Chapter Thirty- Nine: The Seventh in the List

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THEY SAY that silence and peace can give comfort to anyone who was in distress, but they are never told that it would be much better besides by someone. Sally felt that way. For someone who is always alone, the feeling is quite bizarre. “Have you heard the story about the night, your highness?” She asked suddenly without glancing at his way. Helios looked at her in confusion. “Are you talking about the great war between the god of light and the demon of darkness?” “Yes. It is said that the god of light punished the demon of darkness who tried to harm the world whom the god love so much. Truth be told, the god of light never really wished to punish the demon.” “… Why? The demon is evil and brought death to anyone.” She was silent, thinking if she will answer his question, however, she answered it anyway. “… Because he loves that demon, your highness. The moment he stabbed the demon in the heart, tears fell from his eyes. Those tears became the stars.” Helios didn’t utter a word and looked up to the sky. Then he asked, “If the stars are the god’s tears, then what is the moon?” Sally shrugged her shoulders and smiled at the crown prince. “I don’t know. They never told me what the moon was.” “And you didn’t ask again?” He asked her. “Nope. I wasn’t interested back then. For me, those were just adornment of the sky, nothing else.” “Ha. What a weird story.” The crown prince commented. Disappointment flashed in his face as he lay on the grass. “Your highness, your clothes will get dirty.” “Leave it. I prefer the dirt of the earth than blood.” Sally was surprised but she didn’t say anything in return. The crown prince was once fought on a battlefield at an early age. ‘Perhaps that is the reason why he said those words.’ She laid beside the crown prince, however, not too close to him. Both of them were now looking at the stars. “… You say that the god of light loved the demon, yet why did he kill it?” “I don’t know. I just knew he loves the demon… But maybe because he must.” “He must? Is it not a contradiction between what he truly felt?” “Only the owner of the heart knows the real reason behind that choice… Your highness, have you fell in love before?” She asked. They both look at each other’s eyes. No one can explain the emotions they held in those orbs yet neither of them didn’t try to understand those. “… I have. But she’s gone… She disappeared and it was so sudden.” He answered. “I apologize to hear that.” His heavy chest elevates a little. He nodded and remain silent. After a moment, he speaks again. He looks through her silver eyes. “… Your apology won’t help, so you don’t have to say that… Fate separated us and I was very young back then that I couldn’t do anything but watch…” “Yes, but I still wanted to apologize.” She answered. “You, do you pity me?” He asked. “No. I have no reason to feel pity for you, your highness.” “… Why?” A gentle smile formed her lips and her eyes twinkled like the stars in the night sky. She was enchanting before him and he cannot look away. “Because it is only your heart that died.” She said. She looked up at the sky again. “There are a lot of surprising things that might happen in life. One day, your highness will receive the love that you deserve, and eventually, without you knowing, your heart will beat again.” “… How can you tell?” He asked again. She gazed at him. “Because everyone does… Everyone deserves to be loved and give love, even the worst person in this world.” He listened to her. Her words entered his mind and crept into his heart. His curiosity grows stronger and stronger. He wants to know more about this person. He wants to learn what she’s thinking and he wants to be part of her world. He wants to know what it was like to be part of her. He wants to be with her. The next day, a letter arrived from the Draria Kingdom. The crown prince Helios was requested to the headmaster’s office. He went with Sally behind him. At first, she was reluctant but she gave up since it was the crown prince’s orders. They arrived at the office. The door opened and they entered the room. The headmaster is sitting on his chair while reading the letter with a smug expression on his face. He noticed Helios and put down the letter. “Ah! Your highness, you’re here. Please sit down. You too, Ms. Esther.” The headmaster muttered in bliss. “Thank you, Sir,” Sally said and sat on the chair. “Why did you call me?” Helios asked with a tired expression. “A letter from the king of Draria arrived just now. Here, read this.” The headmaster handed him the letter. He started reading it silently. Sally observed him quietly. The corners of his lips lifted into a smirk and his eyes shone dangerously. “They’re sending their best students here in the academy. Do you not think that it will be quite lonely if no one will welcome them?” The headmaster said. Excitement filled his aged face. Sally felt that something extraordinary will happen soon, however, she didn’t bother herself to speak in front of them. “I already picked the students. The crème of the crop. The top of the tops. Oh, and you’ve included Ms. Esther.” “What!?” Sally shrieked and stood up. “T-There must be some sort of mistake!” “What do you mean? Are you saying that I and the crown prince commit a mistake?” The headmaster asked. His eyebrows furrowed and his forehead creased. “N-No, it’s not like that, Sir and your highness.” She stuttered. “Why me?” She asked with a worried face. “Why not? You have the ability, and you were included in the honor’s list.” The crown prince was justified. She glanced at him, not convinced at all. She never dreamed of being one of the best students in the institution. Frankly, she was just forced! “I’m afraid I will disappoint you.” She honestly muttered and sits on the chair again. “Anyway, here’s the list. I already sent letters to their homes stating that their presence is significant here in the academy.” The headmaster handed the paper to the crown prince. He glanced at it before passing it to Sally’s hand. She read the paper quietly. The paper has seven names including hers. It said; 1. Felix Amadeus Robia 2. Maria Athena Robia 3. Ethan Lionel 4. Albert Nathan Wisteria 5. Gabriella Eliza Bolton 6. Annabeth Clarence 7. Sally Esther She put down the paper and nervously stared at them. “Is there anything you want to tell us, Ms. Esther?” The headmaster asked while smiling at her. She can tell that he is the type of person who would not accept her refusal. She sighed and shook her head. “Nothing, Sir.” “Good! I expect your highness to meet them at once! Tomorrow morning and inform them about the letter.” “You don’t need to tell me, Sir.” Helios stood up. “Well then, we will be leaving now. Have a good day.” He bid goodbye before going out of the room. Sally bowed before him and chased the crown prince. “Your highness, is, is there a way to back out?” She asked. The crown prince halted. “What do you mean?” “I, I, I can’t do it. I am not confident.” She said. “Unfortunately, there’s none. You have to believe in yourself. Don’t fret, I’ll teach you.” “But!” “You can use magic right?” He asked directly. Sally’s eyes widen and her mouth shut. “I can feel the magic you put to the flowers in your room after the midterm examination. Not only that, you used teleportation magic and simple spells when you escaped in my palace.” She bit the insides of her lips and looked away. “Why would you hide your ability? Huh? Care to tell me?” She didn’t utter a word. She didn’t want to answer his questions. What good will she gain for being on the honor’s list? Her gaze turned cold. “Your highness, I don’t want to fight. I just wanted to study and graduate quietly.” “… However, I believe in you.” “Your highness will only be disappointed.” “No, I’m not.” “Why are you pushing me to something I don’t want?” “Because I want to show to the world that you are not easy to step on! That you are worthy to be praised! And that you are kind and fantastic! That you are the sole person who can withstand the bastard crown prince’s dreadful eyes!” He gritted his teeth and grasped her upper arms tightly. She flinched but didn’t look away from him. “You didn’t want me to punish the people who wronged you! I can do that but f**k! You didn’t let me! Yet I still wanted to crush them just as how much they crushed you to the ground… Do you know how frustrated I am?” She can see the burning anger in his eyes. She resists herself from crying. This is the only person who’s angry for her sake. The crown prince of the kingdom was frustrated because he cannot inflict cruelty on those who were cruel to her. That made her happy. ‘Because I don’t want them to not notice how beautiful your eyes were… Yes, those eyes who can burn everything ahead of them.’ She thought staring at his golden irises directly. “I, I’ll think about it, your highness.” She muttered calmly. “I apologize, for making you angry over a trifling matter.” She added. The crown prince calmed down and let go of her shoulders. Because his grip on her is strong, red handprints are visible on her pale skin. He felt guilty and messed his neat hair. “Does it hurt?” He asked calmly as he gently touches her arm. “No. It’s not painful, your highness. You need not worry.” She reassured him. She heard him kicked his tongue before dragging her. She didn’t resist and let him drag her. They arrived at the infirmary, unfortunately, Dr. Ashton is not present. It is because he was not told to return yet. “Sit there.” The crown prince ordered and open the cabinet to grab an ointment. Sally sat on the bed and stared at him. Then, her eyes went to the window. The blue sky is enchanting. It would be nice to take a walk outside for a while. The crown prince dragged a chair and sat in front of her. He gently rubs the ointment on her skin. “How does it feel?” He asked. “It felt cool and nice.” She answered. “That’s good to hear.” “Thank you for treating me, your highness.” “This is nothing…” The truth is he felt extremely guilty for her. She was thin and small, what if he didn’t control his strength and broke her bones? “You need to eat more.” He said. Sally looked at him wondering why he said it. “I am eating well, your highness.” “You are? You’re still too thin.” He uttered in disbelief and examined her. She blushed and felt embarrassed at what he said. She’s not that thin. “We will eat together starting today.” “That,” “I won’t accept any excuses.” She shut her mouth. No, even if she told him he didn’t have to, it will only fell on deaf ears. She sighed and let him applied for the medicine to her skin. She stared at him in secrecy. The light of day hits his face, his eyelashes were long and his lips soft. There’s an odd feeling she can’t explain in her chest. She looked away and didn’t stare at him again. --- Sally and the crown prince were always eating together starting yesterday. She was shy about it but she didn’t dare to disobey his words. He would sometimes look at her way if she finished her food or not. She was uncomfortable, but I didn’t feel bad about it. She was kind of feeling a bit glad at his concern. Finally, the six people arrived at the academy. Just as the headmaster ordered, both of them approached them. Sally is walking behind the crown prince when someone called her name. “Ms. Esther!” It was Felix. Beside him were Athena and Ethan who was staring at her as well. She ignores the two and smiled at Felix. Athena frowned at her but she didn’t say anything. “Hello, Mr. Robia. It is nice to see you again.” She said. “Yes, I am glad to see you as well.” He smiled at her. He saw the crown prince and greeted him as well. “It is nice to see you back, Felix,” Helios muttered. “It sad that I cannot participate in the upcoming event but I’ll make sure that I’ll be there to see everyone.” “I was quite surprised too, your highness. To think that you are not included in such a wonderful event.” He felt disappointed in the crown prince. It’s the first time that Helios won’t participate in a magic competition. Helios patted his back. “Don’t feel bad about it. I decide to not participate.” “Pardon!?” Felix exclaimed in surprise. “It’s a long story, however, let’s proceed to the headmaster’s office. He’s expecting our presence.” The crown prince ordered. All of them followed the crown prince. Sally was quiet all the time. Felix noticed it and decided to reach out to her. “Congratulations, I heard you’re the seventh.” He uttered. She looked at him and smiled shyly. “I never thought I’ll be included. I was surprised too.” “You should expect those things from now on. You did great in the past examinations, remember.” “Oh, I don’t know. I only did that because I need to.” “Hey.” Felix and Sally stopped talking to each other when they heard someone called them from behind. It was a woman with beautiful honey-colored hair and a pair of green eyes. She was pretty and strong as well. “Hi,” Sally said. “Hello,” Felix uttered. “I was talking to you though.” The woman said pointing at Sally. “Yes? What is it?” She asked. “I never heard of you before. You’re not popular in here right?” “That is,” “Lady, that is quite rude,” Felix said to her. She only smiled at him. “Oh my, I didn’t mean to hurt her, however, the truth always hurts.” She sighed and shook her head. “So, what are your skills? Are you the type of person who had a hidden power? There’s no mana in you.” The crown prince heard her words, he stopped and glared at her. She flinched and turned pale at the sight of the fearsome crown prince. Sally noticed him and decided to speak. “I apologize but I am not that kind of person, lady. Rest assured, I am not a burden in this group.” She said staring through her eyes. The crown prince heard her, smiled, and continued walking. ***
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