mind. A part of Voldemort lives inside them.” “So, when the time comes…the twins must die?” Snape said slowly “Yes.” Nodded Dumbledore “Yes. They must die.” Tears slid down young Robyn’s cheeks. “You’ve kept them alive so that they can die at the proper moment.” Snape said “You’ve been raising them like pigs for slaughter.” “Don’t tell me now that you’ve grown to care for the twins.” Dumbledore asked and Snape waved his wand “Expecto Patronum!” Snape muttered strongly and a doe burst from the tip of his wand and galloped around the office before extinguishing. “Lily.” Breathed Dumbledore. *** Robyn and Harry crying loudly as Snape cradled Lily’s body as he sobbed. *** “After all this time?” Dumbledore asked “Always.” Replied Snape blankly. Harry stood and gazed over at the frozen lake where Snapes patronus hovered. Robyn laughing as she danced with Draco on Christmas night. “So, when the time comes, the twins must die?” Snape breathed “Yes.” Nodded Dumbledore “They must die. Voldemort himself must do it. It is essential.”

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