The deal

294 Words
"Your office is right over there, I said pointing to a table and a chair two metres away from my table." "In your office, but why; she asked looking at me like I lost it." "Yeah, that way I won't let anyone touch you; I said eyeing her down, from head to toe, something is wrong." "Okay sir, where is the wine; she asked looking around, and I pointed it to her." "She moved to get me the wine, while i glanced through some files, she came back and gives me a cup of coffee?" "I looked up at her, surprised, why coffee? I asked, eyeing it like it was to disgusting to drink" "Well, I want you stop taking wine while at work, it isn't good for your health; she said looking at me sincerely with those blue eyes, and the feeling of possessiveness took over me, I don't like this feeling." "I took it without any complain, why aren't i talking, well maybe, it is because this is the first time someone is ordering me" "Wow you are really handsome" "That's all it took to have spitting out the coffee" I looked up at her in shock but composed myself "So do you think am that handsome?" "Yeah" "I have a deal for you, I will give you a chance and if you can make me fall in love with you, I would date you and you would be my fiancee, but if you fail we won't date" "I thought you don't love anybody, and don't want to?; And why me? "Yeah, but after I met you, I want to give it a try" "Okay so as for now am your girlfriend right?" "Yeah now go and sit we have work to do" "Okay dear she said and winked at me; went to her seat not uttering a word"
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