No Rejection

2192 Words
Hunter’s P.O.V. “Welcome to Blood Moon Pack, King Hunter… I am Lana Knight, Luna of this pack”, I looked at the she-wolf standing in front of me in very short clothes. She had worn two piece but the skirt was short enough to show the borderline of her a**. I looked at alpha Ashton who had a pissed look on his face. I looked at that she-wolf who was smiling ear to ear in front of me and then looked at Hazel who was standing beside Ashton with a stone face. She was in a tight black pant with a semi-formal grey shirt which was now stained in rogues’ blood. “Please come with me, King Hunter”, Lana spoke again in the same sweet tone and I looked at Theo who was also looking at her in disdain. If she was Luna then she should act like a Luna. “Lead the way, Luna Lana”, I said to her in a cold tone. “Please, my king… call me Lana”, she immediately replied to me in once again that over-sweet tone. I looked at her coldly and she immediately shut her mouth. “Please”, she ushered in a meek tone and then started walking ahead of us. “She is an alpha breed but she is nothing in front of our mate”, Shadow spoke at the back of my mind in a disgusting tone. “I know”, I replied to him briefly while following Lana. “This pack is full of surprises”, Theo remarked in a low tone but I knew that it was heard by everyone present around us. I didn’t reply to him but kept on walking behind Lana. She led us to the living room of the pack house. “I would like to have a shower first”, I said to alpha Ashton instead of Lana. “This way, King Hunter… I will take you to your room”, before Ashton could say anything, Lane chimed in an enthusiastic tone. “No need…. Hazel will escort King Hunter and Alpha Theo to their rooms”, Ashton answered her in a cold tone and then looked back at Hazel. “Your room is also ready. Millie brought some clothes for you and they are in your room”, Ashton informed Hazel and I raised my brows at him this time. “I don’t like him talking with our mate like this”, Shadow once again interrupted my thought and I sighed internally. “Yes, alpha Ashton”, Hazel replied to her in a formal tone and then looked at me with a cold gaze. My heart skipped a beat at the intensity of the coldness in her eyes. Why was she so cold? “This way, King Hunter”, she said in a formal and polite tone but the way my name came out of her mouth, stirred something down there making me stop breathing for a few seconds. I just nodded and then followed her. She was walking beside me and Theo on the other side. “So, Hazel… you live here… in Packhouse?” Theo asked her and I also looked at her. “No, Alpha Theo… I live with my family in our house out of the Pack House. I will be here during your whole stay to take care of you and the king. I am responsible for your safety here, alpha Theo”, she replied to her in a calm but formal tone, and her words once again took my attention. She led us to the stairs and we ascended together. Theo was one step behind us. “Touch her once, please”, Shadow pleaded at the back of my mind but I ignored her plea. Touching her would lead to so many other things and I didn’t want Theo to get an idea about her being my mate. “This is your room, alpha Theo and that is yours, my king”, she showed us our rooms as we were standing close to Theo’s room. She pointed towards another door next to Theo’s room on the other side. “Where is your room?” Theo asked her and now I was annoyed by my brother's constant nagging. “My room is one floor down, alpha Theo. You can mind-link me if you need any help”, she answered him in the same calm and formal tone. Both I and Theo raised our brows in surprise again. She sighed and rubbed the back of her right ear. “Uhhhh.. I can be mind-linked by any werewolf no matter which pack he or she belongs and I can block them at any time too”, she told us in the same formal tone. “You are really amazing, Hazel”, Theo praised her, and I looked at him helplessly. He was not giving me a single chance to speak with her. “I am nothing special, alpha Theo. You can say that the Moon Goddess gave me her blessings in a different way”, she immediately replied to her refusing once again that she was amazing. “Lead me to my room, Hazel”, this time I spoke in a cold tone before Theo could say anything. He frowned while looking at me but I didn’t pay attention to him. “What’s wrong with you?” Theo asked me through mind-link and I started walking behind Hazel who was now walking a little ahead of me leaving Theo near his room. “You talk to too much”, I muttered to him and blocked the mind link because right now, I have a matter to take care of. “Here you are, King Hunter. I will take my leave now”, she stopped near the door of my room and told me that she was leaving. Without wasting another second, I stepped forward, grabbed her hand making her gasp in shock, and stormed inside the room. A jolt of electricity ran all over my body as soon as I touched her wrist. I ignored the sparks which were making me insane right now. “King Hunter… le… leave my hand please”, I heard her requesting me in a nervous tone this time. I closed the door behind us and threw her towards the wall but put my hand on the back of her head when I saw that her head was about to hit the wall. Her head hit my hand but that didn't hurt me. I was glad that I managed to save her from being hurt. “Uhhh”, she hissed and looked at me with wide-opened eyes. I trapped her between me and the wall and put my head at the crook of her neck inhaling her intoxicating scent. Her scent was driving me crazy but I had to control myself. I couldn’t lose control now. “Mark her”, Shadow roared and tried to take control but I pushed him back in my mind and cut off our link. “You know what’s our relationship, right?” I asked her in a husky voice while trailing the tip of my nose to her neck. “Y… yes, King Hunter… Pl… please move … a .. a.. little away”, she replied to me stuttering hard. “And why I would do that….. mate?” I asked her in the same husky tone while pronouncing the last word sweetly. All I wanted right now was to tear her clothes stained in the rogues’ blood because its smell was mixed with her sweet smell. “You want to reject me, King Hunter…. I … I can feel this… Do this… I will accept”, she said in a bit calm tone but her words took me off guard. I lifted my head up and looked in her eyes. She was trying hard to keep her face expressionless but I could see the pain in her eyes. She was standing straight against the wall and her body was stiff. I could feel her agitation, and fear of being rejected. “Did I say that I am going to reject you?” I asked her in a calm tone while leaning towards her face. She was not short. I was six feet and five inches and she must be five feet seven inches because she was coming to my chin. “No… but… you are the king of werewolves. The most powerful werewolf whereas I am wolf-less. There is no way that you will recognize me as your mate and I will not blame you for that, King Hunter. I know my place well. So, you can reject me without hesitation”, she smiled faintly this time but the pain in her eyes intensified. I could feel other emotions and the pain in her heart was now piercing my heart. “I am the most powerful werewolf, I agree but it doesn’t say that I have to reject you, does it?” I asked her again because I wanted to know what was on her mind. She didn’t answer me but looked straight into my eyes. We both held our gazes for a good few seconds. “Alpha Ashton is trying to mind-link, King Hunter. I need to answer him”, she spoke in a calm tone after some time and I just nodded to her. She kept her gaze locked with me and I was surprised that her eyes didn’t haze. She was full of surprises and she was my mate. There was no way that I was going to reject her. The Moon Goddess gave me her blessing the second time and I was not going to waste this blessing just because she was wolf-less. “I need to go… I… I am reeking filth and… and I have to prepare for your meeting with Alpha Ashton later this evening, King Hunter”, she said after some time in a calm tone. “Hunter”, I said and she looked at me in confusion. She was skilled in masking her expressions and I was relieved to see the confusion on her face. She was not completely cold-hearted. “It’s Hunter for you. Call my name whenever we will be alone”, I instructed her and she just looked at me without blinking. “I can’t let anyone know right now that you are my mate because I am in someone else’s territory and no…. I am not going to reject you. So, now you have to bear me, my little mate”, I finally told her that I was not going to reject her as she was anticipating. I slowly raised my hand and cupped her face. Sparks erupted immediately there sending a jolt of electricity all over my body. She shuddered hard under my touch and closed her eyes. She was tempting but she really needed to wash herself. I groaned and slowly retreated my hand. She opened her eyes and looked at me innocently. “Go and shower… this blood on you is driving me crazy”, I instructed her while shrinking my nose a little in disgust. She looked down and I could see that she was trying to suppress her smile. I then moved a little away and she walked towards the door. I saw her opening the door and then walking out of the room. I took a deep breath and her scent present in the air filled my system. “You should have marked her”, Shadow managed to break the blocking and complained angrily. “Not now, Shadow… but soon I will mark her”, I answered him while going towards the washroom. I heard a knock on the door and stopped in my track. It was another beta blood that I could feel. I asked the wolf outside the door to come inside and a man in her mid-twenties entered the room. I raised my brows when I felt that he was very similar to Hazel. He also had the same green eyes as Hazel had. “Your bag, King Hunter. I am Danny, a warrior in this pack”, he told me the purpose of coming here and also introduced himself. “By any means, you are connected with Hazel?” I asked him out of curiosity and he immediately nodded. “Yes, my king. I am her elder brother”, he told me, and now I was surprised. If he was elder than the beta and Hazel then how come he was a warrior but not the beta? I just nodded and he put down my bag on the floor near the bed and bowed once again before leaving the room. This pack was really full of surprises and, secrets. Now I needed to know what more secrets did this pack hold?
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