The memories and the witch line

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2 days passed as we still hide and Sonia’s mother, my now mother is still recovering slowly seeing that she had been beaten by them badly for trying to save Sonia before. Upon hearing what they did to my now mother after Sonia fell on the cliff I am so furious. I have to wait for her to recover before I ask her about Sonia’s witch ability. I have to wait until everything is set right for us. I walk around the town with my disguise and buy something for us to eat while spying on the Broughtstons. I am hoping to hear what they did after finding out that their money and pieces of jewelry are really gone. I give an evil grin before I walk towards the town hall holding a paper bag full of warm bread. I scan over the bulletin board and smile seeing there was no latest news about the Broughtstons other than that invitation that says that they are inviting everyone to a party in celebration of Laurena's birthday. Since she is turning 18 already Lady Cornelia must be so worried and in a hurry to find her a suitable husband. Of course with their savings and pieces of jewelry gone I know they will surely force her to marry into someone richer and with higher status for them to compensate for their losses. Hmnnn poor Laurena, in the end, she will not marry the man she likes. And I know it is the Duke of Devonshire who is from England who is just visiting their town for he has a property in there.   “SO, they are still acting as if nothing happened. They lost their money and pieces of jewelry and still, they are acting as if they are still with much money. Well, they might as well think Laurena will marry someone rich or of higher status from the guests they are inviting. Hmnn So desperate of them to do that, luckily I watched many movies about life in England from somewhere around this year so I know things or two about what will people as they do.” I said as I walk towards the place where they are selling some milk.   I just walk around the place listening to gossips and how they look down at others with lower status but I just smirk anyway. I even heard how they are sympathizing with the Broughtstons while shaming Sonia, or now me and my mother. I can hear all insults, blames, and even how they laugh in enjoyment about how they look and treated us before. I am so furious but keeping my angry self in check or the powers of Sonia will come out. I can just curse these people and place but that will not be fun… besides, I don’t think Sonia’s witch ability should be used like that.    “Did you hear, Lady Cornelia is going to marry off Laurena to the son of the Lord of Polwarth Lord Chapman? I think it is about time that the girl finds a suitable husband. Everyone on her age has already been married. I don’t even know why Lady Cornelia and Lord Nicholas are not forcing her to get married and she is now turning 18.” said the woman fanning her face wearing this lacy brownish dress and a fancy hat that is tied on her jaw as I stop there and listen.   “Oh didn’t you know? That maid girl Sonia.” the woman next to her said.   “Well, what of her? I heard she is so illiterate and a bit crazy to go around people.” the other woman said and I heard the person in front of her giggles.   “This is a secret but that girl is not as bad as what Lady Cornelia and Laurena said she is. I heard from other people that the mother and daughter are so mad at her for she is the reason why Laurena isn’t able to marry the man she liked. Didn’t you know that the Duke of Devonshire always comes here for one reason? It appears that he is bewitched by Sonia’s charm and beauty.” the woman also said gaining the others’ attention.   “Really, well it is not a lie that Sonia is a beautiful girl despite her meager appearance. She only needs to wash and dress nicely and she will be beautiful just like the young ladies in town.” another woman said and I see them nod.   I got to agree with them. I look at my body and smirk. Sonia is beautiful and her body is somewhat the body I was dreaming for. In my past life in the 21st century, I am so fat so I am called to be ugly and a big mama, or worst they even call me an elephant. Every time my family sees someone fat in the movies or just on the road they will say my name and laugh. See, even my family is bullying me. Perhaps it is also the reason why I have less confidence in myself and the reason why I had failed all my job interviews.  I sigh as I listen some more.   “But what is more wondering is the fact that they are keeping Helen and Sonia as their maid for a long time. Some rumors said that it is because Sonia is probably the daughter of Lord Nicholas. Or perhaps Helen is somewhat related to the Broughtstons. Who knows, it is just gossip as to why they are keeping them as their maid for such a long time.” A woman said leaning over to the others while covering her face with her fan but what she said is so clear to me who is a little bit far from them.   “Who knows? Somewhat the Broughtstons are really famous in this town and they are perhaps the most influential amongst the aristocrats here next to the viscount and the Duke of Devonshire who has bought properties in here despite him being in London.” the other woman said making me snort as I continue walking away holding those things I bought.   I just walk until I arrive at the place where we are hiding of course I made sure no one is following me or no one can see me. When I enter the house mother and Elena are hiding in the spare room and peek just to sigh seeing me.   “Where have you been Sonia?” my mother asks as I look at them and smile laying the food and milk on the table that looks as poor as we are now.    “I just went to town and bought us something to eat.” I said making them look at each other.   “Bought? Where did you get some money?” my mother asks as they look at me still confused.   “Mother it doesn’t matter where I get the money. We should eat and rest for now. We will leave tomorrow, I heard that Lady Cornelia invited everyone to celebrate Laurena’s birthday and I know it is a way for them to find her a suitable rich husband. Everyone might be busy and attend there so let us take it as our chance to leave and ride some carriage away from this place. I have already arranged for our transportation, all we need is to be ready.” I said as Elena and my mother look at each other before they nod.   “If that is what you really wanted we will agree to it without words.” My mother said making me sigh and they both look at me.   We all sit and eat the bread I brought. When they are sleeping soundly I sneak out of the house. Using a lamp I walk out and close the door. I am planning on going to that cliff where Sonia died. I want to see it for myself before we leave. I silently walk towards the hill where Laurena and her best friend Paula Mcregor held a tea picnic. It is a hill on Broughtstons’ property. After a few moments of hiking, I arrive at the cliff. This place is a grassy hill with big rocks and where I am standing right now has this big rock but the edge is just a few feet away from where I am. I take a deep breath before I close my eyes and remember what happened here.   “You are so kind and beautiful Sonia. I will see you around.” the Duke of Devonshire said as he waves them goodbye.   Sonia is preparing the picnic table as the high and mighty are chattering and laughing. There were 5 all in all but the 3 left with the Duke so Laurena and Paula her befriend are left. I can’t believe how furious Laurena is when the Duke said that. While Sonia is fixing the picnic area since it is about to rain she can’t believe that Laurena suddenly changes from her graceful and elegant demeanors while there are picnicking a little while ago. She suddenly becomes this evil woman who suddenly looks at Sonia with burning eyes. For me, she looks like those people who were under exorcism with her messy hair and falling hat on the ground due to grabbing Sonia by her arms and shaking her. She started beating Sonia which is a shock to me since base on the movies I watch ladies at this time are not like this. I guess actual life is different from those on screen.   “You wench! How dare you give that disgusting smile to the Duke while I am around? I set this picnic just for me to get closer to him but you took his time the whole time.” screams Laurena.   From the corner of Sonia’s eyes, she can see her mother running after them up the hill but Lady Cornelia gets hold of her and start slapping her face while scolding her and I see Helen slip on a rock but Lady Cornelia still hit her while Helen tried so hard to get towards Sonia. Sonia tried fighting just to go to her mother and she hit Laurena on her face making the lady angrier and starts slapping Sonia’s face. Sonia fights back changing their position in which Laurena is now on the ground being held by Sonia, so the Lady will stop but Paula pulls Sonia’s hair pulling her on the wet ground.   “You even dare to hurt and hold me! You stupid maid!” Laurena said as they pull Sonia’s hair until they reach the cliff while the rain is pouring.   Sonia can see how her mother is fighting back but is now being hit by Lady Cornelia while her father just stands there watching the whole thing with no expression on his face. That jerk is pissing me off, just wait and he will regret everything. Sonia sees how Lady Cornelia is hitting her mother with a cane as her mother lay helpless on the ground trying so hard to reach Sonia. Another slap went crashing into Sonia’s face and she drops to the ground hitting her leg on a rock. Paula and Laurena pull her up.   “You are a wench. You shouldn’t have been born. I hate your very existence. Why is that the man I love to have his eyes all to you? Die already.” Laurena screamed at Sonia as they stand on the cliff while the rain is pouring so hard, she keeps on slapping Sonia.   “Please- Please stop Miss Laurena. I didn’t do anything wrong. I did not…” Sonia stop speaking when they start throwing stones at her as she keeps on stepping back while covering her face.   “Stone her! She is a thief, an ugly maid, and a wench!” I heard Lady Cornelia said as they keep throwing a stone at Sonia.   “NOOO!!” Sonia screams as she slips on the edge and fall from a few feet height cliff and Sonia blackout when her head hit a rock in the river.   I open my eyes gasping for air as I look at the cliff with this darkness surrounding me. Tears are falling in my eyes as I look at the river below that is like 20 meters or 30 meters high. I clench my hand on the dress I am wearing. I can see these lights emitting from my body. My anger must be fueling Sonia’s witch ability. I can’t just let it show as this or I will surely lose my life. I am aware of how people from this time view witches. I remember that there is a time where witches were hunted and killed even if they are innocent or not. I have to be very careful using this or showing this ability to others. Who knows, that time where witches are killed might be this era where I am now. I better be careful then.   “I promise here and now, I will return and trample down those who have harmed and killed Sonia, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” I said with a smirk before I walk away from that hill and return to where we are staying.   I can just curse them to death with Sonia’s witch ability but that won’t be fun, won't it? I want them to live and suffer the same hell Sonia and her mother had faced all their lives. I want them to kneel and beg for mercy.   “I am not Sonia who will and might forgive them easily, I am Zorenia Asoncion. I won’t back down to injustice. I will make their lives a living hell.” I smile cunningly as I walk back out of the Broughtstons’ properties.   When I return back to that old rundown house I see Helen, my mother now standing in front of the closed door with a blanket over her shoulder as she hugs herself and wait for me. I stop midway as I look at her. Helen looks at me worriedly as she walks towards me and holds my hand.   “Where have you been? You are so cold? What has happened?” she asks as she looks at me and I just remain silent.   “Mother… I have been waiting to ask you this. Are we…… do we have witches on our bloodline?” I ask and the shock in my mother’s face is as visible as she slowly let go of my hand.   “Why- Why did you ask that?” she asks looking so flustered.   “Because… I have some abilities of one.” I said and her eyes widen.   “You have… witch magic? That is… I thought it got washed from generation to generation.” she said beginning to whisper but I clearly heard it.   “What do you mean mother? So we have witches in the family?” I ask as she looks at me then she grabs my hand and pulls me inside.   She went towards the room where we all are sleeping and grab the box I given her. It is the one where she is hiding the pictures of her family line.   “Sonia, come here and I’ll show you something.” mother said pulling me into the kitchen side as she places the lamp I am holding into the table and let me sit.   “What are you going to show me, mother?” I ask as I wait as she looks at me.   I heard her sigh before she opens the box and looks into the pile of pictures. She looks so hesitant before she hands me one picture. I take it and slowly look into the picture. It is a woman dressed in an old-looking dress sitting on a wooden chair looking so terrible with her eyes looking away and her hair messy on her sides.   “Who- Who is this?” I ask as I look at the picture that is black and white and is old.   “That is your great-great grandmother’s sister. Her name is Agnes Ergada, she sold her soul to the devil in exchange for black magic. She is the first witch in our family. She cursed a town and plagues destroyed the crops of people and sickness befalls that town taking lives along the way. She did so due to being tormented and sold to s*****y. She died when she was burned by the people but her curse didn’t stop so the town suffered, I just don’t know which town is it where she was sold to. It was then passed to her surviving daughter and her daughter’s son. My mother, your grandmother is thought to be the last one who had the witch ability and we all believed that she managed to stop the passing of the ability to the next generation. We are born without witch abilities, all 5 of us. I just can’t believe you will have it in the end. I am so sorry Sonia. When- When did it start showing… that ability.” she said and she looks so tormented.   “Mother, don’t worry about it. I know how I will use it and I know how to hide it. It appeared when I was so hopeless, we are being tortured by them. It just came out but then I…… that cliff, you and I are….” I stop unable to think of what happened on that darn cliff.   “It is okay, I will help you in any way I can. We will leave as you wanted. Now I know why you badly wanted to leave. We will leave tomorrow. Let’s just get some rest and we will be okay.” my mother said hugging me as I just nod.   I follow her into that shabby room where we are sleeping. We lie beside Elena as I look around us. I only hope everything will be a little kinder to us to the place where we will go. I don’t know of any place we can go for I know nothing of this time and country. Not to mention Sonia’s knowledge of this time and place is as few as mine since she is set to only work and not learn anything at all. I just sigh before I doze off to sleep hoping everything goes according to what I planned.        
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