Taming the Chaotic Class

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“Hmnnn so you want me to give you a lecture? I thought you all are already bored and tired of listening to lessons? Alright, I will give all of you a lecture then we will return to that letters later on. So, if are you up to the challenge then try going back to your chairs and I will give you a lesson then you can try answering that?” I said and they all look at one another and I thought they will argue but to Annabelle and my surprise, they all start fixing their chairs and table then silently sit.   “Mind telling us your name, Miss?” A girl on the back raises her hand and I can hear Miss Annabelle gasps.   “My name? If you can guess WHO these questions are referring to, THEN I can tell you my name. He is called in many names. He stands amongst us when we have faith? Not even you or I cannot be called greater than he and WE are nothing compared to the sandals on his feet.” I said as they all look at me in awe and confusion.   “What- What do that mean, Miss?” another girl asks as they all start thinking while someone starts pulling their papers and quill in their back to write.   “I see, you are all still as innocent yet as bright as the sun can shine, if you all study and learn then you will be smarter than what you are now and even understand the words I had said. What I first said is that I said you all are young and you all are smart BUT you still lack many things. You will figure it out in simpler words but… using the words I just said you can’t even answer. That only proves to me that you all need to learn. The question I asked is that I am asking WHO is higher than us. Our faith in him is our only salvation. We can know more about him on Sundays and we even call him when in need? Who is this I am pertaining to?” I said and they all said their ahhs in unison.   “Then that will be God right Miss?” the girl in front of me said.   I smile at them then laid my book on the table without opening it.   “Very good, now… if the law is the one binding the people and the military officials are there to protect the people. Then who holds the power to bind and protect this country in his own hands?” I said as I walk holding the chalk as I pass from table to table as all faces are towards me.   “Ahmnn God?” a girl said from the last row and I smile at her.   “Very smart indeed… but sadly you are not correct. Oh, you are correct in the sense but the person the question is asking is not God this time. Who else would like to answer?” I said as I place my hands on my back and then face them all.   “It- It is the king.” I heard a soft voice and I look in her direction to see this cute, meek-looking and with fancy elegant clothes sitting on the edge near the door that look like she doesn’t belong in this class.   I smile at her seeing how pretty she is and her lovely curly blonds are tied with a ribbon behind her and she is wearing a fancy pinkish dress with ribbons and her books are on her table. As she looks away and looks at the door instead, I look at Annabella who suddenly gasps as if something is so surprising. I look at the girl seeing her dead cold eyes as she looks at nothingness. They look so smart and spoiled but this certain girl looks cold and with a dark aura surrounding her is like telling everyone to step away from her.   “Very good my dear, you are smart. Yes… the answer is the king. The king is the one binding his people and has the responsibility of protecting his country with his own hands. Seeing that you all are smart I am happy to know that you are going to be my students. It seems like I will enjoy teaching you. Oh by the way, whose shoe is this?” I said as I face them all again holding the shoe in my hand.   “It is mine, so what?” another smug voice said and I see a bratty girl in the middle of the third row looking at me looking so angry and face with malice.   I smile at her with an evil smile as she raises her eyebrows at me… the attitude is really pissing me off.   “Young lady… do you know what you did?” I ask but she just smirks at me.   “So, we don’t need you here. What you are gibbering in there is just nonsense. We will keep doing that until you will leave.” she said and take off one of her shoes and is about to throw it at me but something hit it off of her hand like lightning speed making her froze as her hair flow with the impact.   Everyone looks at her then at me. I smirk at her because I have just thrown her other shoe into the shoe she is about to hit me making the two shoes hit the wall behind her.   “Young lady, you missed. Next time you aim at someone…… make sure your aim is accurate. Anyway, sarreh (sarcastic way of pronouncing Sorry) my aim is just so accurate. The next time it might not be your hand… IF you still want me to aim at you too. Ahmnn back to the writings on the board, can anyone of you read the word written on it? Hmnn anyone? No, none at all? I’ll give you a nicer agreement, IF you can read and tell me what was written on the board or decode that puzzle then I will leave you all alone. BUT… until no one can be able to tell me I will remain here teaching you. Try all you want to drive me away and I warn you… I am not as weak and forgiving as any other teachers here. SO until no one can tell me what that word written on the board is then you will all have to get used to me. By the way, until you can answer that you will call me Miss Witman. Feel free to copy that on your papers and decode what the word is.” I said with a scary grin as everyone looks at me in disbelief and even Annabelle is looking so surprised.   I pick the book on the table and then face them again. I smile then look at Miss Annabelle.   “Oh, since it is break time, I will see you in your evening class. There I will teach you all something worth learning. Oh, as I have said as long as I will be teaching you… expect something different from your usual class. I don’t care what your family status is. Rich child or not in my eyes you all are my children that I have to teach how to live. Expect me to be harder on you as long as I can see that you all are lacking. You may all go on your break.” I said just in time for the ringing of the lunch bell rings in the school building as they all look at me in surprise.   The children seem to be frozen in their chairs so I look at Miss Annabelle and we both walk out of the classroom. I smirk as I walk out of the door. I smirk because I am aware that Miss Annabelle is so stunned by what happened in that classroom. I can’t blame them all since no teacher acts like what I did in this era. Well, I am from the 21st century where violence is so common so I can’t help it if my usual attitudes as Zorenia of the 21st century are coming out.   “Are- Are you sure they will come to their evening class after you did what you did? I warn you; those kids are really hard to deal with. There are times they won’t enter their class until their teacher gives up and leave.” Miss Annabelle said making me smirk.   “Hmnn I don’t know, we will have just to see shall we.” I said with a smile as we walk towards the cafeteria.   I smirk and tap my hand on my book as I sit on that table alone because Miss Annabelle left to see to a matter but I am sure she is off to the headmistress to report what happened. That sly woman, she might say something untrue. Lucky for me I know that the headmistress came to peek and watch while I am facing the students and I am so aware of it. To my amazement, I am doing well using Sonia’s witch ability. As it is just starting to come out all I can do is the basic ones like predicting what will happen next, intimidating someone, stirring their emotions, and even seeing their current lives through their eyes. I can’t yet control the ability but thankfully all are working just the way I wanted.   “Hello, I heard you are the new teacher of the special class. By the way, my name is Matilda Orthox, I teach the class 3 rooms before your class.” a woman with a gray dress commonly used by teachers in this era, you know what I mean, it is that type of dress that you are comfortable wearing without ribbons and laces you commonly see used by rich ladies in a party.   It is plan gray with ties on the back and a little bloom from the hips to the feet. The woman looks so beautiful with her caramel hair color that is tied on a twist in her back. In her hazel eyes I can see that she is a good woman, she seems to be the kind to be misunderstood so much as she remains silent and weak… I can see it through her eyes. This girl’s life is as messed up as mine.   “Yes, my name is Zorenia Witman but please just call me Renia. It is nice to meet you to Miss Orthox.” I said with a smile as I reach the hand she is offering to me.   “Oh please just call me Matilda.  Are you all alone? Can I eat with you?” she asks and I just smile and sign her to sit on the empty chair in front of me.   We chatted and eat lunch as she shares her experiences as a teacher in this school. She even told me what my class did to their teachers for them to get rid of them. It made me think that they are just seeking attention but in a rather offensive way. Kids on their age and how busy their parents are, it is no wonder they are all behaving like that. To what Matilda had told me about them I slightly had some ideas that I can use to gain their attention and interest. After all, when I am in their age I can remember acting the same way as they do. What did I also want so badly in my childhood? Love, attention, praises, and most important a companionship to someone who understands you while you can’t understand yourself. Those are the one thing a child is seeking in these kids’ situations.   “Are you sure you can handle those kids? They are smart and from a rich family so they can do whatever they want to torment their teachers. They can never be reprimanded since their families are influential and that they always have their ways in escaping their punishments or their misconducts.” Matilda said as she looks at me and I just smile.   “I should at least try. They are not that bad. I guess they only need something that is why they are behaving this way.” I said with a smile as Matilda just smile and nod.   After that, we said our good luck and left to prepare for the evening class. Of course, I already know the kids will not abandon their class because they have a sole mission now. That is to scare me and drive me away. I smirk because I already know what I have to do to make them stop and get their interests. I prepare everything for the evening class because I haven’t heard anything from the headmistress or from that assistant lady after what I did in the morning. I shake my head and take a deep breath holding those materials I will need as I smile confidently while walking to the hallways going to the class.      
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