The past (Angela and Alexander)

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"I've fallen for you; I said looking at her sincerely" "What are you looking at?; She asked bringing me out of my illusion: "Uhmn just lost in my thoughts, so what were you saying?; I asked looking at a now angry woman in my front" "Nevermind" she said looking away, her once angry face has now relaxed, I led her to my car open the door for her, she mouths a thank you, jogging over to the other side of my car opened it, got in and drove off" "While driving, I decided to break the silence, I don't like you; I lied  "It's okay, it's no big deal; she said with no emotions; while none of us refused to speak up" "The drive home was silent and no one there alter a word but kitania was feeling down and the feeling of being rejected hurt her" "Am so foolish, how could i think it can workout between us, he is a mighty Greek god, and am an average woman; kitania thought throughout the drive" "Good night; she said, and got out of the car without looking back" and I felt a little pain in my chest, whenever she said goodbye or goodnight, she always smile and wave, but now there wasn't even any emotions in what she said, and that really hurts, but I know I must have hurt her more by breaking it down like that, but it is the only way I can say it without hurting her more, but I need to explain to her; I thought before driving off." "I woke up feeling bad about yesterday, but I didn't know it would feel this bad, I slept back but instead of being waked up like a normal human being would've been, the next thing I know was me grabbed by two hands and shoved vigorously." "Who is crazy enough to disturb my sleep?; I shouted but regretted it as the words left my mouth, and a knock on my head." "Oh Kate what do you want this time?; I asked and trying to cover what I said while covering myself with the covers and she sat down on me." "Me?!!!, Crazy? The only crazy person here is you cause a normal person would not been in bed when they are supposed to be at their work by now; she shouted, and I stood up immediately causing her to land on the floor." "b***h; I heated her cursed." "Sorry; I shouted back." "Anyways breakfast is ready" "After breakfast I rushed out of the house, but there was no taxi and Kate left without me, I have no choice but to run, but it is half an hour but when running I don't know. After running for minutes I got to the company running past the receptionist and everyone staring at me, heading for our boss office and barging in." "Am sorry am late sir; I bowed without raising my head" "Leave us"he told the people in the room with us, and without any questions they all scurried out like they have seen a ghost" "Look at me; my boss asked calmly; I didn't answer "Please look at me; he pleaded and I look up to meet those beautiful green eyes, but instead of cold one's they held different emotions, sadness, tired, longing, lust and something I can't discribe." "Omg are you okay? What happened to you I said going near him and everything that happened yesterday vanished from my mind I became worried, did you drink?, I ask bending down examining his face. He grabbed my waist and pulled me to sit on his lap; I signed, if it's going to make him feel better, but after a while I tried to get up but he pulled me back, and I heard him groan, why can't you just stay put for once?; He ask sniffing my neck, and was starting to turn me on. This felt right, but he isn't serious with me, he started kissing my neck I moaned and gosh it was so good, then he turned my head and kissed me and I kissed him back like i haven't seen him for a long time. Then I felt his hand making their way into my skirt and I quickly break the kiss and stand up from his lap." "We shouldn't be doing this, why are you playing with me? I ask staring into those green eyes." "He signed and made a call, cancel all my meetings for today I have something to deal with; he said to the other person on the phone, then hangs up, looks at me then gestured for me to sit on the sofa near him." "Am not playing with you I really like you; I couldn't help but smile so he likes me but why reject me I thought "Her name is Angela, he started and close his eyes like he doesn't want to remember any part of it but I squeeze his hand to reassure him." "I met Angela when I was still in college, we fell in love and I introduced her to my parents they didn't like her, they tried to warm me but I didn't listen. Then I went to her house one day to propose to her, only to find her in bed with another man, she didn't even bother when they saw me they continued till they were satisfied and she told me she doesn't love me that she was only with me for my money, I couldn't process everything, I was confused and sad, that was the first time I witnessed such a painful thing, I ran to my car crying and drove off my parents warned me my friends even told me but I was blinded by love. Due to crying so much I didn't even noticed the upcoming truck, I tried to stirr it away but it was to late; I thought finally it will all end I got what I deserve; that was the last thing I remembered before darkness overwhelm me. I woke up in the hospital a week after the accident and I told my parents what happened, they were furious at what she did but I told them it was alright. She left the country and I started dating and dumping women, using them as I want cause I never believed in love after what happened. To me love hurts and tear someone apart if you are a victim." "When he finished I was crying hard, he isn't a bad person, infact he is the most caring guy she ever saw, and her love for him has grown beyond compassion, he was someone who was afraid to fall in love again so as to not repeat the same mistake, that Angela is the one to blame she made him like this, she made him cold but now it is her turn to make him love again." "As he turned, she ran up to him and kiss him hard, after a while they pull apart and he placed his forehead on hers and whisper to her" "I love you kitania de luca, please be my girlfriend"
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