Feelings, jealousy and confession

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"throughout that day, we kept glancing at each other and would continue our work; I didn't even know that time has gone by, until a hand lift me up, and pull me to his chest; And took me home." "After that day, he's been nice to me and not bothering me like before; we often go on dates and it was pleasant, he isn't bad as the world labeled him, he isn't the cold billionaire the all say he was, I know something must have changed him and I must find out, and what he said when taking me home." "Flashback" "He said, if I had met you before her maybe it would have been different." Who is this girl he is talking about?; Is she his wife?; I must find out who she is; I thought "End of flashback" "but he is a man with a sweet and kind heart and it was still like a dream when we made the deal; we have spent so much time that I slept off but am a sensitive person." "And due to his familiar cologne and mint breath faning my face, I knew it was my boss; I pretend to sleep while moving my hands to his neck and draw myself closer so I can feel his warm body." "He placed me in his car and drove to my house?." "How did he know my house?; I heard the door open and close, and open again I was lifted like I weighed nothing, well since he his so muscular and I was small, so it was easier." "While carrying me to my house I used the opportunity to study his face up close, his jaw was perfect and sharp, he has full pink lips, bright green eyes, and brown thick hair. How can someone be this handsome? it's unfair to others." "Just imagine that lips touching mine; no no no what am i thinking? "Have I gone mad he is just my boss and this is a deal we made feelings aren't supposed to be attached, and if I win I can leave without me coming across him again." "We got to the front of my rented appartment, he placed me down on my feet, and shok me so I can wake up." "Kitania wake up; he said shaking me a little, using one hand on my waist to support me." "I waited a little, so he wouldn't know I was awake the whole time." "Taking my things and thanking him, I watch him as he enter his car and drove away; I didn't know I was staring until someone tapped my head." "Hey?." I said turning around to come face to face with my friend Kate." "Why did you tap me?" I asked her pretending to be angry." "Didn't you see the way you are staring at him you have a crush on him; she asked smiling and grinning." "How could I, he is just my boss; I said defending myself." "It can't be, is it?; No it can't I said reassuring myself "I got ready to sleep with one thought in my mind; am I really falling for him." "It was Saturday and we didn't have anything to do, so we spent the day on baking and food fight; it was night time and we had nothing to do." "How about we go clubbing; Kate suggested smiling at me "I would love to but only if she knew that's how my problems started; I tried to protest, but she made baby doll eyes, and I had no choice than to give in." "Such a fox, but I love that fox more than anything" "Common kitania we are going to be late; she said stumping her feet on the floor." "Don't punish the poor floor with your heals, and besides have you ever seen any one late to a club before" I ask coming out of the room" "Wow, Kitty you are smoking hot" "Thanks dear" "I dressed in a short skimpy skirt and it was cut from the side to the top, revealing my legs and a small tight underneath it so it will cover some skin and a long tube with no arm that covered only my sensitive part down to the skirt, I left my hair down and it reached my waist, since i didn't wear a jacket this was the only thing I could use as a jacket, though it didn't cover much." "Kate and I were both wearing the same clothes and she said I should dress more but I think this was too much." "Arriving at the club I smell trouble, but ignored it don't want my friend feeling bad, besides if I see him, I can come up with some reasonable explanation, not that I know of? "I was sitting down at my VIP area with my friend Nick and drinking alcohol." "So Nick? Who is this girl that I've been driving you crazy? I asked facing my friend who is just spinning his empty wine cup." "But as I asked the question he looked up, and smile at me with so much interest; and I scoffed "Well let's just say we met by accident and I fell in love with her but I haven't told her my feelings yet, afraid she might reject me." His once smiling face became sober" "Is she crazy, who would reject the son of a billionaire" "I haven't told her yet, but I just haven't found the right time; she might freek out and leave me." "Just tell me who she is first?" "Well her name is Katherine knight and your secretary; she is also friends with your secretary kitania; OhI can't believe we fell for two girls friends together" We'll figure out a way together' I said looking at the dance floor, only to see both of them dressed in the same revealing clothes and dancing like no tommorow." "I blinked to make sure I wasn't dreaming, I tapped Nick who was lost in his thoughts again the girl's we are going crazy over are dancing like no tommorow" "Wow who knew they are good dancers; I said feeling myself get hard." "But don't you think their clothes are exposing a little bit?" "Yeah, but I imagine they are entertaining us" "After some time a guy came and ruined everything by wanting to ask my woman to dance with him, who does he think he is? "She refused him but he was forcing her on himself and i got angry and I brought out my gun and shot his legs, that should teach him a lesson of his life, I was about to shoot his other leg when she came running to me and held my hand begging me." "Alexander please stop I beg of you' she said holding my hand that was pointing the gun" "I looked at her face and I saw her eyes filled with worries and I calm down this is the first time I have calm down whenever I am angry" "And was it jealousy I felt just now?" "I don't care no one touches her apart from me" "Next time you touch her you are dead; with that I pull her out of the bar" "Wait what about my friend?; She asked dragging me back" "Don't worry she will be alright I said reassuring her" "Wait were you jealous because you can't stand the sight of me with someone else?" "Am not jealous" "You are a liar just admit you fell for me and you were jealous and I'll go easy on you"she said standing in my front with those blue eyes, I can't keep it anymore." "I sighed, and it was my time to fill nervous." It's true I have fallen for you; I said looking at her sincerely
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