
My Second Chance Rejected Mate

opposites attract

Hunter Knight, the alpha King got the surprise of his life when the Moon Goddess mated him with Hazel Bishop, a wolfless she-wolf. He didn't want to reject her as she was his second chance but didn't want to accept her either because she was wolfless. Not knowing what to do, he accepted her as a pack warrior as she was one of the best warriors in her pack so that he could think about a solution. She was beta blood and no one know what happened to her wolf. Hazel, on the other hand, didn't want a mate but was forced to obey Hunter because of his status as the Alpha King. Despite of being wolfless, she was strong, fierce and a skilled warrior. She didn't want to associate herself with Hunter and tried hard to keep her distance from him. Hunter got scared when Hazel got injured during a rogue attack as he lost his first mate in a rogue attack too. Now all he wanted was to accept Hazel and protect her but Hazel refused to acknowledge him. She had her own reasons for not accepting a mate but she was determined not to tell anyone. What happened to them? Does Hazel accept Hunter as her mate? What happened to her in the past which made her lose her wolf?

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I Am What I Am
Unknown P.O.V. “Do not be impulsive, Hazel…. You will have your fun with them later”, Hazel scoffed internally when Daniel, the pack’s beta and her second elder brother, asked her to stay at her place through the mind link. “Don’t you think that they are getting comfortable here, brother?” she asked him through mind-link in a sarcastic tone while narrowing her eyes on the five rogues who were now roaming freely from a distance from their pack border. “Let them enter the territory first”, he commanded her once again and she scoffed aloud this time getting the attention of two warriors on patrol with her. “What we are going to do with them?” one of them asked her while eyeing those rogues. They were still outside the border and that was the only reason that those rogues were still alive. “Let them put their paws on our land first… I am still waiting for our alpha’s instruction”, Hazel informed them in a cold tone still looking at every movement of those rogues. “That’s it…. Finish them”, Hazel roared while coming out of her hideout and charged towards those rogues who had entered the border and started running towards them. Jacob and Nick also came out and immediately changed into their wolves. The rogues were startled at first when they saw those warriors coming to towards them but barred their canines when they saw only three warriors in front of them. The warriors were still outnumbered in front of them and it encouraged them to run deeper inside the pack land. Without wasting a second, Hazel leaped high in the air surprising the rogues as she was still in her human form. Two of them immediately lunged in the air toward her ready to hit her with their front paws. They met Hazel halfway in the mid-air, and before they could realize it, they howled in pain and fell down on the ground with a thud. Hazel also landed a little far from them on her feet successfully and looked behind her over her shoulder with an arrogant smirk on her lips. The filthy blood of those rogues was dripping down from her extended nails as those rogues were now struggling to breathe while lying on the ground helplessly. The blood was gushing out of the deep wounds inflicted by Hazel on their necks. She slashed their necks in a swift movement in the mid-air by extending her nails, suddenly taking them off guard. Jacob was fighting with two rogues while Nick was about to finish the last rogues. Hazel immediately jumped at the back of one of the rogues fighting with Jacob and slashed his hind legs mercilessly. The rogues howled in pain and jumped towards Hazel. He bared his teeth angrily at Hazel while walking to and fro in front of her defensively. Hazel didn’t change her stance and looked at him in disgust. Their disgusting rotten smell was blocking her nostrils unable to make her breathe properly. The disgust for her in his eyes was infuriating her still she decided to play with him for a little longer. The wounds on his hind legs were deep and he felt pain while walking a little. The rogue suddenly took a step back and then leaped in the air with all his remaining strength aiming for her head. Hazel stood still in her place, waiting for him to come near her. He was over her head when she suddenly raised her hand pumping it harder and thrust all her extended nails deep inside his neck and threw his body while tossing it in the air with all her strength. The dead body of the rogue fell down on the ground harshly. She was now covered in his blood from head to shoulder. She looked around and found Jacob and Nick looking at her with amusing gazes. They had shifted back into their human form. Hazel groaned in disgust and moved away in the other direction. “Cover your naked a**es, you moron”, she yelled at them while walking back to her post. She heard them laughing behind her but didn’t look back as they were butt naked right now. Although she was a werewolf, she was not used to seeing the naked bodies of her pack mates. She wanted to take a shower as quickly as possible to get rid of the stench of the blood on her body. “Beta…. Send someone to clear their bodies. They all are dead”, she mind-linked Daniel once again informing him about the situation at the border. She was on evening patrol duty with Jacob and Nick. “Alpha Ashton has summoned you to his office right now”, he informed her in an annoying tone. She rolled her eyes and huffed aloud. “My shift is not finished yet”, she informed him in a flat tone. “Danny is coming there to cover your shift. Come to the pack house, Hazel… this is alpha’s order”, Daniel commanded her once again making her grunt again. “As your command, beta Daniel”, she confirmed his command in a sarcastic tone once again and cut off the mind link. “Alpha summoned again?” she heard Jacob asking her a question. She looked back and breathed in relief when she saw him wearing a basketball short now. “Yeah… what else”, she said in an annoying tone and then took her jacket from the ground where she threw it earlier before attacking those rogues. “Danny is coming to cover me”, she informed them and thought about wearing the jacket or not. “What’s his problem with you, huh?” Nick asked him annoyingly this time. “Ask him”, she answered him briefly and decided not to wear the jacket as she was covered in blood right now. She then took a deep breath and decided to take a run to the pack house. She didn’t want to face her alpha, alpha Ashton but couldn’t deny his command. Danny and Daniel were her elder brother in which Danny was the eldest but Ashton chose Daniel as his beta because Danny didn’t want to take his father’s position after their parent's death during a rogue attack when Hazel was just five years old. He took care of his siblings like their parents and both Hazel and Daniel loved and respected him as their father. She saw Daniel standing outside the packhouse. “Yeekssss…. You are reeking like a rogue”, he shrank his nose in disgust while looking at her and she smirked. “I definitely need my leisure shower right now”, she replied to him in a playful tone and he nodded furiously. All the pack members who were around them also shrank their noses to see blood on her body but they had admiration for her in their eyes. She walked straight towards the alpha’s office. Before she could knock on the door, he heard Ashton calling her inside. “You called me, Alpha”, she asked him in a straight tone while standing in front of his desk with her hands joined behind her back. She was looking straight at the wall behind his chair instead of looking at him with a cold face. “How many times, did I ask you not to get involved in a fight, Hazel?” he asked her in an angry tone and she looked at him coldly this time. “Why? Because I am wolfless?” she asked him immediately in a cold tone while looking at him mockingly. Ashton glared at her and they both held their gazes for a few seconds. After some time, she once again looked back at the same point behind him. “As a warrior and patrol-on-duty, it’s my responsibility to protect the pack and I did nothing wrong while fulfilling my duty, alpha”, she spoke in a cold tone while telling him the same thing which she always said to him whenever he summoned her in his office. “Hazel”, he called her in a gentle tone this time but her face didn’t show any expression. “If there is nothing to say further, Alpha, then I want to take my leave…. I need a shower”, she asked for his permission to leave in a cold tone. Ashton looked at her expressionless face for a few seconds and then sighed aloud. “You can go now but please….. don’t get involved with rogues again. I am not saying this because you are wolfless, because I know very well that you are more capable than a skilled warrior even without your wolf. I am saying this because I care about you”, Ashton once again asked her in a gentle tone. She looked back at him coldly and scoffed before storming out of his office. It was clear to everyone that she was cold towards Alpha Ashton, but she never disrespected him. She didn’t disrespect him today too but hoped internally that he would stop interfering in her life and in her duties further. “Yeeekkkkksssss, Hazel…. You are smelling awful”, Hazel stopped in her track when she heard Luna Lana’s voice behind her. “Luna”, she bowed her head a little in respect and Lana glared at her. “When will you stop being so formal with me, Hazel?” Lana asked her in a painful tone. Hazel didn’t reply to her but pursed her lips into a thin line while lowering her gaze. Lana waited for her answer but sighed aloud when she realized that Hazel was not going to answer her once again. “Wait for me…. I bought new bath bombs…. They will help you get rid off this smell”, Lana instructed Hazel and then walked back inside the pack house. Hazel took a long breath and closed her eyes. She was not as cold as she was right now a few years ago. Time had changed her and she didn’t want any further change in her lifestyle now.

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