
The World Of Sally

magical world

It started when the crown prince, Nathaniel Helios Grandalia, picked a paper with an unfinished poem. The poem captivated his heart and decided to search for the poet named 'Arcane'. Later on, he met an aloof, black-haired woman who was an outcast in the academy.

One thing that caught his attention is her bright smile and silver eyes.

A man who seeks, has found, and gets disappointed to the end. A novel that will point to complicated decisions between love and lives, hearts and minds, happiness in chaos, and sadness in victory.

Does he still want to be part of her world even if everything is falling into pieces?

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Chapter One: Heartless
It’s a fine summer day in the kingdom of Grandalia. A time where people are busy taking care of their fields, doing their daily routines, socializing with peers, and doing work to cost a living. Well, except for those people who were busy reviewing and making themselves stronger. The entrance exam for the most popular and prestigious academy in the kingdom is now accepting new enrollees for the semester and only a few can enter and pass. Lavrielle Academy of Magic and Sorcery is the greatest and most popular academy in and out of the kingdom. Many people, especially the sons and daughters of well-known families are gathering outside the campus hoping that their children will pass the exam. The institution’s standards were high enough to level the impression and title the school held for a millennium. Other than honor and pride, the only crown prince of the kingdom studied in that academy. Crown Prince Nathaniel Helios Grandalia is also known as the red prince or the fire prince, was the brightest star amongst the students. With his sharp and intimidating golden eyes and famous red hair like fire, who would not fall for the most charming and handsome prince of the land? Every lady dreamed of him as their fated man, unfortunately, the prince they adored so much cares to neither of the sexes. He’s not interested and he will never be interested in them, even if the queen interferes. “My son, the crown prince of this kingdom, you are already past your coming-of-age and still you don’t have a woman you desire! It is time, as your mother, to find you a partner that will support and love you.” Helios felt that his ears were already damaged while listening to her. He rolled his eyes and turn to face his mother, the queen. “Mother, if you do that then I’m afraid I can’t face you ever again. If you do such a reckless thing, I’ll do my best to stop you whatever means necessary.” He answered rashly and firmly. His amber eyes were glowing dreadfully after hearing the unpleasant words from the mouth of his mother. Queen Ashly sighed and lean on the chair. She looks at his son tiredly and full of worry. She’s afraid that Helios will have a lonely life and it is dangerous for him to not bear a son since he will be the king soon. Helios notice her worries and sighed as well. “If you are worried about me not bearing a child, don’t fret. There’s nothing wrong in my reproductive system.” The queen who’s sipping her tea almost spit all the water from her mouth because of his son’s bold way of talking. She cleared her throat and stare at him. “Still, that woman should be someone that meets the standards of being a rightful queen, and that job is mine, Helios.” “Mother, I don’t wish for you to interfere in my life any further. There’s a line that should never be crossed.” “Son, I am just doing it for you…” “You’re doing it for yourself and not for me, mother. I think you should leave.” “Son…” “Queen, leave me alone.” The queen shuts her mouth and didn’t push herself further. She stood up and walk out of the room with her shoulders slouched. Helios heard the door closed tightly and sighed in both relief and comfort. He and the queen don’t share a good relationship. It’s been ten years but the wound is still fresh in his heart and seeing the queen’s face makes it bleed again. ‘Damn marriage.’ He cursed with anger while staring at the maze garden outside. His thoughts were snapped when someone knocks on the door. “Sire, Sir Robia is here. He wished to see you.” The servant said behind the door. “Alright, I’ll go see him. Prepare refreshments and snacks for us.” “Yes, Sire.” Felix Amadeus Robia, the son of the duke Felipe Johann Robia, is the crown prince’s only friend he considered. He and Helios are childhood friends and the only person who understands Helios’s flow of mood. The door of the drawing-room opened and he entered. It’s a room with maroon-painted walls and the edges were designed with gold. Outstanding paintings were hung on the walls and a grand chandelier was placed on the ceiling. The dark-red blinds were opened to illuminate the room and near the window, a blond man was standing there. Upon sensing the crown prince’s presence behind him, he turns around with the same gentle smile on his face. His blue eyes met his golden irises and bows down to greet the only crown prince of the kingdom. “Greetings to the rising sun of the kingdom.” He muttered with intense politeness and respect for he knew that the man hates disrespectful and ignorant people. “Rise. Let’s sit down, Felix, and didn’t I tell you that you can talk with me casually?” He leisurely sits on the chair and sighed. “Haha, how can I do that? You are the crown prince.” Felix sits on the chair placed in front of the crown prince. The tea and desserts arrived. The servant served the tea to them before leaving the room. “How many days before the academy opens again?” He asked. “Eleven days, Sire,” Felix responded. “Is it Her Majesty, the queen again?” He added. “That damn marriage again. I don’t want to talk about that. It makes my head hot.” His face showed too much annoyance from recalling his conversation with the queen. He sweeps his red hair showing his forehead and his eyes became surprisingly tired. “I see, but, Sire, it is normal for the queen to ask about your love life. You’re already twenty-four years old and you still don’t have a fiancée.” “Oh stop the bullshit already. I’m so fed up with it. What do you want me to do? Marry a stranger and make a family with, whoever that woman is? There’s nothing wrong in me and I can produce an heir for this kingdom which means, there’s no reason to rush things.” He roughly brush his hair and sighed heavily. “It’s not just about marrying a stranger, Sire. Pardon me for asking but, did you talk like this in front of the queen?” He asked. “And so?” Felix sighed and answered, “Nothing” then sips his tea. He’s aware that the queen is a soft-type of a woman and hearing those kinds of bold words will surely make the queen shock. ‘I’m sure that he knows his mother well but, what can I do with his sharp and dirty mouth? He is the crown prince of this kingdom and I’m just his lowly subject.’ He thought thoroughly. The crown prince suddenly stood up and Felix stared at him with a confused look. “Sire?” He called. “I’m leaving. Eleven days is too long. I can’t stand seeing the queen’s face any longer.” “But the academy is still close. I think Your Majesty needs to reconsider his decision.” Felix said in surprise and stood up as well. “I am the crown prince, Felix. Whatever I want, I get, do you understand?” Felix closes his mouth, He can’t argue with him any longer and if he did, it will be futile. With a triumphant grin, he went out from the room and ordered his servant to pack his things. Being the top student for three straight years is a privilege for Helios. The top student can do whatever he wants to do so going to the academy and staying in the dorm are not big problems and the headmaster acknowledged his performances. He rode the imperial carriage towards the academy. The people who saw the carriage stopped what they’re doing and stare at it until it vanished from their sight. The prince who saw them closed the window and lean on the chair. After an hour and a half, he arrived at the academy. The carriage stopped at the grand entrance of the school. The classical European style of the building was eye-catching from afar and what’s more attractive are the wide school grounds and the tall clock tower that Lord de Zalvede personally designed. The assistant of the headmaster, Sir Lloyd Del Bueño meets him. “Your Highness, it’s nice to see you in the academy.” He greeted. “It’s been a while, Sir. I apologize for my sudden appearance despite the exact date of opening of classes.” “The headmaster has no objection about that, Sire. Your dorm has been prepared. Please follow me.” The crown prince followed him silently. There’s a rule in the academy that whatever their titles outside of the school’s perimeter will be useless and everyone will be treated equally. That is, however, if the person is part of the first-rate students in the institution. Fortunately, Helios is one of them and ranked first. This was done to boost the students' determination in studying. They arrived in front of a classical wooden door engraved with unique vine-like designs and attached to it is a golden doorknob. Sir Del Bueño opened the door and the other servants brought the prince’s things inside. “I hope that you’ll have a good evening, Your Majesty.” “Thank you.” He entered the room and roam his eyes around. Nothing changed since he left it. The dark blue curtains were hanging in the big window and the red roses were fresh inside the blue vase. He walked towards the window and watch the school grounds. Peace came in his mind. He sighed and lower his eyes and saw a mint green colored paper stuck on the sole of his shoe. He picked it up and opened it. It was a three-stanza poem written by someone. “Heartless…” He read loudly. He faced a servant who was busy fixing his things. “Do you know who owned this?” He asked. “No, Sire.” The servant answered. He went to the chair placed near the window and started reading the poem.   A heart is for thee loving And thou means to resume pacing Thy wound thou left is aching Thy chest is continuously throbbing   If thy heart means for loving And thy beating means thy life How about thee who’s breaking And decides to die than to thrive   A heartless creature thou claim There is nothing good that thee longer aim If thy love comes knocking one day Thy afraid there’s no room for thee to stay.   If to have a heart means forgetting Though thy self won’t be forgiving…   The moment he finished reading he thought that the owner is experiencing a terrible heartbreak. He touches his chin, thinking deeply. ‘What’s next?’ “I’m curious…” His eyes went to that one word below the title. “Arcane.” He muttered and his lips lift into a smile. He stood up and watch the view outside the window again. “I need to find you.” He mumbled as the sun slowly sets spreading red-orange color in the sky. --- News about the prince residing inside the campus spread like wildfire. Many ladies who wished to see and seduce Helios came in the pretext of taking the entrance exam. Every day is irritating and there’s not a single day that Helios had a peaceful day. Someone knocks on the door. “I don’t have time to chit-chat and have tea so leave me alone.” He growled as he glared at the door. “It’s me, Felix. Can I enter?” “… You may.” Helios felt a little relieve hearing Felix's voice outside. The door opened and Felix entered the room. He still has that gentle and charming smile on his handsome face, essentially different from Helios’s wicked smile. “I heard you’re having a hard time. I already talk to Sir de Zalvede about your situation.” “I see. I appreciate your effort. Hah, I hate it when I’m surrounded by desperate people.” He leans on the chair and massaged his temple. Felix notices the mint green paper on his desk and a teasing smile appeared on his lips. “Really? May I ask you something?” “What is it?” “Did you accept one of your fan’s love letters and read it wholeheartedly?” “What?” His golden eyes went to the mint green paper. He chuckled and shook his head. “To disappoint you, it’s not a love letter from a fan. It’s the paper that I picked a few days ago.” He answered. “Oh, it’s the first time that I see you got interested in something. The last time you laid your attention to a certain thing, it was chaotic and messy.” Felix expressed recalling the memory that Helios buried in his head. “Why do you always brought up unnecessary memories?” “I apologize for my audacity, Sire.” He rolled his eyes and stood up. He took the paper and gave it to Felix. “Read it and tell me your thoughts.” He commanded. “… Alright.” He opened the paper and started reading it silently. After reading, he started talking about the unfinished poem the prince picked. “Well, it’s indeed interesting.” “That’s right. The emotions are clear. Sorrow, pain, and perhaps anger or hatred? Whatever it is, I need to hear the full poem with my own ears.” He said in enthusiasm and full of determination. “I never read such emotional piece in my life.” “Pardon me for saying this, Sire but, there’s a lot of emotional poems in the imperial library. Why is it that Your Majesty is so attached to this unfinished piece?” Felix asked in confusion. For him, it’s just an ordinary poem and not to mention that all poems are expressive. “You’re asking the reason? I did not know that there’s still a part of me that you don’t quite aware of, Felix.” He chuckled and bitterly smiled at him. “Well, let’s just say that I can relate…” ***

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