Bitterness In Relations

1840 Words
Hazel’s P.O.V. “Hazel…. You will work on our security with Daniel. The Alpha King is coming with a group of royal warriors accompanied by his beta. They will be here to discuss the rogues’ problem around our borders. We have to ensure his safety here or else we will be doomed for good”, Ashton commanded me and Daniel while telling us about The Alpha King’s visit to our pack. “I will make sure that everything will be alright, Alpha. You have my words”, Daniel replied to him in a formal tone while puffing his chest. I was still looking at the wall behind Ashton. I didn’t like looking at his face. “Hazel”, he called me in a soft tone. “Yes, alpha.. I will work with Daniel and ensure the security of Royals”, I also replied to him in a formal and cold tone. “Daniel… you can go now… I have some more work for Hazel. She is staying”, he instructed Daniel in a calm tone. “Yes, alpha”, Daniel complied with his command and then looked at me. I also looked at him. He nodded once and then went out. I once again looked behind him on the wall. “Will you ever look at me, Hazel?” he asked me and I didn’t answer him because he knew my answer well. There was a thick silence in the room. All I wanted was to get out of here. I had a lot of work to finish. “You have to help Lana too in the arrangements”, he spoke again in a soft voice. I scoffed internally but didn’t show any expression on my face. “Hazel”, he called me softly again. “Is there anything else for me, alpha?” I asked him in a cold and formal tone instead of answering his call. “How long will you be angry with me, huh?” he asked me in a soft and pleading tone this time and I snapped my head towards him. I looked at him coldly without answering him. “You know the answer well, alpha”, I answered him when he didn’t say a word for a good few seconds. I saw the pain in his eyes but it had no effect on me. “One more thing, alpha”, I spoke again in the same tone. “What?” he asked me in a soft tone again. “Stop showing your concern for me. It will give people a topic to gossip and I don’t want any s**t about me”, I asked him in the same cold and formal tone. “Who dares to talk nonsense about us?” he suddenly stood up while gritting his teeth. I was still looking at him coldly. I just wanted him to treat me like other pack members. His special treatment has been giving me headaches since I joined the warriors. He was about to take a step towards me when I signaled him to stay at his place. I sensed Lana coming towards his office. He stopped right there and took a deep breath. The door opened and Lana came inside. “Hey, honey… did I interrupt something important”, she chirped while going towards him and gave him a peck on his lips. Ashton wrapped his hand around her waist and then looked back at me. I moved my eyes from them to the wall in the other direction. I didn’t want to see their show of affection. “No, Lana… I was telling Hazel that she has to help you in the arrangements for the Alpha King as she always helps you”, he told her, but his sarcastic tone made me raise my brows this time. This was the first time that I heard him talking with Lana in this tone. “We are in front of a pack member, Ashton”, she said in an angry tone this time reminding him that I was still here. “I will take my leave, alpha”, I said to Ashton and then looked at Lana. “No, you don’t have to go. In fact, both of you can stay here and work on your plans”, Ashton said and removed his hand from her waist. I stayed still in my place while clasping my hands behind my back with a straight back. Ashton then walked towards me. He stopped near me for a second and then walked out of the room. I then moved my gaze to Lana who was looking at his back disappointingly. I could say that she was not happy with what happened here. The bitterness of their relationship was known to the whole pack but I did't want to poke my nose in their business. “Shall we, Luna?” I asked her as I wanted to finish everything very quickly so that I could go home. I was on evening patrol duty and I didn’t want to miss my duty too. “Yeah.. do we have any other choice here?” she asked me in an annoying tone making me scoff internally. Lana liked to doll up herself with all those beauty stuff regularly, but she didn’t like doing things a Luna had to do for the pack. She always had a headache when she had to make plans and had to make arrangements for a party inside the pack or if someone was visiting us like this time. “What do you know about the Alpha King and his beta?” she asked me while signaling me to have a chair beside the table. I was surprised to hear her question because as a Luna she must know about the Royal family and by her tone it was clear that she was curious about them. “The Alpha King, Hunter Blackwood is 24 years old. He took the throne from his father when he mated with his mate at the age of 19. Unfortunately, her mate died after a year when she was visiting her pack and rogues attacked her pack. He was now mate-less and there is a saying about him that he had a cold personality. He is ruthless and doesn’t like weak wolves”, I paused and looked at her surprised expression. I knew that she didn’t have any interest in pack politics but she must know these basic things. “His beta, Theo Blackwood is 22 years old. He is his younger brother and the only person who is very close to him. He didn’t find his mate yet. He is also like his brother, cold and ruthless, but he doesn’t hate weak wolves”, I told her about the royal beta and her eyes widened in surprise. “Do you think that they can find their mates here, in our pack?” she asked me in a hopeful tone and I narrowed my eyes at him in confusion. She was already mated to Ashton then why she had this hope about them finding their mates here? “Anything can be possible, Luna… now we should start working. We have less than one day to prepare everything”, I said to her and she groaned while throwing her hands in the air. “Hazel… you have to help me out here. I don’t know what to do. Please arrange everything for me…. Please”, she threw her tantrum once again and pleaded with me in the end. I didn’t know what to say to this woman. It was her duty, not mine. Still I couldn’t say no to her. She was my Luna and I have to obey her orders too. But this was really important and I didn’t want Ashton to blame me if anything go wrong in the arrangements. “Luna… uhhhhh.. I think”, I tried to say my thought with hesitation but she immediately waved her hand in front of me. “Don’t say anything, Hazel…. Please… please… help me this time… this is the last time I am asking you for help… please please… this is very important for our pack and I don’t want to do any mistake…. Please…. Please…. Please”, she pleaded while joining her hands in front of me. I looked at her joined hands and a feeling of disgust rose inside me but I masked my emotions. “Okay… I will do”, I said in defeat in the end because I had no other choice but to help her here. “Thank you”, she squealed and stood up from the alpha chair where she was sitting before. She came running towards me but I stood up from my chair and took a step backward indicating to her not to come closer to me. I didn’t like anyone touching me except Millie, my brothers, and the pups in the pack. She stopped in front of me and pouted. “You never let me hug me”, she complained while pouting and I just pursed my lips into a thin line. She sighed and then looked at her feet before looking back at me. “I am sending lunch for you here”, she said in a light tone this time and I just nodded. She walked out of the office and I once again sat down on the chair where I was sitting earlier and took a deep breath. I took the notepad and a pen from the table and wrote down everything that I needed to do for The Alpha King and his group. I then took the landline from the other side of the table and started dialing the kitchen’s number in the pack house. “Yeah, Catherine… Hazel", I gave my name to the head chef who picked up the call. “Yes, Hazel”, she asked me politely. “You already know about The Alpha King’s visit tomorrow, right?” I asked him in a light tone. “Yes, Hazel… I was expecting this call from you”, she said with a chuckle and I just smirked. “Send someone to alpha’s office. I will give you the list of dishes you have to prepare for the Alpha King and his group according to their preferences”, I informed her and then we both hung up. I took another paper from the notepad and tore it out. I wrote down all the information about food preferences which I got to know from the email that I received from Ashton this morning. I sensed an omega coming to the office but I didn’t lift my face up. I knew she was from the kitchen. I had a lot of things to finish before evening and had no time to pay attention to every small thing happening around me.
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