Chapter Thirty- Seven: Going Back

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‘NO ONE likes my eyes. It is because it’s intimidating and sends someone shivers in their spines. When I tried to look at them, they look away, frightened, as if they saw a ghost and not a human being.’ He stared through her silver eyes. He can tell she’s nervous, however, she never looked away from him and he loves it. He loves how she stares at him like he was the most fascinating being in this world. ‘And she said that my eyes were pretty and captivating… Yes, because of these eyes, I was trapped in too much curiosity.’ What’s makes him puzzled is the fact that she said that his eyes were different from the rest of the royal family. Honestly, it was the most beautiful compliment he heard. “That,” Her words were cut when someone interrupted from behind. He frowned and glared at the person behind her. It was the second prince, Edmund. “The night is nice, don’t you think so, brother?” “Second Prince, what are you doing here? Return to your chamber.” He muttered in displeasure. The second prince only smiled sweetly and answer calmly. “Yes, I will return soon, your highness the crown prince, however, may I speak with Lady Esther for a moment?” “She doesn’t want to talk to you.” The crown prince said. His anger started to rise on his head. The second prince had a complacent expression on his face. He smirked at him and inquired, “What’s wrong? What are you so angry about? Is there something between the two of you, brother and Lady Esther?” “Do not call me brother. I never once treated you as my brother and I knew that is also what you feel towards me as well.” He growled and glared at him. He raised his hands, telling him he is not going to fight the mighty crown prince of the land. “Your highness, it is fine. I will talk to the second prince.” Sally said trying to stop the crown prince. She was a little amazed at the second prince's ignorant bravery and confidence in front of the crown prince. She’s wondering what made him this confident in front of the second most powerful person in the land after the king. They walked away from the crown prince, strangely, he stayed on his spot and stared at the two. “My brother seems to care so much for his secretary,” Edmund uttered in amazement though there’s a little bit of suspicion in his tone. “Please don’t exaggerate things, your highness the second prince. Anyway, what is it that you want to talk about?” She asked directly. “I just wanted to apologize again. I didn’t mean to offend you.” “I see. I have already forgiven you, your highness. Please be mindful of what you say next time.” “Alright. So, tomorrow, can we have tea together? I will tell the guards in my palace to let you in.” “I’m sorry, your highness, but my hands were already full for tomorrow’s schedule.” “What a pity.” He tried to touch her shoulder but she steps back and looked at him with a surprised expression on her face. “What are you doing, your highness?” She asked anxiously. “I am sorry. I was just tempted to touch your cheeks.” He answered smiling at her. Sally felt repulsive with his feigned smile. “What is that reaction? It seems like, you’re disgusted at me…” He said. His stares turned dreadful towards her, however, she tried her best to be calm in front of him. “It is best not to touch me freely, your highness the second prince. Please think thoroughly of your actions towards other people.” Edmund laughed shortly and glared at her. The gentle expression he always wore disappeared in an instant revealing his true form. He is like a beast ready to kill someone who dared to provoke him. ‘Perhaps he’s acting like this because he knew I was a person without noble status. This person, he thinks highly of himself when he gained nothing but empty praises.’ She frowned and stared at him. “You’re quite cheeky for someone so low. What is it that makes you act like this in front of royalty? Is it because you’re the crown prince’s secretary? Is it what makes you this bold? What is it you’re holding this whole time?” He muttered in fury. Sally remained composed and looked at him “There’s none, your highness. I have nothing. I own nothing but myself… Please calm down and return to your palace.” “You.” “I believe we’re done talking. Please excuse me, the crown prince is waiting.” She bowed before turning her back but he pulled her again and forced her to face him. “You dare!” Everything is fast. The crown prince who was a few meters away from them appeared in front of Edmund and gripped his wrist. His eyes burning in fury and his mana dancing wildly around them. “Do not touch her with your filthy hand.” He growled. The second prince fell on the ground and looked at Helios with a terrified expression. If the second prince, Edmund is the beast in Sally’s eyes then to Edmund’s eyes, Helios is the king of the beasts. “I, I,” Edmund kept on stuttering while staring at the flaming golden irises full of anger towards him. ‘How dare he touch what’s mine! I might as well cut his limbs!’ He roared in his mind. Sally can feel his rage. It suffocates her and brought terror to her chest. She gathered her strength and managed to speak, holding his arm which holding her closer to his body. “Your highness, please calm down or the kingdom will end.” She whispered. Surprisingly, the crimson mana around him disappeared. His eyes slowly soften however his gaze is still cold towards Edmund. “Be mindful of your actions, second prince. Consider yourself lucky that I am holding my anger for the sake of this kingdom. Mind your place, Edmund.” He threatened and pulled Sally away from him. Edmund watched them with despise. --- Helios is feeling annoyed over what happened. If he was not there and not noticed that something bad was going on between them, who knows what might happen? Killing someone on a pretext of an accident is too easy for him. His grip on her wrist tighten. “Ouch…” He halted and let go of her thin wrist. He turned around to face her. “I told you, you didn’t have to talk with him.” He muttered in annoyance. She sighed. “Your highness, how can I say that when he’s the second prince?” She asked while shaking her head. “Just tell him no!” “I am sorry, but I’m afraid I can’t do as what you told me to do, your highness.” He sighed and sweeps his hair messing it in frustration. “You are indeed stubborn.” “I will take that as a compliment, your highness.” She said and chuckled. “He ruined the peaceful of the night.” He uttered in pure disappointment. The night is still young to return to the palace, and the crown prince had nothing to do before going to bed. “Do you sleep early?” “I do, sometimes I don’t.” She answered. “Then, come with me.” He offered his hand to her. Sally stared at it and slowly took his hand. He held her tightly and smiled at her. He was about to use magic when she pulled back. “Wait, where are we going?” She asked him. “You’ll find out soon.” He answered and pulled her closer to him. He lifts her in his arms and the wind surrounds them. Her eyes widen when they were elevated from the ground. Higher and higher, away from the earth, eventually, the huge palace looks like small toys in her eyes. “They say that the sky is beautiful in the night. How about stargazing while lying on the clouds?” He suggested while looking at the sky. Sally stared at him while her eyes twinkled. His eyes, full of sparks while watching the starry sky. For her, it was a beautiful scene before her eyes. They landed on the clouds, the wind is cool and the moon and stars seem close to them. “Do you like stars, your highness?” She asked as she sat on the cloud with him. “I don’t know, however, I always find them pretty when I looked up to the sky. How about you?” He glanced at her. She smiled when their eyes met and looked up. “I don’t know when I started liking the stars, but I guess it started when I fell on the snow due to exhaustion. I was surrounded by tall trees and the night is silent like this. It was so pretty and I found it fun.” She grinned. “It is beautiful, I agree, however, I find this meaningless sometimes. I thought this is just a waste of time...” Sally stared at him, waiting to finish his words. She understands him since he is a man with a lot of responsibilities. Leisure is something he rarely receives. He looked at her with a gentle smile on his face and the wind started blowing at them mildly. “I guess I’m wrong.” He added. Her eyes widen for a while then she smiled. “I am glad to hear that, your highness… There are a lot of beautiful things around us, we just have to look thoroughly.” “I know… One of them is you.” However, Sally didn’t hear the latter due to the sudden gushed of wind. “Huh? What did you just say, your highness?” She asked. “Nothing.” He said and felt humiliated for a while. --- A few days have passed and it is time for them to return to the academy. They rode the carriage together going back to the institution. “Your highness, upon arriving in the academy, the headmaster wish to see you in his office.” She reported. “That’s a shame. I wanted to rest when I arrive at the academy.” “I apologize for that.” “Ah, right, I asked the headmaster to change your dorm.” “I beg your pardon?” She asked in surprise. “Your dorm is too far and I’m afraid it’s uninhabitable.” Sally’s mouth hanging wide open. She was offended since she loves her dorm. She closes her mouth and leans on the chair while looking at him straight in the eyes. “I apologize your highness however I will not transfer to any dorms.” She refused firmly. “What? How can you be so uncooperative?” He muttered. His eyebrows furrowed and he crossed his arms on his chest. “That room is precious to me, which is why I strongly refuse, your highness.” She explained. He sighed and pinch the bridge of his nose. “Fine.” “Thank you, your,” “I’ll be the one transferring instead.” “What?!” He grinned at her while she stared at him in disbelief. ***
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