
The Billionaire's Fiancee


"intro don't miss"

"Alexander hale's a well composed and cold Billionaire, and also one of the handsome men's in the world apart from being handsome is also an elite bachelor and also the heir to Andrews and Clara hale's inheritance. after that incident there's rumours about him and his one-night stand with women.

"but what happened when kitania de luca stepped foot in his life?

"Kitania de luca the 21 year-old brave and independent woman in the lonely world dreaming about having a fairy tale life

"But what happens when someone from alex past tries to pull them apart.

"rumors of his one night stand's.

"stories of him being left on the alter.

"a threat?.


"from the book"


"I already closed my eye's and wait for the bullet to hit me. but I didn't feel anything. nothing. I wasn't shot.

"but by the time I opened my eye's. they widened in shock. kitania was standing in front of me. arms wide in the air. she took the bullet for me.

"soon she was falling straight to the ground but I caught her in time.

"why did you do it?!! I can't help shouting at her.

"dying in the place of the one I love seems like the right way to go.

"what right way there is no right way.i answered as I carried her bloodied form outside the uncompleted building to my car. driving off

"alex"she said

"save your breath we are going to the hospital.

"alex" she whispers.her eye's dropping.

"keep your eye's open baby we are almost there.can't you drive any faster.i hit the drivers chair, making him drive faster.

"Alexander" she whispers my name the last time before she close her eye's.

(book is under editing)

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Meeting each other
"Get out" I shouted at my secretary and accountant and they scurried off like mice." "I hit my fist on the table stood up, walking to and fro, I keep losing money and I don't know how?." "Not that am going to go bankrupt, but I just want to know who has the guts to steal from me" I thought looking out the window of my company." "Going back to my desk, grabbing the cup filled with wine, and walking back to the window." "I looked down and saw different people walking, some cuddling and stuff." "Sipping my wine, I hate love, hate hearing things like that around me, not after what she did; clenching the glass of wine, when everything came flashing back, and it was like it was yesterday it all happened." "I gave her everything, but she just had the guts to betray me, even though I have let go of the past, I haven't healed yet, and that's why I don't want to repeat the same mistake twice." "Signing I need to get my mind off everything." "I walked back to my desk and gave my friend Nick a call." Alexy babe what's up did you miss me." "How many times have i told you to stop calling me, that anyone who hears you will think you are talking to your girlfriend, or sees you will think you've gone Coco." "Anyways would you like to hang out he's the only one am nice to appart from my parents" "Sure bro and I know his the perfect place" he said grining foolishly, and I knew he was up to something." "Okay who is the girl that caught your attention, that makes you act so creepy." "I won't tell you and that is for you to find out so I text you the place meet me there ok." "He hangs up looks like he can't wait to get there well we'll see who's got you so excited that you want to go so badly" I thought before getting ready to leave." "My name is Alexander hales, i am 27 year old, one of the most handsome men in the world apart from being handsome am also one of the richest billionaire alive. after graduating with a degree in business, I became the director to my parents electronics company and with a little period of time it became part of the ten most largest company with all of our other company worldwide. we are known for good and valuable products so no matter the amount they are always willing to pay that doesn't mean we cheat them and they like us for that. different companies looking to collaborate with them while soe wants us to invest in them. "But that doesn't stop my reputation. I make things happen by the flick of my hand and i can get any woman I want since am more muscular and rich. My parents Andrew and Clara hales and my best friend Nick. We aren't different and we love spending time with each other but the only difference are our faces I have green eyes while his was brown I have brown hair but his was black enough of all this time to get ready." "We arrived there and we went to our usual spot, when Nick suddenly excuse himself, I nod at the barman and he understood, while drinking the alcohol, I noticed a woman in the middle of the club dancing, I don't know if it was due to the acohol or the dim light, but the way she was dancing excited me so much, that if I wasn't careful, I could pounce on her at that moment, so I approached her." "Wow this is the first time I will ever approach a woman." "Hey mind dancing with me; I asked nicely." "Wow this is so not like me." "She turned and I came across a beautiful pair of blue eyes; and when she smiled, it was as if all my worries are gone." "No; she said instantly "Comm....gbam she slapped me." "The whole club stopped to look at us with wide eyes." "And I stood there bewildered, doesn't she know who I am, how there she slap me, and after looking around to see that we were now the center of their focus she ran out." "Still standing there with different kinds of emotions, anger, surprised, shame ." "OMG have never seen so much bad luck in one day, you must have broke the record of people with bad luck, and am sure it will be on the headline tomorrow." "Alexander hales gets slapped and rejected by a woman" my crazy friend who should be supporting me was making fun of me "Find out who she is for me I need help her file, if she is unemployed, bring her to me and if she isn't make her loose her Job, and bring her, no one slaps me and gets away with it."

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