Cleaning and the gift

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When the carriage left out of our view I hold Elena’s shoulder and take a deep breath.   “Come on Elena, we should start cleaning so we can use the house freely. We can also plant some flowers and make a backyard garden behind the house. It is nice to grow our own vegetables too.” I said with a smile and Elena smile in happiness as we walk back inside the house and look around the place.   “It is a big and wide house, we can’t clean it today.” Elena said as she starts taking clothes that are thrown all around the place and even moldy pots that for who knows what were scattered on the floor and into the living room.   “What had happened to this house before the owner left? Why everything is a mess? Did a hurricane come into the house after they left?” I sigh as I help take old and smelly curtains off of the windows and take the white coverings of the sofa, chairs, and drawers.   “The whole place needs dusting.” Elena calls out from the kitchen.   I don’t know for how long we are cleaning but the changes in the house are being visible. After Elena cleanses the kitchen she moves to the rooms so the rooms will be ready for us for tonight. I am left fixing furniture from here and there, moving things to according to my liking. I am admiring my work as I hold the rag I used to wipe all the furniture off of the dirt and molds when someone knocks on the door.   “Weird, who will come knocking on our door when we just have moved in? No one knows we are moving in this house… except the mayor and his men.” I said with a furrowed forehead.   I take a deep breath before I place the rag and bowl with water in the side and take that corset I taken off when we started cleaning and hide it into a drawer then rub the folds off of my dress before I walk towards the door and open it just to see 2 men holding 2 baskets, one full of fruits and bread and the second is with roasted chicken and rice placed in a wooden big bowl. I look at them in confusion.   “Yes? What can we do for you dear sirs?” I ask as I look at the two gentlemen who clear their throat and look at me.   “Good day to you Miss. Our mistress sends us to give you this and she wants us to sends her regards to you and your family. This is a welcome as the new neighbors and incomers in the town.” the man said looking like those peasant servants I have seen in movies before but both look so nice and well cared for.   “Your mistress? May I ask as to whom? Only the mayor knows about our move here today so I wonder if not him then who?” I ask as I take the basket with the fruits he is handing me.   “Lady Kauffman, they owned those crop fields just an hour walk away from here. She has heard about new neighbors settling into the old house of her old friend so she sends us to greet you her warmest welcome. She was about to come to hand it in person but a certain matter came so she has sent us. She said she will certainly come to see you when her time is free Miss.” the man said bowing his head, I get to observe this man in front of me.   He has white old peasant clothes and old boots. He looks really beat up due to work but by the looks of it, they are not being beaten like what I watched in the movie 12 years a slave. The man behind the man in front of me is I think a Black African, unlike the one in front of me who looks to be from here or white as what they are called from this time the man behind him is timid. He looks as if he is always afraid and unconfident. I sigh as I look at them.   “Thank you gentlemen… for coming all the way from there to here, kindly tell your mistress that we highly appreciate it and we look forward to meeting her in person. And for your trouble in bringing all these… here, thank you so much.” I said as I give each of them one fruit each from the basket I take from the one in front of me.   I take the other basket the man behind hands me as I place one fruit in each of their hands. They look reluctant and are afraid to take those so I just smile at them.   “Eat those on your way back to regain your strength. Have a nice day gentlemen and thank you once again.” I said as they bow at me and start walking away eating their apples as they walk.   “Hmnn Kauffman huh, seems like the goddess of luck given me some of her good fortunes.” I said as I take both baskets and close the door.   “Who are those and what is that?” I look at Elena coming from the stairs as she looks at the basket I am holding.   “The Kauffman’s sends us their welcome, a little gift to welcome us. They owned that wide crop field seen from here.” I said as Elena come down the stairs and help me with the other basket.   “Really, but these are too much for a little gift. And from someone rich and who owns a crop field… giving us who have just moved in these gifts? They must be a good person to do that. Lady Cornelia won’t even share one fruit with us before.” Elena said as we place the basket on the table that Elena had a hard time cleaning.   “Elena, stop thinking of those people because they are not humans. One of these days they will pay for their crimes. Anyway, just our luck, the Kauffmans is one rich family as the mayor had said. Just you look at that, we haven’t had the time to cook for our meal and haven’t eaten our early morning meal. This is perfect, Elena we should eat first before we continue cleaning. We can clean the yard tomorrow for now we should focus on the inside of our house.” I said and Elena just nod.   Elena prepares the table as we eat that still warm rice and that roasted chicken. After cleaning the plates we continue cleaning the whole house into the attic and separating all those clothes and cloth to be washed for the next day. When we finish cleaning and placing everything to be washed in the living room I went around the house inspecting the surrounding. I see a water pumping place or where they pump water and the water will come out. I tried pumping it although the pump is rusty there is water mixed with rust but can be remedied by placing a filter in it. At first, it is rusty water then it is starting to clear but with this soil-like substance so it is safe to say that it will need to be filtered. As for water to drink, we can filter then sterilize the water to be safer.   “What have you found So- Zorenia?” Elena said as I enter the house again.   “I found a water source where we can wash all those clothes tomorrow but it needs to be cleaned. Let us prepare something for our diner so we can eat with mother once she returns home.” I said as Elena takes a deep breath.   Like me, she must also be tired. But then, if we want a safe and nice home to stay in we must work as hard as we could to make it a home. When my mother returns home she is holding a basket with 2 bottles of milk, a newspaper, and a still-hot pudding pie. We all sit at the table to eat as Elena and my mother are looking around the house still not believing that we have a house on our own now.   “This is really like a dream. We always tell one another every night that we will have our own house one day and we will live peacefully and happily. This is…” I just watch as my mother starts sobbing as Elena rubs her back and hugs her as she cries as well.   I just smile and watch them as I sigh and look around the place. It is indeed a lovely place for us. I just hope we won't have problems and enemies in this place.   ‘This is just the beginning mother, Elena. Wait for it until I can control and freely use Sonia’s witch abilities. I will use it for us to gain connections to higher positions. All I have to do is to learn how to use it.’ I said silently in my mind as I take a bite into my pie.   The next morning my mother walk to her work and I and Elena continue doing the cleaning. Elena is washing the pump off of the rust while I am cutting the grasses in the yard. I even have the time to plant flowers and make a garden to plant our vegetables. When Elena and I finish doing what we are set to do we help each other wash the clothes, curtains, blankets, and many more that were left by the previous owner that now smells and is dirty. When we finish hanging the clothes to dry we sit on the newly cut grasses and look at the house.   “I really can’t believe we have new a house. I thought we will live in that run-down house until we die. I am so happy. I want to know what you did to have this and where you get the money but…… all is not important right now seeing our own house. Do you think…… we will not be found by the Broughtstons and the others here?” Elena said looking at me.   I take a deep breath and look at my hand then the memory of that rainy evening on that cliff came back to me. I shake my head and look at Elena.   “There is a possibility that they will find us here. We need to always be ready for that. But once that happens… make sure to deny ever meeting them or knowing them. We have to be very careful here and forget our past lives. Let’s remain focus on using the once we registered here. Once someone who recognizes us sees us we must never show that they are right, we pretend we don’t know them and have never seen them. We look different now with our clothes and our new names but once we flinch when meeting them we will surely be in trouble. We can’t be drag back to that town again and get tormented by those people.” I said and Elena nod as she leans on me.   I take a deep breath and look up at the sky. This will be our second step; we must not look back or even step back. We should be moving forward whatever happens. As long as I am still here in Sonia’s body I have to do my best to survive. Things will not be easy and I know that.   “Elena, stay here and make sure to lock the door and don’t let anyone in until they tell you their purpose of coming. I will go to the town and look around for a good school for you and a good job that I can work with.” I said the next morning as we eat our morning meal.   “Yes, I understand your concern. Don’t worry I will be fine. I will look after our washed clothes and look around for something to do.” Elena said as I nod but I am worried.   Back in the modern world, it is hard to just leave a kid alone at home because of the cases of crimes like r**e, killings, and thievery. I don’t want something to happen to Elena. I only hope men in this time are not as bastards as those in the 21st century. I am as reluctant as we leave Elena there alone as she waves at us on the gate.   “She will be okay So- Zorenia. You know how much hardship she managed to stand with us before. She has been to a lot to know what to do in a bad situation that might happen.” my mother said as we both walk towards the town.   “I know… that is why I am so worried.” I said as I walk silently beside her.   I can’t help but worry because it was so innate in me. I have been caring for my young niece and nephews before and dangers are always around that is why I can’t help but worry. Despite that, I am also worried about what I will do and find this day. It seems like every day in this new era and this new body is a thrilling and dangerous adventure for me. I just wonder…… how can I use Sonia’s ability and how can I control it. It appears that my witch power only appears when I am angry and so distressed.   “I wonder…… are there still witches in this time like me? I thought before that witches are just like fairytales that are only told to scare children. This…” I look at my hand and see that black lines forming again.   “How the heck can I control this thing?” I utter in frustration as I shake my head to calm myself knowing it is the only way t stop those lines from appearing. I just wonder what and how I can earn to control this.    
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