Chapter Thirty-Eight: Someone’s Presence

2597 Words
THE IDEA of the prince being next to her is troublesome. She doesn’t want it nor dream of being with any popular person. Ever since she stepped inside the institution, she vowed to herself to have a peaceful student life, however, that didn’t happen because she was bullied. The carriage passed to a path with golden trees on each side. Sally was in a daze watching the view outside, her thoughts deep and her eyes gentle. She never really thought of herself being a nice person, and perhaps that is the reason why she’s all alone by herself yet she never complained about it. At least she has a peaceful life, but she’s not sure about it now. She didn’t dislike the people around her now, however that doesn’t mean that she likes it. She’s apathetic. Helios stared at her. He’s wondering what she’s thinking right now. She is like a complicated puzzle he’s slowly decoding. He can’t help but feel curious about her. “What are you thinking?” He asked her. She snapped and looked at him with wonder in her eyes. “You keep on staring at the view outside, is it pretty?” “Yes. The trees are pretty.” She answered while smiling. The crown prince opened the curtain and saw the golden trees. It is indeed beautiful. He glanced at her again and saw her staring at the view outside. He had a feeling what’s really in her mind right now. “If you’re worried about me transferring then you should stop it now… I’m not changing my dorm. I’m just messing with you.” He muttered, examining her expression. Her eyes widen a little. Silhouette of the tree outside kept on touching her face. A small smile formed her lips. “Thank you for understanding, your highness.” Finally, they arrived at the academy. The carriage stopped and the servant helped them carry their luggage to their dorm, except Sally since she only had two pieces of luggage; one is small and the other is big but she can manage to carry those toward her room. She went inside the crown prince’s room while the servant carried the crown prince’s things. The room is huge, unlike hers. Hers is almost half of the crown prince’s room and everything looked expensive. The crown prince went directly to the headmaster’s office. “Is there anything else, Madame?” The servant asked. “No, there’s none. Thank you and you can go now.” She said. The servant bowed slightly at her before leaving. She stared at the crown prince’s things. “Well, he said I can just leave it here…”She mumbled. She left the room and locked it before walking away. She’ll return the key later. She took the familiar stairs and arrived at a familiar wooden door. A faint smile formed her lips as she opened the door. When she entered, the first thing she noticed was the flowers on the desk. Thanks to the magic around it, the flowers were still fresh. She started organizing her things and took a quick bath before changing her clothes. She lay on the bed while staring at the flowers. “Why did I even keep it?” She uttered before falling asleep. --- “I heard that you appointed a secretary, and to think it was Ms. Esther.” The headmaster muttered as he sipped his tea. “I hope it didn’t surprise you, headmaster. Everyone dealt it as if it’s a piece of big news.” “It ‘is' a piece of big news. I thought it would be someone like Lady Robia.” “No. I never dreamed of her working for me.” “And, how about Lady Esther?” He didn’t answer and kept on drinking his tea. The headmaster smirked and put his teacup down. “Are you interested in her?” He didn’t answer again, this time, the headmaster chuckled. “Well, I can’t blame you for being interested in Lady Sally. I mean, who wouldn’t? She’s beautiful and smart in her way, quiet and distant.” He put down his cup of tea and looked at the headmaster straight in the eyes. “It’s not like that, headmaster. I was just helping her. Her only family just died and she’s all alone now…” “I never thought you had a compassionate heart, your highness. Other than her being your secretary, what makes me more surprised is your improvement.” “There’s no such thing as that for me, headmaster. My heart died a long time ago.” He muttered coldly. “Hm, is it because of the woman you had before?” The headmaster asked him. “Yes. She took my heart with her, which is why I am not being compassionate to anyone. All of my emotions, they’re gone alongside with her… I am just an empty person who had nothing but anger and bitterness.” The headmaster sighed and looked at him with a worried look. He treated the crown prince like a son ever since he became his first disciple. He can see the sadness and longing in his golden eyes. “Helios, if you don’t let go of something weighing you down, you won’t arrive at your destination. Someday, someone will come and break that darkness covering you.” “… Anyway, I heard the Haerthia Academy of Magic had already sent their response. Are they participating?” He asked, changing the topic. “Yes. I had a hard time dealing with the royalties of the Draria Kingdom since they seemed to be a bit grumpy towards you. Also, they stated that you should be exempted from the event.” He grinned mischievously at what he heard. “Those cowards.” “The headmaster of Haerthia Academy already sent a letter but the king, unless, I stated that you won’t participate in the event.” “Ha, I guess I have no choice but to not participate then.” He sighed heavily. “You will?” “Yes. Headmaster must write a letter now and tell the royal family of Draria that the crown prince, Nathaniel Helios of Grandalia won’t participate in the game of magic and sorcery.” He said confidently. “Alright.” He nodded. --- Sally woke up late in the afternoon. She skipped luncheon however she’s not hungry. She stood up from the bed and went out of her room to find the crown prince. She went downstairs and surprisingly met someone. It’s Ethan. “You’re here?” Ethan muttered in incredulity. “Good afternoon, Mr. Lionel.” She greeted. “It is nice to meet you again, however, I must leave now since I have an important business to do.” She added and walked past through her. “Are you still mad?” She halted but she didn’t look at him. “Even though Athena regretted everything she did?” He asked. “How can you be so cold-hearted?” She laughed shortly at his words. How can he say such a thing to her? She turned around to face him. “I’m amazed by how devoted you are to the lady to the point of criticizing me blindly. Was that the etiquette education the nobles received? I’m quite disappointed.” “This has nothing to do with the etiquette. I am just advising you, Ms. Esther. Pride and anger will get you nowhere.” “What do I have now other than pride?!” Her calm voice trembled and her eyes filled with fury. “You’re pointing that I should stop feeling this way because it will get me nowhere, but the way you act right now seems that you’re belittling me!” “No, it is not like,” He was stuttering. He can’t look away from her silver eyes. Strangely, she has no mana emitting from her. “It is easy for you, Sir Lionel, to tell me that because you’re not the one in my position. I almost died and yet you chose to be biased over this matter… If you are worried about my anger, don’t be. This emotion had no power to harm anyone. It only poisons its owner.” She turned her back and started to walk away from him. Ethan wanted to clear himself again but he chose not to. It is clear that they extremely offended the lady. Her angry expression and her burning eyes engraved his mind. ‘If that woman has mana, I think she would be as scary as the crown prince…’ He thought. --- Sally went to the forest at the back of the school. She sat under the tulip tree and embraced her knees. She felt like crying yet she didn’t want to. ‘It would be shameful to cry.’ She muttered to herself. The wind blew to her and she closed her eyes to calm herself. She can still feel herself trembling in anger. ‘I am not angry… I am not angry…’ She repeated to calm herself again. ‘Let’s pretend like I always do…’ She smiled as she stared at nothing. “If that person is here,” She closes her mouth and shook her head. “Don’t talk about the dead… Or they’ll not be at peace…” She mumbled and stood up. She looked up at the sky and saw the orange and red-orange sky. Her eyes widen as she remembered something significant. ‘I’m dead!’ She hurriedly went back inside the campus running like a madwoman. Fortunately or unfortunately, she saw the crown prince walking in the hallway with a grave expression. ‘He seems in a bad mood… I wonder what he and the headmaster talked about.’ She thought. “Your highness.” She called. She stopped in front of him to catch her breath. After calming down, she stared at him. “Here is the key to your dorm.” She handed him the key. He took it and gazed at her face. ‘Her hair is messy and she’s sweating. Did she run all the way to meet me?’ A feeling of pleasure warmed his chest and a smile formed his lips. “Why are you sweating?” He asked. “… Because I was running to meet you, your highness.” She answered in all honesty. She can’t lie to him anyway since he’ll find it out sooner. “… Ah, I get it.” He grinned wickedly. “You fell asleep and you almost forgot to hand me the key to my room.” He was half right. Though it wasn’t because she fell asleep that she forgot to hand the key to him. She absolutely can’t tell that it was because of Ethan Lionel's offensive remarks that she forgot her task. “… I apologize, your highness.” “Hah, alright. Let’s eat dinner together.” He muttered. “I apologize, your highness, but I already ate.” She uttered. She’s tired and wanted to retire to her room. There’s a lot of things inside her head draining her all the time. Helios noticed her exhausted expression. “… Alright. Rest well.” He said. “Thank you, your highness. I hope you have a good night.” She bowed in front of him and started to walk away from him. Helios stared at her back frowning. ‘There is something she’s not telling me.’ He thought. “… It’s alright. I will know soon.” He whispered. --- She arrived in her room and lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. She covered her eyes with her forearm and fell asleep after. Unlike her usual dreamless night, she woke up panting and sweating. She tried to recall her dream; everything is in fire, a knight and a woman of her age. Tears fell from her eyes as she embraces herself. “… Big… sister…” She mumbled and buried her face in her palms. “No. I need to calm down.” She stood up from her bed and grab the coat near the door. She went out of her room and went to the garden. The silence is oddly deafening and gladly, she took the coat to avoid the cold air. She sat on the grass and looked up then a black rabbit appeared beside her. It’s the same rabbit she always talks with. She picked it up and started talking to it. “I must be crazy, but if I don’t talk with anyone I might become more insane… I had a bad dream. A very, very bad dream… Can you sympathize with me?” She asked trying to make the rabbit understand her. “That rabbit can’t understand you.” She jumped in surprise as she heard someone speaking behind her. It was none other than the crown prince. He’s wearing a simple white long sleeve polo and black pants but he looked as dazzling as always. “Y-Your highness! Why are you here at this hour?” She asked. “I should be the one asking.” He sat beside her. The rabbit runs away from her but she didn’t both herself chasing for it. “So, what is your dream?” “I beg your pardon, your highness?” “I am much better than that rabbit, you know?” “Pardon me, your highness, but I am not comparing you to the rabbit. It would be shameful for the rabbit.” She chuckled. “I’m glad you are aware that I am incomparable to anything and anyone.” He nodded pleased by her words. “So, the dream you’re dreaming?” He asked again. Sally looked away, scratched her nape, and smiled awkwardly. “Can I, not tell you, your highness? I don’t want to talk about it.” She mumbled. The crown prince stared at her and sighed. “Alright.” Silence took over between them, but it is enough for her. The presence of someone means a lot to her. She didn’t expect that the crown prince would be in her side to calm her down. “Thank you, your highness.” She muttered. “What’s there to thank for?” “For being here, thank you.” She smiled at him. He gazed at her smiling face for a moment before looking away. “… Your welcome.” He said and smiled a little. ‘The night is quite nice…’ He thought. ***
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