The culprit and Meeting The Family

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"We pull apart for air, after kissing for a while." "While he was breathing normal I was gasping for air, and before I could sum up everything that happened, he slam his lips on mine." "I like you, please say yes?" He muttered against my lips before pulling apart, leaving me wanting to kiss him again." "I finally calmed down, and process everything, I became embarrassed, blood ran to my cheeks. The only way for him not seeing my cheeks, I hid my face in his chest, only to hear him chuckle. Lifting my head a little so he can't see my still red cheeks, and faced him." "What's so funny?" I ask." "Why are you suddenly being so shy?" He questioned back, smirking at me. I tried moving away from him once I noticed the position we are, only to get pulled back again. Since I can't move away from him, and think straight, and I did the only thing I could do, i hid my face in his chest again, only to hear him laugh." "Stop laughing?!!" I said starting to feel irritated." "Okay I'll try" so will you be my girlfriend?" He ask, using his finge to raise my chin, so I can look at him. I look straight into his eyes and isaw pure sincerity and fear." "Yes," I said raising my hand to touch his face. He closed his eyes and leaned in my touch." "He is afraid I would say no, but I know how it feels to be betrayed by someone you love. I have also experienced it, but how come what he explained feel so familiar. No no! I won't let ithose thoughts and memories decide for me. It's already been 4 years i need to move on." "Don't worry Alexander, I won't make you ever regret dating me, and I won't give you any reason to think am cheating on you, but for a relationship to work, you need trust. you deserve better but that Angela is to blame for it, you gave her everything but she wasn't satisfied she was too greedy to realise what she was going to lose. Besides if she never cheated you wouldn't have me me or even have an interest in me. I think we are destined to meet." I said looking into his eyes reassuring him." "I raised my legs, to peck him a little on his cheeks. By the time I looked at his face again, all the fear I saw in his eyes has vanished. They were now filled with adoration and something I couldn't point out." "Now you are mine" he said smirking evily." "Don't think that now you and I are dating, am gonna make it easy for you. In your dreams" I said looking at him seriously." "He gasped, using one of his hands to touch his chest, dramatically, and I roll my eyes at his childish behavior." Who would believe that the cold billionaire is my boyfriend and isn't as cruel as they said it was." My eyes landson the clock on his desk, I gasp and my eyes widened, half past ten. "Oh my God, the meeting? The meeting I totally forgot!!!" I shouted, trying to free myself from his grip but it was of no use. It was like I was fighting a wall." His body is well built, just imagine how hot his body would look without his shirt on. Oh my!!! What is wrong with me, I can't be thinking like this especially when there's supposed to be a meeting going on." "After much struggling, I calmed down to look at the man in front of me, holding me tight and looking at me with amusement on his face." "Let go" I said calm and nicely with a sweet voice and he groan, I felt something poking my belly." I look at his eyes and they were dark with lust." "Common Nia, five more minutes, let's just hug and kiss." He said whinnying in a child like voice, and I stare at him with disbelief. Five minutes has he lost it. Deep breath, then repeat, we are late." "Nia, I like the nickname." "But did you forget I am the boss, even if I arrived an hour late, they wouldn't even question me." He said dryly like it is a noticeable fact. And that's why when it hit me like a brick, for a while I forgot who he was, he is a famous billionaire and a bachelor but not anymore, he is mine." "But that doesn't apply to me, so let go before anyone comes in and gets suspicious." Am not planning on hiding the fact that we are in a relationship, so all those creeps can keep their eye's and hands to theirselves. Cause if they look at you I'll gun them down. No one looks at what's mine and live." "In all my life have never met anyone as possessive as you are." "Good and you better not, now just a quick kiss and we'll leave." "Okay just a quick kiss and that's all." "Yes," as he leaned forward, I took that as an opportunity to raise my leg and slam it on his foot." "He groan in pain and his grip on me loosen, immediately he bend to touch his foot I use that as an opportunity to make a run for it, or I may never get this chance again. On getting to the door I turned and face him, saw him squeezing his eyes in pain. "Sorry it's for your own good" I said then opened the door and closed it while leaning on it only to hear him curse and hear him groan. little devil, she still look so sexy even after what she did. I shake my head laughing silently as i head to the hall where the meeting was held." I opened the door, bend down and crawl to where Kate was, thankfully nobody noticed me. But something's off." "I stood up, standing near her. Who are they? I asked pointing to two girls and a boy standing together. I thought we are the only secretaries in this company? "Actually we are four. You and her, she said pointing to a girl that looks like her but has black hair, her name is grace, are his personal secretary. While she and I are the company secretary her name is Vivian," she said then look at me "any more questions." "Who is he? I ask pointing at a handsome guy but not as handsome as my boyfriend. Blood crept to my cheeks and I quickly shake the thought off before anyone thinks am weird. "His name mike, he is the company accountant. Anymore questions." "Nope" I said making sure ipop the p" "Okay." "Something tells off, Everyone is so silent, I don't think Kate noticed or else she would have told me. The door open and everyone stood up bowing their heads as a sign of welcoming him. But no one raised their heads. He made his way to his seat but before getting there he stopped and spanked me, I gasp, it hurts but it awakes a desire in me that makes me want to ask him to do it again." "That's for my foot and if you do more I won't just spank you." He whispered in my ear. Thank God Everyone are still bowing, so I turned to face him and whisper in his ear I'd love to see you try then I moaned in his ear, licked my lips, looked into his eye's dark and filled with lust "gotcha" I turned and move close to people so he can't do anything. He groans silently before heading for his seat. Sat down and glared at me. Bingo, I stick out my tongue at him. I knew what will happen after this but I don't care, I love seeing those lust look in his eye's. I get wet down there anytime he says something sensual to me, but I can't be the only one suffering, it's give and take. We'll see who laugh Last at this game." "Start"he said in a cold voice a boss voice and I got even more wet that I might stay dripping. "The meeting started and I couldn't concentrate, Alexander staring at me like he won a lottery, an I kept biting my lips unconsciously. But after a while I was able to concentrate, and that's when the puzzle came together. "Stop"I shouted standing up from my seat, while everyone looked at me with wide eyes like I've grown horns on my head,no one dares interrupt the Hale's meeting, or the person would face some serious consequences, but that wasn't going to let me back down, I'm doing it for the sake of Alexander." "Why are you doing this? " I ask Grace who stopped explaining, and everyone was watching me like I've gone mad." "What do you mean?" She asked pretending." "Don't play games with me" "Since you won't come clean, i help you to tell everyone or your evil deeds." "I brought out a recorder, and played it and every single lie and deceit and how they stole from the company, was exposed." Dare denying it now." "Everyone started murmuring and Alexander was silent the whole time, wanting me to continue." "Grace started sweating, and I was enjoying every bit of it." I walked over to her, don't sweat yet darling, oh and for a plan like this to happen so perfect that even your boss couldn't figure it out. You must have had a sidekick, who is helping you, and I bet both of you are in this company together. It's like you are reaping what you didn't harvest. "As for you, helping her come and confess maybe your punishment might not be as worse as hers." As soon as I finish talking rumours sparked again, and everyone started looking at each other "Forgive us, our I didn't mean to but she forced me I tried to back out but she threatened me, mike said kneeling." To be honest I already knew who was stealing from the company, that's why I asked their names and their position from Kate." "Enough, if someone teaches you evil and you do it, that means that the evil is in you already to do it, but felt guilty and you could not talk to anyone, that this is what you have done, you tried to back out but she didn't agree and she threatened you with something you love the most," that's what happened." "Everyone was surprised except Kate." I looked at her and smiled then Alexander spoke up." "Leave us he spoke with authority that the whole place cleared under one second. I was about to leave when he spoke up " not you Nia" take them away until have decided what to do with them." He spoke angryly and I know it was because I interrupted his meeting."  "Alexander's bodyguard came and `carry' no no no that's still honouring them, they literally dragg them out, while they were begging him." "I watch as they're being dragged out but there's nothing I can do about it, taking a deep breath I got her courage and face him and he looked at me grinning from ear to ear, I thought he was angry at me but when i looked into his eyes and I saw positive emotions, adoration, trust, pride, and happiness." "He stood up, walking until he got to me, I never knew you were this smart and beautiful." I guess I really hit the jackpot this time." He said wrapping his arms around me possessively and I rolled my eye's." "Let go, before anyone gets suspicious." I said trying to free myself from his possessive grip." "what now, you're my girlfriend so I deserve the right to hold you when and anytime I want."he said in a bossy voice. And that got me blushing." "Silly boy." "But am your silly boy." "We were so lost with our conversation that we didn't notice the people in the room, until a woman voice  spoke up." "Oh my God, Xander you never told me your girlfriend was this beautiful, and talented and also funny aren't I right dear." The voice spoke elegantly interrupting our conversation and I jerked away from your Alexander's grip only to get pulled back."come down Nia."Alexander whispered into my ears." "Mom, dad meet my girlfriend, kitania de luca the one I told you about." "Wow, he already told his parents about me." but wait!!!" His parents?" "Am I meeting his family now, oh my god?"
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