Sonia Becker’s wrecked life

2813 Words
  “You are a wench. You shouldn’t have been born. I hate your very existence. Why is that the man I love to have his eyes all to you? Die already.” Laurena screamed at me as we stand on the cliff while the rain is pouring so hard, she keeps on slapping me.   “Please- Please stop Miss Laurena. I didn’t do anything wrong. I did not…” I stop speaking when they start throwing stones at me as I keep on stepping back while covering my face.   “Stone her! She is a thief, an ugly maid, and a wench!” I heard a woman beside the one I called as Miss Laurena said as they keep throwing a stone at me.   “NOOO!!” I scream as I slip on the edge and fall from a few feet height cliff. I blackout when my head hit a rock in the river.   I immediately open my eyes and about to sit straight when my forehead bumps something making me lay again while rubbing my forehead. That is one hell of a way to die. I slowly open my eyes just to realize that I am under a wooden plank and beside me is an unconscious woman who is according to Sonia’s memory… is her mother. Yes, it appears that the body I am in is called Sonia Becker, a hidden daughter by mistake of Nicholas Broughtston, a nobleman and landowner in that countryside to their housemaid which is her mother Helen Becker. With a little walk through Sonia’s memory, it seems like they are both mistreated and hurt by the people around them especially the wife and daughter of Sonia’s so-called father, that never in Sonia’s life that she ever called him as her father. The most frustrating thing I had seen in Sonia’s memory is how she died; she died from the hand of those wicked people who look like angels on the outside but demons inside. That is the thing I hated the most and Zorenia Asoncion fight back against such mistreatments.   “Sonia! Sonia!” I heard the girl calling and from Sonia’s memory, her name is Elena, an orphaned girl that they had taken in.   I start pushing the wooden plank and I see Elena coming to help me. I let her take Sonia’s mother first before I slowly get out of that dirty floor. I rub my head and then walk closer to where Elena is slowly laying Sonia’s mother. I sit on the floor beside them.   “What happened? Those people?” I ask as I look at the doorway of the supposed room but with rundown walls and doors missing.   “Yes, Laurena and her mother came with the police looking for you and your mother. They seem to have told the police that you and your mother stole some precious jewelry and then left. They really are so evil. They are trying to cover up what they did to you. I believe they thought you are already dead and to avoid scandal to the family they are creating this lie that you two stole something and run away.” Elena said making me snort taking her attention as she looks at me.   “Yah sure… why not. They literally push me off the cliff to die. Who would survive that? They are so despicable.” I said as Elena look at me, to how she is looking at me I know she is seeing the sudden change in Sonia’s character.   Of course, Sonia is a meek, weak, and always afraid 17 years old who only cries as they bully and mistreated her. That is not me; Zorenia Asoncion is a 22 years old fighter even if I have so many regrets and problems in my modern life. I always stand up to those who bully me base on my appearance and my status in life. And the level of how Sonia and her mother are bullied is really unforgivable for me. If Sonia can’t do anything about it… well, I CAN and I WILL. It is a bad thing that I Zorenia Asoncion is now in her body, I who don’t tolerate such mistreatments. With Sonia’s memories and with the one more unbelievable part that the fact that Sonia might have discovered that she has a witch’s blood and can do magic but with her sudden death and being a natural-born kind and week person she is… she never had the chance to control and use it. I can use it, right?   “Sonia? Sonia are- are you really sure you are in a good condition. You are acting really… really…”   “Different? Yes. Elena…… things need to change or we will be mistreated like this forever and we might even die like this. They killed the past me, I am so weak and scared to stand up against them. BUT, look at what they did to my mother. What they did to me. Look at you, Elena. You have a brighter future to… they will not leave us alone once they found out I am still alive. We need to think of something.” I said as Elena just look at me surprised and worried.   “What- What do you mean Sonia? We can’t go against them. They have money and they are respected in this town. Laurena’s mother is a noble and her uncle is a  baron. We have nothing against them.” Elena said making me smirk and then take a deep breath as I look at Sonia’s still beat-up mother.   “Maybe, for now, yes BUT…… what about in the future?” I said looking away as I start to stand straight.   “But first we must regain our strength and then move forward. They even dare to accuse us of being thieves just to cover what they had done to me. I won’t forgive them even in the next life.” I said as I stand and walk towards the doorway with no door for that policemen who destroyed it just to get inside.   “Sonia.” Elena softly said sounding so tired and she seems to understand why I am being like this.                                                                            After a few moments that feel like hours for me, I walk towards the other side where I was laying a little while ago. I take some ragged clothes and a coat and tied them into my shoulders. I take a lump of black coal in the side and start rubbing it into my face like make-up. Elena followed me and sees what I am doing.   “Sonia! What are you doing? Why- Why are you dressed like that?” she said as she looks at me.   “Take good care of my mother for me. Make sure no one will find her. I will go somewhere.” I said as I look at her while she looks at me worriedly.   “No, you can’t go anywhere. Once someone sees you they will surely harm you and shame you.” Elena said worriedly as I look at her.   “I will be fine. Take good care of my mother while I am gone. I have to take a look around the place and make sure to think of what we should do next. I bet with my appearance now no one will even try to come near me. Don’t worry they think Sonia is dead, I will only look out to those policemen.” I said before I pull a hat that looks like one of those they use in the hospitals to cover the hair but this one is with a flower design and is made of old silk. I assume this is like a hat to cover the hair.   It might be ragged and old but it is clean and the only thing available to hide my face. I give one last look at Elena then to where Sonia’s mother is laying before I take a deep breath and walk towards the door leaping. I take a deep breath before I step out of the wrecked house and then look around the place. It is just like how Sonia remembers it but I have to see it for myself so I can finally accept the fact that this is going to be my life now. I look around the place for a while. As I expected, Sonia and her mother even Elena are staying in an old abandoned house somewhere excluded from the town. I look around to see that we are on the side of a road made for carriages. I look into the direction where I believe going to the town. I know that just a few meters from here are the estate of the Broughtstons, the house Sonia and her mother is abused and called to as maid, the place where all those people who will taste my wrath resides. Thinking about that an evil grin appears on my lips.   “Let’s see what this place looks like then we can decide what to do after. Sonia, wherever you are? I promise you, with all the knowledge and wits I have with me I WILL revenge you.” I said before I take a deep breath and stretch my body still feeling that soring pain.   I walk slowly towards the town making sure I will not be recognized by anyone. I even have to look so low every time I will pass people or a carriage will pass me. I swear I can hear the murmuring of people as they look at my dirty clothes and appearance. I smirk, even in this place people are hypocrites.   “Stay away from her or you will get sick.” I hear a woman in her lovely white dress with a ribbon in her waist wearing a hat with a flowery design said to a little girl who was about to run towards me.   I look at the woman and almost glare. I have to look down feeling that unpleasant heat coming from my body. I can feel it…… the thread of magic Sonia is supposed to have but not able to use. I can’t believe that even witches are present in this place I am brought to. I just wonder why and why me? I shake my head to calm myself since I can feel that heat surging as if it wants to erupt due to my frustration with these people. I don’t know yet how to use Sonia’s ability, if she is like any witches I watched in movies before then will I need a spellbook or something…… or a wand? I am not still sure. I have to make sure.   “Look ladies, let’s just not mind her and don’t think she exists. So, what happened last night in the earl’s party?” a woman asks and they all start talking while fanning their selves in their fancy fans with lacey designs and they move as if they are just using it to fend off flies rather than making themselves colder from the heat.   I almost snort and continue walking until I reach the town where most commercial buildings are. I walk in the road and look into the houses of those rich people. I walk toward the town hall where news is posted on this wide board outside like a bulletin board but is made of woods. I slowly walk into it making sure no one is there. I smirk seeing a newspaper posted in it. It says that I am in the 18th century and somewhere in Scotland. The news there makes me so furious and almost laugh. In the news, it says that the family of the Broughtston had been robbed by their long-time maid, Elena Becker, and her daughter Sonia Becker. There is also a picture there in which the mother and daughter Broughtston are crying while that jerk of a father of Sonia is standing behind his wife who is sitting on the chair and is crying. It is a black and white photo unlike those I am used to in the 21st century but the picture sends anger all throughout my body.   “How- dare- they. This is…… by far the worst injustice I had faced to.” I said in anger and again I can feel that surging heat enveloping my body and for some reason, I feel like my sore foot and wounds in my body is starting to not feel pain.   I look at my hand to see black lines starting to appear so I start shaking my head then taking deep breaths until I see the lines disappearing. I look at the newspaper once again and take it from the board and walk away. It seems like the witch ability of Sonia is out of control, I have to find a way to control it. If only Sonia’s mother can also use or know how to help me control this. I walk away until I walk into a bakery with a glass wall where I can see fresh pieces of bread that look so tasty but what I am looking at is my appearance.   “The Lady of Nairne invited me and my family into her estate. Would you like to come with us, Paula?” I step aside and hide in the small alley between two buildings seeing those who are approaching.   “I would love to. I have heard that the Lady of Nairne’s nephew from London is good-looking. I would like to see him for myself.” the girl giggled as I look at the group walking passing me.   Those fancy dresses of them and their high and mighty manners are all making me angry remembering how they tormented Sonia and her mother. Also…… that memory of Sonia on that cliff on a rainy day is leaving an after taste in my mouth. I clench my fist on my dress seeing how happy and contented they are as if they did not do anything inhumane.   “Laugh all you want for now. I will laugh then later.” I said in anger and continue walking away still looking at my clenched hands.   I stop in the middle of the road and look all around me looking at those people who are so unaware of their surroundings, those people who are busy doing their works, those people going on their way, and to those people chattering all around me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.   “This place… I really can’t believe I am now in the 18th century in Scotland and I don’t even know much of the history of this place while I am in the 21st century. I can’t even with this place.” I said as I look at my clothes and sigh.   I suddenly hold into my stomach hearing it sound indicating that I am hungry. I look around the place and see the bakery, a place selling cooked turkeys, and many more that sell food. My stomach growls even louder making me clutches my stomach. I started walking back to where I came from and stop when I am out of people’s sight and fewer houses are seen around me.   “Darn it! I am so hungry. How can we go on like this? I have to look for food BUT…… I am sure I won’t get free food here without money. I will just catch unwanted attention when I show up without money. Wait…” I look at the newspaper I am clenching on my hand and I smile cunningly.   I start to laugh menacingly as I continue walking. I still believe in the saying that says, ‘eat the dose of your own medicine’ and what I am thinking right now is to let the Broughtston eat their words. I started humming as I skip towards the Broughtston’s estate. For some reason, I feel my whole body is so fine and even my hurting foot that was making me leap is now feeling so well. I didn’t think much of it since my evil plan is needed to be done as soon as possible.  
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