The first crime I made

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  I walk into the house of the Broughtston slowly and carefully not to alert any soul that is in there. I am aware that Lady Cornelia, the wife of Sonia’s jerk of a father is so cheap that she won’t waste her money to employ more servants. That is why she is keeping Sonia and her mother despite the fact that Sonia is the daughter of her husband to Helen the maid. Another reason is for Lady Cornelia to make their lives miserable for seducing her husband but according to Helen, Sonia’s mother Nicholas Broughtston, her father r***d Helen while everyone is away. It is also known to them that Nicholas is more afraid of his wife than anyone else. With the memories of Sonia of all around the house I know which way I will be headed into. But seeing this house in actually is really jaw-dropping, all furniture inside is too fancy and screams out luxury.   “Too bad they didn’t employ some new maids after they threw Sonia and her mother out. Hemp let’s see what will you do after this.” I said with an evil smirk as I walk up the stairs and head towards the master’s bedroom.   I open the door easily with the spare key I know where they are hiding, the key used by Sonia and Helen to enter the rooms and clean. I walk into the room and start looking around to see how glamorous and fancy the room is. I even drop into the soft bed ruffling the bedsheets with flower designs.   “Nice bed. Now back to what I came for.” I said as I get up and walk towards the drawers.   I look into the drawers until I found what I am looking for. I open the box and see some papers.   “Wohh. So money looks like THIS in this year huh. I will be taking you all with me.” I smirk as I take all the paper money that is like a certificate in the 21st century but the amount is placed in it like the first one in my hand that says 50 pounds.   I take another box on the side and open it just to whistle seeing those fancy pieces of jewelry of Lady Cornelia. I place the money in the box where the pieces of jewelry are and take it out of the room with me as I spray perfume all over the room just to cover my scent. I walk towards the next room and open it as I smile seeing that lovely lady-like ambiance of the room of Laurena. I walk in and sit on the bed before I walk into the drawers and take her pieces of pieces of jewelry then take her saving money as well. I am so mean and I know it. I walk out of the room and lock it making it as if no one even entered. I then walk towards the kitchen and look around the place where Helen and Sonia worked all their lives like slaves while being mistreated.   “Let us see how you will react to a crime you can’t report to catch the true suspect. You reported a crime without the actual crime. Now try having an actual crime without being able to report it.” I smirk as I walk around the place, to be honest, this is the first time I will be stealing something.   I am more a good and bad child back in the modern world that I came from but never have I stolen something from others. This will be my first, these people had gone too far and I know it is bad but I want justice for Helen, Sonia, and Elena.   If my memory about the law is right I believe that one person can’t report twice a crime that happened, I don’t know if it is the same in this place and time but… I’ll cross my fingers for that. Like the Broughtston couldn’t be able to report the crime I did here since they already reported a crime similar. I just don’t know if the same law is applied in this place and time BUT… let’s just hope the best. I then head towards the underground of the house where the fireplace is. I clench my teeth according to Sonia’s memory THIS shabby place is where the mother and daughter used to stay without any bed and blankets. They are like dogs that are sleeping on the dirty floor. That reminds me of the story of Cinderella. I click my tongue and walk around the place taking some of the things Sonia and Elena might own like some old clothes, an old bag, and some pictures of Helen’s family that she treasured in an old box of cookies.   “This place is like hell. A very painful memory for Sonia and her mother, I need to get out of here now.” I said as I walk away from that house after returning the key.   I am standing a few meters far from the house as I look at the house. If I will take revenge on those people we need to leave this place and go somewhere we are not known. We have to start all over again, get me time to control and understand Sonia’s ability, and also…… to get accustomed to this place and body. Holding everything I had taken placed in Sonia and Helen’s old ragged bag I start going back to where we are staying now and where we are hiding. I see Elena waiting on me by the door as she looks at me. Elena meets me and looks at what I am holding.   “Where have you been?” Elena asks as I smile and hold her hand pulling her in with me.   “How is mother doing? She must regain her consciousness and strength so we can leave this place as soon as possible. We can no longer stay here. It will not be safe for us.” I said as I close the door behind me.   Elena looks at me with a surprised and concerned look. I place the bag on the floor as I sit beside Sonia’s unconscious mother.   “What- What do you mean Sonia? Leave this place… to where? Where have you been?” Elena asks looking at me.   I open the bag but hide the box deep inside it to hide the items I stole in the house and brought out the food I also have ‘stolen’ from that house ahmnnn I think ‘took’ will be a fitting term for it since Sonia and her mother worked to the Broughtstons for a long time but are not paid for salary, not to mention they are just feeding them small portions from their left-over foods and what so frustrating is that they are eating foods that are for dogs and pigs.   “Here, you must eat too.” I said.   Elena look at it surprised as I place it beside her. Fruits, pieces of bread, and some sweets are beside the two of us as she looks at me then at the food.   “Don’t worry about where and how I get those. The most important is for us to regain our strength so we can leave the sooner the better. This town is wicked; it has no place for someone like us. But don’t worry, WE will return one day. And, I will make sure everyone tastes the bitterness of my wrath.” I said and Elena is just looking at me then she gasps.   “Sonia- Sonia your skin.” Elena said alerted and I look at my hand to see that both have these black lines then disappear slowly.   I stand and look at my foot just to gasps seeing that my bruises and wounds are suddenly healed. I take off the bandage of my leg that was making me leap due to pain. My jaw drops as I drop the bandage on the floor, Elena also covers her mouth since we both can see those black lines that seem to be covering my wound then when it disappeared my wound is gone and my skin is normal as if no bruises and wounds are in it before revealing the porcelain skin complexion of Sonia. Of course, she has a beautiful body and skin, Sonia is after all just 17 of age.   “What- What is happening?” Elena utters in surprise.   “I am also hoping mother can tell me what is happening to me and why is this happening?” I said as I sigh and let go of the dress that I pulled up and let it go as it covers my legs once again.   We are silent for a few moments as I look at Sonia’s mother then at Elena before I take a deep sigh and stand up. I place my finger into Helen’s neck and feel her pulse. I look at Elena to see her looking so surprised and curious. Of course, things like this are not known to Sonia. Sonia is more of an illiterate maid who knows nothing other than to work. Not to mention, Sonia is a bit of a weak and meek person. Things having a sudden change will be so surprising to others.   “She has a low pulse; she must wake up soon so we can leave. We can’t stay here even longer. I hope she will wake up later on.” I said as Elena just stayed silent.   I walk towards the side where they are cooking their meal on a fireplace that is like the one made during camping. I sigh as I take a big blackened pot and place some water on it from the big jar with water. Elena follows behind me.   “What are you doing?” Elena asks as she helps me create the fire as we place the pot on the stone that is supposed to hold pots while cooking.   “I will cook a medicinal plant that will help mother to recover faster. Can you help me clean and take off all the leaves of this plant? Place it in a clean bowl after you clean and wash it.” I said handing her 3 stems of plants with these leaves on them.   “What- What plant is this and how did you know all this?” Elena said looking at me so confused.   “It doesn’t matter how I know all that. That is a Blumea balsamifera plant that can heal bruises and wounds.” I said as I fan the fire.   Elena looks at the plants before she sighs and walks out to do what I ask her to do. When she left I take a deep breath and shake my head. I know they will surely suspect something seeing these changes in Sonia but…… there is no other way but to use my knowledge from the 21st century. Luckily during my studies, we came across medicinal plants during our health subjects. Blumea balsamifera or also known as Sambong plant in the Philippines is commonly found in the tropical and sub-tropical zones of Asia, especially the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia. Sambong works as an expectorant, an anti-diarrheal, and an anti-spasmodic, all of which treat some symptoms of the common cold. It is also sometimes used as an astringent for wounds. Of course, these medicines are the ones hidden by Lady Cornelia that she bought from a merchant who is going around places by places on a ship. I look at the door when Elena came on holding the bowl full of leaves.   “What will you do next?” Elena said looking at me.   “First we put these leaves into this boiling water. After 5 minutes or so we can strain the water until the water clears up and it can be served once it gets colder.” I look at Elena to see her looking at me so blank indicating that she doesn’t understand what I am saying.   I sigh then rub my forehead, why have I forgotten that I am in a different time and place. Not to mention the poor girl with me is not educated… plus Sonia is supposed to not know all this. I look at her.   “We will take the water out of the pot after a few moments of boiling it. We will use a clean cloth to drain the water until it is clear water. We will let it cool down. That water will be the one we will give my mother. We can also drink it for ourselves. This medicine is good for the body.” I said explaining in the best simple way I can.   Elena still looks dazed but just nod as we place the leaves on the boiling water and wait for a while as the water boils with the leaves making the water change color. The next morning we both are delighted to see Sonia’s mother starting to open her eyes and move.   “Ms. Helen?” Elena other as the woman looks around as if looking for someone.   “Where- Where is… Sonia?” she asks as Elena looks at me right in the doorway.   I walk towards them holding a bowl of the medicine. I slowly sit beside Sonia’s mother as I slowly place the bowl on the side. Sonia’s mother is looking at me while tears start to fall in her eyes.   “I- I am so- so sorry my Sonia. I couldn’t even stop them from hurting you. I am so happy- happy to see that you are fine.” Sonia’s mother starts to cry as she tries so hard to sit up.   Elena immediately went to her back and holds her until she is sitting. She is looking at me with her saddest eyes. I can feel that ache on my chest… it seems like even if I am no longer the real Sonia her body still reacts to those people she holds dearly in her heart. I smile and shake my head before I look at Sonia’s mother.   “I am fine mother, do not worry about me but rather you should get better as soon as possible. I have decided that we will leave this place. If we stay here any longer they will surely kill us all. It seems like this town has no place for us.” I said taking her hand as she looks at me surprised.   “I don’t know why you are suddenly like this but I understand you Sonia it’s just that…… I keep on asking you before if you want us to leave but you always point out what we need to leave which we don’t have. What made you decide otherwise?” the woman asks as I look at her and sigh.   “They all think that I died when I fall on the cliff. We can’t stay here since they accused us of stealing some of their jewelries. Once people see us we will surely be sent in confinement. We can’t stay here; we will look for somewhere safer to start again, then when times come…… I will surely return here and take what they own us.” I said making the two look at me with surprise in their eyes.   “What- What do you mean by that Sonia?” Sonia’s mother said as she looks at me.   “Mother…… you might as well know and notice this so I will tell you this. I don’t know if you will believe me or not but…… the past Sonia died on that cliff. I am a new person in this body. WE will stand up and show them that we are not just servants or maids that they can just slave around. We will leave this place, then when everything is better…… I will return here to show them what THEY had done wrong to us.” I said as the two looks at me.   Silence envelops us as the two looks at me then they look at each other. I just take a deep breath as I sigh before I look at them. I don’t know how they will react to what I said but I am still waiting for what they will say. By the look in their eyes… they look so confused but also concerned.    
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