Chapter Forty-One: Promises Must Be Fulfilled

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THE HEAVEN’S TEAR is a flower that only blooms within the lands of Grandalia. A flower which the Grandalian people can be called only for their own. It has white petals like the first snow of winter and possesses a remarkable scent. However, that flower is rare, and only a few, that is why everyone is looking at Sally with surprise as she muttered the flower’s name. She even said that she will have the flower before luncheon. Helios was proud of her idea, he was glad about it, however, when he learned that the flowers are in the mountain which she once lived, he became hesitant. “What?” He asked in disbelief. “The heaven’s tears were blooming in the mountain where I lived before. Don’t worry, your highness, I will bring tons of them.” She grinned. His eyes quiver in sorrow as he saw how bright her smile is thinking she’s going back to that place. “Excuse me, Sally,” Felix called. Sally looked at him. “It’s quite surprising that you knew a place where those rare flowers bloom.” “Even I was also shocked. I always roamed in the forests and caves of that mountain. I have known it better than anyone else. It’s pure luck that I knew a place where those flowers bloom freely.” She smiled like her own idea. “But, it would be better if you take one of us. If it’s alright let me accompany you,” “No. I will accompany her myself.” The crown prince said sternly. Sally glanced at him in surprise. ‘What the hell is he talking about!?’ She exclaimed in her head. “I’m honored, your highness, however, your highness has a lot of things to do for tomorrow. You cannot ruin your schedule over something trifling.” She explained. “They can do their businesses without the need of the crown prince attending them.” He argued. “Please consider my efforts, your highness.” “Ha!” The crown prince laughed shortly. “You, are you thinking I’m a person who doesn’t value someone’s efforts?” “No. It is the opposite, your highness. That is why I insist that you must not ruin your efforts over someone lower than you.” She explained smiling, reassuring him that it will be fine. “Your highness, pardon my intrusion, if it is alright with Sally, I can accompany her tomorrow.” Felix offered. “Ah, no. It is fine, Felix. You don’t have to accompany me.” She refused. “I am very interested in the flowers. Please reconsider your decision.” Felix insisted. “I-If it is alright, I want to see the flowers too,” Athena muttered. “Count me in,” Ethan added. Sally hid her frown. She was planning to go alone but it seems that will not happen. She glances at the crown prince who was staring at them than at her. She smiled when his eyes went to her. “I think you should reconsider, Sally.” She flinched. That again. He called her by her name. It is funny that it didn’t feel awful for her ears. “… Alright, however, your highness will strictly follow your schedule for tomorrow.” “Tch. I know.” The crown prince mumbled. Sally’s smile widen. Athena stared at the two and lowered her gaze. Sadness and pain are evident in her eyes. Her clenched hands were trembling in jealousy. That is right. She’s jealous of Sally being close with the crown prince. ‘When will he be able to notice me, like how much he noticed her?’ She wondered full of envy. Then she felt someone held her hand. She looked down again and saw Ethan’s hand, holding her hand tightly. She glanced at him but he was looking at his food. A small smile formed her lips and she felt calm again. Sally mentioned the time and place where they will gather together. After that, the dinner ended and they head back to the institution to retire. --- Sally arrived at her dorm. She looked at the withered flowers on her table. She took it and went outside to throw it but she stopped when she saw the crown prince in front of her door. Her eyes grew slightly at the sight of him. “Your highness, why are you here?” She asked. “I noticed that the flowers I bought were withered, so I brought these.” He said. Sally stared at the white roses in his hand. ‘When did he, pick all of these?’ She wondered and looked at his face again. “Y-You don’t have to do this, your highness.” She muttered in embarrassment. “Accept these. You like flowers right?” “I do, but, you don’t have to do this. Your highness.” She insisted. “I can do whatever I wanted to do.” “If rumors appear, your highness’s reputation might get sully.” “Why do you worry so much about my reputation? Offering you flowers doesn’t make my image lower. If you are so worried about it then, should I cut their throats?” “No. Do you not hate blood? You told me before that it is better for you, your highness to be filthy by the dirt of earth than of blood, or did you just say that to not worry my mind?” She asked. “No. What I said back then is the truth, however, I don’t mind staining myself in blood again.” He said. ‘If it is for you, I don’t mind bathing in blood. I will be the bringer of death if that is the only way to protect your smile.’ He thought firmly. They stared at each other, trying to read what’s in their minds. “Would you like to take a walk?” Helios asked. She smiled and nodded. “Yes. It is an honor to walk with you, your highness.” “You know, the way you talk towards me is boring. Stop calling me ‘your highness’, instead, call me by my name.” “Your highness, that,” “Say it. Say my name.” “But,” “I want you to say my name.” He insisted. She’s reluctant in obeying him. A woman who speaks the name of the crown prince should be someone in the royal family or the crown princess. She stared at his golden eyes. She didn’t realize that she’s already holding her breath while staring at those enchanting orbs. ‘These alluring eyes, it makes my mind vague.’ “… Helios.” She muttered unconsciously. Her eyes widen and stared at him with a surprised expression, however, that disappeared as he saw his expression. The crown prince’s face shone and his smile is bright, like that of the sun at its peak. It was mesmerizing before her eyes. Her heart fluttered and she held her breath even more. “It’s nice, no, it was the greatest and most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard… Call me by my name from now on, Sally.” Their forehead touched. “Call me again.” He roughly said both in impatience and desperation. Her heart keeps on fluttering insanely, perhaps she had a heart disease which she didn’t know, yet she gave up. His name feels nice in her mouth. “Helios…” “That’s right.” He beamed in joy and his eyes sparkled. He tried to caress her cheek but she stepped back. “I’ll just put these flowers on the table and grab a coat. Please wait for me, your highness.” “Ha.” He’s about to say something but she already turned her back from him. After putting the roses in the vase, she took her coat and went back to the crown prince who was waiting for her patiently. Seeing him wait outside made her think if he was really the impatient and ill-tempered crown prince of the kingdom. ‘Everyone changes.’ She thought. “I’m sorry for making you wait,” “My name. Call me by my name.” He muttered. “… Helios.” “Let’s go.” He took her hand and they started to walk in the empty hallway silently. They arrived at the maze garden. Before Sally can sit on the ground, the crown prince puts his handkerchief on the floor. “Your highness, you,” “My name.” He demanded. Sally sighed. “Helios, you don’t have to do this.” “Sit.” He ignored her words. She pouted and sat on the handkerchief lying on the ground. She tried to release her hand from his hold but he held her tighter. “Your highness,” “Call me by my name.” “Alright, I will call you by your name only if we are alone.” “That’s fine by me.” She sighed. “Please release my hand, Helios.” “… Alright.” He let go of her hand. She felt a little bit blue about him letting her hand go. “Do you think the guests will like the gift we will give to them? Is it too modest like what Mr. Lionel said before? What do you think, Helios?” She asked. She’s being incertitude to speak his name yet she did it anyway. “I accepted it, therefore, I have confidence that they will like the gift we will be giving them when they arrive here in the kingdom.” “How can you say so?” She asked in confusion. The corners of his lips lifted into a small smile and he looked at the night sky. “My late mother used to like that flower. I still remember how her eyes twinkled when she told me about those flowers. She told me that those flowers shone like the moon at night and the fragrance from it was even more pleasant than perfumes.” He narrated. “Her Majesty wasn’t wrong when she described it to you. When I discovered that place, I thought I was in a different world.” She smiled as she recalls the memory of her childhood and happily watching the flowers around her. “I made a promise to her once, that I will give her those flowers. That was my first promise to someone.” He chuckled. Sally stared at him. “But I haven’t fulfilled that promise until now. My mother died after that day…” “… I’m sorry to hear that.” “It’s fine. It’s been a long time anyway, and I don’t feel sad anymore.” “Then I’ll make a promise for you tonight.” “What is it?” “I will give you those flowers and in that way, you can give those to her majesty. Even though her majesty is no longer here, you can still fulfill the promise you made.” “… Alright. You better fulfill your promise or else, I will be upset.” He smirked. “Of course! I fulfill my promises.” She laughed. Helios stared at her alone, not minding his surroundings. Her eyes were twinkling like the stars while laughing. ‘It’s beautiful…’ --- Morning came. Before the sun rises, she was already awake and waiting for them to arrive at the maze garden. Unfortunately, only Felix arrived, telling her that he cannot accompany her since an emergency happens in the duchy and he was summoned including Athena, even Ethan. “It can’t be helped. I hope it’s not severe.” “Yes. I apologize again.” Felix said ashamed of himself. Sally smiled at him. “No, it is fine. You don’t have to feel bad about it.” “Thank you for understanding. I’ll be leaving now.” Felix muttered at ease. “Goodbye, Felix.” “Yes. Be careful, Sally.” “Thank you.” He already left. Sally was glad that she will go to the mountain all by herself. She was planning on visiting her grandmother’s grave. White-colored mana surrounded her and in an instant, she arrived at a familiar scenery. The feeling of melancholy filled her heart as she takes her path with heavy steps. The sun hasn’t risen yet but it’s not too dark to see the way. Her blue dress swayed every time she steps forward. She halted when she felt someone’s stare. She continued walking, this time, more attentive in her surroundings. Her pace became faster and faster until she started running. She looked behind and saw no men behind her but hungry beasts! ‘What the hell!? Why are there beasts in here!?’ She wondered as she increases her speed. She opened her hand and bows and arrows appeared. She looked back again and observe the beasts while force herself to calm down. It’s a huge hound beast with three eyes. “Do or die…” She jumped, twisting her body, and aimed for the seven beasts chasing her. She released three arrows at a time and hit one of the beasts’ three eyes. It fell to the ground. “This, this is bad.” She used wind manipulation to lift herself from the ground and started shooting again, however, one beast jumped and tried to eat her. She evaded it, but she got clawed in the arm, fortunately, it’s not deep. The scent of her blood made the beasts became wilder than before. She gritted her teeth. She can’t shoot arrows properly this time. She sighed. “I never thought I’ll use magic again…” Her silver eyes glowed and the sky darkened. She raised her hand and pointed to the beasts then series of lightning hit them. It didn’t stop until the beasts were dead. --- Helios halted from walking in the hallway here in the palace. He just finished attending a meeting with the nobles and now he’s heading back to the academy. He held his chest and felt weird about his heart pumping irregularly. With furrowed eyebrows due to confusion, he teleported immediately back to the institution. There, he met Felix and Athena with Ethan who went out of a carriage. He approached them. “Felix, where is Sally?” Helios asked. “Greetings, your highness, I apologize but I am not with her. She went to the mountain alone.” Felix answered. “What?” Helios's eyes widen in surprise. His eyes quiver pathetically. “Why the hell did you let her go alone!?” He yelled. Felix’s eyes grew in surprise. “Y-Your highness.” He gnashed his teeth in anger. Red mana surrounded him as he ran towards Sally’s dorm. The three followed him. They arrived in front of Sally’s door. He knocked on it loudly and strongly. “Come on, open the door…”He mumbled and knocked on it stronger than before. He was about to break the door when it opened. Sally’s eyes widen in shock seeing the crown prince. “Y-Your highness? Why are you here?” She asked in surprise. She noticed the mana around him and asked again. “What happened, your highness?” “Sally…” He called and his mana subsided. “Are you worried that I will not get the flowers before luncheon, your highness? Then your highness should be at ease, I have fulfilled my duty well.” She smiled brightly. He pulled her and embraced her tightly. She flinched and he noticed it. He looked at her with a puzzled expression. He noticed the bloodied dress and the white cloth on the bed. Sally saw it and close the door behind her. “You, what happened?” He asked staring at her pale face. ***
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