Chapter Twenty-Two: Keep Away From Vexation

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ATHENA WOKE up and went straight to the bathroom to take a quick bath. She wore her uniform and brushed her hair. She took her things and went out of her dorm. Every student she walked through always greeted her. She greeted them back as curtsy however she didn’t like to talk to them at all. “Athena,” Ethan called her. She stopped and turned around to face him. He greeted him with a smile. “Did you eat already?” He asked. “No. I’m planning on skipping it.” “Why? It’s not good for your health.” “I think I gain weight.” She replied. “You were?” He asked in disbelief. He examined her before speaking again, “You did not.” “I know you just said that to keep me from skipping meals.” She frowned. “Of course not. I don’t lie especially to you.” Her eyebrow raised. She doubts his words. “You should eat. You’re pretty thin.” He said. “I don’t want to.” “It saddens me to hear that, you know?” She stared at him. “Can you just eat for my sake? I think it’ll make me feel better.” He pleaded. His hazel eyes were begging for her approval. She never saw such pitiable expression, it’s as if a dog’s face wants its master to take him for a walk. Athena chuckled and sigh. “Alright. Let’s go eat together.” She muttered smiling at him. “I’m glad.” Then the two of them went to the cafeteria. After getting their food, they sat at an empty table near the glass window. Athena’s eyes showed a crestfallen look and blinked to hide it again, however, Ethan was fast enough and saw it. “What’s wrong?” He asked. “Ah, I just remembered something. We used to eat together, brother, I, and the crown prince. However, it seems very distant now.” She expressed with such a melancholic tone. Ethan felt sad and tried to ease the sadness lingering in the air. “I see, then if they’re not around, and you feel lonely, I’ll be there to be with you.” He said smiling at her. Athena stared at his face, it is surprisingly charming and glowing like he’s in complete bliss. Her heart softened and warmed a little. “Thank you, Ethan. You’re a good friend.” She muttered with quivering eyes while smiling gently at her. The two continued their breakfast peacefully before going to their classes. --- Ethan is in a daze thinking of Athena’s feelings. He had the urge to not let her feel gloomy due to the changes in her surroundings. As he walks into the hallway, he met Sally walking upstairs. He stopped, felt confused, and talked with her. “Are you not Athena’s classmate?” He asked. Sally halted and looked at him. “Yes? Ah, that was before.” “Before?” He asked further. “I change classes yesterday.” She answered smiling at him. Ethan stared at her for a moment. “I’ll be leaving now, I’m afraid I might be late for my class. Goodbye, Mr. Lionel.” She bid goodbye before turning her back but Ethan speaks again. “Why did you change classes?” “Why’re you asking?” She asked in return and glanced at him again. Her eyes were oddly cold towards him. “You already know the answer to that question.” “You did it for Athena?” He said. She smiled at him and her eyebrows furrowed as if she heard something absurd. “You’re wrong. Contrary to everyone’s belief, I am not that kind. I’m doing this for myself.” “For yourself? Ah, I see now, you’re really like this, cold and selfish especially when you don’t like the person in front of you.” “And how about you? Are we not the same? You’re undeniably cold and selfish too. Don’t speak as if you’re someone just. In addition, didn’t I ask you to leave me alone?” “Hah, right. Of course, I didn’t forget that. It’s nice that you chose the right decision in avoiding them, since that’s the only thing you’re good at, running away.” He turned his back and started walking when he heard her mumble; “You’re wrong, I can’t even escape from this hell…” Ethan stopped and looked at Sally again but she’s already gone. ‘What does she mean about that?’ He thought before walking again. --- It’s lunchtime, Felix and Helios were heading to Athena. They’re planning to eat together since it’s been a while that they eat together. They arrived and saw Athena near the door. “Athena!” Felix called. Athena glanced at them and smiled brightly. “Brother, your highness, I’m glad you’re here.” She said. Helios looked inside the room, searching for Sally but she’s nowhere to found. Felix and Athena noticed him. “Ah, it seems like Ms. Esther left already. I’ll search for her.” Felix said but Athena stopped him. “Sally changed classes.” She uttered. “What?” Helios asked in disbelief. “The professor said it earlier. It’s already permanent.” She answered. She heard the crown prince kicked his tongue. “Go on without me. I’ll go look for her.” Helios ordered but Athena stopped him. “Your highness, wait.” He halted and looked at her with a puzzled look. “I think, she’s avoiding us.” She added. “Avoiding us, you say? Why?” Helios asked in a frigid tone but Athena didn’t answer. Felix remained silent and glanced at Athena. He had an idea why this happened but he can’t find himself talking about this in front of his highness. ‘I hope that Ms. Esther understands me in staying silent.’ He hoped mentally. --- In the end, the four of them ate lunch; the crown prince, Athena, Felix, and Ethan. The atmosphere is heavy due to the crown prince’s dark ambiance around him. He doesn’t like the fact that his favorite subject isn’t around and had Ethan around. The Robia siblings are aware of it and remained quiet but Ethan ignored that fact by smiling all the time and speaking random things in front of them. “My, it’s a good day today. Thank you for inviting me, your highness and Athena.” He said with a beaming face. “It’s nice to hear that from you when in fact it isn’t a good day, to begin with.” Helios refuted. “It isn’t? I can’t quite follow, your highness. They say that there’s always good in simple things like eating a meal together.” Ethan replied. “Oh? That is surprising. I never thought you’re this simple-minded, Mr. Lionel.” Helios grinned grimly. If anyone would translate his words, they’ll conclude that it’s an insult. Ethan paused and smiled brightly. “That’s too much compliment, your highness. Oh, I heard that you’re having a foul mood due to someone’s absence and almost cancel your lunch with Mr. and Ms. Robia. My, that person, how dare he insult the crown prince by not attending lunch with him?” He said. Athena and Felix looked at him with wide eyes. He’s insulting the crown prince indirectly! Helios’s grin widens and became even darker than before. “Of course, who wouldn’t be mad about it when I already have an idea of those people who tried to kill her?” Ethan halted from eating and glanced at him with wide eyes. “Your highness, already know? How?” He asked in shock. “Oh, I just do this and that. What? Do you think I’m incompetent enough to not solve this trifle mystery?” He laughed and leaned on the chair. He looked at everyone while tapping his index finger on the table, showing his impatience. His eyes stopped at Athena’s which made her flinched. “I’m just waiting for the right moment and if Ms. Esther would be here, by her permission, I would gladly bring light to this incident. I won’t tolerate those worms, especially those idiots who saw that as an opportunity.” The atmosphere became heavier. All of them held their breaths. Helios clapped his hand once and they all flinched. He smiled brightly. “But of course, I take Mr. Lionel’s words. This is true, a good day. Let’s continue eating.” He said and sliced the meat with his knife and brought it to his mouth. --- ‘That is a threat.’ Athena thought nervously as she walks into the hallway. She can’t stop shaking until now. She’s scared of what might happen from now. ‘I need to talk to Sally about this.’ She pondered. Fortunately, she saw Sally’s back behind the tree at the back of the school. With all her strength, she walks near her. “Sally.” She called. Sally glanced at her with a calm expression. “Ms. Robia, good afternoon. What do you want from me?” She asked. “You, about the crown prince, did you tell him?” “Tell his highness what, Ms. Robia?” She asked again knowing nothing of what she’s talking about. “Don’t act like you don’t know anything!” She roared. Sally stared at her then she stood up. “You know that the crown prince is smart enough to solve something as trifle as that. He has connections and he doesn’t need me for this matter to be solved. It has nothing to do with me.” “Liar.” “I am not lying and you know it. Am I not someone of low status and that no one will believe me if I open my mouth? Because they knew you’re a kind and sweet person, I am sure people will take your side than to me.” She said smiling bitterly. Athena is speechless. “Don’t you think I deserve justice too?” She added. The cold wind blew at them. Athena’s eyes are quivering. Sally sighed and walked past through her but she stopped to add a few words. “I’ll keep my mouth shut, in return please leave me alone.” Then she left Athena completely. She looked behind but she’s already gone. She abruptly sits on the ground as if all her strength left her body. Then she remembered something, a few words that that girl mentioned before; ‘Don’t let your emotions overruled you.’ --- She felt like all the noises kept on piercing her ears. She felt annoyed and her head is aching a bit. Her face is paler than before. The events from before keep on playing inside her head making her barely breathing. “…ther…Ms. Esther.” She snapped and stared at the man who was already in front of her. His golden eyes were sparkling beautifully while holding her gaze. “Greetings to the crown prince.” She greeted in return. “Are you alright? You’re pale.” He muttered as he tried to brush his hand on her cheek but she steps back avoiding it. “Thank you for your highness’ concern, I’m fine.” She answered. “You’ve become more boring. Stop being so polite in front of me.” He said. “How dare I do that to the crown prince of this kingdom?” She forced a smile however the crown prince pinched her cheek. “Stop smiling, I know it's fake.” He growled while glaring at her. “Awright, I’m shorry (Alright, I’m sorry.)” She apologized. The crown prince removed his hand and held her wrist dragging her somewhere. “Your highness? Where are we going?” “Every time we see each other, you always had that sickly expression. We’re going to the palace and let the royal physician check you up.” He answered. “What? Your highness, I’m alright. I don’t need to see the royal physician!” She refused as she pulls herself but the crown prince’s grip is strong and with his strength, it’s useless to resist. “Don’t be stubborn. I’m just helping you.” He said trying to be patient. “Your highness, please!” She cried in desperation. The crown prince stopped and looked at her. “I just need to rest. That’s all.” She added and gently pulled her wrist from his grip. There’s a handprint around it due to the force applied which might be turned into a bruise later. The crown prince saw it and it made him feel sick and frustrated. “Why? It’s clear you’re sick.” “I told you, your highness, that I am not sick enough to see a doctor. Please believe me.” “You knew right?” “What?” She asked. Her forehead wrinkled and her eyebrows furrowed. “You knew who did that and you remained silent. Are you dumb?” She didn’t answer his question. It’s hard for her to explain but she knew it’s for her that’s why she kept quiet all this time. “Hah, Is Ms. Robia threatening you?” He asked directly. “Please don’t make Ms. Robia a villain, your highness. She’s, a good woman.” She said. “Then why?! Do you think of me as an incompetent bastard who knew nothing!? Why do you keep on protecting those who push you in danger!? The son-of-the-b***h who thinks that hurting you will make me divert my eyes off of you!” She pressed her lips and closed her eyes, removing the image of an angry prince whose eyes were glowing with wrath. She can feel that those dark emotions are burning the hell out of her. The crown prince reached her shoulders and pulls her closer. She opened her eyes wide and held her breath seeing the crown prince’s face near hers. “I am Nathaniel Helios Grandalia, I can destroy a country in a blink of an eye and bring kings on their knees, so tell me, am I not good enough to face your enemies and ruin them?!” He roared. Her eyes were shaking as she stared at the prince. Everything around them darkened and became eerie. Her lips are trembling and she’s about to cry. Gathering her courage, she held her breath and started speaking as calmly as possible. “Your highness, please calm down or you’ll ruin the whole school.” He didn’t utter a word however his mana subsided a little. That made her feel at ease so she continued speaking. “Please let me go.” The prince seemed reluctant at first but he noticed how her body trembles so he freed her from his hands. She sighed. “Your highness, have you forgotten what you told me before? I was just doing what his highness wants me to do.” “Hah, now you’re acting like a loyal subject.” “However, pardon my words but, I haven’t asked for any help to anyone, and as I said before, I can manage my business so please, your highness the crown prince of this kingdom, leave my problems alone.” The crown prince’s eyes dilated then calmed after a few seconds. His expression turned cold but his eyes remained ablaze. “I see, if that’s what you want, I’ll leave you alone, but those people need to be punished.” He muttered before leaving. A day passed and news spread throughout the whole campus. Five students were expelled from the academy due to the glass greenhouse incident. Sally doesn’t know what to react and remained quiet like a rat. She doesn’t want people to ask her about the incident nor hear criticism from others who think that she managed to hook the crown prince with her fingers. ‘Whatever happens, may happen.’ She thought. She spends her day without seeing the crown prince and the rest. Although she’s alone she’s at peace. ***
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