Chapter 4

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I am glad you are going to do what you love though" Maria said "But we need to still help you lift this sad spirit up. I don't like how you are this way. You need to go out, have fun and meet new people" Maria said "It's not that easy as you guys are saying, you know how much I loved him" "I bet you, he is probably somewhere with some girl and doesn't even remember you" Mary said "No, he can't do that" "He already left you at the alter, what's the worst thing that could happen" Maria said "You know what, let me have your phone" Maria said as she stretched her hands to collect my phone from me. "What for?" I asked "I want to set up a profile for you on tinder, you need to look for a new man, a rebound maybe" she said as she typed into my phone probably downloading the app or something. "No, please let me have my phone" I requested as I was about to snatch it away from her but she stood from where she was sitting to avoid me from getting it from her. "I think I am with Maria on this one though " Mary said "I don't need any tinder account and I certainly do not need a rebound guy" I said "You don't just know it but you do, with this way you are feeling" "But why would I even use someone to get over someone else" I said. I actually never really understood that part of life and why people even did it in the first place. Was it possible? And even if it was, won't the other person get hurt and it will just be me transferring my pain to the other person. "He wouldn't even know that he is a rebound, you just have to play along and in no time, you are going to be over this guy, I promise you" Maria explained like an expert "Maria did it though and it worked for her" Mary agreed. Maria actually did do it after her last break up and when the guy had found out, he had left Maria and promised never to talk to her again, he told her never to come into his life again and that he wished he hadn't met her. He had actually really come to love Maria and when he finally found out, it had been very hurtful. "I don't know you know, that ended kinda badly though" I said "Maybe but I am sure yours won't" Maria assured. "Here, all done, now you can go on dates with people you have matched with and have fun" Maria said, as she handed back my phone to me. "I am not interested in going on any dates really" I said and it was the truth. "Just maybe a few, 10 or 15" Maria said "No" "Alright, five maybe, the dating pool isn't that brutal though" Maria said and I wished what she said was right but the next couple of weeks showed me that a lot was really happening and it wasn't so much fun. "Alright, alright" I said, as I just really wanted her to get it over with and for us to talk about something else. Few minutes later, they went to work and then I got ready to get going to the store. I didn't want anyone to see or recognise me and as I Google searched for how to disguise, I couldn't find anything and I had just decided to go for a cap and black shades. I see it in movies all the time and it seemed to work everytime. I called a cab as I got out of the house and made sure no one recognised me as I walked. I really didn't want anyone to stare or question me. Every one in town probably already knew what happened and would want a follow up. "How much is my money Sir" I asked as I got to where I was going to. "Don't worry about it" he said as he looked at me from the rear mirror. "I heard about what happened, I just want to use this as a token to you" he said and then I knew my disguise probably didn't really work well if he could still so well recognise me. "Ohh, thank you Sir" that was the only thing I could say, that was the only thing I could think of. I walked inside the store, Grandmother was in the other side watering the plants while mother was checking out some flowers. "Hello darling" mother said as she pulled me into a hug "This man who dropped me just asked me not to pay because he heard about what happened to me and wanted to probably show me kindness" I explained to mother more angry than pleased. "Why do you sound angry though, he was probably just being nice and sweet" mother said with a smile. "I don't want people to stare at me, pity me and give me things like I am some charity case" I explained "Rose dear, so not overthink it, I know how you feel but people just want to be nice, let them, don't fault them for trying to show some kindness" mother said "Is there anything I can help with though" I asked "Your grand mother is at the other side Gardening, you can ask if she needs help with anything. She might" mother suggested. "Alright then" I said as I walked towards where Grandmother was. "Roseline dear, can you hold this for me" Grandmother requested as I collected the plants from her. "You see this plant, its very beautiful and strong too, it withers and grows mack regardless of any weather" grand mother said as she walked on and I followed her behind. "That's how I want you to be, I want you to grow back regardless of anything because you're also very strong." My day was going alright and for the first time since it all happened, I felt like I was slowly regaining my sanity until Maria had suddenly popped up in the store on a sunny afternoon. "Where is Rose" I heard someone ask. I was with grandmother gardening the place and then had to go out to see who it was that wanted to see me. "Maria" I said as I walked towards where she had been standing with mother. "I will leave you two to talk" mother said as she excused us and when inside to meet Grandmother. "Have you checked your social media lately" she asked. "No, why do you ask" I asked curiously. "Remember you told me about the trip you and Mike had planned after the wedding for your honeymoon to Maldives" "Yes, he planned it" "He went" Maria suddenly said as she turned the screen of her phone to me to see what she was talking about. "What!!" I exclaimed "why would he go without me, he promised we would go together, he knew how much I wanted to go to the Maldives!!" I said angrily as I paced up and down the shop. He actually did know how much I wanted it. I was the one who suggested the place and told him of the nice review I had heard about it and now this!!. "Calm down and stop pacing" Maria said as she walked to me to stop me from my confused state. "I don't know what to do" I said confused, I thought I was getting better, starting to forget him and all and I was, I was until now, until Maria walked into the store with this picture I actually was starting to be fine but now it felt like I just went back to the starting point of my misery. "I know what you have to do" Maria said as she came closer to me. "What is it" I asked curiously "You have a date tonight" she suddenly said and I was confused because I never set up any date with anyone and I never mentioned anything like that to her. "How!! When!!" I asked confused. "I linked your profile to my phone since I knew you weren't going to go on with it and I helped you set up a date and match with a guy" "What!!, is that even possible and if so why did you even do that" I asked "To help you my friend find love again. It is time to find that rebound" Maria said "The date is tonight, I will send you the details" she said as she typed on her phone to send it to me. "How!!, Tonight!! I am not even ready. How am I supposed to prepare for a date I am just hearing about hours before the set time" I said even more confused now. "You just act normal, act like yourself and you will be fine I promise. Its not a big deal, its not a job interview, anyone would love you" Maria said trying ti make me feel better and calm because seriously I was feeling kind of nervous. I couldn't remember the last time I was on a date with someone that wasn't Mike. "How are you sure this will even work" I asked as I couldn't even believe I was starting to consider the option of actually getting a rebound. "It will, it worked for me remember" "You know yours isn't really a good example of it though because we both know how that ended" I said and Maria nodded in agreement. "But anyways, just give it a try" she said "I can't believe I am actually going out on a date with a perfect stranger" I said to mother and Grandma as I walked out of my room all dressed up and ready to go. "You look perfect dear, you will be fine, it's good to experience things, different things make up our life stoy" mother said as she walked closer to where I was. "Your mother is saying the truth, just go for it and be open minded about it unless nothing it going to come out of it no matter how much the other person tries" Grandma continued. "Thank you, I should go now before getting there late" I said as I excused my self and left. I got to the fancy restaurant he had decided for us to meet at. I wasn't sure how he looked like again so I checked his profile on my phone to be sure I wasn't going to meet another person. I looked around then I finally saw him, he wasn't looking in my direction so he couldn't see me. So I walked up to him and said an "hello" "Hey, please sit down" he said standing as he stood helping me with the chair so I could sit in it. He didn't look bad, he looked like he was just about my age. With perfectly shaped jaw and eyebrow with brown eyebrows and built statue. One would know he was the gym kind of person. He had the height, the face and the body. He seemed too good to be true. I knew and I felt that there must have been something else about him that was creepy and weird. I read a lot of stories about dates from people who met other people from the Internet and was mostly filled with bad stories, I knew there had to be something. The waiter came towards us as she asked what we would want. "What would you want sir" I would have a martini and the lady would have" he said as he looked at me to make my order. "So tell me, what do you like to do" he asked as he sipped his martini "I go out with my friends, watch movies and also read books sometimes" I said and "I love to paint alot too although I haven't really done a lot of it recently" I explained "Wow, I love art too, I don't paint though but I collect a lot of art and I even have a collection. Art is beautiful" he explained and I could see the passion as he spoke about it. It put a smile on my face. I haven't heard anyone speak like that about Art in a while.
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