I own you

1006 Words
"I ran and ran and ran and ran and ran ok I think I exaggerated a little but I ran to the extent that if someone sees me he would think am a mad woman but luckily no I didn't see anyone." "On getting home, taking deep breaths, and it all happened like a dream, but the slap seem so real." "But wait took one last deep breath." "What if they send someone to kill me?" "No no no kitania you can't think like that." "Why are you talking to yourself? Kate ask coming out of the kitchen, with a glass of water in her hand; and hands it over to me, after gulping it in one go, I told her everything that happened and she gave me a high five, jumping and shouting." "That's the friend I know' she said smiling like she just won a lottery." "But there's one thing that is scaring me; I said looking at her." "And what is that? Wait wait wait, you mean someone actually scared you for real." She asked astonished "No it's not the part that am scared but his scent was strong, and his Aura was powerful"I said remembering that man's scent even; Kitty.!!! "if I forget his face, i can't forget that scent full of mint; Kitty..!!!! "and when he talked his breath was all minty; Kitania...!!!!! "Yeah" I said snapping out of my dreamy daze." "Am sorry what were you saying." "So you weren't listening to what I was saying?" "Am sorry" I said pouting." "Well, I said was that you could join me at my company since my boss needs one more secretary, and besides, you could help us solve the mystery of the missing money and the person that is behind it?; she asked pouting now it's her turn to beg." "I don't want to; pretending and playing hard to get." "Oh common Kitty, I know you love mysteries, and you are so sensitive, you can sniff the person out while closing your eyes." "Don't make make my head swell but keep going." "Remember how you figure out who stole my money back when we were still in school?" "You are my hero common now please? "Okay fine; I signed given up." "Yupee have already submitted your resume, I pray they cal you tomorrow." "Tomorrow, but why? I asked bewildered." "Actually I have submitted it since last week, so tomorrow is when they are going to call who won the spot; she said grinning foolishly." "You crazy girl going behind my back, without my permission I hate you." "I know but you still love me." "I bet it won't be me, cause there are thousands of people that will apply for it, considering how handsome he is in your description."I said glancing at her and looking back at the floor." "Anyways enough of the chit chat" am hungry did you cook? I asked before my stomach start to growl." "Yeah " "Thank goodness." "My name is kitania de luca, am 21 year old, ever since my parents died have been taking care of myself, and I met Katherine 10 years ago, and we have been friends ever since then. Katherine has brown eyes and brown hair and loves brown stuff, just like I have blue eyes and natural light blue hair and I love blue stuff, and but we are the same height, but am fair and she is chocolate skinned, and I love to eat, but she doesn't, anyways, you will get to know more about us later, but as for now, i got to eat." "Ring ring." "Picking up my phone, without looking at the face, I picked it and the next thing I heard was; "Congratulations miss kitania, you have been chosen as Mr hale's second secretary, please start work today." "Without thinking twice, I dashed out after brushing without even bathing, I reached the company in less than 30 min, and that's when I remembered I haven't bathe, but at least I brushed." "When I reached the receptionist position, I told her about everything, and she made a call to check while eying me, what's wrong with her even if I didn't bathe no one could tell, maybe she has her reasons." "She gave me directions to go to the top floor, that their boss would be the one to interview me." "On getting there, i knocked and a familiar voice answered; "Who dare bother me; the voice came with a growl." "Uhmn sir it's me the woman who applied and got chosen for your second secretary." I said with boldness; "Oh come in I've been expecting you; he said nicer "without thinking twice I twisted the door knob and open the door to come face-to-face with a very good looking, handsome, sexy, godmade face, and beautiful pair of green eyes, maybe am over exaggerating but he was so handsome." "But those green eyes feel and looks so familiar." "Just sign here miss kitania, and the job is yours." "Without looking at the contract I signed it." "Now that you're signed the contract you belong to me." "What do you mean." "Didn't you check the contract before you signed it, it states that you are to submit to whatever I ask for, without any complaints, and if you complain I get to decide your punishment." "What, excuse me sir did someone offend you, that you're taking it out on me."I asked still not believing i signed the contract without looking at it." "Don't you remember me from the bar last night' when I asked for a dance and you slapped me? He asked smirking at me." "Then everything started flowing back to me, the club, the dance, the slap, The runing away." "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry sir I didn't know anything I thought you were one of those perverted guys,  "perverted me?" "Anyways miss kitania the rules are; "from now work hours are 9 to 6, if you're late past 9 you'll be punished; "You are not allowed to date, walk, love, talk, laugh, smile, or even touch another guy; "And anything I say you must do,  "any question?" "Yes sir what makes you think I'll follow your rules." "You sign the contract, so either you be submissive or get punished "But why are you doing this?, why can't I see other men if I want?" "Cause you are mine." "I own you."
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