What's In My Destiny

1847 Words
Hazel’s P.O.V. I cursed my fate the second I inhaled that intoxicating scent of herbs and pine. What was the Moon Goddess thinking while writing my fate? Had I not had enough problems in my life that she sent my mate to me? I was on the other side of the huge gate on the border and on the other side, there were royals and rogues. I couldn’t see the area with everyone there from my position and that was why I was frustrated. There was no way that the Moon Goddess would give me a rogue as a mate and I didn’t want a mate from the royal pack either. Heck, I didn’t want a mate. I didn’t want to go through the pain of rejection because there was no way a warrior from the royal pack would accept me, a wolfless she-wolf, as his mate, and I hated rogues to the bottom of my core and he would die by our hands today. “Are you okay, Hazel?” I heard Nick asking me in a concerned tone. “I am okay…. Let’s finish this”, I replied to him, and then we all started running towards the gate. I had to finish this as soon as possible for my own sanity. I just wished that pain be less for me. I ran ahead of everyone as I was the leading warrior here. His intoxicating smell increased with every passing second, indicating that he was near me. My heart was now pounding hard in my chest, but I concentrated on the battle in front of me. After that, everything was just another battle for me where I had to finish all these rogues to protect our king. I didn’t have time to look for the king because I glued my eyes to the rogues. It took everything in me, not to look for my mate whose scent was driving me crazy now. Suddenly, my whole body stiffened when my eyes met his eyes. Everything stopped around me for a few seconds. My heart stopped beating when I realized that my mate was none other than the alpha king. He also stopped when our eyes met. Suddenly I felt a movement behind me which brought me back to my senses. “Alpha…. Move”, I waved my hand at him signaling him to move aside when I saw three rogues approaching him from behind. I started running in his direction which took his attention and he looked behind in confusion. He quickly moved behind and snarled angrily while extending his nails. At the same time, I took a high jump in the air, and put my hands on his shoulders to take a high leap into the air aiming for two rogues who also jumped in the air aiming for his head. The sparks erupted immediately as soon as my hands touched his shoulder, sending a jolt of electricity all over my body, but this was not the time to feel something like this. I kicked both the rogues hard in the mid-air and landed on my feet swiftly. Now we were both back-to-backs. He smelled heavenly even when it was mixed with rogue’s filthy blood smell. “Hazel… take our king inside the border. Alpha Ashton is already here. We got this”, Daniel commanded me and I nodded. I moved towards him and now we were again facing each other. I felt like jumping in his embrace but I immediately masked my emotions. “Please, my king… come with me”, I asked him in a formal tone. There was an inner turmoil inside me now. He was the alpha king, the most powerful werewolf in the world right now. There was no way that he would accept me as his mate. Please go with her… the situation is under control now”, another royal wolf who looked like him, asked him too. I guess he was his brother and his beta. I signaled five of our warriors to surround him. His safety is my priority right now. I could see the confusion on his face but I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. I was now once again walking ahead of him a little while looking all around me for any other threat. We entered the gate and at the same time, I saw Ashton coming towards us. “I am sorry for what happened, my king. Everything is under control now. Please come with us”, Ashton immediately apologized to him for the attack. I was looking straight in front of me and that was why I didn’t know what his expression was right now. “It’s okay, alpha Ashton. I have got the situation here and we really need to think of a solution to this problem”, the king spoke in his heavy thick voice and I felt my knees go weak just because of the heaviness of his voice. “Please”, Ashton spoke again in a soft tone this time. “Hazel”, Ashton called me this time. “Yes, alpha”, I replied to his call in a formal tone without looking at him. “You follow us in the next car”, he instructed me and I nodded. “No… she will go with us”, I was about to take a step away from him when he said to Ashton, making me freeze at my place. I looked at Ashton who had clenched his jaw but managed to mask his expression. “You drive, Hazel”, Ashton instructed me again and I just nodded. I needed to go away from the alpha king but to my dismay, I was now stuck with him in a closed space of the car. “This way, my king”, Ashton showed the way to the alpha king in a polite and respectful tone. I glanced at them one more time before heading towards the driver’s seat. There was no way that he didn’t recognize me as his mate. I felt heartbroken because he didn’t say a word or try to approach me. A bitter smile crept onto my lips. What I was expecting from him? Of course, he was also expecting someone stronger and complete personality as his mate, whereas I was wolf-less, incomplete. I felt tears in my eyes but backed them while blinking hard. I had my head low and I knew that no one would see my face right now. I hopped inside the car and buckled myself in the driver’s seat. I let everyone enter the car. “Wait for my brother”, the alpha king instructed me in a cold tone. I just nodded in response. Ashton was now sitting beside me in the passenger’s seat. “You are injured”, suddenly, Ashton said in a worried tone, and I looked at him in confusion. He was looking at my hand. I followed his gaze and raised my brows when I saw my sleeve torn and covered in blood. “It’s just a scratch… it will heal, alpha”, I replied to him in a cold and formal tone. I didn’t sound disrespectful to him in front of the alpha king. “What’s her position in your pack, alpha Ashton?” suddenly the alpha king asked about me to Ashton. Ashton looked behind him. I was looking straight in front of me but I could feel his gaze on me. “She is head of security, my king. She shares that position with my beta, her brother. They both are genius and good in strategies”, Ashton praised both me and Daniel. “She is beta blood?” he asked in a surprised tone, making me stiffen once again and I pursed my lips into a thin line. My knuckles went white as I was now clutching the wheel hard. “Yes, my king. She is the youngest daughter of our former beta. She is one of the best warriors in my pack”, Ashton praised me again, but it made me roll my eyes internally. The alpha king just hummed in response. The door of the car opened and I felt a strong presence behind me. “Let’s go”, Ashton instructed me, and I ignited the engine. “I must say that you are one hell warrior, Hazel”, I heard another voice praising me from behind. I guess, his brother, and his beta was the person who was now sitting with him behind us. “Thanks, sir”, I thanked him in a formal tone. “Aaahhhh please… call me Theo… I am not that old to be called SIR”, he said once again. I just took a deep breath as I didn’t know how to respond to him this time. I was not good at conversation and he seemed talkative. “Wrap something around your wound first”, suddenly the alpha king spoke again in the same cold and arrogant tone after a short silence. “She heals faster than any other wolf, my king. Her wound has already closed”, Ashton answered him on my behalf and I was really pissed at him. “Stop telling him what I can do or what I cannot, Ashton”, I scolded him through our mind-linked. “Why is he interested in you?” Ashton asked me in a pissed tone through mind-linked. “Ask him”, I answered arrogantly this time. “You are really something, Hazel”, I heard Theo comment on me again with a light chuckle. “I am sorry, alpha Theo… but I am not good at conversations”, I apologized to him while addressing him formally. “You are wolf-less yet you can mind-link. You are a well-trained warrior and you also heal faster than others. What else, the other qualities you have, Hazel, in spite of being wolf-less?” Theo asked me in a calm tone this time and I pursed my lips into a thin line. This was going to be a hell ride for me. “I am sorry to say, alpha Theo… but I am just an ordinary warrior. There is nothing special in me”, I replied to him curtly and tried not to sound rude. He chuckled again and I just sighed internally. “We arrived”, I informed them after applying the brakes. I immediately unbuckled myself and got out of the car so that I could breathe properly. His intoxicated smell was suffocating me now. All I wanted to do now was to run away from him so that I could save myself from the heartbreak that I was going to suffer sometime soon, but I couldn't. I groaned internally when I remembered that I had to take care of them inside the packhouse too, as Lana had no idea about the arrangements for them.
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