Boarding School for the rich kids

2269 Words
I open my eyes to see that I am in my room in our house. I look around my room to see a bowl with water and a cloth. I slowly step down the bed just in time for Elena to come in holding warm milk and when she sees me she immediately comes towards me worriedly. She places the warm milk on the table near my bed and helps me to sit on the edge of the bed.   “What- what had happened? How- How did we return here?” I ask as I slowly rub my eyes.   “We were so worried; you suddenly collapse on the chapel’s front yard. Luckily a kind gentleman held you for you not to fall on the dirty ground. We don’t know his name but he sent for his carriage to send us home then he sent a doctor to see you. Are- Are you okay?” Elena asks as she hands me the glass of milk she had brought for me and she placed it on the table a little while ago.   I slowly drink the milk and look at her. What does she mean by a gentleman? So everything I had last remembered is true. A man is there holding me down as I look up at him in a blurry vision. But… what is that? What is that blurry vision I saw that is in a hospital?   “The doctor said you have an inside break in your skull and is giving you pains. It must have been from that fall in the cliff. Are you okay now?” Elena asks looking as worried as I take a deep sigh then my eyes widen and look at her.   “Wait what time is it and where is mother?” I ask as I look at her worriedly.   “Don’t worry; mother is cooking in the kitchen. It is only 6 in the evening of Sunday. You were unconscious for almost 7 hours. Are you sure you are okay now?” Elena asks as I take a deep sigh of relief.   “Don’t worry I am fine now, I hope.” I said as we both walk down the stairs towards the kitchen where my mother meets us looking as worried and pale as she looks at me.   “I am glad you are okay Sonia- Zorenia. All my life that was the only time where I really feel so frightened. I am so relieved to see you are okay.” my mother said taking my hand as we sit at the table facing the newly cook meal she has prepared for us.   They told me about that man who helped us but they don’t know his name for they got so distracted worrying about me to even ask who that kind gentleman who is kind enough to help us in that situation. All they said is that he is young, handsome, in a very elegant manner and a posture of those of noble birth. I just let it slide out of my mind thinking I will surely not meet him again or something.   “Are you ready for this Elena? How are your things?” I ask Elena as we walk down the stairs as mother is waiting for us outside the house ready for her work.   “I am ready, excited, and worried but… I will be okay. I can do this, all for our sake.” Elena said with a brave smile as she holds onto the string of her shoulder bag that is made of skin where she placed all the books, papers, and her quill and ink.   We all separate on our ways as I went directly into that boarding school for the rich kids. I enter the gate and walk into the door and knock. The door opens revealing a woman who introduced herself as the assistant of the headmistress. The way she is looking at me says that she is underestimating me for she looks like she is judging me by the way I look. I can hear whispers from those teachers we are passing in the hallway as they look at us. I can’t stand how they are looking at me with scorn and distaste. I nearly snort if I hadn’t calmed myself. The lady assistant just walks ahead as she directs me into the headmistress’s office. The woman is being greeted by the students. Boys and girls are separated in this school. The boys are on the left-wing of the building and being taught by male professors or teachers while on the right-wing is the girls that are being taught by the female teachers. There are rules needed to be followed by students and professors. Only during breaks where everyone is in the cafeteria or outside that boys and girls can interact with each other.   “Let us see how good you are Miss Witman. This class of girls is not what you had imagined them to be. They are too different. Despite their good family background, they have these unfriendly behaviors… they are what we call a case that needed to have immediately interceded. Many teachers tried but at the end of the day, they run to me saying they can’t take this class anymore and if they can take another class. Let me see what you got if you can manage to stay here for 2 to 3 days… or even more. If that happened then this special class and teaching job is yours to keep… plus a salary of 100 pounds a week. That class is where the entire impolite and worst students are BUT… that is also where the kids of the riches families are. Good luck Miss Witman. Annabella can you show Miss Witman the class and introduce her to the students.” the headmistress said as I just sigh and smile at them.   I can see that they are underestimating me. I bet they are having bets that I won't last for just 1 day. Hmn I will show them otherwise. We are walking silently into the hallways and I can hear students running around the places. We head towards the right-wing of the school and we can see some female teachers guiding girls inside their classrooms. We continue walking as we can hear that loud screaming and things being thrown all over the place from a classroom nearing us. When we came into the edge classroom that looks wider and nicer with that table with a flower vase with lovely colorful flowers in it placed beside the doorway indicates that the students inside are more influential kids than those in the other class. We both peek into this glass window to see inside and we can see the girls throwing many things all around and are screaming all over the place. I look at Annabella who is also looking at the girls inside looking so tired and stressed about these girls. It only means that they are those children in their prime of tantrums and are overly spoiled by their parents… in short, they are those who are seeking attention and love. I smile remembering how my niece and nephews acted this way just to get attention.   “Are they always like this?” I ask as we look at the children inside the room that looks entirely chaotic.   “No at first, those kids are not like that. They are mannered, elegant, and diligent but then as time goes by they seem to change. These children are once from different classes before; they are smart, mannered and so admirable by other students. They were all just sent out by their teacher to be mixed in one class due to bad manners and bad attitudes; they are what the teachers called as bad students. Many- Many teachers tried but after 2 or three days they will stop coming and eventually quits. These kids are really scary and uncontrollable. Are- Are you sure you can manage them? These kids seem to have the habit of tormenting and harassing young teachers.” Annabella said as we look into the glass window.   “I am up to the challenge. Besides, I believe that there are no bad students…… just bad teachers. Don’t worry; I can always raise the white flag when I am beaten enough.” I said and smile at the lady but she is just looking at me confused.   “What- what do you mean by that?” she asks looking at me.   “Nothing I just said I hope I can make it.” I said as I see how her lips curl into a mocking grin before she looks away.   I just smile hiding my annoyance at her expression seeing that she didn’t understand the words I first said. I shake my head and I reach for the doorknob and twisting it then I push it in to open. When I step into the door a shoe suddenly came flying towards my face but with just one swift movement I caught it in my hand and casually walk into the front where the stand is as all the children are looking at me and Annabella who look surprised to what I did.   ‘Hmnn what a sly trick but… unfortunately it is so old school for me. I already know this trick in the 21st century and we used this with one of our classmates before. Nice try though.’ I said in my mind as I and Annabella stand in front while I am still holding that black shoe of a girl in my right hand while holding my book in the other.   “Ahmnn listen, children, this is Miss……”   “Let me do the introduction Annabella.” I said with a smile and I take chalk on the table’s drawer in front of me and walk towards the green board and write my name in a different way to catch their attention.   AINEROZ   I turn around to look at everyone to see them suddenly silent and are looking at the green board but they are not sitting since some are still in the corner crumpling papers and some are on top of the table and are now slowly stepping down to see what I wrote in the board.   “Everyone… good morning. Well, you all might have an idea as to what will be my purpose for coming to this school and in this classroom. So yes, I will be your teacher- a teacher who will teach you something different from those who taught you first…… and for starters, I wrote something on the board. Can anyone read it for me?” I said as I look at them but everyone is silent while Miss Annabelle is just silent as she stands on the side next to the door observing me but the look on her face says that she is also a daze at what I wrote.   I look at them as they look at the word written on the board.   “That is nonsense you’re just making fun of us. No one can read that because it is not a word. It is not even French or English.” a smart-looking rich girl on the back looking like a small version of Cruella De Vil in the movie 101 Dalmatians.   I smile at them as I start pacing back and forth holding that shoe in my hand and tapping it into my palm. This is a class I can surely enjoy. They are way too different from those teenagers I had handled in my practice teaching back in the 21st century and made me hate teaching for they are so mean and overbearing. Not to mention their parents are like your enemy for one wrong mistake they will say that you are a bad teacher or not a good teacher. It is as if they know how their children behave in class.   “Are you sure young lady? THAT is a word, that is written in English and THAT has a sense… those who can solve that and get to read it will be considered as the smartest and the brightest in this class. So… who will take the challenge on decoding what that word is?” I said as I walk all over the spaces in the chairs making those who are in my way suddenly moving aside as they look at me stunned and confused as they look at the one written on the board.   “Anero?” someone said almost a whisper but I heard it.   “You are a brave one to try but… sadly that is not the hidden word, anyone who would like to take the challenge on figuring out what is the word?” I ask as I stop by the back and then turn to face them all just to see everyone looking on the green boards staring blindly into those white letters I wrote.   “How can we figure it out you just wrote those letters without giving us a lecture.” another girl said and she has these cute pigtails on her side and a ribbon as a tie, I face them all and smile cunningly making everyone suddenly froze and turn silent.    
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