Leaving as a Start

2390 Words
“Is everything ready and packed? We should get going; I heard the celebration of Laurena’s birthday is already starting. Everyone is in there and some are still going there.” Elena said as she carries a bag or an improvised one.   It is a blanket where we all place the things we are taking with us then tied really well so it can be carried like a shoulder bag. I am also carrying that old bag owned by Sonia’s mother and Sonia. Inside are some of my clothes, the money, and the pieces of jewelry I take from the Broughtstons’ house. We will surely need this to where we are going and I am certain now as to where we are heading. We will be heading to England hopefully a kind town or city might be able to take us in welcomingly. The problem is the border I hope we can get past without needing any papers or something since I don’t know how the law applies in this time and country.   “Are- are you two ready?” I ask as I look at them and see my mother fixing the cloak with a hood into Elena and making sure the hood is into Elena’s head to cover her face.   “Yes, we are. We can go now.” my mother said as she pulls her cloak’s hood and covers her head as well.   I nod as I also pull my hood and we walk out of that godforsaken house that turned to be our sole hiding place. I look at it before we continue walking.   “Can- can we go and see what is happening into the Broughtstons’ house. After all, we did live there for the rest of our lives even how bitter it was for us. I just want to give one last look to those people who harmed us.” I said seeing that disapproving look on their faces.   They did not argue but they look so against it. We walk towards the Broughtstons’ property just until to where we can see those happy people. I take a deep breath seeing that happiness in their faces. I hide on the tree when I see Lady Cornelia and Laurena walking out of the house with their fancy dress and fan over their faces as they laugh and smile at their guests. One thing that catches my attention is the man Lady Cornelia is talking to. He looks so dignified and an aristocrat. I clench my fist seeing that they are not even having remorse for what they did to Sonia. They killed Sonia yet they don’t feel a little bit of guilt about it. Well, after all, they manage to let people think that Sonia and her mother stole from them and left. Pfft wait for it and I will slam your sins back into your faces to get you back to your senses.   “How can they be this cruel? I swear in this life that I will make them pay whatever it takes…… all for Sonia.” I said as I glare at those happily chatting individuals right on the beautiful house’s porch as they drink their tea and chatter in their lovely dresses.   I turn away with a clenched fist before I walk to where Sonia’s mother and Elena are waiting for me. I look back one last time to those people that look like a cut-out in a painting with a bright atmosphere.   “Just you wait for our return. I will pay back what you had given Sonia three times folded.” I said as I smiled cunningly.  I, Zorenia Asoncion don’t like mistreatments and evil deeds, the next time Sonia will step in this place... there will be vengeance.   With that, we left that place and sneak into the carriage of some merchant going to England. Along the way, as we travel with the merchant’s group they told us about London and how amazing the place is. Thankfully they agreed to take us with them when I paid them for our fare and food for the travel. After a few days on the road, we arrive at the border. Thankfully we passed without any problem thanks to the merchant being known by people for traveling from here and there. We are sleeping in the carriage when I feel it stop. I peek into the opening covered with this white linen. I see that we are somewhat in a place with more buildings. I look at the man pulling the carriage and see him come down from his seat. I look around to see that the whole group is stopping and are walking out of the carriages.   “Where are we, sir?” I ask Mr. Holand the merchant who is kind enough to take us with them without asking further.   “Young miss we are now in a near city right in England but also near to Scotland. So it will be okay for you to stay here? We will just make a short trade here then leave after two or three days. Make your decision if you want to come with us until London but it will take us much more days before arriving there because we will be trading along the way.” the kind man said as I look around the place.   “I see, thank you, kind sir. I will tell you in the morning what we decided to do. For now, thank you for taking us with you. I pray you will have successful trade and your business will go successful.” I said with a smile as he curtseys at me and tips his hat before he moves away to talk to his group.   I see Elena and my mother walking out of the carriage holding our bags and I can see that awe and amazement in their eyes but I can also that glint of worry and fear. Who wouldn’t, they will be in a totally new place without knowing anything about the City. In my case I am more thrilled than worried, come on… I am already over my fear of a new place when I suddenly came here into Sonia’s body without knowing anything of the place and year. With the look and vibes of the city, I more like it since I am from a more modernized city than this but this city can be okay too.   “Mother… Elena, what do you think? Mr. Holand said that they will stay here for 2 or three days. We can look around and see if we like it here then we can stay. BUT, if you two don’t like it in here we will continue traveling with them until London but he said it will take days to get there since they will be trading along the way.” I said taking the old ragged black bag my mother is holding with her.   They look around and then to me before they sigh and look so pale. I see many ladies walking around the place with their lovely dresses that are much too fancy than what they wear in Scotland with dull colors. In this place, they wear white, pink and many lovely colored dresses with designs like flowers and such and in pure laces and even their fans on their hands are too fancy and beautiful. Some gentlemen wearing their fancy suits fashioned in the Elizabethan era holding their cane and they tip their tricorne hats with 3 sides which commonly used by military men in this era as they smile and pass at us. I feel assured seeing their smiles, I feel like they are welcoming us in here. I look at my companions' faces as they look around the place.   “Well, we don’t know anything about this place Sonia but we can get to learn and get used to it. Whatever you planned to do then we will go along with it. If you want us to stay and live here then let us do so.” my mother said making me sigh and smile at them.   “We should look for a place to stay for a while. We can decide later on when we get used to this city. I think we can look for a hotel, a motel, or something.” I utter and when I look at the two I see their surprised and confused look.   I immediately remember what I just said and scratch my head realizing that I said hotel and motel; I scratch my head realizing that of course, they will look so surprised since those words are unknown in here.   “I mean an inn or a tavern.” I said with a sigh and look around us before at them.   “We better keep going since Mr. Holand’s group will be busy trading before they will look for a place to stay. We can try going around asking for a small inn or anything that we can stay into.” I said as they just keep silent as I walk ahead of them.   I look behind me to see them and I smile seeing the way they look as if they are lost. We walk around the city until we arrive in what looks like the town hall. I left them outside as only one is allowed to enter. I walk towards the mayor or I don’t know what they call him here but he is the one in charge of the town hall who is sitting on his table and writing a letter using this feather thingy.   “Hello, sir.” I said catching his attention making him look at me and fix his eyeglasses up into his nose.   I observe what he looks like. He has these white hairs that are curly and long just like those in the Elizabethan era, he is wearing this usual outfits gentlemen use with this frails and such that is commonly used by gentlemen in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I but looking at that portrait of the one leading this country on top of the wall I am sure it says King George III, I can see that observing look in his eyes as he looks at me from head to toe, the gentleman seems nice and he look approachable too.   “Yes Miss, what can I do for you?” he asks as he looks up at me since he is sitting on his chair.   “If I may dear sir, can I ask if we can get some papers in here as a resident, buy some house, and to what we may need to do so?” I ask without further delay hoping that what I just said will not catch suspicions or something.   The gentleman looks at me as I just stand there with my head straight despite my shabby clothes and pitiful look.   “Hmnn it will hard, but first I have to ask you from where you are and why you haven’t registered there.” the gentleman said as I think of something to say.   “We are unable to register for the place we are in is distant and we hardly have the money to do so. We saved a lot just for that. We are from a remote village on the north side and we have come to find a new life after a storm destroyed our house and crops. We even have to sell everything so we can come here. What will we need to make our papers so we can stay?” I ask and the gentleman looks at me as if trying to see if I am lying.   He seems to believe my lie, what can I say… I am a very skilled liar. I usually lie in my past life of course ONLY if the situation is unbearable and if the lie won’t hurt anyone rather save someone. He sighs then stands and walks to a drawer behind his seat where he takes some papers rolled and is tied by a ribbon or something.   “Alright, who are you with, and make sure to place all the needed information about you here.” he said looking at me.   “There are only three of us sir, my mother, my sister, and I.” I answered and he handed me 3 papers and sign me to sit on the chair in front of me.   “Let see what I can do for the three of you. But first, I need to see what you will place in those papers. You are… you know how to write and read I suppose?” he said looking at me and I look up at him and smile brightly taking him off guard.   “Despite my look sir, yes I am…… certainly.” I said as I look at the paper that I can clearly read and see, to my amazement I can even read the one written in French.   I take a deep breath and look around I see some letters on the table in I know they are written in Latin and it also surprises me that I can clearly read them.   ‘Woh I can’t even read and write French and Latin in my past life but it is a miracle that I can read them now. Thank God for that or I will surely get in trouble.’ I said to myself before I reach for that feather-like pen they use in that era.   I take a deep breath and sigh, I hope nothing bad will happen or I will be in great trouble. I just wonder what this man is thinking now. It makes me feel this hard beating on my chest as I just remain smiling.   “Young miss, you are… telling the truth right?” the Mayor looks at me and I think if gazes can burn I have been burning in crisps by now.        
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