Chapter Forty: The Flowers Had Withered

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PRIDE can resemble a tall, sturdy wall blocking someone from anyone. It can give you the feeling of awe but it will also give you trouble. As the wall keeps on getting higher and higher, the day will come that it will be difficult for someone to see things impartially because he will think that he is someone who belongs to the highest, and not someone who came from below. Somehow, she felt that she ate her own words. How certain is she that she will not be of someone’s burden? ‘Pride. Just like my anger, is a poison that kills its possessor.’ She thought solemnly. They arrived in front of the door of the headmaster’s office. It was a familiar sight for Sally, unlike before, she didn’t feel nervous seeing it now. It is because she always accompanies the crown prince is going to the headmaster’s office. She stared at the wooden door for a while and opened it. “Welcome dearest students!” The headmaster said in bliss. He opened his arms as if he’s going to embrace everyone who entered. Everyone stayed still while looking at him in confusion. He cleared his throat and composed himself again. “Anyway, I hope you read the letters well. Everyone, sit down.” All of them sit down waiting for the headmaster’s further words about the upcoming event. “I know you are all aware of the upcoming event. The Magic Tournament will be held a month from now and I want everyone to undergo intense training not just about magic but also physically.” He explained. “Physical training? What do you mean by that, Sir?” The girl who questioned Sally before asked. Her face showing a vexed expression. The headmaster smiled at her and muttered, “My, Lady Clarence, is it not too early for you to give me that kind of expression? You know, you are free to leave my office you wish not to cooperate.” “No. It is not what I meant, Sir. I thought it will only be about magic stuff since it is a Magical Tournament.” She reasoned out. “Well, it is different now. The last day of the Magic Tournament is a battle royale.” The crown prince said. “A battle in which all participants will fight. The last person who will remain on the battlefield will be the winner.” He added. “That sounds interesting,” Ethan said while grinning. “Does it? It sounds dangerous though.” Athena uttered in worry. “You need not worry, Lady Robia. There will be no deaths in the game. Of course, I won’t allow it, which is why healers are on standby near the arena.” The headmaster reassured her. “How about the training?” Felix asked. “I already sent a letter to that person. He is a great trainer in terms of physical combat and survival.” He grinned wickedly. They felt goosebumps in their skins but they didn’t say anything. “And about magic, I and the crown prince will teach you everything you need to know.” He added. Everyone glanced at the crown prince except for Sally who was in deep thoughts. Their conversation together with the headmaster. After that, Sally remained silent all the time. She was bothered by the thought about the Magic Tournament and how she will prove everything she said back then. ‘It was because of this stupid pride… Even thinking about it makes me nervous.’ “Lady Esther?” She snapped and went back to reality when she heard Felix called her name. “Are you alright? You’re pale.” He asked. “Oh, I am alright, Mr. Robia.” Felix showed an inconvenient smile. She noticed it and asked him, “What’s wrong?” “Ah, well, you can call me by my name.” “How can I do that? It would be rude.” “No. Of course not. I’m saying this because you’re my friend.” He explained. Sally stared at him. She can tell that he is sincere. A memory recalled in her mind, that time when she and Ethan argued. She felt down because she realized that the pride she’s talking about is just a piece of crumbling rock. She stared at his blue eyes. Those orbs as blue as the sky in the summertime. ‘Is this friendship worthy enough…? I think so. Perhaps, I’ll give it a try, this thing called friendship.’ She thought it to herself but deep down she wasn’t sure about it. “… Felix.” His eyes grew as she heard her muttered his name. “You can call me by my name too. It wouldn’t be fair if I was the only one mentioning you by your first name.” She muttered. He was happy that he made her his friend, however, when he noticed how empty her eyes were when she said those lines, he became hesitant. She wasn’t sincere about her words. She didn’t accept fully the friendship he offered. “Are you still mad at me?” He asked again. “No.” She answered abruptly. “Please don’t misunderstand me. I am really glad to be your friend. I was thankful for that. Really.” She said. He didn’t utter a word to her. The worried and hurt expression are visible on his handsome face. She saw it yet she chose not to comfort him any further. “… Alright. Thank you, Sally.” Felix muttered. She smiled and nodded. “Thank you for understanding, Felix. Then, I’ll excuse myself now. I still have things to do.” “Would you!?” She halted and looked at him with a puzzled look on her face. He continued his unfinished words. “When you have the time, would you like to have tea with me?” He asked. “… Of course. Goodbye, Felix.” She turned her back and started to walk away from him. Just like before, Felix watched her back as she walks away further from him. --- She returned to her dorm and was exhausted. She will meet the crown prince later and tell him about his schedule tomorrow, not to mention their dinner. She sighed and sat on the bed. Her eyes fell to the flowers. She stood up and touch the petals. Just like before, they were still fresh. “It is not good, to hold something for so long…” She waved her hand and the flowers which were once fresh slowly withered. She watched it with apathetic eyes. Someone knocked on her door. “Who is it?” She asked. “Sally. It is I, Athena. Can we talk?” Her eyes widen slightly. She was confused about why she wanted to talk to her and how she knew about her dorm. Then she guessed something. She sighed and walked towards the door. She opened it and went out of the room. Her guess is right. Alongside Athena is Ethan. “What is it that you wanted to talk about, Lady Robia?” She asked ignoring Ethan behind her. “That, if it is alright, would you like to eat dinner with us? Brother and the crown prince including us.” She said. “There’s no need to invite her, Athena. That woman will not attend the dinner anyway.” Ethan scoffed and eyed her. Sally stared at him and sighed. ‘How childish…’ She muttered inwardly in disappointment. “There’s no need for an invitation, Lady Robia. I will be attending the dinner since I am the crown prince’s secretary.” “Ah, right,” Athena uttered in humiliation. She heard that Sally became the crown prince’s secretary however she thought it wasn’t true and was just a baseless rumor. Not to mention that they were always together in meals. “Are you, perhaps, adore the crown prince?” She covered her mouth in surprise. She never meant to ask that! “… Everyone adores the crown prince, Lady Robia. Please don’t misunderstand my relationship with the crown prince, as something intimate. Now, please excuse me. I want to rest for a while.” She went back to her room. Before closing the door, Athena saw the wilted flowers on her table. Sally laid on her bed, this time, more exhausted than before. “Those two, they are indeed self-centered.” She mumbled and closed her eyes. --- The crown prince wore a burgundy colored waistcoat and beneath it is a long-sleeved polo. He also wore a black cravat around his neck and his hair was side-parted on his head. He looked at his reflection in the mirror for a while before deciding to go out of his dorm. He wants to meet his secretary first, unfortunately, other people met him first. He hid his frown and walked towards them. “I greet the future sun of the kingdom.” Felix greeted with a smile on his face. Helios smiled at him and patted his back. “It is nice to see you again, Felix.” “As well as I, your highness,” Felix answered with bliss. “We greet the future sun of the kingdom.” Athena and Ethan greeted. Helios only nodded and roamed his eyes. He sighed. “Did she fall asleep again? Hah.” “Pardon, your highness?” Felix asked in confusion. He didn’t answer him and walked ahead of them. They looked at each other and followed the crown prince without second thoughts. The crown prince is frowning as he heads the stairs towards her dorm. Felix can feel his foul mood from behind. “Your highness, please stay calm,” Felix muttered anxiously. “What do you mean by that, Felix? I am calm.” He replied and stopped in front of a wooden door. Before he can knock on the door, it opened abruptly. Sally, wearing a purple dress stood in front of her with a perturbed expression. When she saw the crown prince in front of her, her eyes widen, and jumped in surprise. “Y-Your highness! I-It is not what you think it is!” She said in a panic. “Really?” His eyebrow raised. Sally’s eyes trembled then she sighed. “I, I apologize. I will accept any punishment, your highness.” She uttered lowering her head. “Hah. Let’s go, I’m starving.” Before he turns around, he took a glance at the wilted flowers placed on the table near the window. His mouth slightly opened and stared at Sally. She looked at him with a puzzled look, wondering why he’s staring at her. He stayed quiet and started to walk away. The rest followed him. --- She was slicing the steak on her plate silently. It’s been a while since she dines with other people other than the crown prince. It was uncomfortable. They were eating in a famous restaurant in the capital. It was hard for her to ask for a reservation since the crown prince told her late. Good thing the owner managed to reserve one table for all of them. “I’m glad you made a reservation immediately despite my late call,” Helios muttered. “Thank you for appreciating, your highness.” “Eat well.” “… Yes, your highness.” ‘Did he tell me that because of my weight?’ She wondered and resumed eating. Athena noticed them. Her grip on the knife tightened and without thinking, she opened her mouth. “A-Anyway, congratulations for being one of the seven chosen students, Sally,” Athena muttered. “Thank you, Lady Robia.” She answered. “It was quite surprising that you were included.” She added. “I was surprised as well.” “However, it was disappointing that the crown prince is not included in the event. Everyone wants to see his highness’s fight using magic.” She said and looked at Helios. “That is indeed true. I was disappointed as well.” Felix agreed. “It was one of the conditions of the Draria Kingdom. Ha, what a bunch of cowards.” Ethan mocked and shook his head. “There is no need to be disappointed or to show mockery. The decision was made by me alone.” A heinous grin formed his lips and his face darkened. “Are I not a compassionate person?” Silence falls upon them. The atmosphere was heavy and sinister due to the crown prince’s frightening expression. To remove the tension in the air, she cleared her throat. “Anyway, your highness, the guests will arrive three days from now. Is there anything you want me to do before meeting them?” She asked. “Now that you mention it, perhaps I should give a gift for them. Something which no one can forget.” He mumbled. “How about precious stones? The kingdom is rich in gems and I know a great craftsman to do the job.” Athena suggested confidently. “That is a brilliant idea, Athena. What do you think, your highness?” Ethan asked him. The crown prince thought for a moment. “The idea is indeed great but gemstones were also present in Draria Kingdom. Knowing their personalities, they would probably take it in the wrong way.” He sighed. Drarian nobles were known for their feelings of pride and conceitedness. Helios knew it because visited the kingdom once. They tried to show off in front of him, but he was never amazed by them. Sally listened to them quietly. She finished her meal and drank the wine served for her. “How about you?” To her surprise, the crown prince glanced at her. She almost spits out the wine from her mouth, thankfully, she swallowed it on time. “Y-Your highness?” She asked still in shock. “I’m asking if you have any idea in your mind.” He repeated. She blinked and placed the wineglass on the table. ‘Something that only the kingdom have… There is, but I am not confident…’ “… I have, however, this might disappoint you, your highness. As you know, I don’t know of any luxurious items here in the kingdom, unlike Lady Robia… It is a very humble idea and I will apologize for that in advance.” She muttered in hesitation. “Go on. I will hear it.” The crown prince said, still waiting. “It is, a flower.” “A flower?” Ethan asked in disbelief. “You want to give the guests flowers? Is it that, too simple?” “Mr. Lionel, it would be best to hear Sally first before you comment.” Felix reprimanded him. He kicks his tongue and looked away. “I apologize,” Ethan uttered, humiliated in front of them. “Thank you, Felix.” Sally smiled at him and continued her words. “The flower I’m talking about is heaven’s tears.” “The heaven’s tears? That rare flower… Pardon me but, we only have three days to find that kind of flower. That flower is too hard to find!” Athena said. “I agree with Athena, Sally. It is a nice idea, but how are we supposed to obtain that flower in a short amount of time?” Felix asked. Sally smiled brightly. “Please leave it to me, your highness, and everyone. Tomorrow, before luncheon, I will present the flowers needed, and if it is alright, Lady Robia, can you contact the craftsman you’re talking about?” “Ah, yes.” Athena nodded. “Thank you.” She said and smiled at her. Athena’s eyes trembled and she blushed. It’s been a long time since she saw her smiling in front of her. Whenever they meet, she always wore an indifferent look. “Then, it’s decided. That was a great idea, Sally.” The crown prince complimented. “Thank you, your highness…” She uttered shyly however there is something she realized just now. Did he just call her by her first name? “Anyway, where will you get the flowers you mentioned?” The crown prince asked. “Oh, it’s in the mountain I previously lived with my grandmother.” She answered casually. “What?” ***
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