Head mistress Budworth and the sudden pain

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My mother and I separate when I told her I am going to the town hall. It is the best and less tiring way I can get information other than going around this wide city. When I enter the town hall I see the mayor talking to a gentleman with a nice body posture. All I can see is his back as he speaks with the mayor. I am standing in the living room or to where people wait when the Mayor is busy having a conversation with someone in his office. I sit in there as I look at the two gentlemen inside though all I can see is the visitor’s nicely build back. There is also this woman sitting beside me fanning herself and she looks like the strict stepmother of Cinderella in that cartoon movie… just saying. I take a deep breath and walk out towards the bulletin board to look into the posted announcements. I see an advertisement for a school for women that is has a cheaper tuition fee. I smile and tear the paper off the board and take it with me placing it into my pouch that is like a coin purse but is knitted and like a sock bag that uses string to tie it. When I return inside to the Mayor’s office the man whom the mayor is speaking to is gone but that woman who was sitting beside me before was there having a conversation with the Mayor.   “Ahh Miss Witham, what can I do for you?” the mayor said seeing me sitting in the waiting area.   The woman he is talking to looks at me and is like observing me. The way she looks at me is really making me feel annoyed since she looks at me from head to toe.   “Yes dear sir, if it is not a bother can I ask if you know of any school needing of a teacher?” I ask and the mayor’s eyes widen.   “Oh, you are just in luck. Come in here for a while Miss Witman and let me introduce to you headmistress Margaret Budworth. Headmistress this is Miss Whitman she has just moved here from somewhere North of England. It is such a fate that the headmistress is also looking for an additional teacher who will teach the group of girls in a private boarding school. So what do you think of Miss Whitman to that said position Head Mistress?” the mayor said as the headmistress keeps looking at me from head to toe.   “In appearance, I can say she passes but… the most important is… can she even teach children? Mind you that the children in that boarding school are all from an influential noble family, some are even from other cities or towns. The teacher I am looking for must have something to teach these children who will one day take after their family’s name and properties. Have you even entered into a respected school Miss Witham?” the headmistress said making me bite my lower lips before I could chew this arrogant lady off.   As the matter of finishing school, I have nothing to say about that since Sonia never entered school BUT… as for Zorenia Asoncion I have the knowledge 4 centuries more advance than them. I won’t need to study at a respectable school at this time because in my time I studied in one of the well-known schools in our city.   “Lady Budworth, due to an unforeseen calamity in the place we came from all our papers even our school papers are gone so I have nothing to show you BUT…… my ability to teach children can never be seen in a piece of paper. See it to believe.” I said that last words in an American accent way and they seem to not understand it as they look at me confused.   “That means let me teach for a few days in your school then if you think I am not a good teacher then…… it must not have been fate after all.” I said as I smile at them sweetly as the two look at one another as I just stand there with my head high.   “Sir Walton it seems like this girl really is one of a kind. I like your confidence young lady. I’ll see you on Monday at the boarding school. You can ask around where to find it since it is famous in Stanhore. I’ll see you then Miss Witham, don’t be late. Be there before the clock hits 8 in the morning. See you around Sir Walton.” the headmistress said as she nods to the mayor and she walks out of that office as I just look at her back still baffled.   I take a deep sigh of relief hearing her said Monday since today is still Friday and I still have to talk to the teachers in that public school for Elena. I hope they will take her in. But the way that woman talked to me and how she looks at me is really frustrating.   “Sorry sir but can I ask… is she always like that? It seems like she doesn’t really like me.” I said still looking at the entrance when I heard the mayor laughing.   “Miss Witman never mind about it and get used to it. Headmistress Budworth is just like that but she is a kind person. She has just lost her son and husband in the war, both join the military and got attacked by some unknown group. Just understand her. Good luck and I hope you will get the job.” the mayor said and I bid him goodbye before I walk out of his office.   I walk towards the said boarding school to check it for myself. I have this habit of going first to the place before the actual thing I will do starts. Like for example the school where I take my board exam before, I went there first and roam around the school to get used to it before the actual exam date. It is more convenient than going into a battle you don’t know what you are fighting for. I ask from people and I found out that the kids will stay in the boarding school from Mondays to Fridays and to those who have their houses near they can go home on Saturdays and Sundays while those who can’t stay in the boarding school doing their school works. There are cooks who cook the meals of both the teachers and students, there are those who clean the rooms, there are people in charge of the stables where the carriages of the rich kids are being cared to for their convenience and use, and there are those who make sure the kids are healthy and not sick. It is really a school for the rich and according to one teacher I speak to, the salary is not just small, it can feed a family for weeks. The teacher said it is about 60 to 80 pounds a week depending on the parents’ generosity.   “Hmnnn I hope I can make it even with my little knowledge about this place.” I sigh as I walk back home.   The next day I take Elena to that public school I see on the paper in the town hall. I talk to the Head Master and they are willing to take in Elena as their student. Elena and I walk around the school after I paid and fill in the papers after showing the headmaster Elena's papers.   “So, what do you think Elena? Do you like the school?” I ask as we walk around the place.   “It is better than staying in that old run-down house and working in the Broughtstons’ kitchen and being insulted. Don’t worry about me Zorenia, I can take care of myself and I will learn everything I can so I can help you and mother when the time comes.” Elena said and I just nod and smile.   “You will be fine, Elena. Learn everything you can then when the time comes… everything will change accordingly. BE careful not to make some enemies and always make sure to study really well. Knowledge is power ad when you do not have knowledge people will step on you. Let us make sure what had happened to us will not happen again.” I said as I tap her shoulder.   On Sunday we all went to the chapel to pray. The place is wide just like any chapels there is in the 21st century. As the bishop or priest is giving his sermon I excuse myself when I suddenly feel that pain in my chest and my head is starting to get painful just like the first time I wake up in Sonia’s body. I slowly walk towards the entrance and exit as I grab my aching head. My vision is starting to blur and like buzzing bees in my ears I can hear this screaming and the beeping of something. I continue walking almost falling on the ground when I bump into someone but with my head in pure intense pain, my chest crushing pain, and my blurry vision I didn’t even look to see who or what I bump into.   “Ah- Ahhh WHAT THE! What- What is going on this time?” I utter in pure pain as a warm strong arms suddenly grab into my arm and hold me in my waist but I don’t have the time to get angry at this person holding me.   “Miss, are you alright? Miss?” a man’s baritone voice asks as I just grab into my head and when I open my eyes I am surprised to see my surroundings looking like a hospital room.   I shake my head and close my eyes and open it again just to see a blurry vision of a man holding me down as I am like laying down while he gazes at me and looks so worried but I can’t hear his voice or understand what he is saying. What I can hear is the drumming voices of someone panicking in a hospital as they move around the places wearing these white clothes. Suddenly a bright light got lightened in my eyes and everything blackout for a few moments when I open my eyes I can feel that throbbing pain in my head subsides.   “Zorenia! Zorenia are you okay?” I heard my mother and Elena’s voice as they run towards me.   I look up to see a still blurry vision of that man holding me down as I gaze up at him. Then I see my mother and Elena’s faces pop out into the view. “Mo- Mother… Elena?” I utter still feeling that pain in my head as if someone is hitting it with a stone.   Then I suddenly remember what Laurena and Paula did to Sonia, the way they are laughing at screaming at her as they throw rocks at her. I even remember Helen my mother now being hit by Lady Cornelia and Sonia falling off to that cliff. NO, I can’t yet. I still have to get revenge on those people. I just can’t yet.   “All vitals are normal but… I believe she went back to a coma again. I am sorry.” I heard a man said and the crying of someone before I blackout.   I feel someone shaking me so I open my eyes, the pain is slowly disappearing but as my vision still blurry I feel someone helping me up.   “Mother- Mother, can we go back home. I feel so sick.” I utter as I rub my forehead.   “If you want we can give you a ride to the doctor.” a man’s soft voice said from behind me coming from the person that I am leaning my back to.   “Oh thank you sir for...”   “No mother, I don’t want to see a doctor. I am fine, I- I just want to go home.” I utter still in croaked voice since I can still feel that pain in my chest and the slowly pounding in my head.   “In that case, please let me help you by letting my coachman send you home.” the man behind me said and I suddenly blackout and lost my consciousness.   The last thing I remember is a warm and strong-arm catching me before I completely fell to the ground. I don’t know why but I feel like I am floating in clouds as a soft warm voice is saying something but I can't understand what he said. One thing is for sure, I will not leave yet… not just YET.      
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