Only Support That I have

1971 Words
Hazel’s P.O.V. I stripped off my clothes and threw them in the laundry basket inside the washroom. I started the cold water and stood under it closing my eyes. The cold water hit my body but I didn’t feel cold. Although I didn’t have my wolf inside me, I have all the abilities of a werewolf and all of them were enhanced in me. I was faster than my alpha. I could heal faster than others. I had everything, still, I was incomplete. I didn’t meet my wolf after my sixteenth birthday, the age when your wolf was introduced to you. I was heartbroken but I knew the reason, which I couldn’t tell anyone. I recalled all those bitter memories when everyone made fun of me and mocked me. I was a beta blood. Still I was not able to get my wolf. The pups of my age mocked me and even pulled pranks on me. My only supporters were my brothers who never left me alone. They always stood up for me and I was really glad that I had them as my brothers. Danny started my training in self-defense so that I could defend myself against others if they were not around me. Soon, Daniel also joined me and during my training, they realized that something was different about me. I opened my eyes and looked at the wall in front of me blankly. I worked hard to get the position in the pack. My former alpha and luna supported me and later I was trained by the former alpha himself. I came out of my thoughts when I felt Millie’s presence in my room outside. Yes, I could feel anyone’s presence better than any strong werewolf. “It’s already been half an hour, Hazel”, I heard her worried voice. That was when I realized that I had spent a lot of time in the shower. “I am coming out”, I yelled and took the soap from the shelf. “I am waiting for you downstairs”, she told me, and then I heard her footsteps going out of the room. I finished my shower and wrapped a towel around my chest before going out of the room. “Hazel…. Can you cover me for the night shift?” I got a mind link from one of our patrollers, Brandon. I rolled my eyes while clothing myself. “Now what happened?” I asked him in a calm tone. “Uhhh… It’s Sabrina’s birthday today”, he told me in a hesitant tone. I smiled bitterly and took my lower lip in between my teeth. Sabrina was his mate. They were blessed by the Moon Goddess because they could celebrate their happiness with their mates while I would never feel that love in my life. “Okay… give my wishes to her… I will go”, I said to him and then cut off the mind link. I stopped putting on my leggings because I needed to change my clothes now. “Daniel”, I mind-linked my brother while opening my cupboard for the next set of clothes for me. “Don’t tell me that Brandon contacted you and you agreed?” Daniel immediately asked me in an irritating tone. “What else I could say to him, huh?” I asked him in a calm tone while pulling my jeans up my hips. “Hazel… Ashton will be angry”, he said in a worried tone. “And you also need to rest…. You are not made up of steel”, he once again said the same thing that he said whenever I took someone’s shift. “I know and I promise that I will not give anyone any favors after this. Come on…. This is his mate’s birthday”, I tried to reason with him while yelling at him. “Okay… okay… I got it… let me talk to Ashton, first”, he said and before I could protest, he cut off the mind link. I groaned in frustration and sat down on the edge of the bed. I knew that Ashton would refuse because he didn’t want me to join the night patrol. I didn’t give a s**t about his reasons but I couldn’t refuse his orders because he was my alpha. I pledged my loyalty to him when I joined the warrior’s group. I didn’t want to disappoint Brandon, so I decided not to tell him anything now. I put on my black top and then stood up from the bed. I decided to leave my wet hair loose and let them dry naturally. I walked downstairs and found Millie standing beside the dining table, setting table for the dinner. It was already dinner time but none of my brothers were home yet. “Where is Danny?” I asked Millie while taking a chair beside the table. “He is on his way”, she told me with a smile. “So”, she spoke again after putting the cutleries in their places. Millie loved cooking and household work. “How was your today’s hunt?” she asked me while taking a chair beside me in a curious tone. I smirked and crossed my hands around my chest. “What do you think, huh?” I asked her and she grinned. “Let me guess…. You kill the maximum”, she chirped while snapping in front of me. I just tilted my head a little while moving my eyebrows playfully. She squealed while clapping hard. She was not a fighter but she was like an elder sister to me although she was only two years older than me. I looked in the direction of the door when I felt the presence of both my brothers. Millie also looked behind her towards the door. Danny opened the door and came inside with a frown on his face. Daniel came behind him with a gloomy face. Millie immediately stood up and went towards Danny. “What’s with this long face, huh?” Milli asked Danny in a concerned tone after giving him a quick peck on his lips. Danny looked at him and pouted like a kid. “Ask her”, he signaled towards me and I raised my brows at him. “You…. You asked me to cover you but didn’t tell me that I have to clean the area too”, he complained and I giggled while looking at him apologetically, but I was not sorry. “Ask him for that”, I signaled towards Daniel who was now going towards his room. He stopped immediately and moved towards me. Both Danny and Millie looked in his direction. “What? What did I do now?” Daniel asked us while moving his shoulders. “You asked me to go to alpha’s office”, I yelled at Daniel annoyingly and he huffed. Suddenly Danny glared at me again and I looked at him in confusion. “Now why I am having a night shift instead of Brandon?” Danny asked me in an irritated tone and I narrowed my eyes at Daniel. “Ashton mind-linked you?” Daniel asked him immediately and Danny nodded. “I am going… it was me who agreed to replace Brandon tonight”, I interrupted them before Danny could say anything else to him. “No, Hazel… you can’t. Ashton refuses to let you go and you know very well that he would be angry”, Daniel immediately opposed my decision while taking Ashton’s name. “I will talk to him”, I said to him in a firm tone and he huffed again. “I sometimes really don’t understand one thing”, Millie spoke this time while coming back to her place near me. “What?” I asked her when she sat down on the chair once again. “Why Ashton is protective towards you when everyone in the pack clearly knows that you don’t need any protection?” she asked me in a curious tone and I just looked in the other direction coldly. “What is in this to understand, huh? He does this only for Lana”, Daniel replied to her while walking towards his room upstairs. Danny also went towards his room to take a quick shower so that they could join us for dinner. “Yeah.. that’s right…. That good-for-nothing mate of his is the one who needs protection here”, Millie muttered under her breath and I looked back at her with an amusing smile on my lips. “I am stating the truth”, she said in a flat tone when she saw me smiling. “I know”, I said while shrinking my nose in a teasing tone. She slapped my arm playfully and then muttered something under her breath. Lana Knight, Ashton’s mate was the youngest daughter of the alpha of the Blood Moon Pack. She and Ashton met each other at her 18th birthday party. Ashton announced to everyone that she was his mate. Despite of being an alpha daughter, Lana was not Luna material. She was not even a fighter. After Ashton’s mother's death, a year ago, I was helping Lana with Luna’s work inside the pack. In fact, Ashton forced me to attend some formal parties held by other packs sometimes. “Let me solve this problem first. I don’t want Danny to suffer again due to me”, I said and then mind-linked Ashton. “I want to talk to you, Alpha”, I mind-linked him and requested him. “If this is about Brandon’s shift tonight then you know my answer, Hazel”, he immediately answered me. I was surprised to hear his voice because it was already late in the night and he still had his mind linked open for the pack members. “It was me who agreed with Brandon. So, I want to go instead of Danny. They all have their mates with whom they want to spend their time. I am single and I am happy to give that time to them”, I reasoned to him in a mocking tone hitting the nail with balanced force. There was silence on his side which made me smirk bitterly inside my mind. “You are not going, Hazel and this is your alpha’s order”, he commanded me in his alpha tone. I balled up my fists in anger and looked at Millie who was still looking at me curiously. “Yes, alpha”, I replied to his command in a very cold tone and shut off the mind link immediately. “He didn’t agree, right?” Millie asked me and I lowered my head in embarrassment. “I am sorry, Millie”, I apologized to her because Danny was in this mess because of me. She slapped my arm once again. “Aaahhh… this is not a big deal, Hazel. Don’t be sorry if this is not your fault”, she said in a playful tone and I smiled but didn’t look at her. Millie was the light of our lives. She was a cheerful woman and always made us smile whenever we feel low. “Now… cheer up and let’s start eating”, she chirped and then put a plate in front of me. I smiled and looked at my empty plate. Danny and Daniel also came and took their seats. Danny sat down beside Millie on the other side while Daniel sat on the other side of the table. I took a deep breath and thought about talking with Ashton tomorrow.
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