Chapter Twenty-One: The End Might Be the Beginning

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SALLY LOOKED through his eyes. His hand felt like burning on her skin which makes her feel odd through her stomach. ‘Is this what they call, butterflies in the stomach?’ She thought. She snapped and smiled awkwardly in front of the prince. “Well, that is, of course, a fact! Thank you for your advice, your highness.” She said anxiously as she pulled herself away from him. The crown prince frowned at her reaction as he sits back in his chair. Silence ruled between them and no one dared to speak up since both were awkward. Sally glanced at him then sips her tea. The mood became awkward for them to speak up. One thing that she noticed is the crown prince’s furrowed eyebrows. ‘Did something unpleasant happen?’ She thought. “Hello, your highness.” Both of them raised their heads and saw Ethan smiling at them though Sally knew there’s something behind those charming smiles. She greeted him. “Good day, Mr. Lionel.” “Hello, Ms. Esther.” “Mr. Lionel, what business do you have with us?” The crown prince asked glaring at him. Ethan, with his usually smiling face, turned to face the crown prince. “I heard his highness is personally handling the case about the incident in the glass greenhouse. I would like to participate in the investigation as well.” He said. “And your reason?” Helios inquired further. He doesn’t trust a single fiber of his existence, in addition, he doesn’t like him at all however he needs to endure his face for a little bit for the improvement of the investigation. “Because our rare ability can help solve this investigation.” He answered. Helios’ expression didn’t change. He remained staring at him in silence. “I’m sure your highness is aware of Lionel’s rare ability that only appeared once every hundred years. One person from the Lionel clan will possess an ability called, God’s Eyes of Truth” God’s Eyes of Truth is an ability that can see the truth. No secrets will remain secrets under the eyes of the Lionels. Helios’ lips lift into a smile full of amusement. He laid his chin on his palm as he looked at Ethan’s smug face. “I’m shocked that you want to help me solve this case. To think that someone from the Lionels would use his ability just to close the investigation immediately. Why are you helping me?” “I’m afraid I can’t discuss the reason to you with another person’s presence.” He replied and glanced at Sally who’s looking at him. “Then, please excuse me. Thank you for the tea, your highness.” She excused while smiling. “… Alright. Meet me here before six in the evening.” The crown prince instructed. “… Yes, your highness.” She replied and bowed down before leaving the table. Ethan stared at her coldly before facing the crown prince whose eyes were much colder than his. ‘I guess my timing is bad…’ He thought but he played no heed for that. “Take a seat,” Helios ordered. Ethan took a sit to the chair where Sally sat before. He faced the crown prince, this time, in a serious manner. --- Sally returned to her room with a slight headache. Their presence made her nauseous and weak. She went to her bed and lay covering her eyes with her arm. She felt really tired and a little scared. Thinking about what happened earlier makes her body shiver. “Hah. What should I do…? I’m really, an unfortunate person…” She stared at the brown ceiling and sighed again. She has the urge to do something to avoid worsening of events plus, she felt nervous about the prince handling the investigation of what happened earlier. “Why’s the crown prince so worked up in that incident? And Mr. Lionel is interested in helping the crown prince when they’re not that close with each other… Was it related to Ms. Robia? Well, who knows…?” She shrugged and rolled on the bed. ‘I feel so stuffy in here but I don’t want to go outside. I might meet those people…’ She sits on the bed still staring at the closed window covered by the maroon blinds. She stood up and open the curtains a little to see the view outside. “Right… I need to do something.” She went out of her room in a hurry. She needs to go to the registrar to change something in her schedule. She walks into the hallway when someone promptly called her name. She stopped and turn around. It’s Ethan. “Ms. Esther, where are you going?” He asked. Sally blinked and smiled at him. “To the registrar.” She replied. “To the registrar? Why?” “… Did your talk with his highness went well?” She asked trying to evade the topic. “It went well.” He answered still looking at her with cold eyes. “I see. That’s good to hear.” “Why are you not telling the crown prince?” He asked directly.  This time, his eyes turned as sharp as a sword. “You had the chance, to tell the truth to him. How Athena abandoned you.” His hands clenched tasting the bitterness of guilt meant for her. Her smile turned bitter and her eyes apathetic. “What can I get from exposing Lady Robia? With or without her, my life’s already a mess.” She turned her back from him. “Rest assured I won’t harm anyone, however, in return, please leave me alone.” She added before walking away from him. Ethan watched her cold back. For the first time, he felt like he wronged someone. ‘Whatever.’ He thought and started to walk away as well. --- Helios is staring blankly at the view outside the window. His classes ended early and he returned to his room without delay. He keeps on recalling what Ethan told her after Sally left the table. “I want his highness’ Cerberus to investigate the Wisteria Clan.” “The Wisteria Clan you say?” “Yes. In return, I will help his highness clear the investigation regarding the glass greenhouse incident.” “… Alright. However, why investigate the Wisteria Clan?” He asked in curiosity. Ethan stared at the crown prince, hesitating if he’ll tell him however, in his situation, he can’t evade the question due to a lack of choices. “I heard that the Wisteria Clan has something to do about the Great Dusk Tragedy ten years ago.” His eyes widen in surprise. The Great Dusk Tragedy where the Sunset Family died a very gruesome death just before the night falls on earth. It’s infamous that the king personally investigated it, however, failed due to lack of evidence pointing to the culprit. Helios didn’t ask further and agreed to his request. He knew why Ethan was desperate to know who’s behind that tragedy up until now. It is because Ethan’s fiancée and first love also died at that time. ‘I heard he almost lost his mind due to what happened. Also, God’s Eyes of Truth didn’t work on finding what and who’s really behind it.’ “The Great Dusk Tragedy, if I remember correctly, after that, she also left me…” He mumbled. ‘This doesn’t make sense but… I felt that something’s wrong…’ He muttered inwardly. He snapped his fingers and a man with silver armor and a red cape appeared before him. He bends his knee and bowed his head then put his fist on his heart. “You called me, your highness?” The man asked. “Stop finding the poet for now. Investigate the Wisteria Clan and their possible participation in the Great Dusk Tragedy.” “Yes, your highness.” Then the man disappeared. He stood up and went to the window. It will be sunset soon. “I have to know, what happened to you at that time…” He whispered while gazing at the sky absent-mindedly. --- The bell rang and the final classes for the day ended. Felix stood up and put his things inside his bag. Just as he was preparing to leave, someone approached him. It’s a lady holding a present. He raised his head and smiled fiddly at her. “T-Thank you, but I can’t accept this.” He said as he looked at the present wrapped in a blue wrapper. He can guess what’s inside the box. ‘It’s surely chocolates.’ Contrary to what others know, he doesn’t like sweet things. He ate them for curtsy and the only people who knew about this is the royal queen, Helios, Athena, and his family. “But!” “I’m sorry but I have to leave.” He went out of the room and headed straight to his dorm. He’s worn out today and he’ll join the prince and Athena later by dinner. While walking, he saw Sally walking to the school ground. The skirt of her chocolate-colored dress is swaying gracefully as she walks further away. He followed her silently but Sally sensed his presence behind. “Mr. Robia, good afternoon.” She greeted and smiled. “Good afternoon. You seemed alright now. I’m glad.” He said while examining her face. Her face was a little brighter than before. “Yes. I had a good rest.” “I see. Are you taking a stroll?” “Yes.” “Can I tag along?” “Of course.” She replied. Both of them started walking. They arrived at the garden. The roses are starting to whither since winter is coming. “Winter vacation is fast approaching.” “Yes. What do you plan on your vacation, Mr. Robia?” “Hm, I’m planning to spend it with my family and visit the crown prince sometimes. Maybe I’ll go skate on ice too.” “That’s nice.” “How about you?” He asked. His face is gentle and his eyes are warm. Sally’s smile widens and she glanced at the plants. “Read books, stay near the fireplace wrapped by a cozy blanket, and drink hot cocoa.” As she narrated her plans, her eyes sparkled and her cheeks stained light pink which Felix find adorable. “That’s awesome. How about you visit us when you have time? We will be glad to see you.” “I love to, but my home is far from yours.” “I see, then I’ll come and visit you. Where’s your house?” He inquired. “Oh. That’s… It’s very far.” “Very far?” “Yeah. It’s alright. We’ll meet after winter anyway.” Felix’s a little downhearted after hearing her words. He wanted to visit her. Sally can heed his sad face so she said; “Don’t be sad, you won’t be lonely because you have your family and the crown prince too.” She chuckled. “Yeah.” He smiled. She smiled at him then gazed at the sunset. Her silver eyes are quivering but it’s still pretty alluring.  “I guess we should head back now.” She muttered. “Alright. Let’s eat dinner together.” “Ah, about that, I promised his highness that I’ll eat dinner with him.” “Oh, then that’s good. We’re always together during supper.” “Really? That’s good then. See you at dinner.” She chirped. “Yes. Be sure to rest well before dinner comes.” “Of course.” They head back to the building. While walking, Felix promptly recalled something which made him felt melancholy. Sally notices it and called him. “Mr. Robia, what’s wrong?” She asked. “You’re not calling me by my name now. It makes me sad.” Sally stared at him in silence. “But don’t worry, I understand why you’re not calling me by my first name anymore.” “I’m sorry.” “No, it’s alright.” They separated without talking too much. Sally returned to her room feeling even more exhausted than before, however, she didn’t hate Felix’s presence with her. She throws herself on the bed and stared at the ceiling. ‘This is the last.’ She thought and closed her eyes. --- She woke up and looked at the wall clock hanged on her wall. It’s near six in the evening. Her eyes expanded as she hopped from the bed and change her clothes into decent ones. She chose a modest navy blue skirt and a pair of loafers. She let her hair down and took the brown coat she hanged near the door then she went out. She went downstairs and saw Felix, Athena, and Ethan. Good thing the crown prince is not there yet. ‘That’s too many people, but it’s okay. That'll be the last one.’ She thought. “Good evening, everyone.” She greeted. “Ah, Ms. Esther. I’m glad you’re here.” “So as I, Mr. Robia.” She answered. Her eyes met Athena’s blue orbs however, she ignored her. Sally can still feel the cold air between them however, she’s not the only one who can sense it. Ethan and Felix as well can feel their feud. Athena, as always, looks gorgeous in her white long sleeve dress. She had a red scarf wrapped around her neck and her blonde hair was braided. Finally, the crown prince arrived. As always, he looked handsome in whatever clothes he wore. He’s wearing a maroon waistcoat and underneath is a white long sleeve polo. A striped scarf wrapped around his neck. Everyone greeted him however his eyes immediately fixed to Sally. She felt a sudden goosebump all over her body. ‘I hope this dinner will be fine.’ She prayed and forced herself to smile. --- The table has been set when they arrived. They took a seat around the table. Sally never had the most uncomfortable dinner before until now. She’s worried if she can eat with ease later. “Ms. Esther, are you not feeling well? You’re surprisingly paler than before.” Ethan asked. Sally looked at him. The table is circular which means, everyone can saw everyone’s expression. She smiled at his insincere concern. “Yes, I am fine. Thank you for your concern, Mr. Lionel.” She replied. “I’m glad. Anyway, if you aren’t you can excuse yourself, since the crown prince has a kind heart to those who are fragile.” He mocked. He’s pleased insulting the woman in front of him, however, that smile vanished when she smiled warmly at him, her cheeks with the color of cherry blossoms and her silver eyes sparkling like diamonds. ‘What?’ He asked in disbelief. “I’m surprised by Mr. Lionel’s compliment. I can say that the young sir had such perfect eyes for things.” The crowned prince muttered however a hidden mockery is behind it. “I’m speechless.” He added. The ambiance between them became intense. Fortunately, the food arrived. They had steaks and soups, glasses of juice, and desserts. This became a decent supper for Sally in such a long time. It’s because she rarely eats meals. Because of that, she suffers a lot of stomachaches and dizziness. “Anyway, I have something to give you,” Helios mentioned and four invitations appeared in front of everyone. “It’s an invitation for the Winter Ball in the palace. Invitations will be sent to the other nobles later.” He added. “Oh, it’s always every year. I’m looking forward to it, your highness.” Ethan said. “Everyone should come,” Helios muttered and stared at Sally. Sally swallowed a lump of saliva due to nervousness. She’s planning on not attending the ball. She drank her juice to calm her heart. Gladly, the dinner ended and Sally returned exhausted as always. She lay on her bed staring at the ceiling. “It’s alright. That’ll be the last I’ll see them anyway.” She mumbled under the darkness. ***
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