Chapter Twenty: Ill at Ease

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THE CLOCK is ticking and they can’t waste too much time. The crown prince Helios’ temperament is getting nastier than before. “Felix, evacuate everyone. Make sure no one’s going to enter the greenhouse.” Helios ordered. Felix gnashed his teeth since he doesn’t want to follow the ordered, however, he can’t ignore everyone’s safety. “Yes, your highness.” He replied and run away to evacuate everyone. He glanced at Sally who’s looking at him. He caught her nodding saying that she understood his action. He felt relieved as he run away from the scene. The crown prince and Mr. Bolton remained. Despite his power, can’t pulverize the barrier due to safety issues and in addition, it’s the headmaster’s magic barrier. ‘No matter what I do, the barrier won’t break and its level would keep on increasing…’ His eyes widen slightly noticing Sally covering her mouth to hold her breath. “Your highness, this may sound absurd but I permit you to ruin this greenhouse. In that way, we can save Ms. Esther.” Mr. Bolton muttered. He glanced at him and noticed his sad eyes, however, he doesn’t have time to be compassionate since someone’s life is on the line. “Sir, have you forgotten?” Helios asked. Lighting surrounded him and his eyes glowing. Mr. Bolton looked at him. “Nothing’s impossible for me, even restoring this place.” He said. Mr. Bolton’s eyes widen and light encircled him. It’s a protective magic circle. With godly speed and strength, Helios smashed the barrier, breaking it to pieces, not just the barrier but the whole greenhouse. It’s due to the crown prince’s mana that shattered everything around him. He immediately grabs Sally before the barrier was restored but not the whole greenhouse. This is just to prevent the poison to contaminate the air and spread around the campus. The students who were already outside were astonished when the glasses of greenhouse break into pieces. Even the plants burned to ashes. Felix who saw it was certain that it’s the crown prince’s power. ‘… How frightening… He’s called a genius demon for nothing.’ He thought. “Brother…” His eyes shifted to Athena who arrived beside him. “Athena, are you al-” His eyes widen even more seeing Athena’s distorted expression. “D-Did she, die?” She asked him. “What? What are you?” His face turns pale and his body became stiff. “You, what did you do?” He asked anxiously. “I, I…” “Are you involve in this incident?” He asked directly. “It’s not!” “Then?” He muttered icily. Unlike her summer-like appearance, right now, he resembles the coldest winter. Someone abruptly arrived in front of Athena. “I apologize, Mr. Robia but Athena seemed to be in shock right now. Please let her be at ease.” Ethan said while looking at Felix’s eyes. He glared at him then at her. “We’re not done yet, Athena.” He coldly uttered which made her shiver. Felix turned his back from them and walked away. Athena was anxious due to the incident today. Ethan faced her and held her shoulders. “What happened, Athena? Don’t worry, I will not judge you.” He reassured. She weakly look at him. Her lips trembling. From her reaction, Ethan knew that she did something disappointing. She was about to express her worries when they felt an unbearable presence nearby. They glanced to their side and saw the crown prince holding Sally. Behind them is the glass greenhouse burning brightly in the broad daylight. Sally looked behind them and saw the now ruined greenhouse. Her body is still trembling but she can manage. Helios stared at her and in anger, he tossed her to the ground. Sally landed harshly and gained wounds on her knees. “Your highness…!” Felix called to stop him but Helios ignored his call. He bends his knee and gripped her face harshly. His golden eyes were radiating viciously. “You’re so weak. Why don’t you just quit?” He said. Sally’s eyes were dilated and shook as she stared at his golden irises. She can’t breathe because of fear. “Your highness, please release Ms. Esther.” Mr. Bolton muttered calmly. The prince glared at him before he released her. He stood up and faced the burning greenhouse. The fire slowly subsided and red light engulfed the area. Everyone’s staring at him with an astonished face. The crown prince in front of them had an image of both terror and majesty. His red hair dancing with the wind and his eyes glowing like gold. His reddish mana surrounding him made him look more dazzling. He snapped his fingers and the red light started to flow in a circular motion then the greenhouse which was turned to ashes is slowly restoring. After a couple of minutes, the greenhouse was perfectly restored. Sally, despite her trembling body, managed to admire the crown prince’s power. ‘That’s pretty…’ She thought. “Ms. Esther, are you alright?” Mr. Bolton asked her. She looked at him and smiled awkwardly. “Yes, Sir. I’m alright.” She answered. “I suggest you go to the infirmary right now,” Felix suggested beside her. “That's not necessary.” She replied and slowly got up. She removes the specks of dust on her uniform and faced them. “Thank you so much for saving me.” She said to them and bowed down. “Really, how did you end up there? It’s impossible to break the barrier unless someone as strong as the crown prince managed to smash it.” Mr. Bolton muttered. Sally’s body flinched a little. Even she can’t explain how she enters the restriction area. She forced a laugh and scratched the back of her head. “I’m sorry, I slipped and fell towards the barrier, though I’m not sure how I managed to get inside.” She explained. “Go see the school physician,” Helios ordered behind her. She jumped in shock and looked behind. “I, I’m alright, your highness. Thank you for your concern.” She said as she bowed. ‘I just want to go to my room and buried myself in bed…’ She muttered to herself. ‘I’m sure I’ll be fine after that…’ “Your highness…” Sally’s eyes widen and her body hardened. It’s Athena calling Helios. “O-On the other hand, I guess I need to go to the clinic. Excuse me.” She said smiling forcefully in front of everyone. She can feel her gaze but she tried her best to ignore her presence. “Then let me escort you…” Felix offered however, Sally declined him. “It’s alright, Mr. Robia. I can go there myself.” “I insist,” Felix argued. “Felix will go with you.” Helios butted in their argument. Sally sighed. ‘Can’t they just leave me alone?’ She asked herself with a mixture of irritation. “Yes, your highness.” She answered in defeat. The two left the group to go to the infirmary. They walked side-by-side silently. She doesn’t want to talk due to exhaustion of almost dying. That moment is so frustrating and scary. ‘I don’t want to experience that again.’ She thought. “Ms. Esther?” Felix called her. She snapped and looked in his direction. “Yes?” “It must be hard for you. If I’m a little bit faster, you wouldn’t have to experience such traumatizing event like that.” He felt bad as he said those words that he can’t help but clench his fists. Sally stared at him for a while before answering. “Don’t feel bad about it. It’s because I’m weak that it happened. It’s not something you should feel burdened about, Mr. Robia.” “Still,” “Thanks to you, I’m still alive. You, the crown prince, and Mr. Bolton helped me escaped from that horrible situation.” Felix gazed at her smiling face. His eyes quivering a little and he felt something pricked in his heart. “Can I not go to the infirmary? I just want to go straight to my dorm.” She uttered. “I refuse. You need to see a doctor since you’re exposed to poisonous plants.” Felix explained. ‘Hah. I felt more tired arguing with him…’ --- Sally decided to skip half of her classes. Finally, she can have the peace she wanted but that didn’t last long when her stomach growled. She can’t study with an empty stomach. She sighed and grabbed her coat before leaving her room. It’s raining hard and the air is cold. She arrived at the cafeteria, a good thing there are fewer students in here since the break time is over. She took her student identification card in her pocket and grab the bread on the counter. She was about to pay when someone talked beside her. “I’ll pay.” It’s a familiar gentle voice that soothes someone’s ears. Sally raised her head and saw Felix with his usual charming smile. “It’s alright, I can pay this.” She firmly refused however, Felix is stubborn and immediately paid the bread. “I told you I’ll pay.” He said. ‘And I told you to don’t.’ Her mind automatically responded. “Thank you, Mr. Robia.” She uttered. “Don’t mention it. Is that all you have to eat? Don’t hesitate to tell me if you want some more. I’ll pay it.” “This is enough.” She refused. “Excuse me, I’m going now.” She added and took the bread. She started walking away from him when he called her again. ‘What does he want now?’ “Yes?” She’s annoyed but she tried her best not to show it in her face since she’s afraid she might offend him. “Would you like to eat with me?” He asked. Sally stared at him for a while. ‘Is he always this kind, even to a stranger like me? Come to think of it, he’s like this before when we first met.’ She thought. She smiled at him and answered, this time firmer than before. “I’m sorry, Mr. Robia. I have plans today.” “I see. Goodbye then.” After hearing his words she turned her back from him and left the cafeteria. She didn’t notice his hands clenched so much that the veins were visible in his white skin. “Hah, yeah. Next time, again…” He mumbled. --- The crown prince Helios was taking his last subject for the day however he lacks the focus for the first time. He’s not usually like that. He stares at the professors a lot making them anxious and nauseous, but now, he’s looking at the greenhouse outside the window. ‘How did that happen? I doubt she can break a high-class barrier… I should look it myself.’ He mumbled inwardly. The class ended peacefully. As he walks to the hallway he saw a familiar back walking upstairs. He stared at her back. Sally can feel that someone’s watching her back. She turned around and saw the crown prince staring at her. ‘Why’s he staring at me?’ She muttered in confusion. She greeted him. “Good afternoon, your highness.” “How are you feeling?” He asked. She was surprised at his inquiry but she managed to answer. “Thank you for your highness’ concern, I am fine now.” He noticed the bread she’s holding then looked at her again. “I see. Follow me.” He ordered. ‘What? Why would I follow him?’ “Ah, yes, your highness.” She said obediently following him from behind. ‘Wait, I shouldn’t be with him, right?’ The crown prince spoke before she can even say a word. “Did you eat?” “Yes, I did.” She lied. “Your highness, may I ask where are we going?” She asked. “To the cafeteria. We’re going to eat.” He replied. “I already ate lunch, your highness.” The crown prince stopped and looked directly at her face. “I dare you to say that lie in my face. Do you hate your tongue so much as to spout lies in front of me?” He muttered dreadfully. ‘This man! I just want to return to my room!’ “Eating together with his highness sounds good.” She said with the brightest smile on her lips. Those words satisfied him. He continued walking. Sally sighed and followed him. They arrived at the cafeteria and after having their food, they went to the vacant table on the back near the window. Sally took a seat facing the crown prince. On her plate is a slice of apple pie and she had chamomile tea as well. There are still desserts that will be delivered soon. She feels uncomfortable due to the crown prince’s presence in front of her. “T-Thank you for the treat, your highness.” She said. She took a bite from the apple pie. “Tell me what happened in the glass greenhouse.” He ordered. Sally froze in her seat and slowly raised her head to meet the crown prince’s eyes. “Well, I was just searching the ingredients for the potion. I didn’t notice that I was near the restricted area. I slipped and accidentally went inside the barrier, though I’m not sure how I ended up being inside.” She explained. Helios continues staring at her. He knew she’s hiding something from him. He can just smell it right in front of his nose yet he can’t grasp what it is. “You’re quite stupid and clumsy, in addition, you’re weak. It surprised me that you managed to be in here for a long time.” “Err, I’m not that clumsy and stupid, your highness. I may not be on someone else’s level like the honor students but I’m not weak.” She argued. The corners of his mouth lifted which made Sally nervous. “Oh, so you’re arguing with me? Hm?” “N-No. How dare I do that, your highness? There’s, there’s, Uhm, you know, the truth has a lot of forms.” “I see. I’m surprised you have the guts to argue with me.” “It’s not like that, your highness.” “Let’s eat dinner together later.” “Huh?” “Are you deaf?” “No. I have plans this evening, your highness. I’m afraid I can’t join you.” “Plans? Like what?” He asked. Sally is hesitant in answering the question. The crown prince's mood turned bad due to her hesitation. “Is there someone you’re going to meet later?” He asked in a dangerous tone. “Huh? I beg your pardon?” “Who is he?” He asked. ‘What is he talking about?’ She asked in incredulity. “No one, your highness. I’m planning to rest early since I got class tomorrow.” She answered truthfully. “Then let’s have an early dinner.” ‘What!? No!’ She yelled in her mind. “I’ll handle the investigation regarding the glass greenhouse incident.” “What?” “It’s rare for someone to make a high-class barrier vanished without everyone’s knowledge. Even I didn’t notice it. I say you are lucky at that time. If we didn’t pass to the restricted section, you’ll be dead by now.” He muttered gravely. “That person, he’s quite interesting, don’t you think so?” His lips formed into a creepy smile while his hands intertwined with each other. “… I don’t know, your highness… I can’t find danger interesting like what you described just now. It must be fun for strong people.” She mumbled while staring at her reflection on the tea water. A warm hand held her cheek. She elevates her head and met the crown prince’s eyes. It’s unexpectedly warm and beautiful. He gently brushed her cheek with his thumb. “Are you stupid? It’s not fun at all. It’s not even interesting so, be careful.” ***
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