Meeting My Mate

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Hunter’s P.O.V. “Their borders are surrounded by forest from three sides. From two sides they shared the forest with two other packs on the other side and the third side ends on neutral land which is the main problem for them. Rogues can enter the forest freely from that side. Their alpha, Alpha Ashton Knight had a strong security system and that was why they managed to save their pack from frequent attacks in the past few months. They managed to kill almost more than 150 rogues during this period and most of them tried to sneak inside their pack from that side”, Theo, my brother, and my beta explained to me the situation with the Blood Moon Pack which we were going to visit right now. We were inside my SUV and one of my warriors was driving the car for us. “I heard that they are using human technologies in their security system?” I asked him and he immediately nodded. “Yes, I have also heard the same thing. They have only three entrance points on their borders and the rest of the area was completely sealed with fences and mines around them, of course”, he told me and I raised my brows because this was the first time that I heard someone using mines in our world. “This is really interesting”, I said with an amusing smile on my lips and he clicked his tongue. Alpha Ashton Knight is known for his ruthlessness and his beta, Daniel Bishop is also the same. The interesting fact about Daniel is that he is the second son of the deceased beta of the pack. Daniel inherited this position because his eldest brother refused the position, the reason is unknown. They also have a sister and you won’t believe but she is wolf-less”, he told me the full history of Beta’s family but the fact that he told me about that beta's daughter took me by surprise. “She has beta’s blood. How can she be wolf-less?” I asked him in confusion and he sighed while looking at me blankly. “This is not known to anyone”, he answered me in a flat tone and the corner of my lips curled up. I loathed the weaklings in the pack and this girl must be the weakling of their pack. A werewolf without a wolf is not better than a human. The pack has to waste its sources to save them from attacks and that was why we have the rule to send anyone without wolves to the human world so that they can live their lives like a normal human and we don’t have to worry about their safety inside our pack. It was very rare and that was why we rarely mentioned this rule. “But”, suddenly Theo spoke again and I looked in his direction. “What?” I asked him when he didn’t say a word. “I have some information about this girl”, he told me and I narrowed my eyes at him. “Why did you collect information on this girl?” I asked him immediately. “Because Alpha Ashton Knight hasn’t sent her to the human world yet. According to my information, she is one of the top warriors in the pack and she goes to neighboring pack to train their warriors from time to time”, he paused and my eyes widened in surprise. This was something else that I couldn’t believe was hearing. I wolfless she-wolf was giving training to wolves… this was something really new. “We have reached”, suddenly Theo went on alert mode and looked out of the window while straightening his back. I wanted to know more about this girl but soon she would be in front of me. I straightened my back too and looked at the large iron gate which was closed. Theo went out of the car and suddenly my wolf, Shadow, started pacing at the back of my mind. “What’s wrong, Shadow?” I asked him immediately. My wolf was just like me, cold and stoned. His sudden agitation was a surprise to me. “I don’t know, Hunter. My heart is beating furiously”, he told me in an agitated tone. I saw Theo talking with a man in front of the car. They shook hands and then Theo signaled the driver to drive the car. “Calm down first. We will talk about this later”, I tried to comfort Shadow at the back of my mind. The iron gate started opening slowly and Theo walked towards the back of the car where I was sitting with him earlier. Suddenly Shadow roared aloud at the back of my mind and my face went cold. “Rogues”, I muttered angrily and looked outside the car. Theo and that man from earlier with some royal warriors and warriors from this pack had surrounded my car. I am their king and my security was their priority. But there was no way that I would sit inside and let them handle those filthy mutts who dared to attack me here. I opened the door and get off the car. Everyone had their backs towards me. “Get inside, alpha. We will handle this”, Theo asked me in a formal tone without looking at me. “Let me see who dares to attack me?” I replied to him in a cold tone while narrowing my eyes at the forest area a little farther from us. Their filthy rotten smells filled the whole area and I shrank my nose in disgust when it hit my nostrils. They were asking for their death by my hand. “Where is Hazel?” suddenly the man, I assumed, the beta of the pack, Daniel asked one of his warriors. “She is also here with Jacob and Nick”, one of the warriors replied to him without moving his head. Everyone had their eyes glued in the direction of rogues. “Hazel”, I murmured the name and felt the name roll on my tongue so swiftly. The rogues started coming out of their hiding. They were growling, snarling but they were still at a safe distance. Theo was now standing beside me. “You should get inside, alpha. We got this”, he once again urged me but I didn’t pay any attention to him because a sweet and intoxicating smell of honey and cinnamon hit my nostrils. Shadow howled in delight inside me. “Mate”, he growled aloud and I felt that someone had snatched the ground under my feet. My eyes widened in shock when I realized what was exactly happening right now. My mate was near somewhere here and rogues were in front of me. “Kill them and don’t let any of them cross the border”, I roared my order without even thinking anything. Everyone around me growled aloud and wolves from both sides started running towards each other. Today was a day full of surprises for me. I was here to investigate the matter of rogues' attacks on the pack but I never thought that I would meet my mate in these circumstances. She was here near to me. I could sense her but she was not in front of my eyes. “Do not let yourself involved in this fight, brother. Stay away. I got this”, Theo growled and tried to push me inside the car. I glared at him and then looked around for the source of this scent. “Find her. Protect her”, Shadow roared inside my mind once again and I looked around ignoring Theo completely. I just need to find her. Suddenly my eyes narrowed in the direction of the gate when I saw a petite figure emerging out from the back of the gate with five men behind her. She had her eyes in the direction of the battle right now. I was startled to see her. She had the most angelic face that I had ever seen but her eyes were cold and why was she here? My eyes widened in shock when I saw her running towards a rogue who was now running in her direction. “No”, I roared and without thinking I pushed Theo hard and ran in her direction. I stopped in my track when she suddenly jumped in the air and hit the body of that filthy mutt with her petite body. Their body fell down on the ground but there was a difference between their landing. She landed on her feet whereas the mutt’s lifeless body was now lying on the ground. “She is a warrior”, Shadow howled in pride and a small smile crept on my lips too. I saw more than ten rogues coming on her way now. They chose the wrong day and wrong person to attack and they would pay for their mistake with their lives. “Hunter… what’s wrong with you?” Theo yelled behind me. I didn’t answer him but ran towards that girl. In front of my eyes, two rogues jumped in her direction. She slid her body under their body on her knees and then stood up immediately. Both the rogues fell down but stood up with difficulty. The warriors running behind her tackled them down immediately and she moved forward towards the other rogues without looking back. I was now confused because she had never even glanced in my direction even for once. Didn’t she notice my presence? “Protect her”, suddenly Shadow roared in my mind again and tried to take control taking me out of my trance. I looked in front of me and my eyes widened in horror when I saw her surrounded by five rogues. “Hazel”, suddenly someone roared aloud and the next second I was running again followed by Theo and pack beta, Daniel. There was no expression on her face. It seemed that she was unbothered by how many rogues around her. They all jumped over her at the same time but she once again managed to dodge their filthy bodies and managed to injure one of them too. Without thinking once, I jumped on two of those rogues. Theo and Daniel also did the same thing. She killed the rogue in front of her without wasting a second. I looked at her after killing those two rogues and that was when I noticed her extended nails. My eyes widened in shock and I looked at her face. This was when our eyes met and the world around me stopped. She had the most beautiful hazel but they were cold. Suddenly she started running towards me. “Alpha…. Move”, she signaled me to move aside while waving her hand towards me. I narrowed my eyes in confusion and looked behind me as she had her eyes glued behind me. I immediately jumped back when I saw three rogues approaching me now. They jumped in the air aiming at me. I snarled angrily and extended my nails and canines. At the same time, the sparks erupted on my shoulder where I felt her hands touching me, and the next second, she jumped high leaping over my head, and gave a round kick to two of them, sending them backwards in the air. I jumped over the third one and slashed his throat without any remorse. Both of us are now back-to-back with each other. She was breathing heavily and her sweet smell was now mixed with their filthy blood. She was completely drenched in blood. “Hazel… take our king inside the border. Alpha Ashton is already here. We got this”, Daniel commanded her and she moved towards me. I saw a wave of emotion passing through her eyes but she masked her eyes once again. “Please, my king… come with me”, she requested to me in a formal tone. “Please go with her… the situation is under control now”, Theo also ushered me and I just nodded without moving my gaze from her. Two other warriors joined her and she escorted me towards the gate. She was walking beside me while looking all around. I had so many questions in my mind. She recognized me as her mate but why didn’t she approach me first? “Hunter”, suddenly Shadow spoke in a confused tone. “Not now, Shadow”, I replied to him in an annoying tone as I was busy looking at her face. “I can’t sense her wolf”, Shadow spoke again in the same tone and I stopped in my track. She stopped too and looked at me with her cold eyes. My breath hitched when I realized that she was that she-wolf whom Theo mentioned earlier. She was……my mate was… wolf-less.
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